var player, tech, el; module('HTML5', { 'setup': function() { el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML = '
'; player = { id: function(){ return 'id'; }, el: function(){ return el; }, options_: {}, options: function(){ return this.options_; }, bufferedPercent: function() { return 0; }, controls: function(){ return false; }, usingNativeControls: function(){ return false; }, on: function(){ return this; }, off: function() { return this; }, ready: function(){}, addChild: function(){}, trigger: function(){} }; tech = new vjs.Html5(player, {}); }, 'teardown': function() { tech.dispose(); el = null; player = null; tech = null; } }); test('should detect whether the volume can be changed', function(){ var testVid, ConstVolumeVideo; if (!{}['__defineSetter__']) { ok(true, 'your browser does not support this test, skipping it'); return; } testVid = vjs.TEST_VID; ConstVolumeVideo = function(){ this.volume = 1; this.__defineSetter__('volume', function(){}); }; vjs.TEST_VID = new ConstVolumeVideo(); ok(!vjs.Html5.canControlVolume()); vjs.TEST_VID = testVid; }); test('should re-link the player if the tech is moved', function(){ vjs.Html5.movingMediaElementInDOM = false; tech.createEl(); strictEqual(player, tech.el()['player']); }); test('test playbackRate', function() { var playbackRate; // Android 2.3 always returns 0 for playback rate if (!vjs.Html5.canControlPlaybackRate()) { ok('Playback rate is not supported'); return; } tech.createEl(); tech.el().playbackRate = 1.25; strictEqual(tech.playbackRate(), 1.25); tech['setPlaybackRate'](0.75); strictEqual(tech.playbackRate(), 0.75); }); test('should remove the controls attribute when recreating the element', function() { var el; player.tagAttributes = { controls: true }; // force custom controls so the test environment is equivalent on iOS player.options_['nativeControlsForTouch'] = false; el = tech.createEl(); ok(!el.controls, 'controls attribute is absent'); ok(player.tagAttributes.controls, 'tag attribute is still present'); }); test('patchCanPlayType patches canplaytype with our function, conditionally', function() { // the patch runs automatically so we need to first unpatch vjs.Html5.unpatchCanPlayType(); var oldAV = vjs.ANDROID_VERSION, video = document.createElement('video'), canPlayType = vjs.TEST_VID.constructor.prototype.canPlayType, patchedCanPlayType, unpatchedCanPlayType; vjs.ANDROID_VERSION = 4.0; vjs.Html5.patchCanPlayType(); notStrictEqual(video.canPlayType, canPlayType, 'original canPlayType and patched canPlayType should not be equal'); patchedCanPlayType = video.canPlayType; unpatchedCanPlayType = vjs.Html5.unpatchCanPlayType(); strictEqual(canPlayType, vjs.TEST_VID.constructor.prototype.canPlayType, 'original canPlayType and unpatched canPlayType should be equal'); strictEqual(patchedCanPlayType, unpatchedCanPlayType, 'patched canPlayType and function returned from unpatch are equal'); vjs.ANDROID_VERSION = oldAV; vjs.Html5.unpatchCanPlayType(); }); test('should return maybe for HLS urls on Android 4.0 or above', function() { var oldAV = vjs.ANDROID_VERSION, video = document.createElement('video'); vjs.ANDROID_VERSION = 4.0; vjs.Html5.patchCanPlayType(); strictEqual(video.canPlayType('application/x-mpegurl'), 'maybe', 'android version 4.0 or above should be a maybe for x-mpegurl'); strictEqual(video.canPlayType('application/x-mpegURL'), 'maybe', 'android version 4.0 or above should be a maybe for x-mpegURL'); strictEqual(video.canPlayType('application/'), 'maybe', 'android version 4.0 or above should be a maybe for'); strictEqual(video.canPlayType('application/'), 'maybe', 'android version 4.0 or above should be a maybe for'); vjs.ANDROID_VERSION = oldAV; vjs.Html5.unpatchCanPlayType(); }); test('should return a maybe for mp4 on OLD ANDROID', function() { var isOldAndroid = vjs.IS_OLD_ANDROID, video = document.createElement('video'); vjs.IS_OLD_ANDROID = true; vjs.Html5.patchCanPlayType(); strictEqual(video.canPlayType('video/mp4'), 'maybe', 'old android should return a maybe for video/mp4'); vjs.IS_OLD_ANDROID = isOldAndroid; vjs.Html5.unpatchCanPlayType(); }); test('error events may not set the errors property', function() { equal(tech.error(), undefined, 'no tech-level error'); tech.trigger('error'); ok(true, 'no error was thrown'); }); test('should have the source handler interface', function() { ok(vjs.Html5.registerSourceHandler, 'has the registerSourceHandler function'); }); test('native source handler canHandleSource', function(){ var result; // Stub the test video canPlayType (used in canHandleSource) to control results var origCPT = vjs.TEST_VID.canPlayType; vjs.TEST_VID.canPlayType = function(type){ if (type === 'video/mp4') { return 'maybe'; } return ''; }; var canHandleSource = vjs.Html5.nativeSourceHandler.canHandleSource; equal(canHandleSource({ type: 'video/mp4', src: 'video.flv' }), 'maybe', 'Native source handler reported type support'); equal(canHandleSource({ src: '' }), 'maybe', 'Native source handler reported extension support'); equal(canHandleSource({ src: '' }), 'maybe', 'Native source handler reported extension support'); equal(canHandleSource({ src: '' }), 'maybe', 'Native source handler reported extension support'); // Test for issue videojs/video.js#1785 and other potential failures equal(canHandleSource({ src: '' }), '', 'Native source handler handled empty src'); equal(canHandleSource({}), '', 'Native source handler handled empty object'); equal(canHandleSource({ src: 'foo' }), '', 'Native source handler handled bad src'); equal(canHandleSource({ type: 'foo' }), '', 'Native source handler handled bad type'); // Reset test video canPlayType vjs.TEST_VID.canPlayType = origCPT; });