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synced 2025-01-31 11:26:45 +02:00
Squashed commit of the following: commit 81d785980d3f3e4c1025f7b421f0ecb7320469f1 Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com> Date: Mon May 12 12:53:59 2014 -0700 Removed unneeded comments commit c7ad7322e49df9cb22665692dbfe615dfa44758f Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com> Date: Fri May 9 14:29:31 2014 -0700 Addressed comments in #1191 Now clearing errors on loadstart events. Added some default error messages. commit a742239d0e799fa6a5fee056cc37b3c2e3ab4510 Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com> Date: Wed May 7 15:38:31 2014 -0700 Fixed the error display to hide by default commit 561c3f844956db6f532cae8ed81a86cc39b10db1 Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com> Date: Mon May 5 10:44:47 2014 -0700 Added support for displaying a message for the error. commit 22142078427ead85548c4755bf1943a0a07b22b4 Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com> Date: Fri May 2 17:18:22 2014 -0700 Updated spinner to hide on all errors commit 95d7e7027467cf96b14db6692d93c7c7f41c5810 Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com> Date: Fri May 2 15:37:44 2014 -0700 Exported ErrorDisplay commit 11ca9cdd8db4d1559f5d1908c4e67be32ca7a25e Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com> Date: Fri May 2 15:35:46 2014 -0700 Updated flash tech to support new errors commit 56cbe66f4233e54f13550367590864102f5de0fe Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com> Date: Fri May 2 13:06:49 2014 -0700 Started on better error handling and displaying in the UI when an error has occurred. commit 740014c57b264079cf4084965a9384b49a7c0f64 Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com> Date: Wed Apr 30 16:11:33 2014 -0700 Added better global log/error/warn functions. Added sinon.js for stubs in tests. Updated grunt version to satisfy peer dependency warning.
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// Compiler doesn't like using 'this' in setup/teardown.
// module("Player", {
// /**
// * @this {*}
// */
// setup: function(){
// window.player1 = true; // using window works
// },
// /**
// * @this {*}
// */
// teardown: function(){
// // if (this.player && this.player.el() !== null) {
// // this.player.dispose();
// // this.player = null;
// // }
// }
// });
// Object.size = function(obj) {
// var size = 0, key;
// for (key in obj) {
// console.log('key', key)
// if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
// }
// return size;
// };
test('should create player instance that inherits from component and dispose it', function(){
var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer();
ok(player.el().nodeName === 'DIV');
ok(player.on, 'component function exists');
ok(player.el() === null, 'element disposed');
test('should accept options from multiple sources and override in correct order', function(){
// For closure compiler to work, all reference to the prop have to be the same type
// As in options['attr'] or options.attr. Compiler will minimize each separately.
// Since we're using setAttribute which requires a string, we have to use the string
// version of the key for all version.
// Set a global option
vjs.options['attr'] = 1;
var tag0 = PlayerTest.makeTag();
var player0 = new vjs.Player(tag0);
ok(player0.options_['attr'] === 1, 'global option was set');
// Set a tag level option
var tag1 = PlayerTest.makeTag();
tag1.setAttribute('attr', 'asdf'); // Attributes must be set as strings
var player1 = new vjs.Player(tag1);
ok(player1.options_['attr'] === 'asdf', 'Tag options overrode global options');
// Set a tag level option
var tag2 = PlayerTest.makeTag();
tag2.setAttribute('attr', 'asdf');
var player2 = new vjs.Player(tag2, { 'attr': 'fdsa' });
ok(player2.options_['attr'] === 'fdsa', 'Init options overrode tag and global options');
test('should get tag, source, and track settings', function(){
// Partially tested in lib->getAttributeValues
var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
var html = '<video id="example_1" class="video-js" autoplay preload="none">';
html += '<source src="http://google.com" type="video/mp4">';
html += '<source src="http://google.com" type="video/webm">';
html += '<track src="http://google.com" kind="captions" attrtest>';
html += '</video>';
fixture.innerHTML += html;
var tag = document.getElementById('example_1');
var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer({}, tag);
ok(player.options_['autoplay'] === true);
ok(player.options_['preload'] === 'none'); // No extern. Use string.
ok(player.options_['id'] === 'example_1');
ok(player.options_['sources'].length === 2);
ok(player.options_['sources'][0].src === 'http://google.com');
ok(player.options_['sources'][0].type === 'video/mp4');
ok(player.options_['sources'][1].type === 'video/webm');
ok(player.options_['tracks'].length === 1);
ok(player.options_['tracks'][0]['kind'] === 'captions'); // No extern
ok(player.options_['tracks'][0]['attrtest'] === '');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('video-js') !== -1, 'transferred class from tag to player div');
ok(player.el().id === 'example_1', 'transferred id from tag to player div');
ok(vjs.players[player.id()] === player, 'player referenceable from global list');
ok(tag.id !== player.id, 'tag ID no longer is the same as player ID');
ok(tag.className !== player.el().className, 'tag classname updated');
ok(tag['player'] !== player, 'tag player ref killed');
ok(!vjs.players['example_1'], 'global player ref killed');
ok(player.el() === null, 'player el killed');
test('should set the width and height of the player', function(){
var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer({ width: 123, height: '100%' });
ok(player.width() === 123);
ok(player.el().style.width === '123px');
var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
var container = document.createElement('div');
// Player container needs to have height in order to have height
// Don't want to mess with the fixture itself
container.style.height = '1000px';
ok(player.height() === 1000);
test('should not force width and height', function() {
var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer({ width: 'auto', height: 'auto' });
ok(player.el().style.width === '', 'Width is not forced');
ok(player.el().style.height === '', 'Height is not forced');
test('should wrap the original tag in the player div', function(){
var tag = PlayerTest.makeTag();
var container = document.createElement('div');
var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
var player = new vjs.Player(tag);
var el = player.el();
ok(el.parentNode === container, 'player placed at same level as tag');
// Tag may be placed inside the player element or it may be removed from the DOM
ok(tag.parentNode !== container, 'tag removed from original place');
test('should set and update the poster value', function(){
var tag, poster, updatedPoster, player;
poster = 'http://example.com/poster.jpg';
updatedPoster = 'http://example.com/updated-poster.jpg';
tag = PlayerTest.makeTag();
tag.setAttribute('poster', poster);
player = PlayerTest.makePlayer({}, tag);
equal(player.poster(), poster, 'the poster property should equal the tag attribute');
var pcEmitted = false;
player.on('posterchange', function(){
pcEmitted = true;
ok(pcEmitted, 'posterchange event was emitted');
equal(player.poster(), updatedPoster, 'the updated poster is returned');
test('should load a media controller', function(){
var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer({
preload: 'none',
sources: [
{ src: 'http://google.com', type: 'video/mp4' },
{ src: 'http://google.com', type: 'video/webm' }
ok(player.el().children[0].className.indexOf('vjs-tech') !== -1, 'media controller loaded');
test('should be able to initialize player twice on the same tag using string reference', function() {
var videoTag = PlayerTest.makeTag();
var id = videoTag.id;
var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
var player = vjs(videoTag.id);
ok(player, 'player is created');
ok(!document.getElementById(id), 'element is removed');
videoTag = PlayerTest.makeTag();
//here we receive cached version instead of real
player = vjs(videoTag.id);
//here it triggers error, because player was destroyed already after first dispose
test('should set controls and trigger events', function() {
var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer({ 'controls': false });
ok(player.controls() === false, 'controls set through options');
var hasDisabledClass = player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-controls-disabled');
ok(hasDisabledClass !== -1, 'Disabled class added to player');
ok(player.controls() === true, 'controls updated');
var hasEnabledClass = player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-controls-enabled');
ok(hasEnabledClass !== -1, 'Disabled class added to player');
player.on('controlsenabled', function(){
ok(true, 'enabled fired once');
player.on('controlsdisabled', function(){
ok(true, 'disabled fired once');
// Check for unnecessary events
// Can't figure out how to test fullscreen events with tests
// Browsers aren't triggering the events at least
// asyncTest('should trigger the fullscreenchange event', function() {
// expect(3);
// var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer();
// player.on('fullscreenchange', function(){
// ok(true, 'fullscreenchange event fired');
// ok(this.isFullScreen() === true, 'isFullScreen is true');
// ok(this.el().className.indexOf('vjs-fullscreen') !== -1, 'vjs-fullscreen class added');
// player.dispose();
// start();
// });
// player.requestFullScreen();
// });
test('should toggle user the user state between active and inactive', function(){
var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer({});
ok(player.userActive(), 'User should be active at player init');
player.on('userinactive', function(){
ok(true, 'userinactive event triggered');
player.on('useractive', function(){
ok(true, 'useractive event triggered');
ok(player.userActive() === false, 'Player state changed to inactive');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-user-active') === -1, 'Active class removed');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-user-inactive') !== -1, 'Inactive class added');
ok(player.userActive() === true, 'Player state changed to active');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-user-inactive') === -1, 'Inactive class removed');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-user-active') !== -1, 'Active class added');
test('should add a touch-enabled classname when touch is supported', function(){
var player;
// Fake touch support. Real touch support isn't needed for this test.
var origTouch = vjs.TOUCH_ENABLED;
vjs.TOUCH_ENABLED = true;
player = PlayerTest.makePlayer({});
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-touch-enabled'), 'touch-enabled classname added');
vjs.TOUCH_ENABLED = origTouch;
test('should allow for tracking when native controls are used', function(){
var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer({});
// Make sure native controls is false before starting test
player.on('usingnativecontrols', function(){
ok(true, 'usingnativecontrols event triggered');
player.on('usingcustomcontrols', function(){
ok(true, 'usingcustomcontrols event triggered');
ok(player.usingNativeControls() === true, 'Using native controls is true');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-using-native-controls') !== -1, 'Native controls class added');
ok(player.usingNativeControls() === false, 'Using native controls is false');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-using-native-controls') === -1, 'Native controls class removed');
// test('should use custom message when encountering an unsupported video type',
// function() {
// videojs.options['notSupportedMessage'] = 'Video no go <a href="">link</a>';
// var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
// var html =
// '<video id="example_1">' +
// '<source src="fake.foo" type="video/foo">' +
// '</video>';
// fixture.innerHTML += html;
// var tag = document.getElementById('example_1');
// var player = new vjs.Player(tag);
// var incompatibilityMessage = player.el().getElementsByTagName('p')[0];
// // ie8 capitalizes tag names
// equal(incompatibilityMessage.innerHTML.toLowerCase(), 'video no go <a href="">link</a>');
// player.dispose();
// });
test('should register players with generated ids', function(){
var fixture, video, player, id;
fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
video = document.createElement('video');
video.className = 'vjs-default-skin video-js';
player = new vjs.Player(video);
id = player.el().id;
equal(player.el().id, player.id(), 'the player and element ids are equal');
ok(vjs.players[id], 'the generated id is registered');
test('should not add multiple first play events despite subsequent loads', function() {
var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer({});
player.on('firstplay', function(){
ok('First play should fire once.');
// Checking to make sure onLoadStart removes first play listener before adding a new one.
test('should remove vjs-has-started class', function(){
var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer({});
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-has-started') !== -1, 'vjs-has-started class added');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-has-started') === -1, 'vjs-has-started class removed');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-has-started') !== -1, 'vjs-has-started class added again');
test('player should handle different error types', function(){
var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer({});
var testMsg = 'test message';
// prevent error log messages in the console
sinon.stub(vjs.log, 'error');
// error code supplied
function errCode(){
equal(player.error().code, 1, 'error code is correct');
player.on('error', errCode);
player.off('error', errCode);
// error instance supplied
function errInst(){
equal(player.error().code, 2, 'MediaError code is correct');
equal(player.error().message, testMsg, 'MediaError message is correct');
player.on('error', errInst);
player.error(new vjs.MediaError({ code: 2, message: testMsg }));
player.off('error', errInst);
// error message supplied
function errMsg(){
equal(player.error().code, 0, 'error message code is correct');
equal(player.error().message, testMsg, 'error message is correct');
player.on('error', errMsg);
player.off('error', errMsg);
// error config supplied
function errConfig(){
equal(player.error().code, 3, 'error config code is correct');
equal(player.error().message, testMsg, 'error config message is correct');
player.on('error', errConfig);
player.error({ code: 3, message: testMsg });
player.off('error', errConfig);
// check for vjs-error classname
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-error') >= 0, 'player does not have vjs-error classname');
// restore error logging