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synced 2024-11-24 08:42:25 +02:00
Preparing to export utility functions on the videojs object closes #2182 Change el() to getEl() for consistency Cleaned up DOM functions library Clean up and document videojs object API Fixed mergeOptions to modify the first object instead of a copy More cleanup of the main video.js file and documentation Fixed issues with mergeOptions Cleaned up the addLanguage function Removed unnecessary underscores in private module vars
794 lines
25 KiB
794 lines
25 KiB
import Player from '../../src/js/player.js';
import videojs from '../../src/js/video.js';
import globalOptions from '../../src/js/global-options.js';
import * as Dom from '../../src/js/utils/dom.js';
import * as browser from '../../src/js/utils/browser.js';
import log from '../../src/js/utils/log.js';
import MediaError from '../../src/js/media-error.js';
import Html5 from '../../src/js/tech/html5.js';
import TestHelpers from './test-helpers.js';
import document from 'global/document';
import css from 'css';
q.module('Player', {
'setup': function() {
this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
'teardown': function() {
// Compiler doesn't like using 'this' in setup/teardown.
// module("Player", {
// /**
// * @this {*}
// */
// setup: function(){
// window.player1 = true; // using window works
// },
// /**
// * @this {*}
// */
// teardown: function(){
// // if (this.player && this.player.el() !== null) {
// // this.player.dispose();
// // this.player = null;
// // }
// }
// });
// Object.size = function(obj) {
// var size = 0, key;
// for (key in obj) {
// console.log('key', key)
// if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
// }
// return size;
// };
test('should create player instance that inherits from component and dispose it', function(){
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer();
ok(player.el().nodeName === 'DIV');
ok(player.on, 'component function exists');
ok(player.el() === null, 'element disposed');
test('should accept options from multiple sources and override in correct order', function(){
// For closure compiler to work, all reference to the prop have to be the same type
// As in options['attr'] or options.attr. Compiler will minimize each separately.
// Since we're using setAttribute which requires a string, we have to use the string
// version of the key for all version.
// Set a global option
globalOptions['attr'] = 1;
var tag0 = TestHelpers.makeTag();
var player0 = new Player(tag0);
ok(player0.options_['attr'] === 1, 'global option was set');
// Set a tag level option
var tag1 = TestHelpers.makeTag();
tag1.setAttribute('attr', 'asdf'); // Attributes must be set as strings
var player1 = new Player(tag1);
ok(player1.options_['attr'] === 'asdf', 'Tag options overrode global options');
// Set a tag level option
var tag2 = TestHelpers.makeTag();
tag2.setAttribute('attr', 'asdf');
var player2 = new Player(tag2, { 'attr': 'fdsa' });
ok(player2.options_['attr'] === 'fdsa', 'Init options overrode tag and global options');
test('should get tag, source, and track settings', function(){
// Partially tested in lib->getElAttributes
var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
var html = '<video id="example_1" class="video-js" autoplay preload="none">';
html += '<source src="http://google.com" type="video/mp4">';
html += '<source src="http://google.com" type="video/webm">';
html += '<track kind="captions" attrtest>';
html += '</video>';
fixture.innerHTML += html;
var tag = document.getElementById('example_1');
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag);
ok(player.options_['autoplay'] === true);
ok(player.options_['preload'] === 'none'); // No extern. Use string.
ok(player.options_['id'] === 'example_1');
ok(player.options_['sources'].length === 2);
ok(player.options_['sources'][0].src === 'http://google.com');
ok(player.options_['sources'][0].type === 'video/mp4');
ok(player.options_['sources'][1].type === 'video/webm');
ok(player.options_['tracks'].length === 1);
ok(player.options_['tracks'][0]['kind'] === 'captions'); // No extern
ok(player.options_['tracks'][0]['attrtest'] === '');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('video-js') !== -1, 'transferred class from tag to player div');
ok(player.el().id === 'example_1', 'transferred id from tag to player div');
ok(Player.players[player.id()] === player, 'player referenceable from global list');
ok(tag.id !== player.id, 'tag ID no longer is the same as player ID');
ok(tag.className !== player.el().className, 'tag classname updated');
ok(tag['player'] !== player, 'tag player ref killed');
ok(!Player.players['example_1'], 'global player ref killed');
ok(player.el() === null, 'player el killed');
test('should asynchronously fire error events during source selection', function() {
sinon.stub(log, 'error');
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({
'techOrder': ['foo'],
'sources': [
{ 'src': 'http://vjs.zencdn.net/v/oceans.mp4', 'type': 'video/mp4' }
ok(player.options_['techOrder'][0] === 'foo', 'Foo listed as the only tech');
player.on('error', function(e) {
ok(player.error().code === 4, 'Source could not be played error thrown');
test('should set the width, height, and aspect ratio via a css class', function(){
let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer();
let getStyleText = function(styleEl){
return (styleEl.styleSheet && styleEl.styleSheet.cssText) || styleEl.innerHTML;
ok(player.styleEl_.parentNode === player.el(), 'player has a style element');
ok(!getStyleText(player.styleEl_), 'style element should be empty when the player is given no dimensions');
let rules;
function getStyleRules(){
const styleText = getStyleText(player.styleEl_);
const cssAST = css.parse(styleText);
const styleRules = {};
let selector = ruleAST.selectors.join(' ');
styleRules[selector] = {};
let rule = styleRules[selector];
rule[dec.property] = dec.value;
return styleRules;
// Set only the width
rules = getStyleRules();
equal(rules['.example_1-dimensions'].width, '100px', 'style width should equal the supplied width in pixels');
equal(rules['.example_1-dimensions'].height, '56.25px', 'style height should match the default aspect ratio of the width');
// Set the height
rules = getStyleRules();
equal(rules['.example_1-dimensions'].height, '200px', 'style height should match the supplied height in pixels');
// Reset the width and height to defaults
rules = getStyleRules();
equal(rules['.example_1-dimensions'].width, '300px', 'supplying an empty string should reset the width');
equal(rules['.example_1-dimensions'].height, '168.75px', 'supplying an empty string should reset the height');
// Switch to fluid mode
rules = getStyleRules();
ok(player.hasClass('vjs-fluid'), 'the vjs-fluid class should be added to the player');
equal(rules['.example_1-dimensions.vjs-fluid']['padding-top'], '56.25%', 'fluid aspect ratio should match the default aspect ratio');
// Change the aspect ratio
rules = getStyleRules();
equal(rules['.example_1-dimensions.vjs-fluid']['padding-top'], '25%', 'aspect ratio percent should match the newly set aspect ratio');
test('should wrap the original tag in the player div', function(){
var tag = TestHelpers.makeTag();
var container = document.createElement('div');
var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
var player = new Player(tag);
var el = player.el();
ok(el.parentNode === container, 'player placed at same level as tag');
// Tag may be placed inside the player element or it may be removed from the DOM
ok(tag.parentNode !== container, 'tag removed from original place');
test('should set and update the poster value', function(){
var tag, poster, updatedPoster, player;
poster = 'http://example.com/poster.jpg';
updatedPoster = 'http://example.com/updated-poster.jpg';
tag = TestHelpers.makeTag();
tag.setAttribute('poster', poster);
player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag);
equal(player.poster(), poster, 'the poster property should equal the tag attribute');
var pcEmitted = false;
player.on('posterchange', function(){
pcEmitted = true;
ok(pcEmitted, 'posterchange event was emitted');
equal(player.poster(), updatedPoster, 'the updated poster is returned');
// hasStarted() is equivalent to the "show poster flag" in the
// standard, for the purpose of displaying the poster image
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#dom-media-play
test('should hide the poster when play is called', function() {
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({
poster: 'https://example.com/poster.jpg'
equal(player.hasStarted(), false, 'the show poster flag is true before play');
equal(player.hasStarted(), true, 'the show poster flag is false after play');
'the resource selection algorithm sets the show poster flag to true');
equal(player.hasStarted(), true, 'the show poster flag is false after play');
test('should load a media controller', function(){
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({
preload: 'none',
sources: [
{ src: 'http://google.com', type: 'video/mp4' },
{ src: 'http://google.com', type: 'video/webm' }
ok(player.el().children[0].className.indexOf('vjs-tech') !== -1, 'media controller loaded');
test('should be able to initialize player twice on the same tag using string reference', function() {
var videoTag = TestHelpers.makeTag();
var id = videoTag.id;
var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
var player = videojs(videoTag.id);
ok(player, 'player is created');
ok(!document.getElementById(id), 'element is removed');
videoTag = TestHelpers.makeTag();
//here we receive cached version instead of real
player = videojs(videoTag.id);
//here it triggers error, because player was destroyed already after first dispose
test('should set controls and trigger events', function() {
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ 'controls': false });
ok(player.controls() === false, 'controls set through options');
var hasDisabledClass = player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-controls-disabled');
ok(hasDisabledClass !== -1, 'Disabled class added to player');
ok(player.controls() === true, 'controls updated');
var hasEnabledClass = player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-controls-enabled');
ok(hasEnabledClass !== -1, 'Disabled class added to player');
player.on('controlsenabled', function(){
ok(true, 'enabled fired once');
player.on('controlsdisabled', function(){
ok(true, 'disabled fired once');
// Check for unnecessary events
// Can't figure out how to test fullscreen events with tests
// Browsers aren't triggering the events at least
// asyncTest('should trigger the fullscreenchange event', function() {
// expect(3);
// var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer();
// player.on('fullscreenchange', function(){
// ok(true, 'fullscreenchange event fired');
// ok(this.isFullscreen() === true, 'isFullscreen is true');
// ok(this.el().className.indexOf('vjs-fullscreen') !== -1, 'vjs-fullscreen class added');
// player.dispose();
// start();
// });
// player.requestFullscreen();
// });
test('should toggle user the user state between active and inactive', function(){
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({});
ok(player.userActive(), 'User should be active at player init');
player.on('userinactive', function(){
ok(true, 'userinactive event triggered');
player.on('useractive', function(){
ok(true, 'useractive event triggered');
ok(player.userActive() === false, 'Player state changed to inactive');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-user-active') === -1, 'Active class removed');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-user-inactive') !== -1, 'Inactive class added');
ok(player.userActive() === true, 'Player state changed to active');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-user-inactive') === -1, 'Inactive class removed');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-user-active') !== -1, 'Active class added');
test('should add a touch-enabled classname when touch is supported', function(){
var player;
// Fake touch support. Real touch support isn't needed for this test.
var origTouch = browser.TOUCH_ENABLED;
browser.TOUCH_ENABLED = true;
player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({});
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-touch-enabled'), 'touch-enabled classname added');
browser.TOUCH_ENABLED = origTouch;
test('should allow for tracking when native controls are used', function(){
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({});
// Make sure native controls is false before starting test
player.on('usingnativecontrols', function(){
ok(true, 'usingnativecontrols event triggered');
player.on('usingcustomcontrols', function(){
ok(true, 'usingcustomcontrols event triggered');
ok(player.usingNativeControls() === true, 'Using native controls is true');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-using-native-controls') !== -1, 'Native controls class added');
ok(player.usingNativeControls() === false, 'Using native controls is false');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-using-native-controls') === -1, 'Native controls class removed');
// test('should use custom message when encountering an unsupported video type',
// function() {
// videojs.options['notSupportedMessage'] = 'Video no go <a href="">link</a>';
// var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
// var html =
// '<video id="example_1">' +
// '<source src="fake.foo" type="video/foo">' +
// '</video>';
// fixture.innerHTML += html;
// var tag = document.getElementById('example_1');
// var player = new Player(tag);
// var incompatibilityMessage = player.el().getElementsByTagName('p')[0];
// // ie8 capitalizes tag names
// equal(incompatibilityMessage.innerHTML.toLowerCase(), 'video no go <a href="">link</a>');
// player.dispose();
// });
test('should register players with generated ids', function(){
var fixture, video, player, id;
fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
video = document.createElement('video');
video.className = 'vjs-default-skin video-js';
player = new Player(video);
id = player.el().id;
equal(player.el().id, player.id(), 'the player and element ids are equal');
ok(Player.players[id], 'the generated id is registered');
test('should not add multiple first play events despite subsequent loads', function() {
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({});
player.on('firstplay', function(){
ok(true, 'First play should fire once.');
// Checking to make sure onLoadStart removes first play listener before adding a new one.
test('should fire firstplay after resetting the player', function() {
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({});
var fpFired = false;
player.on('firstplay', function(){
fpFired = true;
// init firstplay listeners
ok(fpFired, 'First firstplay fired');
// reset the player
fpFired = false;
ok(fpFired, 'Second firstplay fired');
// the play event can fire before the loadstart event.
// in that case we still want the firstplay even to fire.
player.tech.paused = function(){ return false; };
fpFired = false;
// reset the player
// player.tech.trigger('play');
ok(fpFired, 'Third firstplay fired');
test('should remove vjs-has-started class', function(){
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({});
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-has-started') !== -1, 'vjs-has-started class added');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-has-started') === -1, 'vjs-has-started class removed');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-has-started') !== -1, 'vjs-has-started class added again');
test('should add and remove vjs-ended class', function() {
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({});
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-ended') !== -1, 'vjs-ended class added');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-ended') === -1, 'vjs-ended class removed');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-ended') !== -1, 'vjs-ended class re-added');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-ended') === -1, 'vjs-ended class removed');
test('player should handle different error types', function(){
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({});
var testMsg = 'test message';
// prevent error log messages in the console
sinon.stub(log, 'error');
// error code supplied
function errCode(){
equal(player.error().code, 1, 'error code is correct');
player.on('error', errCode);
player.off('error', errCode);
// error instance supplied
function errInst(){
equal(player.error().code, 2, 'MediaError code is correct');
equal(player.error().message, testMsg, 'MediaError message is correct');
player.on('error', errInst);
player.error(new MediaError({ code: 2, message: testMsg }));
player.off('error', errInst);
// error message supplied
function errMsg(){
equal(player.error().code, 0, 'error message code is correct');
equal(player.error().message, testMsg, 'error message is correct');
player.on('error', errMsg);
player.off('error', errMsg);
// error config supplied
function errConfig(){
equal(player.error().code, 3, 'error config code is correct');
equal(player.error().message, testMsg, 'error config message is correct');
player.on('error', errConfig);
player.error({ code: 3, message: testMsg });
player.off('error', errConfig);
// check for vjs-error classname
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('vjs-error') >= 0, 'player does not have vjs-error classname');
// restore error logging
test('Data attributes on the video element should persist in the new wrapper element', function() {
var dataId, tag, player;
dataId = 123;
tag = TestHelpers.makeTag();
tag.setAttribute('data-id', dataId);
player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, tag);
equal(player.el().getAttribute('data-id'), dataId, 'data-id should be available on the new player element after creation');
test('should restore attributes from the original video tag when creating a new element', function(){
var tag, html5Mock, el;
// simulate attributes stored from the original tag
tag = Dom.createEl('video');
tag.setAttribute('preload', 'auto');
tag.setAttribute('autoplay', '');
tag.setAttribute('webkit-playsinline', '');
html5Mock = { options_: { tag: tag } };
// set options that should override tag attributes
html5Mock.options_.preload = 'none';
// create the element
el = Html5.prototype.createEl.call(html5Mock);
equal(el.getAttribute('preload'), 'none', 'attribute was successful overridden by an option');
equal(el.getAttribute('autoplay'), '', 'autoplay attribute was set properly');
equal(el.getAttribute('webkit-playsinline'), '', 'webkit-playsinline attribute was set properly');
test('should honor default inactivity timeout', function() {
var player;
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
// default timeout is 2000ms
player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({});
equal(player.userActive(), true, 'User is active on creation');
equal(player.userActive(), true, 'User is still active');
equal(player.userActive(), false, 'User is inactive after timeout expired');
test('should honor configured inactivity timeout', function() {
var player;
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
// default timeout is 2000ms, set to shorter 200ms
player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({
'inactivityTimeout': 200
equal(player.userActive(), true, 'User is active on creation');
equal(player.userActive(), true, 'User is still active');
// make sure user is now inactive after 500ms
equal(player.userActive(), false, 'User is inactive after timeout expired');
test('should honor disabled inactivity timeout', function() {
var player;
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
// default timeout is 2000ms, disable by setting to zero
player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({
'inactivityTimeout': 0
equal(player.userActive(), true, 'User is active on creation');
equal(player.userActive(), true, 'User is still active');
test('should clear pending errors on disposal', function() {
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(), player;
player = TestHelpers.makePlayer();
src: 'http://example.com/movie.unsupported-format',
type: 'video/unsupported-format'
try {
} catch (e) {
return ok(!e, 'threw an error: ' + e.message);
ok(true, 'did not throw an error after disposal');
test('pause is called when player ended event is fired and player is not paused', function() {
var video = document.createElement('video'),
player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, video),
pauses = 0;
player.paused = function() {
return false;
player.pause = function() {
equal(pauses, 1, 'pause was called');
test('pause is not called if the player is paused and ended is fired', function() {
var video = document.createElement('video'),
player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, video),
pauses = 0;
player.paused = function() {
return true;
player.pause = function() {
equal(pauses, 0, 'pause was not called when ended fired');
test('should add an audio class if an audio el is used', function() {
var audio = document.createElement('audio'),
player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({}, audio),
audioClass = 'vjs-audio';
ok(player.el().className.indexOf(audioClass) !== -1, 'added '+ audioClass +' css class');
test('should not be scrubbing while not seeking', function(){
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer();
equal(player.scrubbing(), false, 'player is not scrubbing');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('scrubbing') === -1, 'scrubbing class is not present');
equal(player.scrubbing(), false, 'player is not scrubbing');
test('should be scrubbing while seeking', function(){
var player = TestHelpers.makePlayer();
equal(player.scrubbing(), true, 'player is scrubbing');
ok(player.el().className.indexOf('scrubbing') !== -1, 'scrubbing class is present');
test('should throw on startup no techs are specified', function() {
const techOrder = globalOptions.techOrder;
globalOptions.techOrder = null;
q.throws(function() {
}, 'a falsey techOrder should throw');
globalOptions.techOrder = techOrder;
test('should have a sensible toJSON that is equivalent to player.options', function() {
const playerOptions = {
html5: {
nativeTextTracks: false
const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(playerOptions);
deepEqual(player.toJSON(), player.options(), 'simple player options toJSON produces output equivalent to player.options()');
const playerOptions2 = {
tracks: [{
label: 'English',
srclang: 'en',
src: '../docs/examples/shared/example-captions.vtt',
kind: 'captions'
const player2 = TestHelpers.makePlayer(playerOptions2);
playerOptions2.tracks[0].player = player2;
const popts = player2.options();
popts.tracks[0].player = undefined;
deepEqual(player2.toJSON(), popts, 'no circular references');