module('Core Object'); test('should verify CoreObject extension', function(){ var TestObject = vjs.CoreObject.extend({ init: function(initOptions){ this['a'] = initOptions['a']; }, testFn: function(){ return true; } }); var instance = new TestObject({ 'a': true }); ok(instance instanceof TestObject, 'New instance is instance of TestObject'); ok(instance instanceof vjs.CoreObject, 'New instance is instance of CoreObject'); ok(instance['a'], 'Init options are passed to init'); ok(instance.testFn(), 'Additional methods are applied to TestObject prototype'); // Two levels of inheritance var TestChild = TestObject.extend({ init: function(initOptions){, initOptions); //, initOptions); this['b'] = initOptions['b']; }, testFn: function(){ return false; } }); var childInstance = new TestChild({ 'a': true, 'b': true }); ok(childInstance instanceof TestChild, 'New instance is instance of TestChild'); ok(childInstance instanceof TestObject, 'New instance is instance of TestObject'); ok(childInstance instanceof vjs.CoreObject, 'New instance is instance of CoreObject'); ok(childInstance['b'], 'Init options are passed to init'); ok(childInstance['a'], 'Init options are passed to super init'); ok(childInstance.testFn() === false, 'Methods can be overridden by extend'); ok(TestObject.prototype.testFn() === true, 'Prototype of parent not overridden'); }); test('should verify CoreObject create function', function(){ var TestObject = vjs.CoreObject.extend({ init: function(initOptions){ this['a'] = initOptions['a']; }, testFn: function(){ return true; } }); var instance = TestObject.create({ 'a': true }); ok(instance instanceof TestObject, 'New instance is instance of TestObject'); ok(instance instanceof vjs.CoreObject, 'New instance is instance of CoreObject'); ok(instance['a'], 'Init options are passed to init'); ok(instance.testFn(), 'Additional methods are applied to TestObject prototype'); });