mirror of https://github.com/videojs/video.js.git synced 2024-12-16 11:37:29 +02:00
David LaPalomento 29668ec45b Fix issue with fractional computed dimensions on Chrome
Chrome 29 on OS X (at least) seems to report fractional dimensions occasionally when integer values are assigned. For example, '123px' might be translated to '123.999998458px'. Parse the value and round it to ignore this slight discrepancy.
2013-08-23 14:16:53 -04:00

227 lines
7.8 KiB

test('should create an element', function(){
var div = vjs.createEl();
var span = vjs.createEl('span', { 'data-test': 'asdf', innerHTML:'fdsa' });
ok(div.nodeName === 'DIV');
ok(span.nodeName === 'SPAN');
ok(span['data-test'] === 'asdf');
ok(span.innerHTML === 'fdsa');
test('should make a string start with an uppercase letter', function(){
var foo = vjs.capitalize('bar');
ok(foo === 'Bar');
test('should loop through each property on an object', function(){
var asdf = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
'c': 3
// Add 3 to each value
vjs.obj.each(asdf, function(key, value){
asdf[key] = value + 3;
test('should copy an object', function(){
var asdf = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
'c': 3
var fdsa = vjs.obj.copy(asdf);
test('should check if an object is plain', function(){
var empty = {};
ok(vjs.obj.isPlain(empty) === true, 'Empty object is plain');
var node = document.createElement('div');
ok(vjs.obj.isPlain(node) === false, 'DOM node is not plain');
var fn = function(){};
ok(vjs.obj.isPlain(fn) === false, 'Function is not plain');
test('should add context to a function', function(){
var newContext = { test: 'obj'};
var asdf = function(){
ok(this === newContext);
var fdsa = vjs.bind(newContext, asdf);
test('should add and remove a class name on an element', function(){
var el = document.createElement('div');
vjs.addClass(el, 'test-class');
ok(el.className === 'test-class', 'class added');
vjs.addClass(el, 'test-class');
ok(el.className === 'test-class', 'same class not duplicated');
vjs.addClass(el, 'test-class2');
ok(el.className === 'test-class test-class2', 'added second class');
vjs.removeClass(el, 'test-class');
ok(el.className === 'test-class2', 'removed first class');
test('should get and remove data from an element', function(){
var el = document.createElement('div');
var data = vjs.getData(el);
var id = el[vjs.expando];
ok(typeof data === 'object', 'data object created');
// Add data
var testData = { asdf: 'fdsa' };
data.test = testData;
ok(vjs.getData(el).test === testData, 'data added');
// Remove all data
ok(!vjs.cache[id], 'cached item nulled');
ok(el[vjs.expando] === null || el[vjs.expando] === undefined, 'element data id removed');
test('should read tag attributes from elements, including HTML5 in all browsers', function(){
var tags = '<video id="vid1" controls autoplay loop muted preload="none" src="http://google.com" poster="http://www2.videojs.com/img/video-js-html5-video-player.png" data-test="asdf" data-empty-string=""></video>';
tags += '<video id="vid2">';
// Not putting source and track inside video element because
// oldIE needs the HTML5 shim to read tags inside HTML5 tags.
// Still may not work in oldIE.
tags += '<source id="source" src="http://google.com" type="video/mp4" media="fdsa" title="test" >';
tags += '<track id="track" default src="http://google.com" kind="captions" srclang="en" label="testlabel" title="test" >';
tags += '</video>';
document.getElementById('qunit-fixture').innerHTML += tags;
var vid1Vals = vjs.getAttributeValues(document.getElementById('vid1'));
var vid2Vals = vjs.getAttributeValues(document.getElementById('vid2'));
var sourceVals = vjs.getAttributeValues(document.getElementById('source'));
var trackVals = vjs.getAttributeValues(document.getElementById('track'));
deepEqual(vid1Vals, { 'autoplay': true, 'controls': true, 'data-test': 'asdf', 'data-empty-string': '', 'id': 'vid1', 'loop': true, 'muted': true, 'poster': 'http://www2.videojs.com/img/video-js-html5-video-player.png', 'preload': 'none', 'src': 'http://google.com' });
deepEqual(vid2Vals, { 'id': 'vid2' });
deepEqual(sourceVals, {'title': 'test', 'media': 'fdsa', 'type': 'video/mp4', 'src': 'http://google.com', 'id': 'source' });
deepEqual(trackVals, { 'default': true, /* IE no likey default key */ 'id': 'track', 'kind': 'captions', 'label': 'testlabel', 'src': 'http://google.com', 'srclang': 'en', 'title': 'test' });
test('should get the right style values for an element', function(){
var el = document.createElement('div');
var container = document.createElement('div');
var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
container.style.width = '1000px';
container.style.height = '1000px';
el.style.height = '100%';
el.style.width = '123px';
// integer px values may get translated int very-close floats in Chrome/OS X
// so round the dimensions to ignore this
equal(Math.round(parseFloat(vjs.getComputedDimension(el, 'height'))), 1000, 'the computed height is equal');
equal(Math.round(parseFloat(vjs.getComputedDimension(el, 'width'))), 123, 'the computed width is equal');
test('should insert an element first in another', function(){
var el1 = document.createElement('div');
var el2 = document.createElement('div');
var parent = document.createElement('div');
vjs.insertFirst(el1, parent);
ok(parent.firstChild === el1, 'inserts first into empty parent');
vjs.insertFirst(el2, parent);
ok(parent.firstChild === el2, 'inserts first into parent with child');
test('should return the element with the ID', function(){
var el1 = document.createElement('div');
var el2 = document.createElement('div');
var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
el1.id = 'test_id1';
el2.id = 'test_id2';
ok(vjs.el('test_id1') === el1, 'found element for ID');
ok(vjs.el('#test_id2') === el2, 'found element for CSS ID');
test('should trim whitespace from a string', function(){
ok(vjs.trim(' asdf asdf asdf \t\n\r') === 'asdf asdf asdf');
test('should round a number', function(){
ok(vjs.round(1.01) === 1);
ok(vjs.round(1.5) === 2);
ok(vjs.round(1.55, 2) === 1.55);
ok(vjs.round(10.551, 2) === 10.55);
test('should format time as a string', function(){
ok(vjs.formatTime(1) === '0:01');
ok(vjs.formatTime(10) === '0:10');
ok(vjs.formatTime(60) === '1:00');
ok(vjs.formatTime(600) === '10:00');
ok(vjs.formatTime(3600) === '1:00:00');
ok(vjs.formatTime(36000) === '10:00:00');
ok(vjs.formatTime(360000) === '100:00:00');
// Using guide should provide extra leading zeros
ok(vjs.formatTime(1,1) === '0:01');
ok(vjs.formatTime(1,10) === '0:01');
ok(vjs.formatTime(1,60) === '0:01');
ok(vjs.formatTime(1,600) === '00:01');
ok(vjs.formatTime(1,3600) === '0:00:01');
// Don't do extra leading zeros for hours
ok(vjs.formatTime(1,36000) === '0:00:01');
ok(vjs.formatTime(1,360000) === '0:00:01');
test('should create a fake timerange', function(){
var tr = vjs.createTimeRange(0, 10);
ok(tr.start() === 0);
ok(tr.end() === 10);
test('should get an absolute URL', function(){
// Errors on compiled tests that don't use unit.html. Need a better solution.
// ok(vjs.getAbsoluteURL('unit.html') === window.location.href);
ok(vjs.getAbsoluteURL('http://asdf.com') === 'http://asdf.com');
ok(vjs.getAbsoluteURL('https://asdf.com/index.html') === 'https://asdf.com/index.html');
test('vjs.findPosition should find top and left position', function() {
var d = document.createElement('div'),
position = vjs.findPosition(d);
d.style.top = '10px';
d.style.left = '20px';
d.style.position = 'absolute';
deepEqual(position, {left: 0, top: 0}, 'If element isn\'t in the DOM, we should get zeros');
position = vjs.findPosition(d);
deepEqual(position, {left: 20, top: 10}, 'The position was not correct');
d.getBoundingClientRect = null;
position = vjs.findPosition(d);
deepEqual(position, {left: 0, top: 0}, 'If there is no gBCR, we should get zeros');