var noop = function() {}, clock, featuresProgessEvents; module('Media Tech', { 'setup': function() { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); featuresProgessEvents = videojs.MediaTechController.prototype['featuresProgessEvents']; videojs.MediaTechController.prototype['featuresProgressEvents'] = false; }, 'teardown': function() { clock.restore(); videojs.MediaTechController.prototype['featuresProgessEvents'] = featuresProgessEvents; } }); test('should synthesize timeupdate events by default', function() { var timeupdates = 0, playHandler, i, tech; tech = new videojs.MediaTechController({ id: noop, on: function(event, handler) { if (event === 'play') { playHandler = handler; } }, trigger: function(event) { if (event === 'timeupdate') { timeupdates++; } } });; tech.on('timeupdate', function() { timeupdates++; }); clock.tick(250); equal(timeupdates, 1, 'triggered one timeupdate'); }); test('stops timeupdates if the tech produces them natively', function() { var timeupdates = 0, tech, playHandler, expected; tech = new videojs.MediaTechController({ id: noop, on: function(event, handler) { if (event === 'play') { playHandler = handler; } }, bufferedPercent: noop, trigger: function(event) { if (event === 'timeupdate') { timeupdates++; } } });; // simulate a native timeupdate event tech.trigger('timeupdate'); expected = timeupdates; clock.tick(10 * 1000); equal(timeupdates, expected, 'did not simulate timeupdates'); }); test('stops manual timeupdates while paused', function() { var timeupdates = 0, tech, playHandler, pauseHandler, expected; tech = new videojs.MediaTechController({ id: noop, on: function(event, handler) { if (event === 'play') { playHandler = handler; } else if (event === 'pause') { pauseHandler = handler; } }, bufferedPercent: noop, trigger: function(event) { if (event === 'timeupdate') { timeupdates++; } } });; clock.tick(10 * 250); ok(timeupdates > 0, 'timeupdates fire during playback');; timeupdates = 0; clock.tick(10 * 250); equal(timeupdates, 0, 'timeupdates do not fire when paused');; clock.tick(10 * 250); ok(timeupdates > 0, 'timeupdates fire when playback resumes'); }); test('should synthesize progress events by default', function() { var progresses = 0, tech; tech = new videojs.MediaTechController({ id: noop, on: noop, bufferedPercent: function() { return 0; }, trigger: function(event) { if (event === 'progress') { progresses++; } } }); tech.on('progress', function() { progresses++; }); clock.tick(500); equal(progresses, 1, 'triggered one event'); }); test('dispose() should stop time tracking', function() { var tech = new videojs.MediaTechController({ id: noop, on: noop, trigger: noop }); tech.dispose(); // progress and timeupdate events will throw exceptions after the // tech is disposed try { clock.tick(10 * 1000); } catch (e) { return equal(e, undefined, 'threw an exception'); } ok(true, 'no exception was thrown'); });