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synced 2025-02-10 12:08:14 +02:00
Advanced plugins introduced the concept of mixins and added two: evented and stateful. This provides Components with the benefits of the stateful mixin
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920 lines
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/* eslint-env qunit */
import window from 'global/window';
import Component from '../../src/js/component.js';
import * as Dom from '../../src/js/utils/dom.js';
import * as DomData from '../../src/js/utils/dom-data';
import * as Events from '../../src/js/utils/events.js';
import * as Obj from '../../src/js/utils/obj';
import * as browser from '../../src/js/utils/browser.js';
import document from 'global/document';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import TestHelpers from './test-helpers.js';
class TestComponent1 extends Component {}
class TestComponent2 extends Component {}
class TestComponent3 extends Component {}
class TestComponent4 extends Component {}
TestComponent1.prototype.options_ = {
children: [
Component.registerComponent('TestComponent1', TestComponent1);
Component.registerComponent('TestComponent2', TestComponent2);
Component.registerComponent('TestComponent3', TestComponent3);
Component.registerComponent('TestComponent4', TestComponent4);
QUnit.module('Component', {
beforeEach() {
this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
afterEach() {
const getFakePlayer = function() {
return {
// Fake player requries an ID
id() {
return 'player_1';
reportUserActivity() {}
QUnit.test('registerComponent() throws with bad arguments', function(assert) {
function() {
new Error('Illegal component name, "null"; must be a non-empty string.'),
'component names must be non-empty strings'
function() {
new Error('Illegal component name, ""; must be a non-empty string.'),
'component names must be non-empty strings'
function() {
Component.registerComponent('TestComponent5', function() {});
new Error('Illegal component, "TestComponent5"; must be a Component subclass.'),
'components must be subclasses of Component'
function() {
const Tech = Component.getComponent('Tech');
class DummyTech extends Tech {}
Component.registerComponent('TestComponent5', DummyTech);
new Error('Illegal component, "TestComponent5"; techs must be registered using Tech.registerTech().'),
'components must be subclasses of Component'
QUnit.test('should create an element', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {});
QUnit.test('should add a child component', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
const child = comp.addChild('component');
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 1);
assert.ok(comp.children()[0] === child);
assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes[0] === child.el());
assert.ok(comp.getChild('component') === child);
assert.ok(comp.getChildById(child.id()) === child);
QUnit.test('should add a child component to an index', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
const child = comp.addChild('component');
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 1);
assert.ok(comp.children()[0] === child);
const child0 = comp.addChild('component', {}, 0);
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 2);
assert.ok(comp.children()[0] === child0);
assert.ok(comp.children()[1] === child);
const child1 = comp.addChild('component', {}, '2');
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 3);
assert.ok(comp.children()[2] === child1);
const child2 = comp.addChild('component', {}, undefined);
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 4);
assert.ok(comp.children()[3] === child2);
const child3 = comp.addChild('component', {}, -1);
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 5);
assert.ok(comp.children()[3] === child3);
assert.ok(comp.children()[4] === child2);
QUnit.test('addChild should throw if the child does not exist', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
assert.throws(function() {
}, new Error('Component Non-existent-child does not exist'), 'addChild threw');
QUnit.test('should add a child component with title case name', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
const child = comp.addChild('Component');
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 1);
assert.ok(comp.children()[0] === child);
assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes[0] === child.el());
assert.ok(comp.getChild('Component') === child);
assert.ok(comp.getChildById(child.id()) === child);
QUnit.test('should init child components from options', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {
children: {
component: {}
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 1);
assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes.length === 1);
QUnit.test('should init child components from simple children array', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {
children: [
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 3);
assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes.length === 3);
QUnit.test('should init child components from children array of objects', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {
children: [
{ name: 'component' },
{ name: 'component' },
{ name: 'component' }
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 3);
assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes.length === 3);
QUnit.test('should do a deep merge of child options', function(assert) {
// Create a default option for component
Component.prototype.options_ = {
example: {
childOne: { foo: 'bar', asdf: 'fdsa' },
childTwo: {},
childThree: {}
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {
example: {
childOne: { foo: 'baz', abc: '123' },
childThree: false,
childFour: {}
const mergedOptions = comp.options_;
const children = mergedOptions.example;
assert.strictEqual(children.childOne.foo, 'baz', 'value three levels deep overridden');
assert.strictEqual(children.childOne.asdf, 'fdsa', 'value three levels deep maintained');
assert.strictEqual(children.childOne.abc, '123', 'value three levels deep added');
assert.ok(children.childTwo, 'object two levels deep maintained');
assert.strictEqual(children.childThree, false, 'object two levels deep removed');
assert.ok(children.childFour, 'object two levels deep added');
'prototype options were not overridden');
// Reset default component options to none
Component.prototype.options_ = null;
QUnit.test('should init child components from component options', function(assert) {
const testComp = new TestComponent1(TestHelpers.makePlayer(), {
testComponent2: false,
testComponent4: {}
assert.ok(!testComp.childNameIndex_.TestComponent2, 'we do not have testComponent2');
assert.ok(testComp.childNameIndex_.TestComponent4, 'we have a testComponent4');
QUnit.test('should allows setting child options at the parent options level', function(assert) {
let parent;
// using children array
let options = {
children: [
// parent-level option for child
component: {
foo: true
nullComponent: false
try {
parent = new Component(getFakePlayer(), options);
} catch (err) {
assert.ok(false, 'Child with `false` option was initialized');
assert.equal(parent.children()[0].options_.foo, true, 'child options set when children array is used');
assert.equal(parent.children().length, 1, 'we should only have one child');
// using children object
options = {
children: {
component: {
foo: false
nullComponent: {}
// parent-level option for child
component: {
foo: true
nullComponent: false
try {
parent = new Component(getFakePlayer(), options);
} catch (err) {
assert.ok(false, 'Child with `false` option was initialized');
assert.equal(parent.children()[0].options_.foo, true, 'child options set when children object is used');
assert.equal(parent.children().length, 1, 'we should only have one child');
QUnit.test('should dispose of component and children', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
// Add a child
const child = comp.addChild('Component');
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 1);
// Add a listener
comp.on('click', function() {
return true;
const el = comp.el();
const data = DomData.getData(el);
let hasDisposed = false;
let bubbles = null;
comp.on('dispose', function(event) {
hasDisposed = true;
bubbles = event.bubbles;
assert.ok(hasDisposed, 'component fired dispose event');
assert.ok(bubbles === false, 'dispose event does not bubble');
assert.ok(!comp.children(), 'component children were deleted');
assert.ok(!comp.el(), 'component element was deleted');
assert.ok(!child.children(), 'child children were deleted');
assert.ok(!child.el(), 'child element was deleted');
assert.ok(!DomData.hasData(el), 'listener data nulled');
'original listener data object was emptied');
QUnit.test('should add and remove event listeners to element', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {});
// No need to make this async because we're triggering events inline.
// We're going to trigger the event after removing the listener,
// So if we get extra asserts that's a problem.
const testListener = function() {
assert.ok(true, 'fired event once');
assert.ok(this === comp, 'listener has the component as context');
comp.on('test-event', testListener);
comp.off('test-event', testListener);
QUnit.test('should trigger a listener once using one()', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {});
const testListener = function() {
assert.ok(true, 'fired event once');
comp.one('test-event', testListener);
QUnit.test('should be possible to pass data when you trigger an event', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {});
const data1 = 'Data1';
const data2 = {txt: 'Data2'};
const testListener = function(evt, hash) {
assert.ok(true, 'fired event once');
assert.deepEqual(hash.d1, data1);
assert.deepEqual(hash.d2, data2);
comp.one('test-event', testListener);
comp.trigger('test-event', {d1: data1, d2: data2});
QUnit.test('should add listeners to other components and remove them', function(assert) {
const player = getFakePlayer();
const comp1 = new Component(player);
const comp2 = new Component(player);
let listenerFired = 0;
const testListener = function() {
assert.equal(this, comp1, 'listener has the first component as context');
comp1.on(comp2, 'test-event', testListener);
assert.equal(listenerFired, 1, 'listener was fired once');
listenerFired = 0;
comp1.off(comp2, 'test-event', testListener);
assert.equal(listenerFired, 0, 'listener was not fired after being removed');
// this component is disposed first
listenerFired = 0;
comp1.on(comp2, 'test-event', testListener);
assert.equal(listenerFired, 0, 'listener was removed when this component was disposed first');
comp1.off = function() {
throw new Error('Comp1 off called');
assert.ok(true, 'this component removed dispose listeners from other component');
QUnit.test('should add listeners to other components and remove when them other component is disposed', function(assert) {
const player = getFakePlayer();
const comp1 = new Component(player);
const comp2 = new Component(player);
let listenerFired = 0;
const testListener = function() {
assert.equal(this, comp1, 'listener has the first component as context');
comp1.on(comp2, 'test-event', testListener);
comp2.off = function() {
throw new Error('Comp2 off called');
assert.ok(true, 'this component removed dispose listener from this component that referenced other component');
QUnit.test('should add listeners to other components that are fired once', function(assert) {
const player = getFakePlayer();
const comp1 = new Component(player);
const comp2 = new Component(player);
let listenerFired = 0;
const testListener = function() {
assert.equal(this, comp1, 'listener has the first component as context');
comp1.one(comp2, 'test-event', testListener);
assert.equal(listenerFired, 1, 'listener was executed once');
assert.equal(listenerFired, 1, 'listener was executed only once');
QUnit.test('should add listeners to other element and remove them', function(assert) {
const player = getFakePlayer();
const comp1 = new Component(player);
const el = document.createElement('div');
let listenerFired = 0;
const testListener = function() {
assert.equal(this, comp1, 'listener has the first component as context');
comp1.on(el, 'test-event', testListener);
Events.trigger(el, 'test-event');
assert.equal(listenerFired, 1, 'listener was fired once');
listenerFired = 0;
comp1.off(el, 'test-event', testListener);
Events.trigger(el, 'test-event');
assert.equal(listenerFired, 0, 'listener was not fired after being removed from other element');
// this component is disposed first
listenerFired = 0;
comp1.on(el, 'test-event', testListener);
Events.trigger(el, 'test-event');
assert.equal(listenerFired, 0, 'listener was removed when this component was disposed first');
comp1.off = function() {
throw new Error('Comp1 off called');
try {
Events.trigger(el, 'dispose');
} catch (e) {
assert.ok(false, 'listener was not removed from other element');
Events.trigger(el, 'dispose');
assert.ok(true, 'this component removed dispose listeners from other element');
QUnit.test('should add listeners to other components that are fired once', function(assert) {
const player = getFakePlayer();
const comp1 = new Component(player);
const el = document.createElement('div');
let listenerFired = 0;
const testListener = function() {
assert.equal(this, comp1, 'listener has the first component as context');
comp1.one(el, 'test-event', testListener);
Events.trigger(el, 'test-event');
assert.equal(listenerFired, 1, 'listener was executed once');
Events.trigger(el, 'test-event');
assert.equal(listenerFired, 1, 'listener was executed only once');
QUnit.test('should trigger a listener when ready', function(assert) {
let initListenerFired;
let methodListenerFired;
let syncListenerFired;
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {}, function() {
initListenerFired = true;
comp.ready(function() {
methodListenerFired = true;
comp.ready(function() {
syncListenerFired = true;
}, true);
assert.ok(!initListenerFired, 'init listener should NOT fire synchronously');
assert.ok(!methodListenerFired, 'method listener should NOT fire synchronously');
assert.ok(syncListenerFired, 'sync listener SHOULD fire synchronously if after ready');
assert.ok(initListenerFired, 'init listener should fire asynchronously');
assert.ok(methodListenerFired, 'method listener should fire asynchronously');
// Listeners should only be fired once and then removed
initListenerFired = false;
methodListenerFired = false;
syncListenerFired = false;
assert.ok(!initListenerFired, 'init listener should be removed');
assert.ok(!methodListenerFired, 'method listener should be removed');
assert.ok(!syncListenerFired, 'sync listener should be removed');
QUnit.test('should not retrigger a listener when the listener calls triggerReady', function(assert) {
let timesCalled = 0;
let selfTriggered = false;
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {});
const readyListener = function() {
// Don't bother calling again if we have
// already failed
if (!selfTriggered) {
selfTriggered = true;
assert.equal(timesCalled, 1, 'triggerReady from inside a ready handler does not result in an infinite loop');
QUnit.test('should add and remove a CSS class', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {});
assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('test-class') !== -1);
assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('test-class') === -1);
assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('test-class') !== -1);
assert.ok(comp.el().className.indexOf('test-class') === -1);
QUnit.test('should show and hide an element', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {});
assert.ok(comp.hasClass('vjs-hidden') === true);
assert.ok(comp.hasClass('vjs-hidden') === false);
QUnit.test('dimension() should treat NaN and null as zero', function(assert) {
let newWidth;
const width = 300;
const height = 150;
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {});
// set component dimension
comp.dimensions(width, height);
newWidth = comp.dimension('width', null);
assert.notEqual(newWidth, width, 'new width and old width are not the same');
assert.equal(newWidth, undefined, 'we set a value, so, return value is undefined');
assert.equal(comp.width(), 0, 'the new width is zero');
const newHeight = comp.dimension('height', NaN);
assert.notEqual(newHeight, height, 'new height and old height are not the same');
assert.equal(newHeight, undefined, 'we set a value, so, return value is undefined');
assert.equal(comp.height(), 0, 'the new height is zero');
newWidth = comp.dimension('width', undefined);
assert.equal(newWidth, width, 'we did not set the width with undefined');
QUnit.test('should change the width and height of a component', function(assert) {
const container = document.createElement('div');
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {});
const el = comp.el();
const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
// Container of el needs dimensions or the component won't have dimensions
container.style.width = '1000px';
container.style.height = '1000px';
assert.ok(comp.width() === 500, 'percent values working');
const compStyle = TestHelpers.getComputedStyle(el, 'width');
assert.ok(compStyle === comp.width() + 'px', 'matches computed style');
assert.ok(comp.height() === 123, 'px values working');
assert.ok(comp.width() === 321, 'integer values working');
assert.ok(comp.width() === 1000, 'forced width was removed');
assert.ok(comp.height() === 0, 'forced height was removed');
QUnit.test('should get the computed dimensions', function(assert) {
const container = document.createElement('div');
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {});
const el = comp.el();
const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
const computedWidth = '500px';
const computedHeight = '500px';
// Container of el needs dimensions or the component won't have dimensions
container.style.width = '1000px';
container.style.height = '1000px';
assert.equal(comp.currentWidth() + 'px', computedWidth, 'matches computed width');
assert.equal(comp.currentHeight() + 'px', computedHeight, 'matches computed height');
assert.equal(comp.currentDimension('width') + 'px', computedWidth, 'matches computed width');
assert.equal(comp.currentDimension('height') + 'px', computedHeight, 'matches computed height');
assert.equal(comp.currentDimensions().width + 'px', computedWidth, 'matches computed width');
assert.equal(comp.currentDimensions().height + 'px', computedHeight, 'matches computed width');
QUnit.test('should use a defined content el for appending children', function(assert) {
class CompWithContent extends Component {}
CompWithContent.prototype.createEl = function() {
// Create the main component element
const el = Dom.createEl('div');
// Create the element where children will be appended
this.contentEl_ = Dom.createEl('div', { id: 'contentEl' });
return el;
const comp = new CompWithContent(getFakePlayer());
const child = comp.addChild('component');
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 1);
assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes[0].id === 'contentEl');
assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes[0].childNodes[0] === child.el());
assert.ok(comp.children().length === 0, 'Length should now be zero');
assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes[0].id === 'contentEl', 'Content El should still exist');
assert.ok(comp.el().childNodes[0].childNodes[0] !== child.el(),
'Child el should be removed.');
QUnit.test('should emit a tap event', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
let singleTouch = {};
const origTouch = browser.TOUCH_ENABLED;
// Fake touch support. Real touch support isn't needed for this test.
browser.TOUCH_ENABLED = true;
comp.on('tap', function() {
assert.ok(true, 'Tap event emitted');
// A touchstart followed by touchend should trigger a tap
Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchstart', touches: [{}]});
// A touchmove with a lot of movement should not trigger a tap
Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchstart', touches: [
{ pageX: 0, pageY: 0 }
Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchmove', touches: [
{ pageX: 100, pageY: 100 }
// A touchmove with not much movement should still allow a tap
Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchstart', touches: [
{ pageX: 0, pageY: 0 }
Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchmove', touches: [
{ pageX: 7, pageY: 7 }
// A touchmove with a lot of movement by modifying the exisiting touch object
// should not trigger a tap
singleTouch = { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 };
Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchstart', touches: [singleTouch]});
singleTouch.pageX = 100;
singleTouch.pageY = 100;
Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchmove', touches: [singleTouch]});
// A touchmove with not much movement by modifying the exisiting touch object
// should still allow a tap
singleTouch = { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 };
Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchstart', touches: [singleTouch]});
singleTouch.pageX = 7;
singleTouch.pageY = 7;
Events.trigger(comp.el(), {type: 'touchmove', touches: [singleTouch]});
// Reset to orignial value
browser.TOUCH_ENABLED = origTouch;
QUnit.test('should provide timeout methods that automatically get cleared on component disposal', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
let timeoutsFired = 0;
const timeoutToClear = comp.setTimeout(function() {
assert.ok(false, 'Timeout should have been manually cleared');
}, 500);
comp.setTimeout(function() {
assert.equal(this, comp, 'Timeout fn has the component as its context');
assert.ok(true, 'Timeout created and fired.');
}, 100);
comp.setTimeout(function() {
assert.ok(false, 'Timeout should have been disposed');
}, 1000);
assert.ok(timeoutsFired === 1, 'One timeout should have fired by this point');
assert.ok(timeoutsFired === 1, 'One timeout should have fired overall');
QUnit.test('should provide interval methods that automatically get cleared on component disposal', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
let intervalsFired = 0;
const interval = comp.setInterval(function() {
assert.equal(this, comp, 'Interval fn has the component as its context');
assert.ok(true, 'Interval created and fired.');
}, 100);
comp.setInterval(function() {
assert.ok(false, 'Interval should have been disposed');
}, 1200);
assert.ok(intervalsFired === 5, 'Component interval fired 5 times');
assert.ok(intervalsFired === 5, 'Interval was manually cleared');
assert.ok(intervalsFired === 5, 'Interval was cleared when component was disposed');
QUnit.test('should provide *AnimationFrame methods that automatically get cleared on component disposal', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
const oldRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame;
const oldCAF = window.cancelAnimationFrame;
// Stub the window.*AnimationFrame methods with window.setTimeout methods
// so we can control when the callbacks are called via sinon's timer stubs.
window.requestAnimationFrame = (fn) => window.setTimeout(fn, 1);
window.cancelAnimationFrame = (id) => window.clearTimeout(id);
// Make sure the component thinks it supports rAF.
comp.supportsRaf_ = true;
const spyRAF = sinon.spy();
assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 0, 'rAF callback was not called immediately');
assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 1, 'rAF callback was called after a "repaint"');
assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 1, 'rAF callback was not called after a second "repaint"');
assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 1, 'second rAF callback was not called because it was cancelled');
assert.strictEqual(spyRAF.callCount, 1, 'third rAF callback was not called because the component was disposed');
window.requestAnimationFrame = oldRAF;
window.cancelAnimationFrame = oldCAF;
QUnit.test('*AnimationFrame methods fall back to timers if rAF not supported', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
const oldRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame;
const oldCAF = window.cancelAnimationFrame;
// Stub the window.*AnimationFrame methods with window.setTimeout methods
// so we can control when the callbacks are called via sinon's timer stubs.
const rAF = window.requestAnimationFrame = sinon.spy();
const cAF = window.cancelAnimationFrame = sinon.spy();
// Make sure the component thinks it does not support rAF.
comp.supportsRaf_ = false;
sinon.spy(comp, 'setTimeout');
sinon.spy(comp, 'clearTimeout');
comp.cancelAnimationFrame(comp.requestAnimationFrame(() => {}));
assert.strictEqual(rAF.callCount, 0, 'window.requestAnimationFrame was not called');
assert.strictEqual(cAF.callCount, 0, 'window.cancelAnimationFrame was not called');
assert.strictEqual(comp.setTimeout.callCount, 1, 'Component#setTimeout was called');
assert.strictEqual(comp.clearTimeout.callCount, 1, 'Component#clearTimeout was called');
window.requestAnimationFrame = oldRAF;
window.cancelAnimationFrame = oldCAF;
QUnit.test('$ and $$ functions', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
const contentEl = document.createElement('div');
const children = [
comp.contentEl_ = contentEl;
children.forEach(child => contentEl.appendChild(child));
assert.strictEqual(comp.$('div'), children[0], '$ defaults to contentEl as scope');
assert.strictEqual(comp.$$('div').length, children.length, '$$ defaults to contentEl as scope');
QUnit.test('should use the stateful mixin', function(assert) {
const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer(), {});
assert.ok(Obj.isPlain(comp.state), '`state` is a plain object');
assert.strictEqual(Object.prototype.toString.call(comp.setState), '[object Function]', '`setState` is a function');
comp.setState({foo: 'bar'});
assert.strictEqual(comp.state.foo, 'bar', 'the component passes a basic stateful test');