/* eslint-env qunit */ import sinon from 'sinon'; import evented from '../../../src/js/mixins/evented'; import stateful from '../../../src/js/mixins/stateful'; import * as Obj from '../../../src/js/utils/obj'; QUnit.module('mixins: stateful'); QUnit.test('stateful() mutates an object as expected', function(assert) { const target = {}; assert.strictEqual(Object.prototype.toString.call(stateful), '[object Function]', 'the mixin is a function'); assert.strictEqual(stateful(target), target, 'returns the target object'); assert.ok(Obj.isObject(target), 'the target is still an object'); assert.ok(Obj.isPlain(target.state), 'the target has a state'); assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(target.state).length, 0, 'the target state is empty by default'); assert.strictEqual(Object.prototype.toString.call(target.setState), '[object Function]', 'the target has a setState method'); }); QUnit.test('stateful() with default state passed in', function(assert) { const target = stateful({}, {foo: 'bar'}); assert.strictEqual(target.state.foo, 'bar', 'the default properties are added to the state'); }); QUnit.test('stateful() without default state passed in', function(assert) { const target = stateful({}); assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(target.state).length, 0, 'no default properties are added to the state'); }); QUnit.test('setState() works as expected', function(assert) { const target = stateful(evented({}), {foo: 'bar', abc: 'xyz'}); const spy = sinon.spy(); target.on('statechanged', spy); const next = {foo: null, boo: 123}; const changes = target.setState(next); assert.deepEqual(changes, { foo: {from: 'bar', to: null}, boo: {from: undefined, to: 123} }, 'setState returns changes, a plain object'); assert.deepEqual(target.state, { abc: 'xyz', foo: null, boo: 123 }, 'the state was updated as expected'); assert.ok(spy.called, 'the "statechanged" event occurred'); const event = spy.firstCall.args[0]; assert.strictEqual(event.type, 'statechanged', 'the event had the expected type'); assert.strictEqual(event.changes, changes, 'the changes object is sent along with the event'); target.trigger('dispose'); }); QUnit.test('setState() without changes does not trigger the "statechanged" event', function(assert) { const target = stateful(evented({}), {foo: 'bar'}); const spy = sinon.spy(); target.on('statechanged', spy); const changes = target.setState({foo: 'bar'}); assert.strictEqual(changes, undefined, 'no changes were returned'); assert.strictEqual(spy.callCount, 0, 'no event was triggered'); target.trigger('dispose'); }); QUnit.test('handleStateChanged() is automatically bound to "statechanged" event', function(assert) { const target = evented({}); target.handleStateChanged = sinon.spy(); stateful(target, {foo: 'bar'}); const changes = target.setState({foo: true}); assert.ok(target.handleStateChanged.called, 'the "statechanged" event occurred'); const event = target.handleStateChanged.firstCall.args[0]; assert.strictEqual(event.type, 'statechanged', 'the event had the expected type'); assert.strictEqual(event.changes, changes, 'the handleStateChanged() method was called'); target.trigger('dispose'); });