/** * Google Analytics tracking pixel for the freely hosted version of Video.js * at vjs.zencdn.net. We'll use this data to develop a support matrix of * browsers and devices, and possibly track errors. * * This code generates the GA tracking URL without requiring the GA javascript * library. * * @type {Image} */ ;(function(i,w,n,e,l){ l=w.location; // Google Analytics has a limit of 10 million hits per month for free accounts. // The Video.js CDN goes over this (by a lot) and they've asked us to stop. if (Math.random() > 0.01) { return; } // Setting the source of an image will load the URL even without adding to dom // Using //www, still seems to work for https even though ssl.google is used by google i.src='//www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif' // Version +'?utmwv=5.4.2' // ID +'&utmac=UA-16505296-2' // Sessions // &utms=2 // Cache breaker (using utmcc to do this) +'&utmn='+1 +'&utmhn='+e(l.hostname) // Encoding // &utmcs=UTF-8 +'&utmsr='+w.screen.availWidth+'x'+w.screen.availHeight // Browser window // &utmvp=1057x1105 // Color depth // &utmsc=24-bit +'&utmul='+(n.language||n.userLanguage||'').toLowerCase() // Java // &utmje=1 // Flash version // &utmfl=11.7%20r700 // Page title // &utmdt=HTML5%20Video%20Player%20%7C%20Video.js // Adsense // &utmhid=1112291628 // Referrer, '-' is none // Using current page as referrer so stats show up cleaner than "Direct" +'&utmr='+e(l.href) +'&utmp='+e(l.hostname+l.pathname) // Current time stamp // &utmht=1370890439353 // ? // &utmu=q // Cookies! Manually setting visitor ID and setting everything else to 1 // Random number used as cache buster instead of utmn +'&utmcc=__utma%3D1.'+Math.floor(Math.random()*1e10)+'.' // Custom Var: vjsv is the variable name and 1.0.0 is the VJS version +'&utme=8(vjsv)9(v0.0.0)' ; })(new Image(),window,navigator,encodeURIComponent);