module('HTML5'); test('should detect whether the volume can be changed', function(){ var testVid, ConstVolumeVideo; if (!{}['__defineSetter__']) { ok(true, 'your browser does not support this test, skipping it'); return; } testVid = vjs.TEST_VID; ConstVolumeVideo = function(){ this.volume = 1; this.__defineSetter__('volume', function(){}); }; vjs.TEST_VID = new ConstVolumeVideo(); ok(!vjs.Html5.canControlVolume()); vjs.TEST_VID = testVid; }); test('should re-link the player if the tech is moved', function(){ var player, tech, el; el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML = '
'; player = { id: function(){ return 'id'; }, el: function(){ return el; }, options_: {}, options: function(){ return {}; }, controls: function(){ return false; }, usingNativeControls: function(){ return false; }, on: function(){ return this; }, ready: function(){} }; tech = new vjs.Html5(player, {}); vjs.Html5.movingMediaElementInDOM = false; tech.createEl(); strictEqual(player, tech.el()['player']); });