#!/bin/bash # exit after any line errors set -e # exit if this is a version commit # otherwise we cause an inifite loop when package version # bumps get pushed back to master if [[ $CI_MESSAGE = v[0-9]* ]]; then echo "Version commit found. Exiting." exit 0 fi # exit if this is just a change to the build process not source if [[ $CI_MESSAGE = build:* ]]; then echo "Build commit found. Exiting." exit 0 fi echo "Install our task runner..." npm install -g contrib echo "Configure npm for publishing..." printf "_auth=$NPM_AUTH_TOKEN\nemail=$NPM_EMAIL\n" > .npmrc echo "Set git user to last committer..." git config --global user.email $CI_COMMITTER_EMAIL git config --global user.name $CI_COMMITTER_NAME echo "Setup git branches and remotes..." git remote set-branches origin stable master git fetch git remote add upstream git@github.com:videojs/video.js.git echo "Run the task..." contrib release prerelease