import TextTrackMenuItem from '../../../src/js/control-bar/text-track-controls/text-track-menu-item.js'; import TestHelpers from '../test-helpers.js'; import * as browser from '../../../src/js/utils/browser.js'; q.module('Text Track Controls', { setup() { this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); }, teardown() { this.clock.restore(); } }); const track = { kind: 'captions', label: 'test' }; test('should be displayed when text tracks list is not empty', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ tracks: [track] }); this.clock.tick(1000); ok(!player.controlBar.captionsButton.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'control is displayed'); equal(player.textTracks().length, 1, 'textTracks contains one item'); player.dispose(); }); test('should be displayed when a text track is added to an empty track list', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); player.addRemoteTextTrack(track); ok(!player.controlBar.captionsButton.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'control is displayed'); equal(player.textTracks().length, 1, 'textTracks contains one item'); player.dispose(); }); test('should not be displayed when text tracks list is empty', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); ok(player.controlBar.captionsButton.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'control is not displayed'); equal(player.textTracks().length, 0, 'textTracks is empty'); player.dispose(); }); test('should not be displayed when last text track is removed', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ tracks: [track] }); player.removeRemoteTextTrack(player.textTracks()[0]); ok(player.controlBar.captionsButton.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'control is not displayed'); equal(player.textTracks().length, 0, 'textTracks is empty'); player.dispose(); }); test('menu should contain "Settings", "Off" and one track', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ tracks: [track] }); let menuItems; this.clock.tick(1000); menuItems = player.controlBar.captionsButton.items; equal(menuItems.length, 3, 'menu contains three items'); equal(menuItems[0].track.label, 'captions settings', 'menu contains "captions settings"'); equal(menuItems[1].track.label, 'captions off', 'menu contains "captions off"'); equal(menuItems[2].track.label, 'test', 'menu contains "test" track'); player.dispose(); }); test('menu should update with addRemoteTextTrack', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ tracks: [track] }); this.clock.tick(1000); player.addRemoteTextTrack(track); equal(player.controlBar.captionsButton.items.length, 4, 'menu does contain added track'); equal(player.textTracks().length, 2, 'textTracks contains two items'); player.dispose(); }); test('menu should update with removeRemoteTextTrack', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ tracks: [track, track] }); this.clock.tick(1000); player.removeRemoteTextTrack(player.textTracks()[0]); equal(player.controlBar.captionsButton.items.length, 3, 'menu does not contain removed track'); equal(player.textTracks().length, 1, 'textTracks contains one item'); player.dispose(); }); let descriptionstrack = { kind: 'descriptions', label: 'desc' }; test('descriptions should be displayed when text tracks list is not empty', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ tracks: [descriptionstrack] }); this.clock.tick(1000); ok(!player.controlBar.descriptionsButton.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'descriptions control is displayed'); equal(player.textTracks().length, 1, 'textTracks contains one item'); player.dispose(); }); test('descriptions should be displayed when a text track is added to an empty track list', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); player.addRemoteTextTrack(descriptionstrack); ok(!player.controlBar.descriptionsButton.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'control is displayed'); equal(player.textTracks().length, 1, 'textTracks contains one item'); player.dispose(); }); test('descriptions should not be displayed when text tracks list is empty', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); ok(player.controlBar.descriptionsButton.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'control is not displayed'); equal(player.textTracks().length, 0, 'textTracks is empty'); player.dispose(); }); test('descriptions should not be displayed when last text track is removed', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ tracks: [descriptionstrack] }); player.removeRemoteTextTrack(player.textTracks()[0]); ok(player.controlBar.descriptionsButton.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'control is not displayed'); equal(player.textTracks().length, 0, 'textTracks is empty'); player.dispose(); }); test('descriptions menu should contain "Off" and one track', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ tracks: [descriptionstrack] }), menuItems; this.clock.tick(1000); menuItems = player.controlBar.descriptionsButton.items; equal(menuItems.length, 2, 'descriptions menu contains two items'); equal(menuItems[0].track.label, 'descriptions off', 'menu contains "descriptions off"'); equal(menuItems[1].track.label, 'desc', 'menu contains "desc" track'); player.dispose(); }); test('enabling a captions track should disable the descriptions menu button', function() { expect(14); let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ tracks: [track, descriptionstrack] }); this.clock.tick(1000); ok(!player.controlBar.captionsButton.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'captions control is displayed'); ok(!player.controlBar.descriptionsButton.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'descriptions control is displayed'); equal(player.textTracks().length, 2, 'textTracks contains two items'); ok(!player.controlBar.captionsButton.hasClass('vjs-disabled'), 'captions control is NOT disabled'); ok(!player.controlBar.descriptionsButton.hasClass('vjs-disabled'), 'descriptions control is NOT disabled'); for (let i = 0; i < player.textTracks().length; i++) { if (player.textTracks()[i].kind === 'descriptions') { player.textTracks()[i].mode = 'showing'; ok(player.textTracks()[i].kind === 'descriptions' && player.textTracks()[i].mode === 'showing', 'descriptions mode set to showing'); } } this.clock.tick(1000); ok(!player.controlBar.captionsButton.hasClass('vjs-disabled'), 'captions control is NOT disabled'); ok(!player.controlBar.descriptionsButton.hasClass('vjs-disabled'), 'descriptions control is NOT disabled'); for (let i = 0; i < player.textTracks().length; i++) { if (player.textTracks()[i].kind === 'captions') { player.textTracks()[i].mode = 'showing'; ok(player.textTracks()[i].kind === 'captions' && player.textTracks()[i].mode === 'showing', 'captions mode set to showing'); } } this.clock.tick(1000); ok(!player.controlBar.captionsButton.hasClass('vjs-disabled'), 'captions control is NOT disabled'); ok(player.controlBar.descriptionsButton.hasClass('vjs-disabled'), 'descriptions control IS disabled'); for (let i = 0; i < player.textTracks().length; i++) { if (player.textTracks()[i].kind === 'captions') { player.textTracks()[i].mode = 'disabled'; ok(player.textTracks()[i].kind === 'captions' && player.textTracks()[i].mode === 'disabled', 'captions mode set to disabled'); } } this.clock.tick(1000); ok(!player.controlBar.captionsButton.hasClass('vjs-disabled'), 'captions control is NOT disabled'); ok(!player.controlBar.descriptionsButton.hasClass('vjs-disabled'), 'descriptions control is NOT disabled'); player.dispose(); }); if (!browser.IS_IE8) { // This test doesn't work on IE8. // However, this test tests a specific with iOS7 where the TextTrackList doesn't report track mode changes. // TODO: figure out why this test doens't work on IE8. test('menu items should polyfill mode change events', function() { let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}); let changes; let trackMenuItem; // emulate a TextTrackList that doesn't report track mode changes, // like iOS7 player.textTracks().onchange = undefined; trackMenuItem = new TextTrackMenuItem(player, { track }); player.textTracks().on('change', function() { changes++; }); changes = 0; trackMenuItem.trigger('tap'); equal(changes, 1, 'taps trigger change events'); trackMenuItem.trigger('click'); equal(changes, 2, 'clicks trigger change events'); player.dispose(); }); }