/* eslint-env qunit */ import TechFaker from '../tech/tech-faker'; /** * Tests baseline functionality for all tracks * # @param {Track} TrackClass the track class object to use for testing # @param {Object} options the options to setup a track with */ const TrackBaseline = function(TrackClass, options) { QUnit.test('is setup with id, kind, label, and language', function(assert) { const tech = new TechFaker(); const track = new TrackClass(Object.assign({tech}, options)); assert.equal(track.kind, options.kind, 'we have a kind'); assert.equal(track.label, options.label, 'we have a label'); assert.equal(track.language, options.language, 'we have a language'); assert.equal(track.id, options.id, 'we have a id'); tech.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('kind, label, language, id, are read only', function(assert) { const tech = new TechFaker(); const track = new TrackClass(Object.assign({tech}, options)); track.kind = 'subtitles'; track.label = 'Spanish'; track.language = 'es'; track.id = '2'; assert.equal(track.kind, options.kind, 'we have a kind'); assert.equal(track.label, options.label, 'we have a label'); assert.equal(track.language, options.language, 'we have a language'); assert.equal(track.id, options.id, 'we have an id'); tech.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('returns an instance of itself on non ie8 browsers', function(assert) { const tech = new TechFaker(); const track = new TrackClass(Object.assign({tech}, options)); assert.ok(track instanceof TrackClass, 'returns an instance'); tech.dispose(); }); }; export default TrackBaseline;