/* eslint-env qunit */ import videojs from '../../src/js/video.js'; import document from 'global/document'; import log from '../../src/js/utils/log.js'; QUnit.module('video.js:hooks ', { beforeEach() { videojs.hooks_ = {}; } }); QUnit.test('should be able to add a hook', function(assert) { videojs.hook('foo', function() {}); assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 1, 'should have 1 hook type'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook'); videojs.hook('bar', function() {}); assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hook types'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.bar.length, 1, 'should have 1 bar hook'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook'); videojs.hook('bar', function() {}); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.bar.length, 2, 'should have 2 bar hooks'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook'); videojs.hook('foo', function() {}); videojs.hook('foo', function() {}); videojs.hook('foo', function() {}); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 4, 'should have 4 foo hooks'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.bar.length, 2, 'should have 2 bar hooks'); }); QUnit.test('should be able to remove a hook', function(assert) { const noop = function() {}; videojs.hook('foo', noop); assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 1, 'should have 1 hook types'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook'); videojs.hook('bar', noop); assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hooks types'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.bar.length, 1, 'should have 1 bar hook'); const fooRetval = videojs.removeHook('foo', noop); assert.equal(fooRetval, true, 'should return true'); assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hooks types'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 0, 'should have 0 foo hook'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.bar.length, 1, 'should have 0 bar hook'); const barRetval = videojs.removeHook('bar', noop); assert.equal(barRetval, true, 'should return true'); assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hooks types'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 0, 'should have 0 foo hook'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.bar.length, 0, 'should have 0 bar hook'); const errRetval = videojs.removeHook('bar', noop); assert.equal(errRetval, false, 'should return false'); assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hooks types'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 0, 'should have 0 foo hook'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.bar.length, 0, 'should have 0 bar hook'); }); QUnit.test('should be able get all hooks for a type', function(assert) { const noop = function() {}; videojs.hook('foo', noop); assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 1, 'should have 1 hook types'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook'); videojs.hook('bar', noop); assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hooks types'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.bar.length, 1, 'should have 1 bar hook'); const fooHooks = videojs.hooks('foo'); const barHooks = videojs.hooks('bar'); assert.deepEqual(videojs.hooks_.foo, fooHooks, 'should return the exact foo list from videojs.hooks_'); assert.deepEqual(videojs.hooks_.bar, barHooks, 'should return the exact bar list from videojs.hooks_'); }); QUnit.test('should be get all hooks for a type and add at the same time', function(assert) { const noop = function() {}; videojs.hook('foo', noop); assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 1, 'should have 1 hook types'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook'); videojs.hook('bar', noop); assert.equal(Object.keys(videojs.hooks_).length, 2, 'should have 2 hooks types'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 1, 'should have 1 foo hook'); assert.equal(videojs.hooks_.bar.length, 1, 'should have 1 bar hook'); const fooHooks = videojs.hooks('foo', noop); const barHooks = videojs.hooks('bar', noop); assert.deepEqual(videojs.hooks_.foo.length, 2, 'foo should have two noop hooks'); assert.deepEqual(videojs.hooks_.bar.length, 2, 'bar should have two noop hooks'); assert.deepEqual(videojs.hooks_.foo, fooHooks, 'should return the exact foo list from videojs.hooks_'); assert.deepEqual(videojs.hooks_.bar, barHooks, 'should return the exact bar list from videojs.hooks_'); }); QUnit.test('should trigger beforesetup and setup during videojs setup', function(assert) { const vjsOptions = {techOrder: ['techFaker']}; let setupCalled = false; let beforeSetupCalled = false; const beforeSetup = function(video, options) { beforeSetupCalled = true; assert.equal(setupCalled, false, 'setup should be called after beforesetup'); assert.deepEqual(options, vjsOptions, 'options should be the same'); assert.equal(video.id, 'test_vid_id', 'video id should be correct'); return options; }; const setup = function(player) { setupCalled = true; assert.equal(beforeSetupCalled, true, 'beforesetup should have been called already'); assert.ok(player, 'created player from tag'); assert.ok(player.id() === 'test_vid_id'); assert.ok(videojs.getPlayers().test_vid_id === player, 'added player to global reference'); }; const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); fixture.innerHTML += ''; const vid = document.getElementById('test_vid_id'); videojs.hook('beforesetup', beforeSetup); videojs.hook('setup', setup); const player = videojs(vid, vjsOptions); assert.ok(player.options_, 'returning null in beforesetup does not lose options'); assert.equal(beforeSetupCalled, true, 'beforeSetup was called'); assert.equal(setupCalled, true, 'setup was called'); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('beforesetup returns dont break videojs options', function(assert) { const oldLogError = log.error; const vjsOptions = {techOrder: ['techFaker']}; const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); log.error = function(err) { assert.equal(err, 'please return an object in beforesetup hooks', 'we have the correct error'); }; fixture.innerHTML += ''; const vid = document.getElementById('test_vid_id'); videojs.hook('beforesetup', function() { return null; }); videojs.hook('beforesetup', function() { return ''; }); videojs.hook('beforesetup', function() { return []; }); const player = videojs(vid, vjsOptions); assert.ok(player.options_, 'beforesetup should not destory options'); assert.equal(player.options_.techOrder, vjsOptions.techOrder, 'options set by user should exist'); log.error = oldLogError; player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('beforesetup options override videojs options', function(assert) { const vjsOptions = {techOrder: ['techFaker'], autoplay: false}; const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); fixture.innerHTML += ''; const vid = document.getElementById('test_vid_id'); videojs.hook('beforesetup', function(tag, options) { assert.equal(options.autoplay, false, 'false was passed to us'); return {autoplay: true}; }); const player = videojs(vid, vjsOptions); assert.ok(player.options_, 'beforesetup should not destory options'); assert.equal(player.options_.techOrder, vjsOptions.techOrder, 'options set by user should exist'); assert.equal(player.options_.autoplay, true, 'autoplay should be set to true now'); player.dispose(); });