/* eslint-env qunit */ import TestHelpers from './test-helpers.js'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import window from 'global/window'; import * as middleware from '../../src/js/tech/middleware.js'; import {merge} from '../../src/js/utils/obj'; const middleWareTerminations = ['terminates', 'does not-terminate']; const playReturnValues = ['non-promise', 'promise']; const mainModule = function(playReturnValue, middlewareTermination, subhooks) { subhooks.beforeEach(function(assert) { this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); this.techPlayCalls = 0; this.playsTerminated = 0; this.playTests = []; this.terminate = false; if (middlewareTermination === 'terminates') { this.terminate = true; } this.techPlay = () => { this.techPlayCalls++; if (playReturnValue === 'promise') { return window.Promise.resolve('foo'); } return 'foo'; }; this.finish = function() { const done = assert.async(this.playTests.length); const singleFinish = (playValue, assertName) => { assert.equal(playValue, 'foo', `play call from - ${assertName} - is correct`); done(); }; this.playTests.forEach(function(test) { const playRetval = test.playRetval; const testName = test.assertName; if (typeof playRetval === 'string') { singleFinish(playRetval, testName); } else { playRetval.then((v) => { singleFinish(v, testName); }); } }); }; this.checkState = (assertName, options = {}) => { const expectedState = merge({ playCalls: 0, techLoaded: false, techReady: false, playerReady: false, changingSrc: false, playsTerminated: 0 }, options); if (typeof options.techLoaded === 'undefined' && typeof options.techReady !== 'undefined') { expectedState.techLoaded = options.techReady; } const currentState = { playCalls: this.techPlayCalls, techLoaded: Boolean(this.player.tech_), techReady: Boolean((this.player.tech_ || {}).isReady_), playerReady: Boolean(this.player.isReady_), changingSrc: Boolean(this.player.changingSrc_), playsTerminated: Number(this.playsTerminated) }; assert.deepEqual(currentState, expectedState, assertName); }; this.playTerminatedQueue = () => this.playsTerminated++; this.playTest = (assertName, options = {}) => { if (this.player.playTerminatedQueue_ !== this.playTerminatedQueue) { this.player.runPlayTerminatedQueue_ = this.playTerminatedQueue; } if (this.player && this.player.tech_ && this.player.tech_.play !== this.techPlay) { this.player.tech_.play = this.techPlay; } this.playTests.push({assertName, playRetval: this.player.play()}); this.checkState(assertName, options); }; this.middleware = () => { return { // pass along source setSource(srcObj, next) { next(null, srcObj); }, callPlay: () => { if (this.terminate) { return middleware.TERMINATOR; } } }; }; middleware.use('*', this.middleware); }); subhooks.afterEach(function() { // remove added middleware const middlewareList = middleware.getMiddleware('*'); for (let i = 0; i < middlewareList.length; i++) { if (middlewareList[i] === this.middleware) { middlewareList.splice(i, 1); } } if (this.player) { this.player.dispose(); } this.clock.restore(); }); QUnit.test('Player#play() resolves correctly with dom sources and async tech ready', function(assert) { // turn of mediaLoader to prevent setting a tech right away // similar to settings sources in the DOM // turn off autoReady to prevent syncronous ready from the tech this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({mediaLoader: false, techFaker: {autoReady: false}}); this.playTest('before anything is ready'); this.player.src({ src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' }); this.playTest('only changingSrc', { changingSrc: true }); this.clock.tick(1); this.playTest('still changingSrc, tech loaded', { techLoaded: true, changingSrc: true }); this.player.tech_.triggerReady(); this.playTest('still changingSrc, tech loaded and ready', { techReady: true, changingSrc: true }); this.clock.tick(1); this.playTest('done changingSrc, tech/player ready', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1, playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0 }); this.clock.tick(1); this.checkState('state stays the same', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1, playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0 }); this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly, unless terminated', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 2, playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 2 : 0 }); if (this.terminate) { this.terminate = false; this.playTest('play works if not terminated', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: 1, playsTerminated: 2 }); this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: 2, playsTerminated: 2 }); } this.finish(assert); }); QUnit.test('Player#play() resolves correctly with dom sources', function(assert) { this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({mediaLoader: false}); this.playTest('before anything is ready'); this.player.src({ src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' }); this.playTest('only changingSrc', { changingSrc: true }); this.clock.tick(1); this.playTest('still changingSrc, tech/player ready', { techLoaded: true, changingSrc: true, playerReady: true, techReady: true }); this.clock.tick(1); this.playTest('done changingSrc, tech#play is called', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1, playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0 }); this.clock.tick(1); this.checkState('state stays the same', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1, playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0 }); this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 2, playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 2 : 0 }); if (this.terminate) { this.terminate = false; this.playTest('play works if not terminated', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: 1, playsTerminated: 2 }); this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: 2, playsTerminated: 2 }); } this.finish(assert); }); QUnit.test('Player#play() resolves correctly with async tech ready', function(assert) { this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({techFaker: {autoReady: false}}); this.playTest('before anything is ready', { techLoaded: true }); this.player.src({ src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' }); this.playTest('tech loaded changingSrc', { techLoaded: true, changingSrc: true }); this.clock.tick(1); this.playTest('still changingSrc, tech loaded', { techLoaded: true, changingSrc: true }); this.clock.tick(1); this.playTest('still changingSrc, tech loaded again', { techLoaded: true, changingSrc: true }); this.player.tech_.triggerReady(); this.playTest('still changingSrc, tech loaded and ready', { techReady: true, changingSrc: true }); this.clock.tick(1); this.playTest('still changingSrc tech/player ready', { changingSrc: true, playerReady: true, techReady: true }); // player ready calls fire now // which sets changingSrc_ to false this.clock.tick(1); this.checkState('play was called on ready', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1, playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0 }); this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 2, playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 2 : 0 }); if (this.terminate) { this.terminate = false; this.playTest('play works if not terminated', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: 1, playsTerminated: 2 }); this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: 2, playsTerminated: 2 }); } this.finish(assert); }); QUnit.test('Player#play() resolves correctly', function(assert) { this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); this.playTest('player/tech start out ready', { techReady: true, playerReady: true }); this.player.src({ src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' }); this.playTest('now changingSrc', { techReady: true, playerReady: true, changingSrc: true }); this.clock.tick(1); this.playTest('done changingSrc, play called if not terminated', { techReady: true, playerReady: true, playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1, playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0 }); this.clock.tick(2); this.checkState('state stays the same', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1, playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0 }); this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 2, playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 2 : 0 }); if (this.terminate) { this.terminate = false; this.playTest('play works if not terminated', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: 1, playsTerminated: 2 }); this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', { playerReady: true, techReady: true, playCalls: 2, playsTerminated: 2 }); } this.clock.tick(1000); this.finish(assert); }); // without enableSourceset this test will fail. QUnit.test('Player#play() resolves correctly on tech el src', function(assert) { this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({techOrder: ['html5'], enableSourceset: true}); this.playTest('player/tech start out ready', { techReady: true, playerReady: true }); this.player.tech_.el_.src = 'http://vjs.zencdn.net/v/oceans.mp4'; this.player.on('loadstart', () => { this.checkState('play should have been called', { techReady: true, playerReady: true, playCalls: 1 }); this.finish(assert); }); }); }; QUnit.module('Player#play()', (hooks) => { playReturnValues.forEach((playReturnValue) => { middleWareTerminations.forEach((middlewareTermination) => { QUnit.module(`tech#play() => ${playReturnValue}, middleware ${middlewareTermination}`, (subhooks) => { mainModule(playReturnValue, middlewareTermination, subhooks); }); }); }); });