import * as Dom from '../../src/js/utils/dom'; import Player from '../../src/js/player.js'; import document from 'global/document'; const TestHelpers = { makeTag() { const videoTag = document.createElement('video'); = 'example_1'; videoTag.className = 'video-js vjs-default-skin'; return videoTag; }, makePlayer(playerOptions, videoTag) { videoTag = videoTag || TestHelpers.makeTag(); const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); fixture.appendChild(videoTag); playerOptions = playerOptions || {}; playerOptions.techOrder = playerOptions.techOrder || ['techFaker']; return new Player(videoTag, playerOptions); }, getComputedStyle(el, rule) { if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(rule); } // IE8 if (el.currentStyle) { if (rule === 'width' || rule === 'height') { // return clientWidth or clientHeight instead for better accuracy rule = 'client' + rule.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + rule.substr(1); return el[rule] + 'px'; } return el.currentStyle[rule]; } }, /** * Runs a range of assertions on a DOM element. * * @param {QUnit.Assert} assert * @param {Element} el * @param {Object} spec * An object from which assertions are generated. * * @param {Object} [spec.attrs] * An object mapping attribute names (keys) to strict values. * * @param {Array} [spec.classes] * An array of classes that are expected on the element. * * @param {String} [spec.innerHTML] * A string of text/html that is expected as the content of element. * Both values will be trimmed, but remains case-sensitive. * * @param {Object} [spec.props] * An object mapping property names (keys) to strict values. * * @param {String} [spec.tagName] * A string (case-insensitive) representing that element's tagName. * * @return {Function} * Invoke the returned function to run the assertions. This * function has a `count` property which can be used to * reference how many assertions will be run (e.g. for use * with `assert.expect()`). */ assertEl(assert, el, spec) { const attrs = spec.attrs ? Object.keys(spec.attrs) : []; const classes = spec.classes || []; const innerHTML = spec.innerHTML ? spec.innerHTML.trim() : ''; const props = spec.props ? Object.keys(spec.props) : []; const tagName = spec.tagName ? spec.tagName.toLowerCase() : ''; // Return value is a function, which runs through all the combined // assertions. This is done so that the count can be attached dynamically // and run whenever desired. const run = () => { if (tagName) { const elTagName = el.tagName.toLowerCase(); const msg = `el should have been a <${tagName}> and was a <${elTagName}>`; assert.strictEqual(elTagName, tagName, msg); } if (innerHTML) { const elInnerHTML = el.innerHTML.trim(); const msg = 'el should have expected HTML content'; assert.strictEqual(elInnerHTML, innerHTML, msg); } attrs.forEach(a => { const actual = el.getAttribute(a); const expected = spec.attrs[a]; const msg = `el should have the "${a}" attribute with ` + `the value "${expected}" and it was "${actual}"`; assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, msg); }); classes.forEach(c => { const msg = `el should have the "${c}" class in its ` + `className, which is "${el.className}"`; assert.ok(Dom.hasElClass(el, c), msg); }); props.forEach(p => { const actual = el[p]; const expected = spec.props[p]; const msg = `el should have the "${p}" property with the ` + `value "${expected}" and it was "${actual}"`; assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, msg); }); }; // Include the number of assertions to run, so it can be used to set // expectations (via `assert.expect()`). run.count = Number(!!tagName) + Number(!!innerHTML) + classes.length + attrs.length + props.length; return run; } }; export default TestHelpers;