/* eslint-env qunit */ import {IE_VERSION} from '../../src/js/utils/browser'; import registerPlugin from '../../src/js/plugins.js'; import Player from '../../src/js/player.js'; import TestHelpers from './test-helpers.js'; import window from 'global/window'; import sinon from 'sinon'; QUnit.module('Plugins'); QUnit.test('Plugin should get initialized and receive options', function(assert) { assert.expect(2); registerPlugin('myPlugin1', function(options) { assert.ok(true, 'Plugin initialized'); assert.ok(options.test, 'Option passed through'); }); registerPlugin('myPlugin2', function(options) { assert.ok(false, 'Plugin initialized and should not have been'); }); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ plugins: { myPlugin1: { test: true } } }); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('Plugin should have the option of being initilized outside of player init', function(assert) { assert.expect(3); registerPlugin('myPlugin3', function(options) { assert.ok(true, 'Plugin initialized after player init'); assert.ok(options.test, 'Option passed through'); }); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); assert.ok(player.myPlugin3, 'Plugin has direct access on player instance'); player.myPlugin3({ test: true }); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('Plugin should be able to add a UI component', function(assert) { assert.expect(2); registerPlugin('myPlugin4', function(options) { assert.ok((this instanceof Player), 'Plugin executed in player scope by default'); this.addChild('component'); }); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); player.myPlugin4({ test: true }); const comp = player.getChild('component'); assert.ok(comp, 'Plugin added a component to the player'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('Plugin should overwrite plugin of same name', function(assert) { let v1Called = 0; let v2Called = 0; let v3Called = 0; // Create initial plugin registerPlugin('myPlugin5', function(options) { v1Called++; }); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); player.myPlugin5({}); // Overwrite and create new player registerPlugin('myPlugin5', function(options) { v2Called++; }); const player2 = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); player2.myPlugin5({}); // Overwrite and init new version on existing player registerPlugin('myPlugin5', function(options) { v3Called++; }); player2.myPlugin5({}); assert.ok(v1Called === 1, 'First version of plugin called once'); assert.ok(v2Called === 1, 'Plugin overwritten for new player'); assert.ok(v3Called === 1, 'Plugin overwritten for existing player'); player.dispose(); player2.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('Plugins should get events in registration order', function(assert) { const order = []; const expectedOrder = []; const pluginName = 'orderPlugin'; const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); const plugin = function(name) { registerPlugin(name, function(opts) { this.on('test', function(event) { order.push(name); }); }); player[name]({}); }; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const name = pluginName + i; expectedOrder.push(name); plugin(name); } registerPlugin('testerPlugin', function(opts) { this.trigger('test'); }); player.testerPlugin({}); assert.deepEqual(order, expectedOrder, 'plugins should receive events in order of initialization'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('Plugins should not get events after stopImmediatePropagation is called', function(assert) { const order = []; const expectedOrder = []; const pluginName = 'orderPlugin'; const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); const plugin = function(name) { registerPlugin(name, function(opts) { this.on('test', function(event) { order.push(name); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); }); player[name]({}); }; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const name = pluginName + i; expectedOrder.push(name); plugin(name); } registerPlugin('testerPlugin', function(opts) { this.trigger('test'); }); player.testerPlugin({}); assert.deepEqual(order, expectedOrder.slice(0, order.length), 'plugins should receive events in order of ' + 'initialization, until stopImmediatePropagation'); assert.equal(order.length, 1, 'only one event listener should have triggered'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('Plugin that does not exist logs an error', function(assert) { // stub the global log functions const console = window.console = { log() {}, warn() {}, error() {} }; const log = sinon.stub(console, 'log'); const error = sinon.stub(console, 'error'); const origConsole = window.console; // enable a non-existing plugin TestHelpers.makePlayer({ plugins: { nonExistingPlugin: { foo: 'bar' } } }); assert.ok(error.called, 'error was called'); if (IE_VERSION && IE_VERSION < 11) { assert.equal(error.firstCall.args[0], 'VIDEOJS: ERROR: Unable to find plugin: nonExistingPlugin'); } else { assert.equal(error.firstCall.args[2], 'Unable to find plugin:'); assert.equal(error.firstCall.args[3], 'nonExistingPlugin'); } // tear down logging stubs log.restore(); error.restore(); window.console = origConsole; });