# [Video.js][vjs-website] Documentation There are two categories of docs: [Guides](guides) and [API docs][api]. Guides explain general topics and use cases (e.g. setup). API docs are automatically generated from the codebase and give specific details about functions, properties, and events. ## Table of Contents * [Resolving Issues](#resolving-issues) * [FAQ](#faq) * [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) * [Guides](#guides) * [Getting Started](#getting-started) * [Setup](#setup) * [Player Workflows](#player-workflows) * [Options](#options) * [Tracks](#tracks) * [Customizing](#customizing) * [Skins](#skins) * [Plugins](#plugins) * [Components](#components) * [Tech](#tech) * [Languages](#languages) * [Hooks](#hooks) * [API Docs](#api-docs) ## Resolving Issues ### [FAQ](guides/faq.md) The frequently asked questions for video.js. ### [Troubleshooting](guides/troubleshooting.md) Troubleshooting help for video.js. ## [Guides](guides) ### Getting Started #### [Setup](guides/setup.md) The setup guide covers all methods of setting up Video.js players. #### [Player Workflows](guides/player-workflows.md) After mastering the basics of setup move over to this guide for some more advanced player workflows. #### [Options](guides/options.md) There are a number of options that can be used to change how the player behaves, starting with the HTML5 media options like autoplay and preload, and expanding to Video.js specific options. #### [Tracks](guides/tracks.md) Tracks are used for displaying text information over a video, selecting different audio tracks for a video, or selecting different video tracks. ### Customizing #### [Skins](guides/skins.md) You can change the look of the player across playback technologies just by editing a CSS file. The skins documentation gives you a intro to how the HTML and CSS of the default skin is put together. For a list of skins you can check the [video.js wiki][skins-list]. #### [Plugins](guides/plugins.md) You can package up interesting Video.js customizations and reuse them elsewhere. Find out how to build your own plugin or [use one created by someone else][plugins-list]. #### [Components](guides/components.md) Video.js is built around a collection of components. These are the building blocks of the player UI. #### [Tech](guides/tech.md) A "tech" is the shorthand we're using to describe any video playback technology - be it HTML5 video, Flash, . Basically anything that has a unique API to audio or video. Additional playback technologies can be added relatively easily. #### [Languages](guides/languages.md) Video.js has multi-language support! Follow this guide to see how you can contribute to and use languages. #### [Hooks](guides/hooks.md) A "hook" is functionality that wants to do when videojs creates a player. Right now only `beforesetup` and `setup` are supported. See the guide for more information on that. ## [API Docs][api] You can refer to the [full list of API docs][api], but the most relevant API doc is for the [Player][api-player]. [plugins-list]: http://videojs.com/plugins [skins-list]: https://github.com/videojs/video.js/wiki/Skins [api]: http://docs.videojs.com/docs/api/index.html [api-player]: http://docs.videojs.com/docs/api/player.html [vjs-website]: http://videojs.com