/* eslint-env qunit */ import window from 'global/window'; import Component from '../../src/js/component.js'; import * as Dom from '../../src/js/utils/dom.js'; import DomData from '../../src/js/utils/dom-data'; import * as Events from '../../src/js/utils/events.js'; import * as Obj from '../../src/js/utils/obj'; import * as browser from '../../src/js/utils/browser.js'; import document from 'global/document'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import TestHelpers from './test-helpers.js'; class TestComponent1 extends Component {} class TestComponent2 extends Component {} class TestComponent3 extends Component {} class TestComponent4 extends Component {} TestComponent1.prototype.options_ = { children: [ 'testComponent2', 'testComponent3' ] }; QUnit.module('Component', { before() { Component.registerComponent('TestComponent1', TestComponent1); Component.registerComponent('TestComponent2', TestComponent2); Component.registerComponent('TestComponent3', TestComponent3); Component.registerComponent('TestComponent4', TestComponent4); sinon.stub(window.DOMParser.prototype, 'parseFromString').returns({ querySelector: () => false, documentElement: document.createElement('span') }); }, beforeEach() { this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); }, afterEach() { this.player.dispose(); this.clock.restore(); }, after() { delete Component.components_.TestComponent1; delete Component.components_.TestComponent2; delete Component.components_.TestComponent3; delete Component.components_.TestComponent4; window.DOMParser.prototype.parseFromString.restore(); } }); QUnit.test('registerComponent() throws with bad arguments', function(assert) { assert.throws( function() { Component.registerComponent(null); }, new Error('Illegal component name, "null"; must be a non-empty string.'), 'component names must be non-empty strings' ); assert.throws( function() { Component.registerComponent(''); }, new Error('Illegal component name, ""; must be a non-empty string.'), 'component names must be non-empty strings' ); assert.throws( function() { Component.registerComponent('TestComponent5', function() {}); }, new Error('Illegal component, "TestComponent5"; must be a Component subclass.'), 'components must be subclasses of Component' ); assert.throws( function() { const Tech = Component.getComponent('Tech'); class DummyTech extends Tech {} Component.registerComponent('TestComponent5', DummyTech); }, new Error('Illegal component, "TestComponent5"; techs must be registered using Tech.registerTech().'), 'components must be subclasses of Component' ); }); QUnit.test('should create an element', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, {}); assert.ok(comp.el().nodeName); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add a child component', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); const child = comp.addChild('component'); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 1); assert.ok(comp.children()[0] === child); assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes[0] === child.el()); assert.ok(comp.getChild('component') === child); assert.ok(comp.getChildById(child.id()) === child); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add a child component to an index', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); const child = comp.addChild('component'); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 1); assert.ok(comp.children()[0] === child); const child0 = comp.addChild('component', {}, 0); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 2); assert.ok(comp.children()[0] === child0); assert.ok(comp.children()[1] === child); const child1 = comp.addChild('component', {}, '2'); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 3); assert.ok(comp.children()[2] === child1); const child2 = comp.addChild('component', {}, undefined); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 4); assert.ok(comp.children()[3] === child2); const child3 = comp.addChild('component', {}, -1); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 5); assert.ok(comp.children()[3] === child3); assert.ok(comp.children()[4] === child2); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should insert element relative to the element of the component to insert before', function(assert) { // for legibility of the test itself: /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ const comp = new Component(this.player); const child0 = comp.addChild('component', {el: Dom.createEl('div', {}, {class: 'c0'})}); const child1 = comp.addChild('component', {createEl: false}); const child2 = comp.addChild('component', {el: Dom.createEl('div', {}, {class: 'c2'})}); const child3 = comp.addChild('component', {el: Dom.createEl('div', {}, {class: 'c3'})}); const child4 = comp.addChild('component', {el: Dom.createEl('div', {}, {class: 'c4'})}, comp.children_.indexOf(child2)); assert.ok(child2.el_.previousSibling === child4.el_, 'addChild should insert el before its next sibling\'s element'); /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */ }); QUnit.test('should allow for children that are elements', function(assert) { // for legibility of the test itself: /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ const comp = new Component(this.player); const testEl = Dom.createEl('div'); // Add element as video el gets added to player comp.el().appendChild(testEl); comp.children_.unshift(testEl); const child1 = comp.addChild('component', {el: Dom.createEl('div', {}, {class: 'c1'})}); const child2 = comp.addChild('component', {el: Dom.createEl('div', {}, {class: 'c4'})}, 0); assert.ok(child2.el_.nextSibling === testEl, 'addChild should insert el before a sibling that is an element'); /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */ }); QUnit.test('setIcon should not do anything when experimentalSvgIcons is not set', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); const iconName = 'test'; assert.equal(comp.setIcon(iconName), null, 'we should not return anything'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('setIcon should return the correct SVG', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({experimentalSvgIcons: true}); const comp = new Component(player); const iconName = 'test'; // Elements and children of the icon. const spanEl = comp.setIcon(iconName); const svgEl = spanEl.childNodes[0]; const useEl = svgEl.childNodes[0]; // Ensure all elements are of the correct type. assert.equal(spanEl.nodeName.toLowerCase(), 'span', 'parent element should be a '); assert.equal(svgEl.nodeName.toLowerCase(), 'svg', 'first child element should be a '); assert.equal(useEl.nodeName.toLowerCase(), 'use', 'second child element should be a '); // Ensure the classname and attributes are set correctly on the elements. assert.equal(spanEl.className, 'vjs-icon-placeholder vjs-svg-icon', 'span should have icon class'); assert.equal(svgEl.getAttribute('viewBox'), '0 0 512 512', 'svg should have viewBox set'); assert.equal(useEl.getAttribute('href'), '#vjs-icon-test', 'use should have an href set with the correct icon url'); assert.equal(comp.iconIsSet_, true, 'the component iconIsSet_ property is set to true'); player.dispose(); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('setIcon should call replaceChild if an icon already exists', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({experimentalSvgIcons: true}); const comp = new Component(player); const appendSpy = sinon.spy(comp.el(), 'appendChild'); const replaceSpy = sinon.spy(comp.el(), 'replaceChild'); // Elements and children of the icon. let spanEl = comp.setIcon('test-1'); let svgEl = spanEl.childNodes[0]; let useEl = svgEl.childNodes[0]; // ensure first setIcon call works correctly assert.equal(useEl.getAttribute('href'), '#vjs-icon-test-1', 'use should have an href set with the correct icon url'); assert.ok(appendSpy.calledOnce, '`appendChild` has been called'); spanEl = comp.setIcon('test-2'); svgEl = spanEl.childNodes[0]; useEl = svgEl.childNodes[0]; assert.equal(useEl.getAttribute('href'), '#vjs-icon-test-2', 'use should have an href set with the correct icon url'); assert.ok(replaceSpy.calledOnce, '`replaceChild` has been called'); appendSpy.restore(); replaceSpy.restore(); player.dispose(); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('setIcon should append a child to the element passed into the method', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({experimentalSvgIcons: true}); const comp = new Component(player); const el = document.createElement('div'); comp.setIcon('test', el); const spanEl = el.childNodes[0]; const svgEl = spanEl.childNodes[0]; const useEl = svgEl.childNodes[0]; assert.equal(useEl.getAttribute('href'), '#vjs-icon-test', 'href set on the element passed in'); player.dispose(); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('addChild should throw if the child does not exist', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); assert.throws(function() { comp.addChild('non-existent-child'); }, new Error('Component Non-existent-child does not exist'), 'addChild threw'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('addChild with instance should allow getting child correctly', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); const comp2 = new Component(this.player); comp2.name = function() { return 'foo'; }; comp.addChild(comp2); assert.ok(comp.getChild('foo'), 'we can get child with camelCase'); assert.ok(comp.getChild('Foo'), 'we can get child with TitleCase'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add a child component with title case name', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); const child = comp.addChild('Component'); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 1); assert.ok(comp.children()[0] === child); assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes[0] === child.el()); assert.ok(comp.getChild('Component') === child); assert.ok(comp.getChildById(child.id()) === child); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should init child components from options', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, { children: { component: {} } }); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 1); assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes.length === 1); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should init child components from simple children array', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, { children: [ 'component', 'component', 'component' ] }); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 3); assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes.length === 3); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should init child components from children array of objects', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, { children: [ { name: 'component' }, { name: 'component' }, { name: 'component' } ] }); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 3); assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes.length === 3); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should do a deep merge of child options', function(assert) { // Create a default option for component const oldOptions = Component.prototype.options_; Component.prototype.options_ = { example: { childOne: { foo: 'bar', asdf: 'fdsa' }, childTwo: {}, childThree: {} } }; const comp = new Component(this.player, { example: { childOne: { foo: 'baz', abc: '123' }, childThree: false, childFour: {} } }); const mergedOptions = comp.options_; const children = mergedOptions.example; assert.strictEqual(children.childOne.foo, 'baz', 'value three levels deep overridden'); assert.strictEqual(children.childOne.asdf, 'fdsa', 'value three levels deep maintained'); assert.strictEqual(children.childOne.abc, '123', 'value three levels deep added'); assert.ok(children.childTwo, 'object two levels deep maintained'); assert.strictEqual(children.childThree, false, 'object two levels deep removed'); assert.ok(children.childFour, 'object two levels deep added'); assert.strictEqual( Component.prototype.options_.example.childOne.foo, 'bar', 'prototype options were not overridden' ); // Reset default component options Component.prototype.options_ = oldOptions; comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should init child components from component options', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); const testComp = new TestComponent1(player, { testComponent2: false, testComponent4: {} }); assert.ok(!testComp.childNameIndex_.TestComponent2, 'we do not have testComponent2'); assert.ok(testComp.childNameIndex_.TestComponent4, 'we have a testComponent4'); player.dispose(); testComp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should allows setting child options at the parent options level', function(assert) { let parent; // using children array let options = { children: [ 'component', 'nullComponent' ], // parent-level option for child component: { foo: true }, nullComponent: false }; try { parent = new Component(this.player, options); } catch (err) { assert.ok(false, 'Child with `false` option was initialized'); } assert.equal(parent.children()[0].options_.foo, true, 'child options set when children array is used'); assert.equal(parent.children().length, 1, 'we should only have one child'); parent.dispose(); // using children object options = { children: { component: { foo: false }, nullComponent: {} }, // parent-level option for child component: { foo: true }, nullComponent: false }; try { parent = new Component(this.player, options); } catch (err) { assert.ok(false, 'Child with `false` option was initialized'); } assert.equal(parent.children()[0].options_.foo, true, 'child options set when children object is used'); assert.equal(parent.children().length, 1, 'we should only have one child'); parent.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should dispose of component and children', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); // Add a child const child = comp.addChild('Component'); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 1); assert.notOk(comp.isDisposed(), 'the component reports that it is not disposed'); // Add a listener comp.on('click', function() { return true; }); const el = comp.el(); const data = DomData.get(el); let hasDisposed = false; let bubbles = null; comp.on('dispose', function(event) { hasDisposed = true; bubbles = event.bubbles; }); comp.dispose(); child.dispose(); assert.ok(hasDisposed, 'component fired dispose event'); assert.ok(bubbles === false, 'dispose event does not bubble'); assert.ok(!comp.children(), 'component children were deleted'); assert.ok(!comp.el(), 'component element was deleted'); assert.ok(!child.children(), 'child children were deleted'); assert.ok(!child.el(), 'child element was deleted'); assert.ok(!DomData.has(el), 'listener data nulled'); assert.ok( !Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data).length, 'original listener data object was emptied' ); assert.ok(comp.isDisposed(), 'the component reports that it is disposed'); }); QUnit.test('should add and remove event listeners to element', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, {}); // No need to make this async because we're triggering events inline. // We're going to trigger the event after removing the listener, // So if we get extra asserts that's a problem. assert.expect(2); const testListener = function() { assert.ok(true, 'fired event once'); assert.ok(this === comp, 'listener has the component as context'); }; comp.on('test-event', testListener); comp.trigger('test-event'); comp.off('test-event', testListener); comp.trigger('test-event'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should trigger a listener once using one()', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, {}); assert.expect(1); const testListener = function() { assert.ok(true, 'fired event once'); }; comp.one('test-event', testListener); comp.trigger('test-event'); comp.trigger('test-event'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should be possible to pass data when you trigger an event', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, {}); const data1 = 'Data1'; const data2 = {txt: 'Data2'}; assert.expect(3); const testListener = function(evt, hash) { assert.ok(true, 'fired event once'); assert.deepEqual(hash.d1, data1); assert.deepEqual(hash.d2, data2); }; comp.one('test-event', testListener); comp.trigger('test-event', {d1: data1, d2: data2}); comp.trigger('test-event'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add listeners to other components and remove them', function(assert) { const player = this.player; const comp1 = new Component(player); const comp2 = new Component(player); let listenerFired = 0; const testListener = function() { assert.equal(this, comp1, 'listener has the first component as context'); listenerFired++; }; comp1.on(comp2, 'test-event', testListener); comp2.trigger('test-event'); assert.equal(listenerFired, 1, 'listener was fired once'); listenerFired = 0; comp1.off(comp2, 'test-event', testListener); comp2.trigger('test-event'); assert.equal(listenerFired, 0, 'listener was not fired after being removed'); // this component is disposed first listenerFired = 0; comp1.on(comp2, 'test-event', testListener); comp1.dispose(); comp2.trigger('test-event'); assert.equal(listenerFired, 0, 'listener was removed when this component was disposed first'); comp1.off = function() { throw new Error('Comp1 off called'); }; comp2.dispose(); assert.ok(true, 'this component removed dispose listeners from other component'); }); QUnit.test('should add listeners to other components and remove when them other component is disposed', function(assert) { const player = this.player; const comp1 = new Component(player); const comp2 = new Component(player); const testListener = function() { assert.equal(this, comp1, 'listener has the first component as context'); }; comp1.on(comp2, 'test-event', testListener); comp2.dispose(); comp2.off = function() { throw new Error('Comp2 off called'); }; comp1.dispose(); assert.ok(true, 'this component removed dispose listener from this component that referenced other component'); }); QUnit.test('should add listeners to other components that are fired once', function(assert) { const player = this.player; const comp1 = new Component(player); const comp2 = new Component(player); let listenerFired = 0; const testListener = function() { assert.equal(this, comp1, 'listener has the first component as context'); listenerFired++; }; comp1.one(comp2, 'test-event', testListener); comp2.trigger('test-event'); assert.equal(listenerFired, 1, 'listener was executed once'); comp2.trigger('test-event'); assert.equal(listenerFired, 1, 'listener was executed only once'); comp1.dispose(); comp2.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add listeners to other element and remove them', function(assert) { const player = this.player; const comp1 = new Component(player); const el = document.createElement('div'); let listenerFired = 0; const testListener = function() { assert.equal(this, comp1, 'listener has the first component as context'); listenerFired++; }; comp1.on(el, 'test-event', testListener); Events.trigger(el, 'test-event'); assert.equal(listenerFired, 1, 'listener was fired once'); listenerFired = 0; comp1.off(el, 'test-event', testListener); Events.trigger(el, 'test-event'); assert.equal(listenerFired, 0, 'listener was not fired after being removed from other element'); // this component is disposed first listenerFired = 0; comp1.on(el, 'test-event', testListener); comp1.dispose(); Events.trigger(el, 'test-event'); assert.equal(listenerFired, 0, 'listener was removed when this component was disposed first'); comp1.off = function() { throw new Error('Comp1 off called'); }; try { Events.trigger(el, 'dispose'); } catch (e) { assert.ok(false, 'listener was not removed from other element'); } Events.trigger(el, 'dispose'); assert.ok(true, 'this component removed dispose listeners from other element'); comp1.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add listeners to other components that are fired once', function(assert) { const player = this.player; const comp1 = new Component(player); const el = document.createElement('div'); let listenerFired = 0; const testListener = function() { assert.equal(this, comp1, 'listener has the first component as context'); listenerFired++; }; comp1.one(el, 'test-event', testListener); Events.trigger(el, 'test-event'); assert.equal(listenerFired, 1, 'listener was executed once'); Events.trigger(el, 'test-event'); assert.equal(listenerFired, 1, 'listener was executed only once'); comp1.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should trigger a listener when ready', function(assert) { let initListenerFired; let methodListenerFired; let syncListenerFired; const comp = new Component(this.player, {}, function() { initListenerFired = true; }); comp.ready(function() { methodListenerFired = true; }); comp.triggerReady(); comp.ready(function() { syncListenerFired = true; }, true); assert.ok(!initListenerFired, 'init listener should NOT fire synchronously'); assert.ok(!methodListenerFired, 'method listener should NOT fire synchronously'); assert.ok(syncListenerFired, 'sync listener SHOULD fire synchronously if after ready'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.ok(initListenerFired, 'init listener should fire asynchronously'); assert.ok(methodListenerFired, 'method listener should fire asynchronously'); // Listeners should only be fired once and then removed initListenerFired = false; methodListenerFired = false; syncListenerFired = false; comp.triggerReady(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.ok(!initListenerFired, 'init listener should be removed'); assert.ok(!methodListenerFired, 'method listener should be removed'); assert.ok(!syncListenerFired, 'sync listener should be removed'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should not retrigger a listener when the listener calls triggerReady', function(assert) { let timesCalled = 0; let selfTriggered = false; const comp = new Component(this.player, {}); const readyListener = function() { timesCalled++; // Don't bother calling again if we have // already failed if (!selfTriggered) { selfTriggered = true; comp.triggerReady(); } }; comp.ready(readyListener); comp.triggerReady(); this.clock.tick(100); assert.equal(timesCalled, 1, 'triggerReady from inside a ready handler does not result in an infinite loop'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add and remove a CSS class', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, {}); comp.addClass('test-class'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('test-class') !== -1); comp.removeClass('test-class'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('test-class') === -1); comp.toggleClass('test-class'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('test-class') !== -1); comp.toggleClass('test-class'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('test-class') === -1); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add and remove CSS classes', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, {}); comp.addClass('first-class', 'second-class'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('first-class') !== -1); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('second-class') !== -1); comp.removeClass('first-class', 'second-class'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('first-class') === -1); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('second-class') === -1); comp.addClass('first-class second-class'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('first-class') !== -1); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('second-class') !== -1); comp.removeClass('first-class second-class'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('first-class') === -1); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('second-class') === -1); comp.addClass('be cool', 'scooby', 'doo'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('be cool scooby doo') !== -1); comp.removeClass('be cool', 'scooby', 'doo'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('be cool scooby doo') === -1); comp.addClass('multiple spaces between words'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('multiple spaces between words') !== -1); comp.removeClass('multiple spaces between words'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('multiple spaces between words') === -1); comp.toggleClass('first-class second-class'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('first-class second-class') !== -1); comp.toggleClass('first-class second-class'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('first-class second-class') === -1); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should add CSS class passed in options', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, {className: 'class1 class2'}); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('class1') !== -1, 'first of multiple classes added'); assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('class2') !== -1, 'second of multiple classes added'); comp.dispose(); const comp2 = new Component(this.player, {className: 'class1'}); assert.ok(comp2.el().className.indexOf('class1') !== -1, 'singe class added'); comp2.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should show and hide an element', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, {}); comp.hide(); assert.ok(comp.hasClass('vjs-hidden') === true); comp.show(); assert.ok(comp.hasClass('vjs-hidden') === false); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('dimension() should treat NaN and null as zero', function(assert) { let newWidth; const width = 300; const height = 150; const comp = new Component(this.player, {}); // set component dimension comp.dimensions(width, height); newWidth = comp.dimension('width', null); assert.notEqual(newWidth, width, 'new width and old width are not the same'); assert.equal(newWidth, undefined, 'we set a value, so, return value is undefined'); assert.equal(comp.width(), 0, 'the new width is zero'); const newHeight = comp.dimension('height', NaN); assert.notEqual(newHeight, height, 'new height and old height are not the same'); assert.equal(newHeight, undefined, 'we set a value, so, return value is undefined'); assert.equal(comp.height(), 0, 'the new height is zero'); comp.width(width); newWidth = comp.dimension('width', undefined); assert.equal(newWidth, width, 'we did not set the width with undefined'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should change the width and height of a component', function(assert) { const container = document.createElement('div'); const comp = new Component(this.player, {}); const el = comp.el(); const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); fixture.appendChild(container); container.appendChild(el); // Container of el needs dimensions or the component won't have dimensions container.style.width = '1000px'; container.style.height = '1000px'; comp.width('50%'); comp.height('123px'); assert.ok(comp.width() === 500, 'percent values working'); const compStyle = TestHelpers.getComputedStyle(el, 'width'); assert.ok(compStyle === comp.width() + 'px', 'matches computed style'); assert.ok(comp.height() === 123, 'px values working'); comp.width(321); assert.ok(comp.width() === 321, 'integer values working'); comp.width('auto'); comp.height('auto'); assert.ok(comp.width() === 1000, 'forced width was removed'); assert.ok(comp.height() === 0, 'forced height was removed'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should get the computed dimensions', function(assert) { const container = document.createElement('div'); const comp = new Component(this.player, {}); const el = comp.el(); const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); const computedWidth = '500px'; const computedHeight = '500px'; fixture.appendChild(container); container.appendChild(el); // Container of el needs dimensions or the component won't have dimensions container.style.width = '1000px'; container.style.height = '1000px'; comp.width('50%'); comp.height('50%'); assert.equal(comp.currentWidth() + 'px', computedWidth, 'matches computed width'); assert.equal(comp.currentHeight() + 'px', computedHeight, 'matches computed height'); assert.equal(comp.currentDimension('width') + 'px', computedWidth, 'matches computed width'); assert.equal(comp.currentDimension('height') + 'px', computedHeight, 'matches computed height'); assert.equal(comp.currentDimensions().width + 'px', computedWidth, 'matches computed width'); assert.equal(comp.currentDimensions().height + 'px', computedHeight, 'matches computed width'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should use a defined content el for appending children', function(assert) { class CompWithContent extends Component { createEl() { // Create the main component element const el = Dom.createEl('div'); // Create the element where children will be appended this.contentEl_ = Dom.createEl('div', { id: 'contentEl' }); el.appendChild(this.contentEl_); return el; } } const comp = new CompWithContent(this.player); const child = comp.addChild('component'); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 1); assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes[0].id === 'contentEl'); assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes[0].childNodes[0] === child.el()); comp.removeChild(child); assert.ok(comp.children().length === 0, 'Length should now be zero'); assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes[0].id === 'contentEl', 'Content El should still exist'); assert.ok( comp.el().childNodes[0].childNodes[0] !== child.el(), 'Child el should be removed.' ); child.dispose(); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should emit a tap event', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); let singleTouch = {}; const origTouch = browser.TOUCH_ENABLED; assert.expect(3); // Fake touch support. Real touch support isn't needed for this test. browser.stub_TOUCH_ENABLED(true); comp.emitTapEvents(); comp.on('tap', function() { assert.ok(true, 'Tap event emitted'); }); // A touchstart followed by touchend should trigger a tap Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchstart', touches: [{}]}); comp.trigger('touchend'); // A touchmove with a lot of movement should not trigger a tap Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchstart', touches: [ { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 } ]}); Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchmove', touches: [ { pageX: 100, pageY: 100 } ]}); comp.trigger('touchend'); // A touchmove with not much movement should still allow a tap Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchstart', touches: [ { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 } ]}); Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchmove', touches: [ { pageX: 7, pageY: 7 } ]}); comp.trigger('touchend'); // A touchmove with a lot of movement by modifying the existing touch object // should not trigger a tap singleTouch = { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 }; Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchstart', touches: [singleTouch]}); singleTouch.pageX = 100; singleTouch.pageY = 100; Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchmove', touches: [singleTouch]}); comp.trigger('touchend'); // A touchmove with not much movement by modifying the existing touch object // should still allow a tap singleTouch = { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 }; Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchstart', touches: [singleTouch]}); singleTouch.pageX = 7; singleTouch.pageY = 7; Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchmove', touches: [singleTouch]}); comp.trigger('touchend'); // Reset to original value browser.stub_TOUCH_ENABLED(origTouch); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should provide timeout methods that automatically get cleared on component disposal', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); let timeoutsFired = 0; const timeoutToClear = comp.setTimeout(function() { timeoutsFired++; assert.ok(false, 'Timeout should have been manually cleared'); }, 500); assert.expect(4); comp.setTimeout(function() { timeoutsFired++; assert.equal(this, comp, 'Timeout fn has the component as its context'); assert.ok(true, 'Timeout created and fired.'); }, 100); comp.setTimeout(function() { timeoutsFired++; assert.ok(false, 'Timeout should have been disposed'); }, 1000); this.clock.tick(100); assert.ok(timeoutsFired === 1, 'One timeout should have fired by this point'); comp.clearTimeout(timeoutToClear); this.clock.tick(500); comp.dispose(); this.clock.tick(1000); assert.ok(timeoutsFired === 1, 'One timeout should have fired overall'); }); QUnit.test('should provide interval methods that automatically get cleared on component disposal', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); let intervalsFired = 0; const interval = comp.setInterval(function() { intervalsFired++; assert.equal(this, comp, 'Interval fn has the component as its context'); assert.ok(true, 'Interval created and fired.'); }, 100); assert.expect(13); comp.setInterval(function() { intervalsFired++; assert.ok(false, 'Interval should have been disposed'); }, 1200); this.clock.tick(500); assert.ok(intervalsFired === 5, 'Component interval fired 5 times'); comp.clearInterval(interval); this.clock.tick(600); assert.ok(intervalsFired === 5, 'Interval was manually cleared'); comp.dispose(); this.clock.tick(1200); assert.ok(intervalsFired === 5, 'Interval was cleared when component was disposed'); }); QUnit.test('should provide a requestAnimationFrame method that is cleared on disposal', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); const oldRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame; const oldCAF = window.cancelAnimationFrame; // Stub the window.*AnimationFrame methods with window.setTimeout methods // so we can control when the callbacks are called via sinon's timer stubs. window.requestAnimationFrame = (fn) => window.setTimeout(fn, 1); window.cancelAnimationFrame = (id) => window.clearTimeout(id); const spyRAF = sinon.spy(); comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame('testing', spyRAF); assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 0, 'rAF callback was not called immediately'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 1, 'rAF callback was called after a "repaint"'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 1, 'rAF callback was not called after a second "repaint"'); comp.cancelNamedAnimationFrame(comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame('testing', spyRAF)); this.clock.tick(1); assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 1, 'second rAF callback was not called because it was cancelled'); comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame('testing', spyRAF); comp.dispose(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 1, 'third rAF callback was not called because the component was disposed'); window.requestAnimationFrame = oldRAF; window.cancelAnimationFrame = oldCAF; }); QUnit.test('should provide a requestNamedAnimationFrame method that is cleared on disposal', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); const oldRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame; const oldCAF = window.cancelAnimationFrame; // Stub the window.*AnimationFrame methods with window.setTimeout methods // so we can control when the callbacks are called via sinon's timer stubs. window.requestAnimationFrame = (fn) => window.setTimeout(fn, 1); window.cancelAnimationFrame = (id) => window.clearTimeout(id); const spyRAF = sinon.spy(); comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame('testing', spyRAF); assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 0, 'rAF callback was not called immediately'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 1, 'rAF callback was called after a "repaint"'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 1, 'rAF callback was not called after a second "repaint"'); comp.cancelNamedAnimationFrame(comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame('testing', spyRAF)); this.clock.tick(1); assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 1, 'second rAF callback was not called because it was cancelled'); comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame('testing', spyRAF); comp.dispose(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 1, 'third rAF callback was not called because the component was disposed'); window.requestAnimationFrame = oldRAF; window.cancelAnimationFrame = oldCAF; }); QUnit.test('setTimeout should remove dispose handler on trigger', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); comp.setTimeout(() => {}, 1); assert.equal(comp.setTimeoutIds_.size, 1, 'we removed our dispose handle'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(comp.setTimeoutIds_.size, 0, 'we removed our dispose handle'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('requestNamedAnimationFrame should remove dispose handler on trigger', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); const oldRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame; const oldCAF = window.cancelAnimationFrame; // Stub the window.*AnimationFrame methods with window.setTimeout methods // so we can control when the callbacks are called via sinon's timer stubs. window.requestAnimationFrame = (fn) => window.setTimeout(fn, 1); window.cancelAnimationFrame = (id) => window.clearTimeout(id); const spyRAF = sinon.spy(); comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame('testFrame', spyRAF); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 1, 'we got a new raf dispose handler'); assert.equal(comp.namedRafs_.size, 1, 'we got a new named raf dispose handler'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 0, 'we removed our raf dispose handle'); assert.equal(comp.namedRafs_.size, 0, 'we removed our named raf dispose handle'); comp.dispose(); window.requestAnimationFrame = oldRAF; window.cancelAnimationFrame = oldCAF; }); QUnit.test('requestAnimationFrame should remove dispose handler on trigger', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); const oldRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame; const oldCAF = window.cancelAnimationFrame; // Stub the window.*AnimationFrame methods with window.setTimeout methods // so we can control when the callbacks are called via sinon's timer stubs. window.requestAnimationFrame = (fn) => window.setTimeout(fn, 1); window.cancelAnimationFrame = (id) => window.clearTimeout(id); const spyRAF = sinon.spy(); comp.requestAnimationFrame(spyRAF); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 1, 'we got a new dispose handler'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 0, 'we removed our dispose handle'); comp.dispose(); window.requestAnimationFrame = oldRAF; window.cancelAnimationFrame = oldCAF; }); QUnit.test('setTimeout should be canceled on dispose', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); let called = false; let clearId; const setId = comp.setTimeout(() => { called = true; }, 1); const clearTimeout = comp.clearTimeout; comp.clearTimeout = (id) => { clearId = id; return clearTimeout.call(comp, id); }; assert.equal(comp.setTimeoutIds_.size, 1, 'we added a timeout id'); comp.dispose(); assert.equal(comp.setTimeoutIds_.size, 0, 'we removed our timeout id'); assert.equal(clearId, setId, 'clearTimeout was called'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(called, false, 'setTimeout was never called'); }); QUnit.test('requestAnimationFrame should be canceled on dispose', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); let called = false; let clearId; const setId = comp.requestAnimationFrame(() => { called = true; }); const cancelAnimationFrame = comp.cancelAnimationFrame; comp.cancelAnimationFrame = (id) => { clearId = id; return cancelAnimationFrame.call(comp, id); }; assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 1, 'we added a raf id'); comp.dispose(); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 0, 'we removed a raf id'); assert.equal(clearId, setId, 'clearAnimationFrame was called'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(called, false, 'requestAnimationFrame was never called'); }); QUnit.test('setInterval should be canceled on dispose', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); let called = false; let clearId; const setId = comp.setInterval(() => { called = true; }); const clearInterval = comp.clearInterval; comp.clearInterval = (id) => { clearId = id; return clearInterval.call(comp, id); }; assert.equal(comp.setIntervalIds_.size, 1, 'we added an interval id'); comp.dispose(); assert.equal(comp.setIntervalIds_.size, 0, 'we removed a raf id'); assert.equal(clearId, setId, 'clearInterval was called'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(called, false, 'setInterval was never called'); }); QUnit.test('requestNamedAnimationFrame should be canceled on dispose', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); let called = false; let clearName; const setName = comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame('testing', () => { called = true; }); const cancelNamedAnimationFrame = comp.cancelNamedAnimationFrame; comp.cancelNamedAnimationFrame = (name) => { clearName = name; return cancelNamedAnimationFrame.call(comp, name); }; assert.equal(comp.namedRafs_.size, 1, 'we added a named raf'); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 1, 'we added a raf id'); comp.dispose(); assert.equal(comp.namedRafs_.size, 0, 'we removed a named raf'); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 0, 'we removed a raf id'); assert.equal(clearName, setName, 'cancelNamedAnimationFrame was called'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(called, false, 'requestNamedAnimationFrame was never called'); }); QUnit.test('requestNamedAnimationFrame should only allow one raf of a specific name at a time', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); const calls = { one: 0, two: 0, three: 0 }; const cancelNames = []; const name = 'testing'; const handlerOne = () => { assert.equal(comp.namedRafs_.size, 1, 'named raf still exists while function runs'); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 0, 'raf id does not exist during run'); calls.one++; }; const handlerTwo = () => { assert.equal(comp.namedRafs_.size, 1, 'named raf still exists while function runs'); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 0, 'raf id does not exist during run'); calls.two++; }; const handlerThree = () => { assert.equal(comp.namedRafs_.size, 1, 'named raf still exists while function runs'); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 0, 'raf id does not exist during run'); calls.three++; }; const oldRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame; const oldCAF = window.cancelAnimationFrame; // Stub the window.*AnimationFrame methods with window.setTimeout methods // so we can control when the callbacks are called via sinon's timer stubs. window.requestAnimationFrame = (fn) => window.setTimeout(fn, 1); window.cancelAnimationFrame = (id) => window.clearTimeout(id); const cancelNamedAnimationFrame = comp.cancelNamedAnimationFrame; comp.cancelNamedAnimationFrame = (_name) => { cancelNames.push(_name); return cancelNamedAnimationFrame.call(comp, _name); }; comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame(name, handlerOne); assert.equal(comp.namedRafs_.size, 1, 'we added a named raf'); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 1, 'we added a raf id'); comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame(name, handlerTwo); assert.deepEqual(cancelNames, [], 'no named cancels'); assert.equal(comp.namedRafs_.size, 1, 'still only one named raf'); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 1, 'still only one raf id'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(comp.namedRafs_.size, 0, 'we removed a named raf'); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 0, 'we removed a raf id'); assert.deepEqual(calls, { one: 1, two: 0, three: 0 }, 'only handlerOne was called'); comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame(name, handlerOne); comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame(name, handlerTwo); comp.requestNamedAnimationFrame(name, handlerThree); assert.deepEqual(cancelNames, [], 'no named cancels for testing'); assert.equal(comp.namedRafs_.size, 1, 'only added one named raf'); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 1, 'only added one named raf'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(comp.namedRafs_.size, 0, 'we removed a named raf'); assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 0, 'we removed a raf id'); assert.deepEqual(calls, { one: 2, two: 0, three: 0 }, 'only the handlerOne called'); window.requestAnimationFrame = oldRAF; window.cancelAnimationFrame = oldCAF; }); QUnit.test('$ and $$ functions', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player); const contentEl = document.createElement('div'); const children = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div') ]; comp.contentEl_ = contentEl; children.forEach(child => contentEl.appendChild(child)); assert.strictEqual(comp.$('div'), children[0], '$ defaults to contentEl as scope'); assert.strictEqual(comp.$$('div').length, children.length, '$$ defaults to contentEl as scope'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should use the stateful mixin', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, {}); assert.ok(Obj.isPlain(comp.state), '`state` is a plain object'); assert.strictEqual(Object.prototype.toString.call(comp.setState), '[object Function]', '`setState` is a function'); comp.setState({foo: 'bar'}); assert.strictEqual(comp.state.foo, 'bar', 'the component passes a basic stateful test'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should remove child when the child moves to the other parent', function(assert) { const parentComponent1 = new Component(this.player, {}); const parentComponent2 = new Component(this.player, {}); const childComponent = new Component(this.player, {}); parentComponent1.addChild(childComponent); assert.strictEqual(parentComponent1.children().length, 1, 'the children number of `parentComponent1` is 1'); assert.strictEqual(parentComponent1.children()[0], childComponent, 'the first child of `parentComponent1` is `childComponent`'); assert.strictEqual(parentComponent1.el().childNodes[0], childComponent.el(), '`parentComponent1` contains the DOM element of `childComponent`'); parentComponent2.addChild(childComponent); assert.strictEqual(parentComponent1.children().length, 0, 'the children number of `parentComponent1` is 0'); assert.strictEqual(parentComponent1.el().childNodes.length, 0, 'the length of `childNodes` of `parentComponent1` is 0'); assert.strictEqual(parentComponent2.children().length, 1, 'the children number of `parentComponent2` is 1'); assert.strictEqual(parentComponent2.children()[0], childComponent, 'the first child of `parentComponent2` is `childComponent`'); assert.strictEqual(parentComponent2.el().childNodes.length, 1, 'the length of `childNodes` of `parentComponent2` is 1'); assert.strictEqual(parentComponent2.el().childNodes[0], childComponent.el(), '`parentComponent2` contains the DOM element of `childComponent`'); parentComponent1.dispose(); parentComponent2.dispose(); childComponent.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('getDescendant should work as expected', function(assert) { const comp = new Component(this.player, {name: 'component'}); const descendant1 = new Component(this.player, {name: 'descendant1'}); const descendant2 = new Component(this.player, {name: 'descendant2'}); const descendant3 = new Component(this.player, {name: 'descendant3'}); comp.addChild(descendant1); descendant1.addChild(descendant2); descendant2.addChild(descendant3); assert.equal(comp.getDescendant('descendant1', 'descendant2', 'descendant3'), descendant3, 'can pass as args'); assert.equal(comp.getDescendant(['descendant1', 'descendant2', 'descendant3']), descendant3, 'can pass as array'); assert.equal(comp.getDescendant('descendant1'), descendant1, 'can pass as single string'); assert.equal(comp.getDescendant(), comp, 'no args returns base component'); assert.notOk(comp.getDescendant('descendant5'), 'undefined descendant returned'); assert.notOk(comp.getDescendant('descendant1', 'descendant5'), 'undefined descendant returned'); assert.notOk(comp.getDescendant(['descendant1', 'descendant5']), 'undefined descendant returned'); comp.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('ready queue should not run after dispose', function(assert) { let option = false; let callback = false; const comp = new Component(this.player, {name: 'component'}, () => { option = true; }); comp.ready(() => { callback = true; }); comp.dispose(); comp.triggerReady(); // TODO: improve this error. It is a variant of: // "Cannot read property 'parentNode' of null" // // but on some browsers such as IE 11 and safari 9 other errors are thrown, // I think any error at all works for our purposes here. assert.throws(() => this.clock.tick(1), /.*/, 'throws trigger error'); assert.notOk(option, 'ready option not run'); assert.notOk(callback, 'ready callback not run'); }); QUnit.test('a component\'s el can be replaced on dispose', function(assert) { const comp = this.player.addChild('Component', {}, {}, 2); const prevIndex = Array.from(this.player.el_.childNodes).indexOf(comp.el_); const replacementEl = document.createElement('div'); comp.dispose({restoreEl: replacementEl}); assert.strictEqual(replacementEl.parentNode, this.player.el_, 'replacement was inserted'); assert.strictEqual(Array.from(this.player.el_.childNodes).indexOf(replacementEl), prevIndex, 'replacement was inserted at same position'); }); QUnit.test('should be able to call `getPositions()` from a component', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); const appendSpy = sinon.spy(player.controlBar, 'getPositions'); player.controlBar.getPositions(); assert.expect(1); assert.ok(appendSpy.calledOnce, '`handleBlur` has been called'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('getPositions() returns properties of `boundingClientRect` & `center` from elements that support it', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ spatialNavigation: { enabled: true } }); assert.expect(4); assert.ok(player.controlBar.getPositions().boundingClientRect, '`boundingClientRect` present in `controlBar`'); assert.ok(player.controlBar.getPositions().center, '`center` present in `controlBar`'); assert.ok(typeof player.controlBar.getPositions().boundingClientRect === 'object', '`boundingClientRect` is an object'); assert.ok(typeof player.controlBar.getPositions().center === 'object', '`center` is an object`'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('getPositions() properties should not be empty', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ controls: true, bigPlayButton: true, spatialNavigation: { enabled: true } }); function isEmpty(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; } let hasEmptyProperties = false; const getPositionsProps = player.bigPlayButton.getPositions(); for (const property in getPositionsProps) { const getPositionsProp = getPositionsProps[property]; for (const innerProperty in getPositionsProp) { if (isEmpty(innerProperty)) { hasEmptyProperties = true; } } } assert.expect(1); assert.ok(!hasEmptyProperties, '`getPositions()` properties are not empty'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('component keydown event propagation does not stop if spatial navigation is active', function(assert) { // Ensure each test starts with a player that has spatial navigation enabled this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ controls: true, bigPlayButton: true, spatialNavigation: { enabled: true } }); // Directly reference the instantiated SpatialNavigation from the player this.spatialNav = this.player.spatialNavigation; this.spatialNav.start(); const handlerSpy = sinon.spy(this.player, 'handleKeyDown'); // Create and dispatch a mock keydown event. const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { // eslint-disable-line no-undef key: 'ArrowRight', code: 'ArrowRight', keyCode: 39, location: 2, repeat: true }); this.player.bigPlayButton.handleKeyDown(event); assert.ok(handlerSpy.calledOnce); handlerSpy.restore(); this.player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('Should be able to call `getIsAvailableToBeFocused()` even without passing an HTML element', function(assert) { // Ensure each test starts with a player that has spatial navigation enabled this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ controls: true, bigPlayButton: true, spatialNavigation: { enabled: true } }); // Directly reference the instantiated SpatialNavigation from the player this.spatialNav = this.player.spatialNavigation; const component = this.player.getChild('bigPlayButton'); const focusSpy = sinon.spy(component, 'getIsAvailableToBeFocused'); component.getIsAvailableToBeFocused(component.el()); component.getIsAvailableToBeFocused(); assert.ok(focusSpy.getCalls().length === 2, 'focus method called on component'); // Clean up focusSpy.restore(); this.player.dispose(); });