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synced 2025-01-10 23:30:03 +02:00
388 lines
9.2 KiB
388 lines
9.2 KiB
import window from 'global/window';
import EventTarget from '../../../src/js/event-target.js';
import TrackBaseline from './track-baseline';
import TechFaker from '../tech/tech-faker';
import TextTrack from '../../../src/js/tracks/text-track.js';
import TestHelpers from '../test-helpers.js';
import log from '../../../src/js/utils/log.js';
import proxyquireify from 'proxyquireify';
const proxyquire = proxyquireify(require);
const defaultTech = {
textTracks() {},
on() {},
off() {},
currentTime() {}
q.module('Text Track');
// do baseline track testing
TrackBaseline(TextTrack, {
id: '1',
kind: 'subtitles',
mode: 'disabled',
label: 'English',
language: 'en',
tech: defaultTech
test('requires a tech', function() {
let error = new Error('A tech was not provided.');
q.throws(() => new TextTrack({}), error, 'a tech is required');
q.throws(() => new TextTrack({tech: null}), error, 'a tech is required');
test('can create a TextTrack with a mode property', function() {
let mode = 'disabled';
let tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech
equal(tt.mode, mode, 'we have a mode');
test('defaults when items not provided', function() {
let tt = new TextTrack({
tech: TechFaker
equal(tt.kind, 'subtitles', 'kind defaulted to subtitles');
equal(tt.mode, 'disabled', 'mode defaulted to disabled');
equal(tt.label, '', 'label defaults to empty string');
equal(tt.language, '', 'language defaults to empty string');
test('kind can only be one of several options, defaults to subtitles', function() {
let tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech,
kind: 'foo'
equal(tt.kind, 'subtitles', 'the kind is set to subtitles, not foo');
notEqual(tt.kind, 'foo', 'the kind is set to subtitles, not foo');
tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech,
kind: 'subtitles'
equal(tt.kind, 'subtitles', 'the kind is set to subtitles');
tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech,
kind: 'captions'
equal(tt.kind, 'captions', 'the kind is set to captions');
tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech,
kind: 'descriptions'
equal(tt.kind, 'descriptions', 'the kind is set to descriptions');
tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech,
kind: 'chapters'
equal(tt.kind, 'chapters', 'the kind is set to chapters');
tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech,
kind: 'metadata'
equal(tt.kind, 'metadata', 'the kind is set to metadata');
test('mode can only be one of several options, defaults to disabled', function() {
let tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech,
mode: 'foo'
equal(tt.mode, 'disabled', 'the mode is set to disabled, not foo');
notEqual(tt.mode, 'foo', 'the mode is set to disabld, not foo');
tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech,
mode: 'disabled'
equal(tt.mode, 'disabled', 'the mode is set to disabled');
tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech,
mode: 'hidden'
equal(tt.mode, 'hidden', 'the mode is set to hidden');
tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech,
mode: 'showing'
equal(tt.mode, 'showing', 'the mode is set to showing');
test('cue and activeCues are read only', function() {
let mode = 'disabled';
let tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech,
tt.cues = 'foo';
tt.activeCues = 'bar';
notEqual(tt.cues, 'foo', 'cues is still original value');
notEqual(tt.activeCues, 'bar', 'activeCues is still original value');
test('mode can only be set to a few options', function() {
let tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech
tt.mode = 'foo';
notEqual(tt.mode, 'foo', 'the mode is still the old value, disabled');
equal(tt.mode, 'disabled', 'still on the default mode, disabled');
tt.mode = 'hidden';
equal(tt.mode, 'hidden', 'mode set to hidden');
tt.mode = 'bar';
notEqual(tt.mode, 'bar', 'the mode is still the old value, hidden');
equal(tt.mode, 'hidden', 'still on the previous mode, hidden');
tt.mode = 'showing';
equal(tt.mode, 'showing', 'mode set to showing');
tt.mode = 'baz';
notEqual(tt.mode, 'baz', 'the mode is still the old value, showing');
equal(tt.mode, 'showing', 'still on the previous mode, showing');
test('cues and activeCues return a TextTrackCueList', function() {
let tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech
ok(tt.cues.getCueById, 'cues are a TextTrackCueList');
ok(tt.activeCues.getCueById, 'activeCues are a TextTrackCueList');
test('cues can be added and removed from a TextTrack', function() {
let tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech
let cues;
cues = tt.cues;
equal(cues.length, 0, 'start with zero cues');
tt.addCue({id: '1'});
equal(cues.length, 1, 'we have one cue');
equal(cues.length, 0, 'we have removed our one cue');
tt.addCue({id: '1'});
tt.addCue({id: '2'});
tt.addCue({id: '3'});
equal(cues.length, 3, 'we now have 3 cues');
test('fires cuechange when cues become active and inactive', function() {
let player = TestHelpers.makePlayer();
let changes = 0;
let cuechangeHandler;
let tt = new TextTrack({
tech: player.tech_,
mode: 'showing'
cuechangeHandler = function() {
id: '1',
startTime: 1,
endTime: 5
tt.oncuechange = cuechangeHandler;
tt.addEventListener('cuechange', cuechangeHandler);
player.tech_.currentTime = function() {
return 2;
equal(changes, 2, 'a cuechange event trigger addEventListener and oncuechange');
player.tech_.currentTime = function() {
return 7;
equal(changes, 4, 'a cuechange event trigger addEventListener and oncuechange');
test('tracks are parsed if vttjs is loaded', function() {
const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
const oldVTT = window.WebVTT;
let parserCreated = false;
window.WebVTT = () => {};
window.WebVTT.StringDecoder = () => {};
window.WebVTT.Parser = () => {
parserCreated = true;
return {
oncue() {},
onparsingerror() {},
onflush() {},
parse() {},
flush() {}
// use proxyquire to stub xhr module because IE8s XDomainRequest usage
let xhrHandler;
let TextTrack = proxyquire('../../../src/js/tracks/text-track.js', {
xhr(options, fn) {
xhrHandler = fn;
let tt = new TextTrack({
tech: defaultTech,
src: 'http://example.com'
xhrHandler(null, {}, 'WEBVTT\n');
ok(parserCreated, 'WebVTT is loaded, so we can just parse');
window.WebVTT = oldVTT;
TextTrack = proxyquire('../../../src/js/tracks/text-track.js', {});
test('tracks are parsed once vttjs is loaded', function() {
const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
const oldVTT = window.WebVTT;
let parserCreated = false;
// use proxyquire to stub xhr module because IE8s XDomainRequest usage
let xhrHandler;
let TextTrack = proxyquire('../../../src/js/tracks/text-track.js', {
xhr(options, fn) {
xhrHandler = fn;
window.WebVTT = true;
let testTech = new EventTarget();
testTech.textTracks = () => {};
testTech.currentTime = () => {};
let tt = new TextTrack({
tech: testTech,
src: 'http://example.com'
xhrHandler(null, {}, 'WEBVTT\n');
ok(!parserCreated, 'WebVTT is not loaded, do not try to parse yet');
ok(!parserCreated, 'WebVTT still not loaded, do not try to parse yet');
window.WebVTT = () => {};
window.WebVTT.StringDecoder = () => {};
window.WebVTT.Parser = () => {
parserCreated = true;
return {
oncue() {},
onparsingerror() {},
onflush() {},
parse() {},
flush() {}
ok(parserCreated, 'WebVTT is loaded, so we can parse now');
window.WebVTT = oldVTT;
TextTrack = proxyquire('../../../src/js/tracks/text-track.js', {});
test('stops processing if vttjs loading errored out', function() {
const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
const oldVTT = window.WebVTT;
let parserCreated = false;
window.WebVTT = true;
// use proxyquire to stub xhr module because IE8s XDomainRequest usage
let xhrHandler;
let errorMsg;
let TextTrack = proxyquire('../../../src/js/tracks/text-track.js', {
xhr(options, fn) {
xhrHandler = fn;
'../utils/log.js': {
error(msg) {
errorMsg = msg;
let testTech = new EventTarget();
testTech.textTracks = () => {};
testTech.currentTime = () => {};
sinon.stub(testTech, 'off');
let tt = new TextTrack({
tech: testTech,
src: 'http://example.com'
xhrHandler(null, {}, 'WEBVTT\n');
ok(!parserCreated, 'WebVTT is not loaded, do not try to parse yet');
let offSpyCall = testTech.off.getCall(0);
ok(/^vttjs failed to load, stopping trying to process/.test(errorMsg),
'vttjs failed to load, so, we logged an error');
ok(!parserCreated, 'WebVTT is not loaded, do not try to parse yet');
ok(offSpyCall, 'tech.off was called');
window.WebVTT = oldVTT;
TextTrack = proxyquire('../../../src/js/tracks/text-track.js', {});