/* eslint-env qunit */ import Player from '../../src/js/player.js'; import videojs from '../../src/js/video.js'; import * as Dom from '../../src/js/utils/dom.js'; import * as browser from '../../src/js/utils/browser.js'; import log from '../../src/js/utils/log.js'; import MediaError from '../../src/js/media-error.js'; import Html5 from '../../src/js/tech/html5.js'; import TestHelpers from './test-helpers.js'; import document from 'global/document'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import window from 'global/window'; import Tech from '../../src/js/tech/tech.js'; import TechFaker from './tech/tech-faker.js'; QUnit.module('Player', { beforeEach() { this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); }, afterEach() { this.clock.restore(); } }); QUnit.test('should create player instance that inherits from component and dispose it', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); assert.ok(player.el().nodeName === 'DIV'); assert.ok(player.on, 'component function exists'); player.dispose(); assert.ok(player.el() === null, 'element disposed'); }); QUnit.test('dispose should not throw if styleEl is missing', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); player.styleEl_.parentNode.removeChild(player.styleEl_); player.dispose(); assert.ok(player.el() === null, 'element disposed'); }); // technically, all uses of videojs.options should be replaced with // Player.prototype.options_ in this file and a equivalent test using // videojs.options should be made in video.test.js. Keeping this here // until we make that move. QUnit.test('should accept options from multiple sources and override in correct order', function(assert) { // Set a global option videojs.options.attr = 1; const tag0 = TestHelpers.makeTag(); const player0 = new Player(tag0, { techOrder: ['techFaker'] }); assert.equal(player0.options_.attr, 1, 'global option was set'); player0.dispose(); // Set a tag level option const tag2 = TestHelpers.makeTag(); // Attributes must be set as strings tag2.setAttribute('attr', 'asdf'); const player2 = new Player(tag2, { techOrder: ['techFaker'] }); assert.equal(player2.options_.attr, 'asdf', 'Tag options overrode global options'); player2.dispose(); // Set a tag level option const tag3 = TestHelpers.makeTag(); tag3.setAttribute('attr', 'asdf'); const player3 = new Player(tag3, { techOrder: ['techFaker'], attr: 'fdsa' }); assert.equal(player3.options_.attr, 'fdsa', 'Init options overrode tag and global options'); player3.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should get tag, source, and track settings', function(assert) { // Partially tested in lib->getElAttributes const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); let html = ''; fixture.innerHTML += html; const tag = document.getElementById('example_1'); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag); assert.equal(player.options_.autoplay, true, 'autoplay is set to true'); assert.equal(player.options_.preload, 'none', 'preload is set to none'); assert.equal(player.options_.id, 'example_1', 'id is set to example_1'); assert.equal(player.options_.sources.length, 2, 'we have two sources'); assert.equal(player.options_.sources[0].src, 'http://google.com', 'first source is google.com'); assert.equal(player.options_.sources[0].type, 'video/mp4', 'first time is video/mp4'); assert.equal(player.options_.sources[1].type, 'video/webm', 'second type is video/webm'); assert.equal(player.options_.tracks.length, 1, 'we have one text track'); assert.equal(player.options_.tracks[0].kind, 'captions', 'the text track is a captions file'); assert.equal(player.options_.tracks[0].attrtest, '', 'we have an empty attribute called attrtest'); assert.notEqual(player.el().className.indexOf('video-js'), -1, 'transferred class from tag to player div'); assert.equal(player.el().id, 'example_1', 'transferred id from tag to player div'); assert.equal(Player.players[player.id()], player, 'player referenceable from global list'); assert.notEqual(tag.id, player.id, 'tag ID no longer is the same as player ID'); assert.notEqual(tag.className, player.el().className, 'tag classname updated'); player.dispose(); assert.notEqual(tag.player, player, 'tag player ref killed'); assert.ok(!Player.players.example_1, 'global player ref killed'); assert.equal(player.el(), null, 'player el killed'); }); QUnit.test('should get current source from source tag', function(assert) { const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); const html = [ '' ].join(''); fixture.innerHTML += html; const tag = document.getElementById('example_1'); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag); assert.ok(player.currentSource().src === 'http://google.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSource().type === 'video/mp4'); }); QUnit.test('should get current sources from source tag', function(assert) { const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); const html = [ '' ].join(''); fixture.innerHTML += html; const tag = document.getElementById('example_1'); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[0].src === 'http://google.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[0].type === 'video/mp4'); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[1].src === 'http://hugo.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[1].type === 'video/webm'); // when redefining src expect sources to update accordingly player.src('http://google.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[0].src === 'http://google.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[0].type === undefined); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[1] === undefined); }); QUnit.test('should get current source from src set', function(assert) { const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); const html = ''; fixture.innerHTML += html; const tag = document.getElementById('example_1'); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag); player.loadTech_('Html5'); // check for matching undefined src assert.deepEqual(player.currentSource(), {}); player.src('http://google.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSource().src === 'http://google.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSource().type === undefined); player.src({ src: 'http://google.com' }); assert.ok(player.currentSource().src === 'http://google.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSource().type === undefined); player.src({ src: 'http://google.com', type: 'video/mp4' }); assert.ok(player.currentSource().src === 'http://google.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSource().type === 'video/mp4'); }); QUnit.test('should get current sources from src set', function(assert) { const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); const html = ''; fixture.innerHTML += html; const tag = document.getElementById('example_1'); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag); player.loadTech_('Html5'); // check for matching undefined src assert.ok(player.currentSources(), []); player.src([{ src: 'http://google.com' }, { src: 'http://hugo.com' }]); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[0].src === 'http://google.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[0].type === undefined); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[1].src === 'http://hugo.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[1].type === undefined); player.src([{ src: 'http://google.com', type: 'video/mp4' }, { src: 'http://hugo.com', type: 'video/webm' }]); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[0].src === 'http://google.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[0].type === 'video/mp4'); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[1].src === 'http://hugo.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[1].type === 'video/webm'); // when redefining src expect sources to update accordingly player.src('http://hugo.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[0].src === 'http://hugo.com'); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[0].type === undefined); assert.ok(player.currentSources()[1] === undefined); }); QUnit.test('should asynchronously fire error events during source selection', function(assert) { assert.expect(2); sinon.stub(log, 'error'); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ techOrder: ['foo'], sources: [ { src: 'http://vjs.zencdn.net/v/oceans.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' } ] }); assert.ok(player.options_.techOrder[0] === 'foo', 'Foo listed as the only tech'); player.on('error', function(e) { assert.ok(player.error().code === 4, 'Source could not be played error thrown'); }); this.clock.tick(1); player.dispose(); log.error.restore(); }); QUnit.test('should set the width, height, and aspect ratio via a css class', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); const getStyleText = function(styleEl) { return (styleEl.styleSheet && styleEl.styleSheet.cssText) || styleEl.innerHTML; }; // NOTE: was using npm/css to parse the actual CSS ast // but the css module doesn't support ie8 const confirmSetting = function(prop, val) { let styleText = getStyleText(player.styleEl_); const re = new RegExp(prop + ':\\s?' + val); // Lowercase string for IE8 styleText = styleText.toLowerCase(); return !!re.test(styleText); }; // Initial state assert.ok(!getStyleText(player.styleEl_), 'style element should be empty when the player is given no dimensions'); // Set only the width player.width(100); assert.ok(confirmSetting('width', '100px'), 'style width should equal the supplied width in pixels'); assert.ok(confirmSetting('height', '56.25px'), 'style height should match the default aspect ratio of the width'); // Set the height player.height(200); assert.ok(confirmSetting('height', '200px'), 'style height should match the supplied height in pixels'); // Reset the width and height to defaults player.width(''); player.height(''); assert.ok(confirmSetting('width', '300px'), 'supplying an empty string should reset the width'); assert.ok(confirmSetting('height', '168.75px'), 'supplying an empty string should reset the height'); // Switch to fluid mode player.fluid(true); assert.ok(player.hasClass('vjs-fluid'), 'the vjs-fluid class should be added to the player'); assert.ok(confirmSetting('padding-top', '56.25%'), 'fluid aspect ratio should match the default aspect ratio'); // Change the aspect ratio player.aspectRatio('4:1'); assert.ok(confirmSetting('padding-top', '25%'), 'aspect ratio percent should match the newly set aspect ratio'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should default to 16:9 when fluid', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({fluid: true}); const ratio = player.currentHeight() / player.currentWidth(); // IE8 rounds 0.5625 up to 0.563 assert.ok(((ratio >= 0.562) && (ratio <= 0.563)), 'fluid player without dimensions defaults to 16:9'); }); QUnit.test('should set fluid to true if element has vjs-fluid class', function(assert) { const tag = TestHelpers.makeTag(); tag.className += ' vjs-fluid'; const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag); assert.ok(player.fluid(), 'fluid is true with vjs-fluid class'); }); QUnit.test('should use an class name that begins with an alpha character', function(assert) { const alphaPlayer = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ id: 'alpha1' }); const numericPlayer = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ id: '1numeric' }); const getStyleText = function(styleEl) { return (styleEl.styleSheet && styleEl.styleSheet.cssText) || styleEl.innerHTML; }; alphaPlayer.width(100); numericPlayer.width(100); assert.ok(/\s*\.alpha1-dimensions\s*\{/.test(getStyleText(alphaPlayer.styleEl_)), 'appends -dimensions to an alpha player ID'); assert.ok(/\s*\.dimensions-1numeric\s*\{/.test(getStyleText(numericPlayer.styleEl_)), 'prepends dimensions- to a numeric player ID'); alphaPlayer.dispose(); numericPlayer.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should wrap the original tag in the player div', function(assert) { const tag = TestHelpers.makeTag(); const container = document.createElement('div'); const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); container.appendChild(tag); fixture.appendChild(container); const player = new Player(tag, { techOrder: ['techFaker'] }); const el = player.el(); assert.ok(el.parentNode === container, 'player placed at same level as tag'); // Tag may be placed inside the player element or it may be removed from the DOM assert.ok(tag.parentNode !== container, 'tag removed from original place'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should set and update the poster value', function(assert) { const poster = '#'; const updatedPoster = 'http://example.com/updated-poster.jpg'; const tag = TestHelpers.makeTag(); tag.setAttribute('poster', poster); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag); assert.equal(player.poster(), poster, 'the poster property should equal the tag attribute'); let pcEmitted = false; player.on('posterchange', function() { pcEmitted = true; }); player.poster(updatedPoster); assert.ok(pcEmitted, 'posterchange event was emitted'); assert.equal(player.poster(), updatedPoster, 'the updated poster is returned'); player.dispose(); }); // hasStarted() is equivalent to the "show poster flag" in the // standard, for the purpose of displaying the poster image // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#dom-media-play QUnit.test('should hide the poster when play is called', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ poster: 'https://example.com/poster.jpg' }); assert.equal(player.hasStarted(), false, 'the show poster flag is true before play'); player.tech_.trigger('play'); assert.equal(player.hasStarted(), true, 'the show poster flag is false after play'); player.tech_.trigger('loadstart'); assert.equal(player.hasStarted(), false, 'the resource selection algorithm sets the show poster flag to true'); player.tech_.trigger('play'); assert.equal(player.hasStarted(), true, 'the show poster flag is false after play'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should load a media controller', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ preload: 'none', sources: [ { src: 'http://google.com', type: 'video/mp4' }, { src: 'http://google.com', type: 'video/webm' } ] }); assert.ok(player.el().children[0].className.indexOf('vjs-tech') !== -1, 'media controller loaded'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should be able to initialize player twice on the same tag using string reference', function(assert) { let videoTag = TestHelpers.makeTag(); const id = videoTag.id; const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); fixture.appendChild(videoTag); let player = videojs(videoTag.id, { techOrder: ['techFaker'] }); assert.ok(player, 'player is created'); player.dispose(); assert.ok(!document.getElementById(id), 'element is removed'); videoTag = TestHelpers.makeTag(); fixture.appendChild(videoTag); // here we receive cached version instead of real player = videojs(videoTag.id, { techOrder: ['techFaker'] }); // here it triggers error, because player was destroyed already after first dispose player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should set controls and trigger events', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ controls: false }); assert.ok(player.controls() === false, 'controls set through options'); const hasDisabledClass = player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-controls-disabled'); assert.ok(hasDisabledClass !== -1, 'Disabled class added to player'); player.controls(true); assert.ok(player.controls() === true, 'controls updated'); const hasEnabledClass = player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-controls-enabled'); assert.ok(hasEnabledClass !== -1, 'Disabled class added to player'); player.on('controlsenabled', function() { assert.ok(true, 'enabled fired once'); }); player.on('controlsdisabled', function() { assert.ok(true, 'disabled fired once'); }); player.controls(false); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should toggle user the user state between active and inactive', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); assert.expect(9); assert.ok(player.userActive(), 'User should be active at player init'); player.on('userinactive', function() { assert.ok(true, 'userinactive event triggered'); }); player.on('useractive', function() { assert.ok(true, 'useractive event triggered'); }); player.userActive(false); assert.ok(player.userActive() === false, 'Player state changed to inactive'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-user-active') === -1, 'Active class removed'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-user-inactive') !== -1, 'Inactive class added'); player.userActive(true); assert.ok(player.userActive() === true, 'Player state changed to active'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-user-inactive') === -1, 'Inactive class removed'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-user-active') !== -1, 'Active class added'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add a touch-enabled classname when touch is supported', function(assert) { assert.expect(1); // Fake touch support. Real touch support isn't needed for this test. const origTouch = browser.TOUCH_ENABLED; browser.TOUCH_ENABLED = true; const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-touch-enabled'), 'touch-enabled classname added'); browser.TOUCH_ENABLED = origTouch; player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should allow for tracking when native controls are used', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); assert.expect(6); // Make sure native controls is false before starting test player.usingNativeControls(false); player.on('usingnativecontrols', function() { assert.ok(true, 'usingnativecontrols event triggered'); }); player.on('usingcustomcontrols', function() { assert.ok(true, 'usingcustomcontrols event triggered'); }); player.usingNativeControls(true); assert.ok(player.usingNativeControls() === true, 'Using native controls is true'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-using-native-controls') !== -1, 'Native controls class added'); player.usingNativeControls(false); assert.ok(player.usingNativeControls() === false, 'Using native controls is false'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-using-native-controls') === -1, 'Native controls class removed'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('make sure that controls listeners do not get added too many times', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); let listeners = 0; player.addTechControlsListeners_ = function() { listeners++; }; // Make sure native controls is false before starting test player.usingNativeControls(false); player.usingNativeControls(true); player.controls(true); assert.equal(listeners, 0, 'addTechControlsListeners_ should not have gotten called yet'); player.usingNativeControls(false); player.controls(false); player.controls(true); assert.equal(listeners, 1, 'addTechControlsListeners_ should have gotten called once'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should select the proper tech based on the the sourceOrder option', function(assert) { const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); const html = ''; // Extend TechFaker to create a tech that plays the only mime-type that TechFaker // will not play class PlaysUnsupported extends TechFaker { constructor(options, handleReady) { super(options, handleReady); } // Support ONLY "video/unsupported-format" static isSupported() { return true; } static canPlayType(type) { return (type === 'video/unsupported-format' ? 'maybe' : ''); } static canPlaySource(srcObj) { return srcObj.type === 'video/unsupported-format'; } } Tech.registerTech('PlaysUnsupported', PlaysUnsupported); fixture.innerHTML += html; let tag = document.getElementById('example_1'); let player = new Player(tag, { techOrder: ['techFaker', 'playsUnsupported'], sourceOrder: true }); assert.equal(player.techName_, 'PlaysUnsupported', 'selected the PlaysUnsupported tech when sourceOrder is truthy'); player.dispose(); fixture.innerHTML += html; tag = document.getElementById('example_1'); player = new Player(tag, { techOrder: ['techFaker', 'playsUnsupported']}); assert.equal(player.techName_, 'TechFaker', 'selected the TechFaker tech when sourceOrder is falsey'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should register players with generated ids', function(assert) { const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); const video = document.createElement('video'); video.className = 'vjs-default-skin video-js'; fixture.appendChild(video); const player = new Player(video, { techOrder: ['techFaker'] }); const id = player.el().id; assert.equal(player.el().id, player.id(), 'the player and element ids are equal'); assert.ok(Player.players[id], 'the generated id is registered'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should not add multiple first play events despite subsequent loads', function(assert) { assert.expect(1); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); player.on('firstplay', function() { assert.ok(true, 'First play should fire once.'); }); // Checking to make sure onLoadStart removes first play listener before adding a new one. player.tech_.trigger('loadstart'); player.tech_.trigger('loadstart'); player.tech_.trigger('play'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should fire firstplay after resetting the player', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); let fpFired = false; player.on('firstplay', function() { fpFired = true; }); // init firstplay listeners player.tech_.trigger('loadstart'); player.tech_.trigger('play'); assert.ok(fpFired, 'First firstplay fired'); // reset the player player.tech_.trigger('loadstart'); fpFired = false; player.tech_.trigger('play'); assert.ok(fpFired, 'Second firstplay fired'); // the play event can fire before the loadstart event. // in that case we still want the firstplay even to fire. player.tech_.paused = function() { return false; }; fpFired = false; // reset the player player.tech_.trigger('loadstart'); // player.tech_.trigger('play'); assert.ok(fpFired, 'Third firstplay fired'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should remove vjs-has-started class', function(assert) { assert.expect(3); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); player.tech_.trigger('loadstart'); player.tech_.trigger('play'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-has-started') !== -1, 'vjs-has-started class added'); player.tech_.trigger('loadstart'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-has-started') === -1, 'vjs-has-started class removed'); player.tech_.trigger('play'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-has-started') !== -1, 'vjs-has-started class added again'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add and remove vjs-ended class', function(assert) { assert.expect(4); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); player.tech_.trigger('loadstart'); player.tech_.trigger('play'); player.tech_.trigger('ended'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-ended') !== -1, 'vjs-ended class added'); player.tech_.trigger('play'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-ended') === -1, 'vjs-ended class removed'); player.tech_.trigger('ended'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-ended') !== -1, 'vjs-ended class re-added'); player.tech_.trigger('loadstart'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-ended') === -1, 'vjs-ended class removed'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('player should handle different error types', function(assert) { assert.expect(8); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); const testMsg = 'test message'; // prevent error log messages in the console sinon.stub(log, 'error'); // error code supplied function errCode() { assert.equal(player.error().code, 1, 'error code is correct'); } player.on('error', errCode); player.error(1); player.off('error', errCode); // error instance supplied function errInst() { assert.equal(player.error().code, 2, 'MediaError code is correct'); assert.equal(player.error().message, testMsg, 'MediaError message is correct'); } player.on('error', errInst); player.error(new MediaError({ code: 2, message: testMsg })); player.off('error', errInst); // error message supplied function errMsg() { assert.equal(player.error().code, 0, 'error message code is correct'); assert.equal(player.error().message, testMsg, 'error message is correct'); } player.on('error', errMsg); player.error(testMsg); player.off('error', errMsg); // error config supplied function errConfig() { assert.equal(player.error().code, 3, 'error config code is correct'); assert.equal(player.error().message, testMsg, 'error config message is correct'); } player.on('error', errConfig); player.error({ code: 3, message: testMsg }); player.off('error', errConfig); // check for vjs-error classname assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-error') >= 0, 'player does not have vjs-error classname'); // restore error logging log.error.restore(); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('Data attributes on the video element should persist in the new wrapper element', function(assert) { const dataId = 123; const tag = TestHelpers.makeTag(); tag.setAttribute('data-id', dataId); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag); assert.equal(player.el().getAttribute('data-id'), dataId, 'data-id should be available on the new player element after creation'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should restore attributes from the original video tag when creating a new element', function(assert) { // simulate attributes stored from the original tag const tag = Dom.createEl('video'); tag.setAttribute('preload', 'auto'); tag.setAttribute('autoplay', ''); tag.setAttribute('webkit-playsinline', ''); const html5Mock = { options_: {tag} }; // set options that should override tag attributes html5Mock.options_.preload = 'none'; // create the element const el = Html5.prototype.createEl.call(html5Mock); assert.equal(el.getAttribute('preload'), 'none', 'attribute was successful overridden by an option'); assert.equal(el.getAttribute('autoplay'), '', 'autoplay attribute was set properly'); assert.equal(el.getAttribute('webkit-playsinline'), '', 'webkit-playsinline attribute was set properly'); }); QUnit.test('should honor default inactivity timeout', function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); // default timeout is 2000ms const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); assert.equal(player.userActive(), true, 'User is active on creation'); clock.tick(1800); assert.equal(player.userActive(), true, 'User is still active'); clock.tick(500); assert.equal(player.userActive(), false, 'User is inactive after timeout expired'); clock.restore(); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should honor configured inactivity timeout', function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); // default timeout is 2000ms, set to shorter 200ms const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ inactivityTimeout: 200 }); assert.equal(player.userActive(), true, 'User is active on creation'); clock.tick(150); assert.equal(player.userActive(), true, 'User is still active'); clock.tick(350); // make sure user is now inactive after 500ms assert.equal(player.userActive(), false, 'User is inactive after timeout expired'); clock.restore(); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should honor disabled inactivity timeout', function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); // default timeout is 2000ms, disable by setting to zero const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ inactivityTimeout: 0 }); assert.equal(player.userActive(), true, 'User is active on creation'); clock.tick(5000); assert.equal(player.userActive(), true, 'User is still active'); clock.restore(); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should clear pending errors on disposal', function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); player.src({ src: 'http://example.com/movie.unsupported-format', type: 'video/unsupported-format' }); player.dispose(); try { clock.tick(5000); } catch (e) { return assert.ok(!e, 'threw an error: ' + e.message); } assert.ok(true, 'did not throw an error after disposal'); }); QUnit.test('pause is called when player ended event is fired and player is not paused', function(assert) { const video = document.createElement('video'); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, video); let pauses = 0; player.paused = function() { return false; }; player.pause = function() { pauses++; }; player.tech_.trigger('ended'); assert.equal(pauses, 1, 'pause was called'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('pause is not called if the player is paused and ended is fired', function(assert) { const video = document.createElement('video'); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, video); let pauses = 0; player.paused = function() { return true; }; player.pause = function() { pauses++; }; player.tech_.trigger('ended'); assert.equal(pauses, 0, 'pause was not called when ended fired'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add an audio class if an audio el is used', function(assert) { const audio = document.createElement('audio'); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, audio); const audioClass = 'vjs-audio'; assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf(audioClass) !== -1, 'added ' + audioClass + ' css class'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add a video player region if a video el is used', function(assert) { const video = document.createElement('video'); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, video); assert.ok(player.el().getAttribute('role') === 'region', 'region role is present'); assert.ok(player.el().getAttribute('aria-label') === 'video player', 'video player label present'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add an audio player region if an audio el is used', function(assert) { const audio = document.createElement('audio'); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, audio); assert.ok(player.el().getAttribute('role') === 'region', 'region role is present'); assert.ok(player.el().getAttribute('aria-label') === 'audio player', 'audio player label present'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should not be scrubbing while not seeking', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); assert.equal(player.scrubbing(), false, 'player is not scrubbing'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('scrubbing') === -1, 'scrubbing class is not present'); player.scrubbing(false); assert.equal(player.scrubbing(), false, 'player is not scrubbing'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should be scrubbing while seeking', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); player.scrubbing(true); assert.equal(player.scrubbing(), true, 'player is scrubbing'); assert.ok(player.el().className.indexOf('scrubbing') !== -1, 'scrubbing class is present'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should throw on startup no techs are specified', function(assert) { const techOrder = videojs.options.techOrder; videojs.options.techOrder = null; assert.throws(function() { videojs(TestHelpers.makeTag()); }, 'a falsey techOrder should throw'); videojs.options.techOrder = techOrder; }); QUnit.test('should have a sensible toJSON that is equivalent to player.options', function(assert) { const playerOptions = { html5: { nativeTextTracks: false } }; const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(playerOptions); assert.deepEqual(player.toJSON(), player.options_, 'simple player options toJSON produces output equivalent to player.options_'); const playerOptions2 = { tracks: [{ label: 'English', srclang: 'en', src: '../docs/examples/shared/example-captions.vtt', kind: 'captions' }] }; const player2 = TestHelpers.makePlayer(playerOptions2); playerOptions2.tracks[0].player = player2; const popts = player2.options_; popts.tracks[0].player = undefined; assert.deepEqual(player2.toJSON(), popts, 'no circular references'); player.dispose(); player2.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should ignore case in language codes and try primary code', function(assert) { assert.expect(3); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ languages: { 'en-gb': { Good: 'Brilliant' }, 'EN': { Good: 'Awesome', Error: 'Problem' } } }); player.language('en-gb'); assert.strictEqual(player.localize('Good'), 'Brilliant', 'Used subcode specific localisation'); assert.strictEqual(player.localize('Error'), 'Problem', 'Used primary code localisation'); player.language('en-GB'); assert.strictEqual(player.localize('Good'), 'Brilliant', 'Ignored case'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('inherits language from parent element', function(assert) { const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); const oldLang = fixture.getAttribute('lang'); fixture.setAttribute('lang', 'x-test'); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); assert.equal(player.language(), 'x-test', 'player inherits parent element language'); player.dispose(); if (oldLang) { fixture.setAttribute('lang', oldLang); } else { fixture.removeAttribute('lang'); } }); QUnit.test('should return correct values for canPlayType', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); assert.equal(player.canPlayType('video/mp4'), 'maybe', 'player can play mp4 files'); assert.equal(player.canPlayType('video/unsupported-format'), '', 'player can not play unsupported files'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('createModal()', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); const modal = player.createModal('foo'); const spy = sinon.spy(); modal.on('dispose', spy); assert.expect(5); assert.strictEqual(modal.el().parentNode, player.el(), 'the modal is injected into the player'); assert.strictEqual(modal.content(), 'foo', 'content is set properly'); assert.ok(modal.opened(), 'modal is opened by default'); modal.close(); assert.ok(spy.called, 'modal was disposed when closed'); assert.strictEqual(player.children().indexOf(modal), -1, 'modal was removed from player\'s children'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('createModal() options object', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); const modal = player.createModal('foo', {content: 'bar', label: 'boo'}); assert.expect(2); assert.strictEqual(modal.content(), 'foo', 'content argument takes precedence'); assert.strictEqual(modal.options_.label, 'boo', 'modal options are set properly'); modal.close(); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('you can clear error in the error event', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); sinon.stub(log, 'error'); player.error({code: 4}); assert.ok(player.error(), 'we have an error'); player.error(null); player.one('error', function() { player.error(null); }); player.error({code: 4}); assert.ok(!player.error(), 'we no longer have an error'); log.error.restore(); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('Player#tech will return tech given the appropriate input', function(assert) { const tech_ = {}; const returnedTech = Player.prototype.tech.call({tech_}, {IWillNotUseThisInPlugins: true}); assert.equal(returnedTech, tech_, 'We got back the tech we wanted'); }); QUnit.test('Player#tech alerts and throws without the appropriate input', function(assert) { let alertCalled; const oldAlert = window.alert; window.alert = () => { alertCalled = true; }; const tech_ = {}; assert.throws(function() { Player.prototype.tech.call({tech_}); }, new RegExp('https://github.com/videojs/video.js/issues/2617'), 'we threw an error'); assert.ok(alertCalled, 'we called an alert'); window.alert = oldAlert; }); QUnit.test('player#reset loads the Html5 tech and then techCalls reset', function(assert) { let loadedTech; let loadedSource; let techCallMethod; const testPlayer = { options_: { techOrder: ['html5', 'flash'] }, loadTech_(tech, source) { loadedTech = tech; loadedSource = source; }, techCall_(method) { techCallMethod = method; } }; Player.prototype.reset.call(testPlayer); assert.equal(loadedTech, 'Html5', 'we loaded the html5 tech'); assert.equal(loadedSource, null, 'with a null source'); assert.equal(techCallMethod, 'reset', 'we then reset the tech'); }); QUnit.test('player#reset loads the first item in the techOrder and then techCalls reset', function(assert) { let loadedTech; let loadedSource; let techCallMethod; const testPlayer = { options_: { techOrder: ['flash', 'html5'] }, loadTech_(tech, source) { loadedTech = tech; loadedSource = source; }, techCall_(method) { techCallMethod = method; } }; Player.prototype.reset.call(testPlayer); assert.equal(loadedTech, 'Flash', 'we loaded the Flash tech'); assert.equal(loadedSource, null, 'with a null source'); assert.equal(techCallMethod, 'reset', 'we then reset the tech'); }); QUnit.test('Remove waiting class on timeupdate after tech waiting', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); player.tech_.trigger('waiting'); assert.ok(/vjs-waiting/.test(player.el().className), 'vjs-waiting is added to the player el on tech waiting'); player.trigger('timeupdate'); assert.ok(!(/vjs-waiting/).test(player.el().className), 'vjs-waiting is removed from the player el on timeupdate'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('Make sure that player\'s style el respects VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE option', function(assert) { // clear the HEAD before running this test let styles = document.querySelectorAll('style'); let i = styles.length; while (i--) { const style = styles[i]; style.parentNode.removeChild(style); } let tag = TestHelpers.makeTag(); tag.id = 'vjs-no-base-theme-tag'; tag.width = 600; tag.height = 300; window.VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE = true; TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag); styles = document.querySelectorAll('style'); assert.equal(styles.length, 0, 'we should not get any style elements included in the DOM'); window.VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE = false; tag = TestHelpers.makeTag(); TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag); styles = document.querySelectorAll('style'); assert.equal(styles.length, 1, 'we should have one style element in the DOM'); assert.equal(styles[0].className, 'vjs-styles-dimensions', 'the class name is the one we expected'); }); QUnit.test('When VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE is set, apply sizing directly to the tech el', function(assert) { // clear the HEAD before running this test const styles = document.querySelectorAll('style'); let i = styles.length; while (i--) { const style = styles[i]; style.parentNode.removeChild(style); } const tag = TestHelpers.makeTag(); tag.id = 'vjs-no-base-theme-tag'; tag.width = 600; tag.height = 300; window.VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE = true; const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag); player.width(300); player.height(600); assert.equal(player.tech_.el().width, 300, 'the width is equal to 300'); assert.equal(player.tech_.el().height, 600, 'the height is equal 600'); player.width(600); player.height(300); assert.equal(player.tech_.el().width, 600, 'the width is equal to 600'); assert.equal(player.tech_.el().height, 300, 'the height is equal 300'); player.dispose(); });