/* eslint-env qunit */ import CloseButton from '../../src/js/close-button'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import TestHelpers from './test-helpers'; QUnit.module('CloseButton', { beforeEach() { this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); this.btn = new CloseButton(this.player); }, afterEach() { this.player.dispose(); this.btn.dispose(); } }); QUnit.test('should create the expected element', function(assert) { const elAssertions = TestHelpers.assertEl(assert, this.btn.el(), { tagName: 'button', classes: [ 'vjs-button', 'vjs-close-button', 'vjs-control' ] }); assert.expect(elAssertions.count + 1); elAssertions(); assert.strictEqual(this.btn.el().querySelector('.vjs-control-text').innerHTML, 'Close'); }); QUnit.test('should allow setting the controlText_ property as an option', function(assert) { const text = 'OK!'; const btn = new CloseButton(this.player, {controlText: text}); assert.expect(1); assert.strictEqual(btn.controlText_, text, 'set the controlText_ property'); }); QUnit.test('should trigger an event on activation', function(assert) { const spy = sinon.spy(); this.btn.on('close', spy); this.btn.trigger('click'); assert.expect(1); assert.strictEqual(spy.callCount, 1, 'the "close" event was triggered'); });