/* eslint-env qunit */ import sinon from 'sinon'; import {silencePromise} from '../../src/js/utils/promise'; import TestHelpers from './test-helpers'; QUnit.module('Player#play', { beforeEach() { this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); this.techPlayCallCount = 0; this.player.tech_.play = () => { this.techPlayCallCount++; }; }, afterEach() { this.player.dispose(); this.clock.restore(); } }); QUnit.test('tech not ready + no source = wait for ready, then loadstart', function(assert) { // Mock the player/tech not being ready. this.player.isReady_ = false; // Attempt to play. this.player.play(); this.clock.tick(100); assert.strictEqual(this.techPlayCallCount, 0, 'tech_.play was not called because the tech was not ready'); // Ready the player. this.player.triggerReady(); this.clock.tick(100); assert.strictEqual(this.techPlayCallCount, 0, 'tech_.play was not called because there was no source'); // Add a source and trigger loadstart. this.player.src('xyz.mp4'); this.clock.tick(100); this.player.trigger('loadstart'); assert.strictEqual(this.techPlayCallCount, 1, 'tech_.play was called'); }); QUnit.test('tech not ready + has source = wait for ready', function(assert) { // Mock the player/tech not being ready, but having a source. this.player.isReady_ = false; this.player.src('xyz.mp4'); this.clock.tick(100); // Attempt to play. this.player.play(); this.clock.tick(100); assert.strictEqual(this.techPlayCallCount, 0, 'tech_.play was not called because the tech was not ready'); // Ready the player. this.player.triggerReady(); this.clock.tick(100); assert.strictEqual(this.techPlayCallCount, 1, 'tech_.play was called'); }); QUnit.test('tech ready + no source = wait for loadstart', function(assert) { // Attempt to play. this.player.play(); this.clock.tick(100); assert.strictEqual(this.techPlayCallCount, 0, 'tech_.play was not called because the tech was not ready'); // Add a source and trigger loadstart. this.player.src('xyz.mp4'); this.clock.tick(100); this.player.trigger('loadstart'); assert.strictEqual(this.techPlayCallCount, 1, 'tech_.play was called'); }); QUnit.test('tech ready + has source = play immediately!', function(assert) { // Mock the player having a source. this.player.src('xyz.mp4'); this.clock.tick(100); // Attempt to play, but silence the promise that might be returned. silencePromise(this.player.play()); assert.strictEqual(this.techPlayCallCount, 1, 'tech_.play was called'); }); QUnit.test('tech ready + has source + changing source = wait for loadstart', function(assert) { // Mock the player having a source and in the process of changing its source. this.player.src('xyz.mp4'); this.clock.tick(100); this.player.src('abc.mp4'); this.player.play(); this.clock.tick(100); assert.strictEqual(this.techPlayCallCount, 0, 'tech_.play was not called because the source was changing'); this.player.trigger('loadstart'); assert.strictEqual(this.techPlayCallCount, 1, 'tech_.play was called'); });