# Using the Modal Dialog Component The `ModalDialog` component is part of Video.js core and provides a baked-in UI for full-player overlays. ## Table of Contents * [Creating the ModalDialog](#creating-the-modaldialog) * [Example Using createModal()](#example-using-createmodal) * [Example Using the ModalDialog Constructor](#example-using-the-modaldialog-constructor) * [Styling Modals Independently](#styling-modals-independently) ## Creating a ModalDialog Aside from the [built-in Video.js component-creation methods][creating-component], the player includes a `createModal()` helper method. We'll demonstrate both approaches in this document by creating a modal that opens when the player becomes paused and resumes playback when it is closed. ### Example Using `createModal()` The `createModal()` method is intended for creating one-off modals that need to open for some temporary purpose. Therefore, they open themselves immediately upon creation and, by default, dispose themselves immediately upon closing. ```js var player = videojs('my-player'); player.on('pause', function() { // Modals are temporary by default. They dispose themselves when they are // closed; so, we can create a new one each time the player is paused and // not worry about leaving extra nodes hanging around. var modal = player.createModal('This is a modal!'); // When the modal closes, resume playback. modal.on('modalclose', function() { player.play(); }); }); ``` The `createModal()` method also takes a second argument - an object containing options for the modal. Refer to [the API documentation][api-doc] for a full set of options. ### Example Using the `ModalDialog` Constructor Unlike when using `createModal()`, a modal created with any of the [common component creation methods][creating-component] _does not_ open by default. This makes this approach better suited to modals that are expected to live in the DOM indefinitely. ```js var player = videojs('my-player'); var ModalDialog = videojs.getComponent('ModalDialog'); var modal = new ModalDialog(player, { // We don't want this modal to go away when it closes. temporary: false }); player.addChild(modal); player.on('pause', function() { modal.open(); }); player.on('play', function() { modal.close(); }); ``` Both of these examples are equivalent when it comes to the user's experience. Implementors should use whichever better suits their use-case. ## Styling Modals Independently A common need for modals is to style them independently from one another. The recommended approach for this is to add a custom class to your modal and target that using CSS: ```js modal.addClass('vjs-my-fancy-modal'); ``` [api-doc]: http://docs.videojs.com/docs/api/modal-dialog.html [creating-component]: ./components.md#creating-a-component