/* eslint-env qunit */ import CloseButton from '../../src/js/close-button'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import ModalDialog from '../../src/js/modal-dialog'; import * as Dom from '../../src/js/utils/dom'; import TestHelpers from './test-helpers'; const getMockEscapeEvent = () => ({ which: 27, preventDefault() {}, stopPropagation() {} }); QUnit.module('ModalDialog', { beforeEach() { this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); this.modal = new ModalDialog(this.player, {temporary: false}); this.el = this.modal.el(); }, afterEach() { this.player.dispose(); this.modal.dispose(); this.el = null; } }); const tabTestHelper = function(assert, player) { return function(fromIndex, toIndex, shift = false) { const oldFocusableEls = ModalDialog.prototype.focusableEls_; const focus = function() { assert.equal(this.i, toIndex, `we should focus back on the ${toIndex} element, we got ${this.i}.`); }; const els = [ {i: 0, focus}, {i: 1, focus}, {i: 2, focus}, {i: 3, focus} ]; ModalDialog.prototype.focusableEls_ = () => els; const modal = new ModalDialog(player, {}); const oldEl = modal.el_; modal.el_ = { querySelector() { const focusableEls = modal.focusableEls_(); return focusableEls[fromIndex]; } }; let prevented = false; modal.handleKeyDown({ which: 9, shiftKey: shift, preventDefault() { prevented = true; }, stopPropagation() { } }); if (!prevented) { const newIndex = shift ? fromIndex - 1 : fromIndex + 1; const newEl = modal.focusableEls_()[newIndex]; if (newEl) { newEl.focus(newEl.i); } } modal.el_ = oldEl; modal.dispose(); ModalDialog.prototype.focusableEls_ = oldFocusableEls; }; }; QUnit.test('should create the expected element', function(assert) { const elAssertions = TestHelpers.assertEl(assert, this.el, { tagName: 'div', classes: [ 'vjs-modal-dialog', 'vjs-hidden' ], attrs: { 'aria-describedby': this.modal.descEl_.id, 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'aria-label': this.modal.label(), 'role': 'dialog' }, props: { tabIndex: -1 } }); assert.expect(elAssertions.count); elAssertions(); }); QUnit.test('should create the expected description element', function(assert) { const elAssertions = TestHelpers.assertEl(assert, this.modal.descEl_, { tagName: 'p', innerHTML: this.modal.description(), classes: [ 'vjs-modal-dialog-description', 'vjs-control-text' ], attrs: { id: this.el.getAttribute('aria-describedby') } }); assert.expect(elAssertions.count); elAssertions(); }); QUnit.test('should create the expected contentEl', function(assert) { const elAssertions = TestHelpers.assertEl(assert, this.modal.contentEl(), { tagName: 'div', classes: [ 'vjs-modal-dialog-content' ], props: { parentNode: this.el } }); assert.expect(elAssertions.count); elAssertions(); }); QUnit.test('should create a close button by default', function(assert) { const btn = this.modal.getChild('closeButton'); // We only check the aspects of the button that relate to the modal. Other // aspects of the button (classes, etc) are tested in their appropriate test // module. assert.expect(2); assert.ok(btn instanceof CloseButton, 'close button is a CloseButton'); assert.strictEqual(btn.el().parentNode, this.el, 'close button is a child of el'); }); QUnit.test('open() triggers events', function(assert) { const modal = this.modal; const beforeModalOpenSpy = sinon.spy(function() { assert.notOk(modal.opened(), 'modal is not opened before opening event'); }); const modalOpenSpy = sinon.spy(function() { assert.ok(modal.opened(), 'modal is opened on opening event'); }); assert.expect(4); modal.on('beforemodalopen', beforeModalOpenSpy); modal.on('modalopen', modalOpenSpy); modal.open(); assert.strictEqual(beforeModalOpenSpy.callCount, 1, 'beforemodalopen spy was called'); assert.strictEqual(modalOpenSpy.callCount, 1, 'modalopen spy was called'); }); QUnit.test('open() removes "vjs-hidden" class', function(assert) { assert.expect(2); assert.ok(this.modal.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'modal starts hidden'); this.modal.open(); assert.notOk(this.modal.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'modal is not hidden after opening'); }); QUnit.test('open() cannot be called on an opened modal', function(assert) { const spy = sinon.spy(); this.modal.on('modalopen', spy); this.modal.open(); this.modal.open(); assert.expect(1); assert.strictEqual(spy.callCount, 1, 'modal was only opened once'); }); QUnit.test('close() triggers events', function(assert) { const modal = this.modal; const beforeModalCloseSpy = sinon.spy(function() { assert.ok(modal.opened(), 'modal is not closed before closing event'); }); const modalCloseSpy = sinon.spy(function() { assert.notOk(modal.opened(), 'modal is closed on closing event'); }); assert.expect(4); modal.on('beforemodalclose', beforeModalCloseSpy); modal.on('modalclose', modalCloseSpy); modal.open(); modal.close(); assert.strictEqual(beforeModalCloseSpy.callCount, 1, 'beforemodalclose spy was called'); assert.strictEqual(modalCloseSpy.callCount, 1, 'modalclose spy was called'); }); QUnit.test('close() adds the "vjs-hidden" class', function(assert) { assert.expect(1); this.modal.open(); this.modal.close(); assert.ok(this.modal.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'modal is hidden upon close'); }); QUnit.test('pressing ESC triggers close(), but only when the modal is opened', function(assert) { const spy = sinon.spy(); this.modal.on('modalclose', spy); this.modal.handleKeyDown(getMockEscapeEvent()); assert.expect(2); assert.strictEqual(spy.callCount, 0, 'ESC did not close the closed modal'); this.modal.open(); this.modal.handleKeyDown(getMockEscapeEvent()); assert.strictEqual(spy.callCount, 1, 'ESC closed the now-opened modal'); }); QUnit.test('close() cannot be called on a closed modal', function(assert) { const spy = sinon.spy(); this.modal.on('modalclose', spy); this.modal.open(); this.modal.close(); this.modal.close(); assert.expect(1); assert.strictEqual(spy.callCount, 1, 'modal was only closed once'); }); QUnit.test('open() pauses playback, close() resumes', function(assert) { const playSpy = sinon.spy(); const pauseSpy = sinon.spy(); // Quick and dirty; make it looks like the player is playing. this.player.paused = function() { return false; }; this.player.play = function() { playSpy(); }; this.player.pause = function() { pauseSpy(); }; this.modal.open(); assert.expect(2); assert.strictEqual(pauseSpy.callCount, 1, 'player is paused when the modal opens'); this.modal.close(); assert.strictEqual(playSpy.callCount, 1, 'player is resumed when the modal closes'); }); QUnit.test('open() does not pause, close() does not play() with pauseOnOpen set to false', function(assert) { const playSpy = sinon.spy(); const pauseSpy = sinon.spy(); // don't pause the video on modal open this.modal.options_.pauseOnOpen = false; // Quick and dirty; make it looks like the player is playing. this.player.paused = function() { return false; }; this.player.play = function() { playSpy(); }; this.player.pause = function() { pauseSpy(); }; this.modal.open(); assert.expect(2); assert.strictEqual(pauseSpy.callCount, 0, 'player remains playing when the modal opens'); this.modal.close(); assert.strictEqual(playSpy.callCount, 0, 'player is resumed when the modal closes'); }); QUnit.test('open() hides controls, close() shows controls', function(assert) { this.player.controls(true); this.modal.open(); assert.expect(2); assert.notOk(this.player.controls_, 'controls are hidden'); this.modal.close(); assert.ok(this.player.controls_, 'controls are no longer hidden'); }); QUnit.test('open() hides controls, close() does not show controls if previously hidden', function(assert) { this.player.controls(false); this.modal.open(); assert.expect(2); assert.notOk(this.player.controls_, 'controls are hidden'); this.modal.close(); assert.notOk(this.player.controls_, 'controls are still hidden'); }); QUnit.test('opened()', function(assert) { const openSpy = sinon.spy(); const closeSpy = sinon.spy(); assert.expect(4); assert.strictEqual(this.modal.opened(), false, 'the modal is closed'); this.modal.open(); assert.strictEqual(this.modal.opened(), true, 'the modal is open'); this.modal.close(); this.modal.on('modalopen', openSpy); this.modal.on('modalclose', closeSpy); this.modal.opened(true); this.modal.opened(true); this.modal.opened(false); assert.strictEqual(openSpy.callCount, 1, 'modal was opened only once'); assert.strictEqual(closeSpy.callCount, 1, 'modal was closed only once'); }); QUnit.test('content()', function(assert) { assert.expect(3); assert.strictEqual(typeof this.modal.content(), 'undefined', 'no content by default'); const content = this.modal.content(Dom.createEl()); assert.ok(Dom.isEl(content), 'content was set from a single DOM element'); assert.strictEqual(this.modal.content(null), null, 'content was nullified'); }); QUnit.test('fillWith()', function(assert) { const contentEl = this.modal.contentEl(); const children = [Dom.createEl(), Dom.createEl(), Dom.createEl()]; const beforeFillSpy = sinon.spy(); const fillSpy = sinon.spy(); children.forEach(function(el) { contentEl.appendChild(el); }); this.modal.on('beforemodalfill', beforeFillSpy); this.modal.on('modalfill', fillSpy); this.modal.fillWith(children); assert.expect(5 + children.length); assert.strictEqual(contentEl.children.length, children.length, 'has the right number of children'); children.forEach(function(el) { assert.strictEqual(el.parentNode, contentEl, 'new child appended'); }); assert.strictEqual(beforeFillSpy.callCount, 1, 'the "beforemodalfill" callback was called'); assert.strictEqual(beforeFillSpy.getCall(0).thisValue, this.modal, 'the value of "this" is the modal'); assert.strictEqual(fillSpy.callCount, 1, 'the "modalfill" callback was called'); assert.strictEqual(fillSpy.getCall(0).thisValue, this.modal, 'the value of "this" is the modal'); }); QUnit.test('empty()', function(assert) { const beforeEmptySpy = sinon.spy(); const emptySpy = sinon.spy(); this.modal.fillWith([Dom.createEl(), Dom.createEl()]); this.modal.on('beforemodalempty', beforeEmptySpy); this.modal.on('modalempty', emptySpy); this.modal.empty(); assert.expect(5); assert.strictEqual(this.modal.contentEl().children.length, 0, 'removed all `contentEl()` children'); assert.strictEqual(beforeEmptySpy.callCount, 1, 'the "beforemodalempty" callback was called'); assert.strictEqual(beforeEmptySpy.getCall(0).thisValue, this.modal, 'the value of "this" is the modal'); assert.strictEqual(emptySpy.callCount, 1, 'the "modalempty" callback was called'); assert.strictEqual(emptySpy.getCall(0).thisValue, this.modal, 'the value of "this" is the modal'); }); QUnit.test('closeable()', function(assert) { const initialCloseButton = this.modal.getChild('closeButton'); assert.expect(8); assert.strictEqual(this.modal.closeable(), true, 'the modal is closed'); this.modal.open(); this.modal.closeable(false); assert.notOk(this.modal.getChild('closeButton'), 'the close button is no longer a child of the modal'); assert.notOk(initialCloseButton.el(), 'the initial close button was disposed'); this.modal.handleKeyDown(getMockEscapeEvent()); assert.ok(this.modal.opened(), 'the modal was not closed by the ESC key'); this.modal.close(); assert.notOk(this.modal.opened(), 'the modal was closed programmatically'); this.modal.open(); this.modal.closeable(true); assert.ok(this.modal.getChild('closeButton'), 'a new close button was created'); this.modal.getChild('closeButton').trigger('click'); assert.notOk(this.modal.opened(), 'the modal was closed by the new close button'); this.modal.open(); this.modal.handleKeyDown(getMockEscapeEvent()); assert.notOk(this.modal.opened(), 'the modal was closed by the ESC key'); }); QUnit.test('"content" option (fills on first open() invocation)', function(assert) { const modal = new ModalDialog(this.player, { content: Dom.createEl(), temporary: false }); const spy = sinon.spy(); modal.on('modalfill', spy); modal.open(); modal.close(); modal.open(); assert.expect(3); assert.strictEqual(modal.content(), modal.options_.content, 'has the expected content'); assert.strictEqual(spy.callCount, 1, 'auto-fills only once'); assert.strictEqual(modal.contentEl().firstChild, modal.options_.content, 'has the expected content in the DOM'); modal.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('"temporary" option', function(assert) { const temp = new ModalDialog(this.player, {temporary: true}); const tempSpy = sinon.spy(); const perm = new ModalDialog(this.player, {temporary: false}); const permSpy = sinon.spy(); temp.on('dispose', tempSpy); perm.on('dispose', permSpy); temp.open(); temp.close(); perm.open(); perm.close(); assert.expect(2); assert.strictEqual(tempSpy.callCount, 1, 'temporary modals are disposed'); assert.strictEqual(permSpy.callCount, 0, 'permanent modals are not disposed'); temp.dispose(); perm.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('"fillAlways" option', function(assert) { const modal = new ModalDialog(this.player, { content: 'foo', fillAlways: true, temporary: false }); const spy = sinon.spy(); modal.on('modalfill', spy); modal.open(); modal.close(); modal.open(); assert.expect(1); assert.strictEqual(spy.callCount, 2, 'the modal was filled on each open call'); modal.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('"label" option', function(assert) { const label = 'foo'; const modal = new ModalDialog(this.player, {label}); assert.expect(1); assert.strictEqual(modal.el().getAttribute('aria-label'), label, 'uses the label as the aria-label'); modal.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('"uncloseable" option', function(assert) { const modal = new ModalDialog(this.player, { temporary: false, uncloseable: true }); const spy = sinon.spy(); modal.on('modalclose', spy); assert.expect(3); assert.strictEqual(modal.closeable(), false, 'the modal is uncloseable'); assert.notOk(modal.getChild('closeButton'), 'the close button is not present'); modal.open(); modal.handleKeyDown(getMockEscapeEvent()); assert.strictEqual(spy.callCount, 0, 'ESC did not close the modal'); modal.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('handleKeyDown traps tab focus', function(assert) { const tabTester = tabTestHelper(assert, this.player); // tabbing forward from first element to last and cycling back to first tabTester(0, 1, false); tabTester(1, 2, false); tabTester(2, 3, false); tabTester(3, 0, false); // tabbing backwards from last element to first and cycling back to last tabTester(3, 2, true); tabTester(2, 1, true); tabTester(1, 0, true); tabTester(0, 3, true); });