module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.registerTask('next-issue', 'Get the next issue that needs a response', function(){ var done = this.async(); var GitHubApi = require('github'); var open = require('open'); var github = new GitHubApi({ // required version: '3.0.0', // optional debug: true, protocol: 'https', // host: '', // pathPrefix: '/api/v3', // for some GHEs timeout: 5000 }); github.issues.repoIssues({ // optional: // headers: { // 'cookie': 'blahblah' // }, user: 'videojs', repo: 'video.js', sort: 'updated', direction: 'asc', state: 'open', per_page: 100 }, function(err, res) { var issueToOpen; var usersWithWrite = ['heff', 'mmcc']; var categoryLabels = ['enhancement', 'bug', 'question', 'feature']; console.log('Number of issues: '+res.length); // TODO: Find the best way to exclude an issue where a question has been asked of the // issue owner/submitter that hasn't been answerd yet. // A stupid simple first step would be to check for the needs: more info label // and exactly one comment (the question) // find issues that need categorizing, no category labels res.some(function(issue){ if (issue.labels.length === 0) { return issueToOpen = issue; // break } // look for category labels var categorized = issue.labels.some(function(label){ return categoryLabels.indexOf( >= 0; }); if (!categorized) { return issueToOpen = issue; // break } }); if (issueToOpen) { open(issueToOpen.html_url); return done(); } // find issues that need confirming or answering res.some(function(issue){ // look for confirmed label var confirmed = issue.labels.some(function(label){ return === 'confirmed'; }); // Was exluding questions, but that might leave a lot of people hanging // var question = issue.labels.some(function(label){ // return === 'question'; // }); if (!confirmed) { // && !question return issueToOpen = issue; // break } }); if (issueToOpen) { open(issueToOpen.html_url); return done(); } grunt.log.writeln('No next issue found'); done(); }); }); }