/* eslint-env qunit */ import extend from '../../src/js/extend.js'; QUnit.module('extend.js'); QUnit.test('should add implicit parent constructor call', function(assert) { let superCalled = false; const Parent = function() { superCalled = true; }; const Child = extend(Parent, { foo: 'bar' }); const child = new Child(); assert.ok(superCalled, 'super constructor called'); assert.ok(child.foo, 'child properties set'); }); QUnit.test('should have a super_ pointer', function(assert) { const Parent = function() {}; const Child = extend(Parent, { foo: 'bar' }); const child = new Child(); assert.ok(child.foo, 'child properties set'); assert.equal(child.constructor.super_, Parent, 'super_ is present and equal to the super class'); });