mirror of https://github.com/videojs/video.js.git synced 2025-01-31 11:26:45 +02:00
2013-01-10 13:06:12 -08:00

2386 lines
70 KiB

(function() {var e = void 0, g = !0, h = null, j = !1;
function l(a) {
return function() {
return this[a]
function q(a) {
return function() {
return a
var r, t = this;
t.Wc = g;
function u(a, b) {
var c = a.split("."), d = t;
!(c[0] in d) && d.execScript && d.execScript("var " + c[0]);
for(var f;c.length && (f = c.shift());) {
!c.length && b !== e ? d[f] = b : d = d[f] ? d[f] : d[f] = {}
function v(a, b) {
function c() {
c.prototype = b.prototype;
a.i = b.prototype;
a.prototype = new c;
a.prototype.constructor = a
var w = vjs = function(a, b, c) {
if("string" === typeof a) {
0 === a.indexOf("#") && (a = a.slice(1));
if(vjs.$[a]) {
return vjs.$[a]
a = vjs.g(a)
if(!a || !a.nodeName) {
throw new TypeError("The element or ID supplied is not valid. (videojs)");
return a.a || new vjs.D(a, b, c)
vjs.options = {techOrder:["html5", "flash"], html5:{}, flash:{od:"http://vjs.zencdn.net/c/video-js.swf"}, width:300, height:150, defaultVolume:0, children:{mediaLoader:{}, posterImage:{}, textTrackDisplay:{}, loadingSpinner:{}, bigPlayButton:{}, controlBar:{}}};
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var c = document.createElement(a || "div"), d;
for(d in b) {
b.hasOwnProperty(d) && (c[d] = b[d])
return c
vjs.S = function(a) {
return a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.slice(1)
vjs.Da = function(a, b) {
if(a) {
for(var c in a) {
a.hasOwnProperty(c) && b.call(this, c, a[c])
vjs.w = function(a, b) {
if(!b) {
return a
for(var c in b) {
b.hasOwnProperty(c) && (a[c] = b[c])
return a
vjs.bind = function(a, b, c) {
function d() {
return b.apply(a, arguments)
b.t || (b.t = vjs.t++);
d.t = c ? c + "_" + b.t : b.t;
return d
vjs.X = {};
vjs.t = 1;
vjs.expando = "vdata" + (new Date).getTime();
vjs.getData = function(a) {
var b = a[vjs.expando];
b || (b = a[vjs.expando] = vjs.t++, vjs.X[b] = {});
return vjs.X[b]
vjs.Vb = function(a) {
a = a[vjs.expando];
return!(!a || vjs.Ya(vjs.X[a]))
vjs.Gb = function(a) {
var b = a[vjs.expando];
if(b) {
delete vjs.X[b];
try {
delete a[vjs.expando]
}catch(c) {
a.removeAttribute ? a.removeAttribute(vjs.expando) : a[vjs.expando] = h
vjs.Ya = function(a) {
for(var b in a) {
if(a[b] !== h) {
return j
return g
vjs.q = function(a, b) {
-1 == (" " + a.className + " ").indexOf(" " + b + " ") && (a.className = "" === a.className ? b : a.className + " " + b)
vjs.B = function(a, b) {
if(-1 != a.className.indexOf(b)) {
var c = a.className.split(" ");
c.splice(c.indexOf(b), 1);
a.className = c.join(" ")
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vjs.lc = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i);
vjs.ic = vjs.kc || vjs.jc || vjs.lc;
var aa = vjs, x;
var y = navigator.userAgent.match(/OS (\d+)_/i);
x = y && y[1] ? y[1] : e;
aa.Xc = x;
vjs.gc = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Android.*AppleWebKit/i);
var ba = vjs, z = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android (\d+)\./i);
ba.fc = z && z[1] ? z[1] : h;
vjs.hc = function() {
vjs.Y = function(a) {
var b = {};
if(a && a.attributes && 0 < a.attributes.length) {
for(var c = a.attributes, d, f, m = c.length - 1;0 <= m;m--) {
d = c[m].name;
f = c[m].value;
if("boolean" === typeof a[d] || -1 !== ",autoplay,controls,loop,muted,default,".indexOf("," + d + ",")) {
f = f !== h ? g : j
b[d] = f
return b
vjs.wb = function(a, b) {
var c = "";
document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? c = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a, "").getPropertyValue(b) : a.currentStyle && (b = b.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(a, b) {
return b.toUpperCase()
}), c = a.currentStyle[b]);
return c
vjs.Fa = function(a, b) {
b.firstChild ? b.insertBefore(a, b.firstChild) : b.appendChild(a)
vjs.Hb = {};
vjs.g = function(a) {
0 === a.indexOf("#") && (a = a.slice(1));
return document.getElementById(a)
vjs.s = function(a, b) {
b = b || a;
var c = Math.floor(a % 60), d = Math.floor(a / 60 % 60), f = Math.floor(a / 3600), m = Math.floor(b / 60 % 60), k = Math.floor(b / 3600), f = 0 < f || 0 < k ? f + ":" : "";
return f + (((f || 10 <= m) && 10 > d ? "0" + d : d) + ":") + (10 > c ? "0" + c : c)
vjs.qc = function() {
document.onselectstart = q(j)
vjs.Sc = function() {
document.onselectstart = q(g)
vjs.trim = function(a) {
return a.toString().replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "")
vjs.round = function(a, b) {
b || (b = 0);
return Math.round(a * Math.pow(10, b)) / Math.pow(10, b)
vjs.sb = function(a) {
return{length:1, start:q(0), end:function() {
return a
vjs.get = function(a, b, c) {
var d = 0 === a.indexOf("file:") || 0 === window.location.href.indexOf("file:") && -1 === a.indexOf("http");
"undefined" === typeof XMLHttpRequest && (window.XMLHttpRequest = function() {
try {
return new window.ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
}catch(a) {
try {
return new window.ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
}catch(b) {
try {
return new window.ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
}catch(c) {
throw Error("This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest.");
var f = new XMLHttpRequest;
try {
f.open("GET", a)
}catch(m) {
f.onreadystatechange = function() {
4 === f.readyState && (200 === f.status || d && 0 === f.status ? b(f.responseText) : c && c())
try {
}catch(k) {
c && c(k)
vjs.Nc = function(a) {
var b = window.localStorage || j;
if(b) {
try {
b.volume = a
}catch(c) {
22 == c.code || 1014 == c.code ? vjs.log("LocalStorage Full (VideoJS)", c) : vjs.log("LocalStorage Error (VideoJS)", c)
vjs.Xa = function(a) {
a.match(/^https?:\/\//) || (a = vjs.e("div", {innerHTML:'<a href="' + a + '">x</a>'}).firstChild.href);
return a
vjs.log = function() {
vjs.log.history = vjs.log.history || [];
window.console && window.console.log(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))
vjs.wc = "getBoundingClientRect" in document.documentElement ? function(a) {
var b;
try {
b = a.getBoundingClientRect()
}catch(c) {
if(!b) {
return 0
a = document.body;
return b.left + (window.pageXOffset || a.scrollLeft) - (document.documentElement.clientLeft || a.clientLeft || 0)
} : function(a) {
for(var b = a.offsetLeft;a = a.offsetParent;) {
b += a.offsetLeft
return b
vjs.f = function(a, b, c) {
var d = vjs.getData(a);
d.u || (d.u = {});
d.u[b] || (d.u[b] = []);
c.t || (c.t = vjs.t++);
d.T || (d.disabled = j, d.T = function(b) {
if(!d.disabled) {
b = vjs.Qb(b);
var c = d.u[b.type];
if(c) {
for(var k = [], p = 0, n = c.length;p < n;p++) {
k[p] = c[p]
c = 0;
for(p = k.length;c < p;c++) {
k[c].call(a, b)
1 == d.u[b].length && (document.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, d.T, j) : document.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + b, d.T))
vjs.n = function(a, b, c) {
if(vjs.Vb(a)) {
var d = vjs.getData(a);
if(d.u) {
if(b) {
var f = d.u[b];
if(f) {
if(c) {
if(c.t) {
for(d = 0;d < f.length;d++) {
f[d].t === c.t && f.splice(d--, 1)
}else {
d.u[b] = []
vjs.Mb(a, b)
}else {
for(f in d.u) {
b = f, d.u[b] = [], vjs.Mb(a, b)
vjs.Mb = function(a, b) {
var c = vjs.getData(a);
0 === c.u[b].length && (delete c.u[b], document.removeEventListener ? a.removeEventListener(b, c.T, j) : document.detachEvent && a.detachEvent("on" + b, c.T));
vjs.Ya(c.u) && (delete c.u, delete c.T, delete c.disabled);
vjs.Ya(c) && vjs.Gb(a)
vjs.Qb = function(a) {
function b() {
return g
function c() {
return j
if(!a || !a.xb) {
var d = a || window.event, f;
for(f in d) {
a[f] = d[f]
a.target || (a.target = a.srcElement || document);
a.relatedTarget = a.fromElement === a.target ? a.toElement : a.fromElement;
a.preventDefault = function() {
a.returnValue = j;
a.Wb = b
a.Wb = c;
a.stopPropagation = function() {
a.cancelBubble = g;
a.xb = b
a.xb = c;
a.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
a.zc = b;
a.zc = c;
a.clientX != h && (d = document.documentElement, f = document.body, a.pageX = a.clientX + (d && d.scrollLeft || f && f.scrollLeft || 0) - (d && d.clientLeft || f && f.clientLeft || 0), a.pageY = a.clientY + (d && d.scrollTop || f && f.scrollTop || 0) - (d && d.clientTop || f && f.clientTop || 0));
a.which = a.charCode || a.keyCode;
a.button != h && (a.button = a.button & 1 ? 0 : a.button & 4 ? 1 : a.button & 2 ? 2 : 0)
return a
vjs.h = function(a, b) {
var c = vjs.Vb(a) ? vjs.getData(a) : {}, d = a.parentNode || a.ownerDocument;
"string" === typeof b && (b = {type:b, target:a});
b = vjs.Qb(b);
c.T && c.T.call(a, b);
if(d && !b.xb()) {
vjs.h(d, b)
}else {
if(!d && !b.Wb() && (c = vjs.getData(b.target), b.target[b.type])) {
c.disabled = g;
if("function" === typeof b.target[b.type]) {
c.disabled = j
vjs.G = function(a, b, c) {
vjs.f(a, b, function() {
vjs.n(a, b, arguments.callee);
c.apply(this, arguments)
vjs.d = function(a, b, c) {
this.a = a;
b = this.options = vjs.w(this.options || {}, b);
this.U = b.id || (b.g && b.g.id ? b.g.id : a.id + "_component_" + vjs.t++);
this.Dc = b.name || h;
this.b = b.g ? b.g : this.e();
this.I = [];
this.Va = {};
this.L = {};
if((a = this.options) && a.children) {
var d = this;
vjs.Da(a.children, function(a, b) {
b !== j && !b.Bc && (d[a] = d.K(a, b))
r = vjs.d.prototype;
r.p = function() {
if(this.I) {
for(var a = this.I.length - 1;0 <= a;a--) {
this.L = this.Va = this.I = h;
this.b.parentNode && this.b.parentNode.removeChild(this.b);
this.b = h
r.e = function(a, b) {
return vjs.e(a, b)
r.g = l("b");
r.id = l("U");
r.name = l("Dc");
r.children = l("I");
r.K = function(a, b) {
var c, d, f;
"string" === typeof a ? (d = a, b = b || {}, c = b.cd || vjs.S(d), b.name = d, c = new window.videojs[c](this.a || this, b)) : c = a;
d = c.name();
f = c.id();
f && (this.Va[f] = c);
d && (this.L[d] = c);
return c
r.removeChild = function(a) {
"string" === typeof a && (a = this.L[a]);
if(a && this.I) {
for(var b = j, c = this.I.length - 1;0 <= c;c--) {
if(this.I[c] === a) {
b = g;
this.I.splice(c, 1);
b && (this.Va[a.id] = h, this.L[a.name] = h, (b = a.g()) && b.parentNode === this.b && this.b.removeChild(a.g()))
r.C = q("");
r.f = function(a, b) {
vjs.f(this.b, a, vjs.bind(this, b));
return this
r.n = function(a, b) {
vjs.n(this.b, a, b);
return this
r.G = function(a, b) {
vjs.G(this.b, a, vjs.bind(this, b));
return this
r.h = function(a, b) {
vjs.h(this.b, a, b);
return this
r.N = function(a) {
a && (this.na ? a.call(this) : (this.fb === e && (this.fb = []), this.fb.push(a)));
return this
function A(a) {
a.na = g;
var b = a.fb;
if(b && 0 < b.length) {
for(var c = 0, d = b.length;c < d;c++) {
a.fb = [];
r.q = function(a) {
vjs.q(this.b, a);
return this
r.B = function(a) {
vjs.B(this.b, a);
return this
r.show = function() {
this.b.style.display = "block";
return this
r.A = function() {
this.b.style.display = "none";
return this
r.Wa = function() {
return this
r.ub = function() {
return this
r.Xb = function() {
var a = this.b.style;
a.display = "block";
a.opacity = 1;
a.Uc = "visible";
return this
function B(a) {
a = a.b.style;
a.display = "";
a.opacity = "";
a.Uc = ""
r.width = function(a, b) {
return C(this, "width", a, b)
r.height = function(a, b) {
return C(this, "height", a, b)
r.tc = function(a, b) {
return this.width(a, g).height(b)
function C(a, b, c, d) {
if(c !== e) {
return a.b.style[b] = -1 !== ("" + c).indexOf("%") || -1 !== ("" + c).indexOf("px") ? c : c + "px", d || a.h("resize"), a
if(!a.b) {
return 0
c = a.b.style[b];
d = c.indexOf("px");
return-1 !== d ? parseInt(c.slice(0, d), 10) : parseInt(a.b["offset" + vjs.S(b)], 10)
;vjs.D = function(a, b, c) {
this.O = a;
var d = {};
vjs.w(d, vjs.options);
vjs.w(d, ca(a));
vjs.w(d, b);
this.r = {};
vjs.d.call(this, this, d, c);
this.f("ended", this.Fc);
this.f("play", this.Eb);
this.f("pause", this.Db);
this.f("progress", this.Gc);
this.f("durationchange", this.Ec);
this.f("error", this.Bb);
vjs.$[this.U] = this
v(vjs.D, vjs.d);
r = vjs.D.prototype;
r.p = function() {
vjs.$[this.U] = h;
this.O && this.O.a && (this.O.a = h);
this.b && this.b.a && (this.b.a = h);
this.l && this.l.p();
function ca(a) {
var b = {sources:[], tracks:[]};
vjs.w(b, vjs.Y(a));
if(a.hasChildNodes()) {
for(var c, d = a.childNodes, f = 0, m = d.length;f < m;f++) {
a = d[f], c = a.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "source" === c ? b.sources.push(vjs.Y(a)) : "track" === c && b.tracks.push(vjs.Y(a))
return b
r.e = function() {
var a = this.b = vjs.D.i.e.call(this, "div"), b = this.O;
if(b.hasChildNodes()) {
for(var c = b.childNodes.length, d = 0, f = b.childNodes;d < c;d++) {
("source" == f[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() || "track" == f[0].nodeName.toLowerCase()) && b.removeChild(f[0])
b.id = b.id || "vjs_video_" + vjs.t++;
a.id = b.id;
a.className = b.className;
b.id += "_html5_api";
b.className = "vjs-tech";
b.a = a.a = this;
this.width(this.options.width, g);
this.height(this.options.height, g);
b.parentNode && b.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b);
vjs.Fa(b, a);
return a
function D(a, b, c) {
a.l ? E(a) : "Html5" !== b && a.O && (a.b.removeChild(a.O), a.O = h);
a.aa = b;
a.na = j;
var d = vjs.w({source:c, Hc:a.b}, a.options[b.toLowerCase()]);
c && (c.src == a.r.src && 0 < a.r.currentTime && (d.startTime = a.r.currentTime), a.r.src = c.src);
a.l = new window.videojs[b](a, d);
a.l.N(function() {
if(!this.M.Zb) {
var a = this.a;
a.zb = g;
a.eb = setInterval(vjs.bind(a, function() {
this.r.ob < this.buffered().end(0) ? this.h("progress") : 1 == F(this) && (clearInterval(this.eb), this.h("progress"))
}), 500);
a.l.G("progress", function() {
this.M.Zb = g;
var a = this.a;
a.zb = j;
this.M.dc || (a = this.a, a.Ab = g, a.f("play", a.ec), a.f("pause", a.hb), a.l.G("timeupdate", function() {
this.M.dc = g;
function E(a) {
a.zb && (a.zb = j, clearInterval(a.eb));
a.Ab && G(a);
a.l = j
function G(a) {
a.Ab = j;
a.n("play", a.ec);
a.n("pause", a.hb)
r.ec = function() {
this.Ob && this.hb();
this.Ob = setInterval(vjs.bind(this, function() {
}), 250)
r.hb = function() {
r.Fc = function() {
this.options.loop && (this.currentTime(0), this.play())
r.Eb = function() {
vjs.B(this.b, "vjs-paused");
vjs.q(this.b, "vjs-playing")
r.Db = function() {
vjs.B(this.b, "vjs-playing");
vjs.q(this.b, "vjs-paused")
r.Gc = function() {
1 == F(this) && this.h("loadedalldata")
r.Ec = function() {
this.duration(H(this, "duration"))
r.Bb = function(a) {
vjs.log("Video Error", a)
function I(a, b, c) {
if(a.l.na) {
try {
}catch(d) {
}else {
a.l.N(function() {
function H(a, b) {
if(a.l.na) {
try {
return a.l[b]()
}catch(c) {
if(a.l[b] === e) {
vjs.log("Video.js: " + b + " method not defined for " + a.aa + " playback technology.", c)
}else {
if("TypeError" == c.name) {
throw vjs.log("Video.js: " + b + " unavailable on " + a.aa + " playback technology element.", c), a.l.na = j, c;
r.play = function() {
I(this, "play");
return this
r.pause = function() {
I(this, "pause");
return this
r.paused = function() {
return H(this, "paused") === j ? j : g
r.currentTime = function(a) {
return a !== e ? (this.r.ld = a, I(this, "setCurrentTime", a), this.Ab && this.h("timeupdate"), this) : this.r.currentTime = H(this, "currentTime") || 0
r.duration = function(a) {
return a !== e ? (this.r.duration = parseFloat(a), this) : this.r.duration
r.buffered = function() {
var a = H(this, "buffered"), b = this.r.ob = this.r.ob || 0;
a && (0 < a.length && a.end(0) !== b) && (b = a.end(0), this.r.ob = b);
return vjs.sb(b)
function F(a) {
return a.duration() ? a.buffered().end(0) / a.duration() : 0
r.volume = function(a) {
if(a !== e) {
return a = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(a))), this.r.volume = a, I(this, "setVolume", a), vjs.Nc(a), this
a = parseFloat(H(this, "volume"));
return isNaN(a) ? 1 : a
r.muted = function(a) {
return a !== e ? (I(this, "setMuted", a), this) : H(this, "muted") || j
r.ib = function() {
return H(this, "supportsFullScreen") || j
r.gb = function() {
var a = vjs.Hb.gb;
this.Z = g;
a ? (vjs.f(document, a.ma, vjs.bind(this, function() {
this.Z = document[a.Z];
this.Z === j && vjs.n(document, a.ma, arguments.callee);
})), this.l.M.Sb === j && this.options.flash.iFrameMode !== g && (this.pause(), E(this), vjs.f(document, a.ma, vjs.bind(this, function() {
vjs.n(document, a.ma, arguments.callee);
D(this, this.aa, {src:this.r.src})
}))), this.b[a.Jc]()) : this.l.ib() ? (this.h("fullscreenchange"), I(this, "enterFullScreen")) : (this.h("fullscreenchange"), this.yc = g, this.uc = document.documentElement.style.overflow, vjs.f(document, "keydown", vjs.bind(this, this.Rb)), document.documentElement.style.overflow = "hidden", vjs.q(document.body, "vjs-full-window"), vjs.q(this.b, "vjs-fullscreen"), this.h("enterFullWindow"));
return this
function J(a) {
var b = vjs.Hb.gb;
a.Z = j;
b ? (a.l.M.Sb === j && a.options.flash.iFrameMode !== g && (a.pause(), E(a), vjs.f(document, b.ma, vjs.bind(a, function() {
vjs.n(document, b.ma, arguments.callee);
D(this, this.aa, {src:this.r.src})
}))), document[b.rc]()) : (a.l.ib() ? I(a, "exitFullScreen") : K(a), a.h("fullscreenchange"))
r.Rb = function(a) {
27 === a.keyCode && (this.Z === g ? J(this) : K(this))
function K(a) {
a.yc = j;
vjs.n(document, "keydown", a.Rb);
document.documentElement.style.overflow = a.uc;
vjs.B(document.body, "vjs-full-window");
vjs.B(a.b, "vjs-fullscreen");
r.src = function(a) {
if(a instanceof Array) {
var b;
a: {
b = a;
for(var c = 0, d = this.options.techOrder;c < d.length;c++) {
var f = vjs.S(d[c]), m = window.videojs[f];
if(m.isSupported()) {
for(var k = 0, p = b;k < p.length;k++) {
var n = p[k];
if(m.canPlaySource(n)) {
b = {source:n, l:f};
break a
b = j
b ? (a = b.source, b = b.l, b == this.aa ? this.src(a) : D(this, b, a)) : vjs.log("No compatible source and media technology were found.")
}else {
a instanceof Object ? window.videojs[this.aa].canPlaySource(a) ? this.src(a.src) : this.src([a]) : (this.r.src = a, this.na ? (I(this, "src", a), "auto" == this.options.preload && this.load(), this.options.autoplay && this.play()) : this.N(function() {
return this
r.load = function() {
I(this, "load");
return this
r.currentSrc = function() {
return H(this, "currentSrc") || this.r.src || ""
r.Ia = function(a) {
return a !== e ? (I(this, "setPreload", a), this.options.preload = a, this) : H(this, "preload")
r.autoplay = function(a) {
return a !== e ? (I(this, "setAutoplay", a), this.options.autoplay = a, this) : H(this, "autoplay")
r.loop = function(a) {
return a !== e ? (I(this, "setLoop", a), this.options.loop = a, this) : H(this, "loop")
r.controls = function() {
return this.options.controls
r.poster = function() {
return H(this, "poster")
r.error = function() {
return H(this, "error")
var L, M, N, O;
if(document.ad !== e) {
L = "requestFullscreen", M = "exitFullscreen", N = "fullscreenchange", O = "fullScreen"
}else {
for(var P = ["moz", "webkit"], Q = P.length - 1;0 <= Q;Q--) {
var R = P[Q];
if(("moz" != R || document.mozFullScreenEnabled) && document[R + "CancelFullScreen"] !== e) {
L = R + "RequestFullScreen", M = R + "CancelFullScreen", N = R + "fullscreenchange", O = "webkit" == R ? R + "IsFullScreen" : R + "FullScreen"
L && (vjs.Hb.gb = {Jc:L, rc:M, ma:N, Z:O});
vjs.Ib = function(a, b, c) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b, c);
if(!a.options.sources || 0 === a.options.sources.length) {
b = 0;
for(c = a.options.techOrder;b < c.length;b++) {
var d = vjs.S(c[b]), f = window.videojs[d];
if(f && f.isSupported()) {
D(a, d);
}else {
v(vjs.Ib, vjs.d);
vjs.P = function(a, b, c) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b, c)
v(vjs.P, vjs.d);
vjs.P.prototype.o = function() {
this.a.options.controls && (this.a.paused() ? this.a.play() : this.a.pause())
vjs.media = {};
vjs.media.jb = "play pause paused currentTime setCurrentTime duration buffered volume setVolume muted setMuted width height supportsFullScreen enterFullScreen src load currentSrc preload setPreload autoplay setAutoplay loop setLoop error networkState readyState seeking initialTime startOffsetTime played seekable ended videoTracks audioTracks videoWidth videoHeight textTracks defaultPlaybackRate playbackRate mediaGroup controller controls defaultMuted".split(" ");
function da() {
var a = vjs.media.jb[i];
return function() {
throw Error('The "' + a + "\" method is not available on the playback technology's API");
for(var i = vjs.media.jb.length - 1;0 <= i;i--) {
vjs.P.prototype[vjs.media.jb[i]] = da()
;vjs.k = function(a, b, c) {
vjs.P.call(this, a, b, c);
(b = b.source) && this.b.currentSrc == b.src ? a.h("loadstart") : b && (this.b.src = b.src);
a.N(function() {
this.options.autoplay && this.paused() && (this.O.poster = h, this.play())
this.f("click", this.o);
for(a = vjs.k.ea.length - 1;0 <= a;a--) {
vjs.f(this.b, vjs.k.ea[a], vjs.bind(this.a, this.Pb))
v(vjs.k, vjs.P);
r = vjs.k.prototype;
r.p = function() {
for(var a = vjs.k.ea.length - 1;0 <= a;a--) {
vjs.n(this.b, vjs.k.ea[a], vjs.bind(this.a, this.Pb))
r.e = function() {
var a = this.a, b = a.O;
if(!b || this.M.Cc === j) {
b && a.g().removeChild(b), b = vjs.createElement("video", {id:b.id || a.id + "_html5_api", className:b.className || "vjs-tech"}), vjs.Fa(b, a.g)
for(var c = ["autoplay", "preload", "loop", "muted"], d = c.length - 1;0 <= d;d--) {
var f = c[d];
a.options[f] !== h && (b[f] = a.options[f])
return b
r.Pb = function(a) {
r.play = function() {
r.pause = function() {
r.paused = function() {
return this.b.paused
r.currentTime = function() {
return this.b.currentTime
r.Mc = function(a) {
try {
this.b.currentTime = a
}catch(b) {
vjs.log(b, "Video is not ready. (Video.js)")
r.duration = function() {
return this.b.duration || 0
r.buffered = function() {
return this.b.buffered
r.volume = function() {
return this.b.volume
r.Rc = function(a) {
this.b.volume = a
r.muted = function() {
return this.b.muted
r.Pc = function(a) {
this.b.muted = a
r.width = function() {
return this.b.offsetWidth
r.height = function() {
return this.b.offsetHeight
r.ib = function() {
return"function" == typeof this.b.webkitEnterFullScreen && !navigator.userAgent.match("Chrome") && !navigator.userAgent.match("Mac OS X 10.5") ? g : j
r.src = function(a) {
this.b.src = a
r.load = function() {
r.currentSrc = function() {
return this.b.currentSrc
r.Ia = function() {
return this.b.Ia
r.Qc = function(a) {
this.b.Ia = a
r.autoplay = function() {
return this.b.autoplay
r.Lc = function(a) {
this.b.autoplay = a
r.loop = function() {
return this.b.loop
r.Oc = function(a) {
this.b.loop = a
r.error = function() {
return this.b.error
r.controls = function() {
return this.a.options.controls
vjs.k.isSupported = function() {
vjs.k.pb = function(a) {
vjs.k.ea = "loadstart suspend abort error emptied stalled loadedmetadata loadeddata canplay canplaythrough playing waiting seeking seeked ended durationchange timeupdate progress play pause ratechange volumechange".split(" ");
vjs.k.prototype.M = {fd:vjs.mc.webkitEnterFullScreen ? !vjs.Qa.match("Chrome") && !vjs.Qa.match("Mac OS X 10.5") ? g : j : j, Cc:!vjs.ic};
vjs.gc && 3 > vjs.fc && (document.createElement("video").constructor.prototype.canPlayType = function(a) {
return a && -1 != a.toLowerCase().indexOf("video/mp4") ? "maybe" : ""
vjs.j = function(a, b, c) {
vjs.P.call(this, a, b, c);
c = b.source;
var d = b.Hc, f = this.b = vjs.e("div", {id:a.id() + "_temp_flash"}), m = a.id() + "_flash_api";
a = a.options;
var k = vjs.w({readyFunction:"videojs.Flash.onReady", eventProxyFunction:"videojs.Flash.onEvent", errorEventProxyFunction:"videojs.Flash.onError", autoplay:a.autoplay, preload:a.Ia, loop:a.loop, muted:a.muted}, b.flashVars), p = vjs.w({wmode:"opaque", bgcolor:"#000000"}, b.params), n = vjs.w({id:m, name:m, "class":"vjs-tech"}, b.attributes);
c && (k.src = encodeURIComponent(vjs.Xa(c.src)));
vjs.Fa(f, d);
b.startTime && this.N(function() {
if(b.jd === g && !vjs.hc) {
var s = vjs.e("iframe", {id:m + "_iframe", name:m + "_iframe", className:"vjs-tech", scrolling:"no", marginWidth:0, marginHeight:0, frameBorder:0});
k.readyFunction = "ready";
k.eventProxyFunction = "events";
k.errorEventProxyFunction = "errors";
vjs.f(s, "load", vjs.bind(this, function() {
var a, c = s.contentWindow;
a = s.contentDocument ? s.contentDocument : s.contentWindow.document;
a.write(vjs.j.Tb(b.swf, k, p, n));
c.a = this.a;
c.N = vjs.bind(this.a, function(b) {
b = a.getElementById(b);
var c = this.l;
c.g = b;
vjs.f(b, "click", c.bind(c.o));
c.ed = vjs.bind(this.a, function(a, b) {
this && "flash" === this.aa && this.h(b)
c.dd = vjs.bind(this.a, function(a, b) {
vjs.log("Flash Error", b)
f.parentNode.replaceChild(s, f)
}else {
vjs.j.vc(b.swf, f, k, p, n)
v(vjs.j, vjs.P);
r = vjs.j.prototype;
r.p = function() {
r.play = function() {
r.pause = function() {
r.src = function(a) {
a = vjs.Xa(a);
if(this.a.autoplay()) {
var b = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)
r.load = function() {
r.poster = function() {
r.buffered = function() {
return vjs.sb(this.b.vjs_getProperty("buffered"))
r.ib = q(j);
var S = vjs.j.prototype, T = "preload currentTime defaultPlaybackRate playbackRate autoplay loop mediaGroup controller controls volume muted defaultMuted".split(" "), U = "error currentSrc networkState readyState seeking initialTime duration startOffsetTime paused played seekable ended videoTracks audioTracks videoWidth videoHeight textTracks".split(" ");
function ea() {
var a = T[i], b = a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.slice(1);
S["set" + b] = function(b) {
return this.b.vjs_setProperty(a, b)
function V(a) {
S[a] = function() {
return this.b.vjs_getProperty(a)
for(i = 0;i < T.length;i++) {
V(T[i]), ea()
for(i = 0;i < U.length;i++) {
vjs.j.isSupported = function() {
return 10 <= vjs.j.version()[0]
vjs.j.pb = function(a) {
if(a.type in vjs.j.prototype.M.xc) {
vjs.j.prototype.M = {xc:{"video/flv":"FLV", "video/x-flv":"FLV", "video/mp4":"MP4", "video/m4v":"MP4"}, Zb:j, dc:j, Sb:j, md:!vjs.Qa.match("Firefox")};
vjs.j.onReady = function(a) {
a = vjs.g(a);
var b = a.a || a.parentNode.a, c = b.l;
a.a = b;
c.b = a;
c.f("click", c.o);
vjs.j.qb = function(a) {
a.g().vjs_getProperty ? A(a) : setTimeout(function() {
}, 50)
vjs.j.onEvent = function(a, b) {
vjs.j.onError = function(a, b) {
vjs.log("Flash Error", b, a)
vjs.j.version = function() {
var a = "0,0,0";
try {
a = (new window.ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")).GetVariable("$version").replace(/\D+/g, ",").match(/^,?(.+),?$/)[1]
}catch(b) {
try {
navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin && (a = (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] || navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]).description.replace(/\D+/g, ",").match(/^,?(.+),?$/)[1])
}catch(c) {
return a.split(",")
vjs.j.vc = function(a, b, c, d, f) {
a = vjs.j.Tb(a, c, d, f);
a = vjs.e("div", {innerHTML:a}).childNodes[0];
c = b.parentNode;
b.parentNode.replaceChild(a, b);
var m = c.childNodes[0];
setTimeout(function() {
m.style.display = "block"
}, 1E3)
vjs.j.Tb = function(a, b, c, d) {
var f = "", m = "", k = "";
b && vjs.Da(b, function(a, b) {
f += a + "=" + b + "&amp;"
c = vjs.w({movie:a, flashvars:f, allowScriptAccess:"always", allowNetworking:"all"}, c);
vjs.Da(c, function(a, b) {
m += '<param name="' + a + '" value="' + b + '" />'
d = vjs.w({data:a, width:"100%", height:"100%"}, d);
vjs.Da(d, function(a, b) {
k += a + '="' + b + '" '
return'<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"' + k + ">" + m + "</object>"
vjs.da = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.da, vjs.d);
vjs.da.prototype.C = function() {
return"vjs-control " + vjs.da.i.C.call(this)
vjs.V = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b);
a.G("play", vjs.bind(this, function() {
this.a.f("mouseover", vjs.bind(this, this.Wa));
this.a.f("mouseout", vjs.bind(this, this.ub))
v(vjs.V, vjs.d);
r = vjs.V.prototype;
r.options = {Bc:"play", children:{playToggle:{}, fullscreenToggle:{}, currentTimeDisplay:{}, timeDivider:{}, durationDisplay:{}, remainingTimeDisplay:{}, progressControl:{}, volumeControl:{}, muteToggle:{}}};
r.e = function() {
return vjs.e("div", {className:"vjs-control-bar"})
r.Wa = function() {
r.ub = function() {
r.Xb = function() {
this.b.style.opacity = "1"
vjs.m = function(a, b) {
vjs.da.call(this, a, b);
this.f("click", this.o);
this.f("focus", this.ab);
this.f("blur", this.$a)
v(vjs.m, vjs.da);
r = vjs.m.prototype;
r.e = function(a, b) {
b = vjs.w({className:this.C(), innerHTML:'<div><span class="vjs-control-text">' + (this.W || "Need Text") + "</span></div>", Kc:"button", tabIndex:0}, b);
return vjs.m.i.e.call(this, a, b)
r.o = function() {
r.ab = function() {
vjs.f(document, "keyup", vjs.bind(this, this.Ha))
r.Ha = function(a) {
if(32 == a.which || 13 == a.which) {
a.preventDefault(), this.o()
r.$a = function() {
vjs.n(document, "keyup", vjs.bind(this, this.Ha))
vjs.ja = function(a, b) {
vjs.m.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.ja, vjs.m);
vjs.ja.prototype.W = "Play";
vjs.ja.prototype.C = function() {
return"vjs-play-button " + vjs.ja.i.C.call(this)
vjs.ja.prototype.o = function() {
vjs.ia = function(a, b) {
vjs.m.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.ia, vjs.m);
vjs.ia.prototype.W = "Play";
vjs.ia.prototype.C = function() {
return"vjs-pause-button " + vjs.ia.i.C.call(this)
vjs.ia.prototype.o = function() {
vjs.Ma = function(a, b) {
vjs.m.call(this, a, b);
a.f("play", vjs.bind(this, this.Eb));
a.f("pause", vjs.bind(this, this.Db))
v(vjs.Ma, vjs.m);
r = vjs.Ma.prototype;
r.W = "Play";
r.C = function() {
return"vjs-play-control " + vjs.Ma.i.C.call(this)
r.o = function() {
this.a.paused() ? this.a.play() : this.a.pause()
r.Eb = function() {
vjs.B(this.b, "vjs-paused");
vjs.q(this.b, "vjs-playing")
r.Db = function() {
vjs.B(this.b, "vjs-playing");
vjs.q(this.b, "vjs-paused")
vjs.fa = function(a, b) {
vjs.m.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.fa, vjs.m);
vjs.fa.prototype.W = "Fullscreen";
vjs.fa.prototype.C = function() {
return"vjs-fullscreen-control " + vjs.fa.i.C.call(this)
vjs.fa.prototype.o = function() {
this.a.Z ? J(this.a) : this.a.gb()
vjs.ca = function(a, b) {
vjs.m.call(this, a, b);
a.f("play", vjs.bind(this, this.A));
a.f("ended", vjs.bind(this, this.show))
v(vjs.ca, vjs.m);
vjs.ca.prototype.e = function() {
return vjs.ca.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-big-play-button", innerHTML:"<span></span>"})
vjs.ca.prototype.o = function() {
this.a.currentTime() && this.a.currentTime(0);
vjs.wa = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b);
a.f("canplay", vjs.bind(this, this.A));
a.f("canplaythrough", vjs.bind(this, this.A));
a.f("playing", vjs.bind(this, this.A));
a.f("seeked", vjs.bind(this, this.A));
a.f("seeking", vjs.bind(this, this.show));
a.f("seeked", vjs.bind(this, this.A));
a.f("error", vjs.bind(this, this.show));
a.f("waiting", vjs.bind(this, this.show))
v(vjs.wa, vjs.d);
vjs.wa.prototype.e = function() {
var a, b;
"string" == typeof this.a.g().style.WebkitBorderRadius || "string" == typeof this.a.g().style.MozBorderRadius || "string" == typeof this.a.g().style.Yc || "string" == typeof this.a.g().style.$c ? (a = "vjs-loading-spinner", b = '<div class="ball1"></div><div class="ball2"></div><div class="ball3"></div><div class="ball4"></div><div class="ball5"></div><div class="ball6"></div><div class="ball7"></div><div class="ball8"></div>') : (a = "vjs-loading-spinner-fallback", b = "");
return vjs.wa.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:a, innerHTML:b})
vjs.ta = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b);
a.f("timeupdate", vjs.bind(this, this.Ka))
v(vjs.ta, vjs.d);
vjs.ta.prototype.e = function() {
var a = vjs.ta.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-current-time vjs-time-controls vjs-control"});
this.content = vjs.e("div", {className:"vjs-current-time-display", innerHTML:"0:00"});
return a
vjs.ta.prototype.Ka = function() {
var a = this.a.$b ? this.a.r.currentTime : this.a.currentTime();
this.content.innerHTML = vjs.s(a, this.a.duration())
vjs.ua = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b);
a.f("timeupdate", vjs.bind(this, this.Ka))
v(vjs.ua, vjs.d);
vjs.ua.prototype.e = function() {
var a = vjs.ua.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-duration vjs-time-controls vjs-control"});
this.content = vjs.e("div", {className:"vjs-duration-display", innerHTML:"0:00"});
return a
vjs.ua.prototype.Ka = function() {
this.a.duration() && (this.content.innerHTML = vjs.s(this.a.duration()))
vjs.Pa = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.Pa, vjs.d);
vjs.Pa.prototype.e = function() {
return vjs.Pa.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-time-divider", innerHTML:"<div><span>/</span></div>"})
vjs.Aa = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b);
a.f("timeupdate", vjs.bind(this, this.Ka))
v(vjs.Aa, vjs.d);
vjs.Aa.prototype.e = function() {
var a = vjs.Aa.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-remaining-time vjs-time-controls vjs-control"});
this.content = vjs.e("div", {className:"vjs-remaining-time-display", innerHTML:"-0:00"});
return a
vjs.Aa.prototype.Ka = function() {
this.a.duration() && (this.content.innerHTML = "-" + vjs.s(this.a.duration() - this.a.currentTime()))
vjs.Q = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b);
this.pc = this.L[this.options.barName];
this.handle = this.L[this.options.handleName];
a.f(this.Yb, vjs.bind(this, this.update));
this.f("mousedown", this.Cb);
this.f("focus", this.ab);
this.f("blur", this.$a);
this.a.f("controlsvisible", vjs.bind(this, this.update));
a.N(vjs.bind(this, this.update))
v(vjs.Q, vjs.d);
r = vjs.Q.prototype;
r.e = function(a, b) {
b = vjs.w({Kc:"slider", "aria-valuenow":0, "aria-valuemin":0, "aria-valuemax":100, tabIndex:0}, b);
return vjs.Q.i.e.call(this, a, b)
r.Cb = function(a) {
vjs.f(document, "mousemove", vjs.bind(this, this.bb));
vjs.f(document, "mouseup", vjs.bind(this, this.cb));
r.cb = function() {
vjs.n(document, "mousemove", this.bb, j);
vjs.n(document, "mouseup", this.cb, j);
r.update = function() {
var a, b = this.Ub(), c = this.handle, d = this.pc;
isNaN(b) && (b = 0);
a = b;
if(c) {
a = this.b.offsetWidth;
var f = c.g().offsetWidth;
a = f ? f / a : 0;
b *= 1 - a;
a = b + a / 2;
c.g().style.left = vjs.round(100 * b, 2) + "%"
d.g().style.width = vjs.round(100 * a, 2) + "%"
function W(a, b) {
var c = a.b, d = vjs.wc(c), c = c.offsetWidth, f = a.handle;
f && (f = f.g().offsetWidth, d += f / 2, c -= f);
return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (b.pageX - d) / c))
r.ab = function() {
vjs.f(document, "keyup", vjs.bind(this, this.Ha))
r.Ha = function(a) {
37 == a.which ? (a.preventDefault(), this.bc()) : 39 == a.which && (a.preventDefault(), this.cc())
r.$a = function() {
vjs.n(document, "keyup", vjs.bind(this, this.Ha))
vjs.za = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.za, vjs.d);
vjs.za.prototype.options = {children:{seekBar:{}}};
vjs.za.prototype.e = function() {
return vjs.za.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-progress-control vjs-control"})
vjs.ka = function(a, b) {
vjs.Q.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.ka, vjs.Q);
r = vjs.ka.prototype;
r.options = {children:{loadProgressBar:{}, playProgressBar:{}, seekHandle:{}}, barName:"playProgressBar", handleName:"seekHandle"};
r.Yb = "timeupdate";
r.e = function() {
return vjs.ka.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-progress-holder"})
r.Ub = function() {
return this.a.currentTime() / this.a.duration()
r.Cb = function(a) {
vjs.ka.i.Cb.call(this, a);
this.a.$b = g;
this.Tc = !this.a.paused();
r.bb = function(a) {
a = W(this, a) * this.a.duration();
a == this.a.duration() && (a -= 0.1);
r.cb = function(a) {
vjs.ka.i.cb.call(this, a);
this.a.$b = j;
this.Tc && this.a.play()
r.cc = function() {
this.a.currentTime(this.a.currentTime() + 1)
r.bc = function() {
this.a.currentTime(this.a.currentTime() - 1)
vjs.va = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b);
a.f("progress", vjs.bind(this, this.update))
v(vjs.va, vjs.d);
vjs.va.prototype.e = function() {
return vjs.va.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-load-progress", innerHTML:'<span class="vjs-control-text">Loaded: 0%</span>'})
vjs.va.prototype.update = function() {
this.b.style && (this.b.style.width = vjs.round(100 * F(this.a), 2) + "%")
vjs.La = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.La, vjs.d);
vjs.La.prototype.e = function() {
return vjs.La.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-play-progress", innerHTML:'<span class="vjs-control-text">Progress: 0%</span>'})
vjs.Na = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.Na, vjs.d);
vjs.Na.prototype.e = function() {
return vjs.Na.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-seek-handle", innerHTML:'<span class="vjs-control-text">00:00</span>'})
vjs.Ca = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.Ca, vjs.d);
vjs.Ca.prototype.options = {children:{volumeBar:{}}};
vjs.Ca.prototype.e = function() {
return vjs.Ca.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-volume-control vjs-control"})
vjs.Ra = function(a, b) {
vjs.Q.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.Ra, vjs.Q);
r = vjs.Ra.prototype;
r.options = {children:{volumeLevel:{}, volumeHandle:{}}, barName:"volumeLevel", handleName:"volumeHandle"};
r.Yb = "volumechange";
r.e = function() {
return vjs.Ra.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-volume-bar"})
r.bb = function(a) {
this.a.volume(W(this, a))
r.Ub = function() {
return this.a.volume()
r.cc = function() {
this.a.volume(this.a.volume() + 0.1)
r.bc = function() {
this.a.volume(this.a.volume() - 0.1)
vjs.Ta = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.Ta, vjs.d);
vjs.Ta.prototype.e = function() {
return vjs.Ta.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-volume-level", innerHTML:'<span class="vjs-control-text"></span>'})
vjs.Sa = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.Sa, vjs.d);
vjs.Sa.prototype.e = function() {
return vjs.Sa.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-volume-handle", innerHTML:'<span class="vjs-control-text"></span>'})
vjs.ha = function(a, b) {
vjs.m.call(this, a, b);
a.f("volumechange", vjs.bind(this, this.update))
v(vjs.ha, vjs.m);
vjs.ha.prototype.e = function() {
return vjs.ha.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-mute-control vjs-control", innerHTML:'<div><span class="vjs-control-text">Mute</span></div>'})
vjs.ha.prototype.o = function() {
this.a.muted(this.a.muted() ? j : g)
vjs.ha.prototype.update = function() {
var a = this.a.volume(), b = 3;
0 === a || this.a.muted() ? b = 0 : 0.33 > a ? b = 1 : 0.67 > a && (b = 2);
for(a = 0;4 > a;a++) {
vjs.B(this.b, "vjs-vol-" + a)
vjs.q(this.b, "vjs-vol-" + b)
vjs.ya = function(a, b) {
vjs.m.call(this, a, b);
this.a.options.poster || this.A();
a.f("play", vjs.bind(this, this.A))
v(vjs.ya, vjs.m);
vjs.ya.prototype.e = function() {
var a = vjs.e("img", {className:"vjs-poster", tabIndex:-1});
this.a.options.poster && (a.src = this.a.options.poster);
return a
vjs.ya.prototype.o = function() {
vjs.ga = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.ga, vjs.d);
function fa(a, b) {
b.f("click", vjs.bind(a, function() {
vjs.ga.prototype.e = function() {
return vjs.ga.i.e.call(this, "ul", {className:"vjs-menu"})
vjs.H = function(a, b) {
vjs.m.call(this, a, b);
b.selected && this.q("vjs-selected")
v(vjs.H, vjs.m);
vjs.H.prototype.e = function(a, b) {
return vjs.H.i.e.call(this, "li", vjs.w({className:"vjs-menu-item", innerHTML:this.options.label}, b))
vjs.H.prototype.o = function() {
vjs.H.prototype.selected = function(a) {
a ? this.q("vjs-selected") : this.B("vjs-selected")
function X(a) {
a.Ja = a.Ja || [];
return a.Ja
function ga(a, b, c) {
for(var d = a.Ja, f = 0, m = d.length, k, p;f < m;f++) {
k = d[f], k.id() === b ? (k.show(), p = k) : c && (k.F() == c && 0 < k.mode()) && k.disable()
(b = p ? p.F() : c ? c : j) && a.h(b + "trackchange")
vjs.z = function(a, b) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b);
this.U = b.id || "vjs_" + b.kind + "_" + b.language + "_" + vjs.t++;
this.ac = b.src;
this.sc = b["default"] || b.dflt;
this.pd = b.title;
this.kd = b.srclang;
this.Ac = b.label;
this.la = [];
this.Jb = [];
this.pa = this.qa = 0
v(vjs.z, vjs.d);
r = vjs.z.prototype;
r.F = l("v");
r.src = l("ac");
r.tb = l("sc");
r.label = l("Ac");
r.readyState = l("qa");
r.mode = l("pa");
r.e = function() {
return vjs.z.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-" + this.v + " vjs-text-track"})
r.show = function() {
this.pa = 2;
r.A = function() {
this.pa = 1;
r.disable = function() {
2 == this.pa && this.A();
this.a.n("timeupdate", vjs.bind(this, this.update, this.U));
this.a.n("ended", vjs.bind(this, this.reset, this.U));
this.pa = 0
function ha(a) {
0 === a.qa && a.load();
0 === a.pa && (a.a.f("timeupdate", vjs.bind(a, a.update, a.U)), a.a.f("ended", vjs.bind(a, a.reset, a.U)), ("captions" === a.v || "subtitles" === a.v) && a.a.L.textTrackDisplay.K(a))
r.load = function() {
0 === this.qa && (this.qa = 1, vjs.get(this.ac, vjs.bind(this, this.Ic), vjs.bind(this, this.Bb)))
r.Bb = function(a) {
this.error = a;
this.qa = 3;
r.Ic = function(a) {
var b, c;
a = a.split("\n");
for(var d = "", f = 1, m = a.length;f < m;f++) {
if(d = vjs.trim(a[f])) {
-1 == d.indexOf("--\x3e") ? (b = d, d = vjs.trim(a[++f])) : b = this.la.length;
b = {id:b, index:this.la.length};
c = d.split(" --\x3e ");
b.startTime = ia(c[0]);
b.Ea = ia(c[1]);
for(c = [];a[++f] && (d = vjs.trim(a[f]));) {
b.text = c.join("<br/>");
this.qa = 2;
function ia(a) {
var b = a.split(":");
a = 0;
var c, d, f;
3 == b.length ? (c = b[0], d = b[1], b = b[2]) : (c = 0, d = b[0], b = b[1]);
b = b.split(/\s+/);
b = b.splice(0, 1)[0];
b = b.split(/\.|,/);
f = parseFloat(b[1]);
b = b[0];
a += 3600 * parseFloat(c);
a += 60 * parseFloat(d);
a += parseFloat(b);
f && (a += f / 1E3);
return a
r.update = function() {
if(0 < this.la.length) {
var a = this.a.currentTime();
if(this.Fb === e || a < this.Fb || this.Za <= a) {
var b = this.la, c = this.a.duration(), d = 0, f = j, m = [], k, p, n, s;
a >= this.Za || this.Za === e ? s = this.vb !== e ? this.vb : 0 : (f = g, s = this.yb !== e ? this.yb : b.length - 1);
for(;;) {
n = b[s];
if(n.Ea <= a) {
d = Math.max(d, n.Ea), n.Ua && (n.Ua = j)
}else {
if(a < n.startTime) {
if(c = Math.min(c, n.startTime), n.Ua && (n.Ua = j), !f) {
}else {
f ? (m.splice(0, 0, n), p === e && (p = s), k = s) : (m.push(n), k === e && (k = s), p = s), c = Math.min(c, n.Ea), d = Math.max(d, n.startTime), n.Ua = g
if(f) {
if(0 === s) {
}else {
}else {
if(s === b.length - 1) {
}else {
this.Jb = m;
this.Za = c;
this.Fb = d;
this.vb = k;
this.yb = p;
a = this.Jb;
b = "";
c = 0;
for(d = a.length;c < d;c++) {
b += '<span class="vjs-tt-cue">' + a[c].text + "</span>"
this.b.innerHTML = b;
r.reset = function() {
this.Za = 0;
this.Fb = this.a.duration();
this.yb = this.vb = 0
vjs.kb = function(a, b) {
vjs.z.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.kb, vjs.z);
vjs.kb.prototype.v = "captions";
vjs.nb = function(a, b) {
vjs.z.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.nb, vjs.z);
vjs.nb.prototype.v = "subtitles";
vjs.mb = function(a, b) {
vjs.z.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.mb, vjs.z);
vjs.mb.prototype.v = "chapters";
vjs.Oa = function(a, b, c) {
vjs.d.call(this, a, b, c);
if(a.options.tracks && 0 < a.options.tracks.length) {
b = this.a;
a = a.options.tracks;
var d;
for(c = 0;c < a.length;c++) {
d = a[c];
var f = b, m = d.kind, k = d.label, p = d.language, n = d;
d = f.Ja = f.Ja || [];
n = n || {};
n.kind = m;
n.label = k;
n.language = p;
m = vjs.S(m || "subtitles");
f = new window.videojs[m + "Track"](f, n);
v(vjs.Oa, vjs.d);
vjs.Oa.prototype.e = function() {
return vjs.Oa.i.e.call(this, "div", {className:"vjs-text-track-display"})
vjs.R = function(a, b) {
var c = this.ba = b.track;
b.label = c.label();
b.selected = c.tb();
vjs.H.call(this, a, b);
this.a.f(c.F() + "trackchange", vjs.bind(this, this.update))
v(vjs.R, vjs.H);
vjs.R.prototype.o = function() {
ga(this.a, this.ba.id(), this.ba.F())
vjs.R.prototype.update = function() {
2 == this.ba.mode() ? this.selected(g) : this.selected(j)
vjs.xa = function(a, b) {
b.track = {F:function() {
return b.kind
}, a:a, label:q("Off"), tb:q(j), mode:q(j)};
vjs.R.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.xa, vjs.R);
vjs.xa.prototype.o = function() {
ga(this.a, this.ba.id(), this.ba.F())
vjs.xa.prototype.update = function() {
for(var a = X(this.a), b = 0, c = a.length, d, f = g;b < c;b++) {
d = a[b], d.F() == this.ba.F() && 2 == d.mode() && (f = j)
f ? this.selected(g) : this.selected(j)
vjs.J = function(a, b) {
vjs.m.call(this, a, b);
this.oa = this.rb();
0 === this.Ga.length && this.A()
v(vjs.J, vjs.m);
r = vjs.J.prototype;
r.rb = function() {
var a = new vjs.ga(this.a);
a.g().appendChild(vjs.e("li", {className:"vjs-menu-title", innerHTML:vjs.S(this.v)}));
fa(a, new vjs.xa(this.a, {kind:this.v}));
this.Ga = this.Nb();
for(var b = 0;b < this.Ga.length;b++) {
fa(a, this.Ga[b])
return a
r.Nb = function() {
for(var a = [], b, c = 0;c < X(this.a).length;c++) {
b = X(this.a)[c], b.F() === this.v && a.push(new vjs.R(this.a, {track:b}))
return a
r.C = function() {
return this.className + " vjs-menu-button " + vjs.J.i.C.call(this)
r.ab = function() {
vjs.G(this.oa.b.childNodes[this.oa.b.childNodes.length - 1], "blur", vjs.bind(this, function() {
r.$a = function() {
r.o = function() {
this.G("mouseout", vjs.bind(this, function() {
vjs.ra = function(a, b) {
vjs.J.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.ra, vjs.J);
vjs.ra.prototype.v = "captions";
vjs.ra.prototype.W = "Captions";
vjs.ra.prototype.className = "vjs-captions-button";
vjs.Ba = function(a, b) {
vjs.J.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.Ba, vjs.J);
vjs.Ba.prototype.v = "subtitles";
vjs.Ba.prototype.W = "Subtitles";
vjs.Ba.prototype.className = "vjs-subtitles-button";
vjs.lb = function(a, b) {
vjs.J.call(this, a, b)
v(vjs.lb, vjs.J);
r = vjs.lb.prototype;
r.v = "chapters";
r.W = "Chapters";
r.className = "vjs-chapters-button";
r.Nb = function() {
for(var a = [], b, c = 0;c < X(this.a).length;c++) {
b = X(this.a)[c], b.F() === this.v && a.push(new vjs.R(this.a, {track:b}))
return a
r.rb = function() {
for(var a = X(this.a), b = 0, c = a.length, d, f, m = this.Ga = [];b < c;b++) {
if(d = a[b], d.F() == this.v && d.tb()) {
if(2 > d.readyState()) {
this.bd = d;
d.f("loaded", vjs.bind(this, this.rb));
f = d;
a = this.oa = new vjs.ga(this.a);
a.b.appendChild(vjs.e("li", {className:"vjs-menu-title", innerHTML:vjs.S(this.v)}));
if(f) {
d = f.la;
for(var k, b = 0, c = d.length;b < c;b++) {
k = d[b], k = new vjs.sa(this.a, {track:f, cue:k}), m.push(k), a.K(k)
0 < this.Ga.length && this.show();
return a
vjs.sa = function(a, b) {
var c = this.ba = b.track, d = this.cue = b.cue, f = a.currentTime();
b.label = d.text;
b.selected = d.startTime <= f && f < d.Ea;
vjs.H.call(this, a, b);
c.f("cuechange", vjs.bind(this, this.update))
v(vjs.sa, vjs.H);
vjs.sa.prototype.o = function() {
vjs.sa.prototype.update = function() {
var a = this.cue, b = this.a.currentTime();
a.startTime <= b && b < a.Ea ? this.selected(g) : this.selected(j)
vjs.w(vjs.V.prototype.options.children, {subtitlesButton:{}, captionsButton:{}, chaptersButton:{}});
vjs.Kb = function() {
var a, b, c = document.getElementsByTagName("video");
if(c && 0 < c.length) {
for(var d = 0, f = c.length;d < f;d++) {
if((b = c[d]) && b.getAttribute) {
b.a === e && (a = b.getAttribute("data-setup"), a !== h && (a = vjs.JSON.parse(a || "{}"), w(b, a)))
}else {
}else {
vjs.Vc || vjs.Lb()
vjs.Lb = function() {
setTimeout(vjs.Kb, 1)
vjs.G(window, "load", function() {
vjs.Vc = g
if(JSON && "function" === JSON.parse) {
}else {
vjs.JSON = {};
var Y = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g;
vjs.JSON.parse = function(a, b) {
function c(a, d) {
var k, p, n = a[d];
if(n && "object" === typeof n) {
for(k in n) {
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, k) && (p = c(n, k), p !== e ? n[k] = p : delete n[k])
return b.call(a, d, n)
var d;
a = String(a);
Y.lastIndex = 0;
Y.test(a) && (a = a.replace(Y, function(a) {
return"\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
if(/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(a.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""))) {
return d = eval("(" + a + ")"), "function" === typeof b ? c({"":d}, "") : d
throw new SyntaxError("JSON.parse");
;u("videojs", vjs);
u("_V_", vjs);
u("videojs.options", vjs.options);
u("videojs.cache", vjs.X);
u("videojs.Component", vjs.d);
vjs.d.prototype.dispose = vjs.d.prototype.p;
vjs.d.prototype.createEl = vjs.d.prototype.e;
vjs.d.prototype.getEl = vjs.d.prototype.hd;
vjs.d.prototype.addChild = vjs.d.prototype.K;
vjs.d.prototype.getChildren = vjs.d.prototype.gd;
vjs.d.prototype.on = vjs.d.prototype.f;
vjs.d.prototype.off = vjs.d.prototype.n;
vjs.d.prototype.one = vjs.d.prototype.G;
vjs.d.prototype.trigger = vjs.d.prototype.h;
vjs.d.prototype.show = vjs.d.prototype.show;
vjs.d.prototype.hide = vjs.d.prototype.A;
vjs.d.prototype.width = vjs.d.prototype.width;
vjs.d.prototype.height = vjs.d.prototype.height;
vjs.d.prototype.dimensions = vjs.d.prototype.tc;
u("videojs.Player", vjs.D);
u("videojs.MediaLoader", vjs.Ib);
u("videojs.PosterImage", vjs.ya);
u("videojs.LoadingSpinner", vjs.wa);
u("videojs.BigPlayButton", vjs.ca);
u("videojs.ControlBar", vjs.V);
u("videojs.TextTrackDisplay", vjs.Oa);
u("videojs.Control", vjs.da);
u("videojs.ControlBar", vjs.V);
u("videojs.Button", vjs.m);
u("videojs.PlayButton", vjs.ja);
u("videojs.PauseButton", vjs.ia);
u("videojs.PlayToggle", vjs.Ma);
u("videojs.FullscreenToggle", vjs.fa);
u("videojs.BigPlayButton", vjs.ca);
u("videojs.LoadingSpinner", vjs.wa);
u("videojs.CurrentTimeDisplay", vjs.ta);
u("videojs.DurationDisplay", vjs.ua);
u("videojs.TimeDivider", vjs.Pa);
u("videojs.RemainingTimeDisplay", vjs.Aa);
u("videojs.Slider", vjs.Q);
u("videojs.ProgressControl", vjs.za);
u("videojs.SeekBar", vjs.ka);
u("videojs.LoadProgressBar", vjs.va);
u("videojs.PlayProgressBar", vjs.La);
u("videojs.SeekHandle", vjs.Na);
u("videojs.VolumeControl", vjs.Ca);
u("videojs.VolumeBar", vjs.Ra);
u("videojs.VolumeLevel", vjs.Ta);
u("videojs.VolumeHandle", vjs.Sa);
u("videojs.MuteToggle", vjs.ha);
u("videojs.PosterImage", vjs.ya);
u("videojs.Menu", vjs.ga);
u("videojs.MenuItem", vjs.H);
u("videojs.SubtitlesButton", vjs.Ba);
u("videojs.CaptionsButton", vjs.ra);
u("videojs.ChaptersButton", vjs.lb);
u("videojs.MediaTechController", vjs.P);
u("videojs.Html5", vjs.k);
vjs.k.Events = vjs.k.ea;
vjs.k.isSupported = vjs.k.isSupported;
vjs.k.canPlaySource = vjs.k.pb;
vjs.k.prototype.setCurrentTime = vjs.k.prototype.Mc;
vjs.k.prototype.setVolume = vjs.k.prototype.Rc;
vjs.k.prototype.setMuted = vjs.k.prototype.Pc;
vjs.k.prototype.setPreload = vjs.k.prototype.Qc;
vjs.k.prototype.setAutoplay = vjs.k.prototype.Lc;
vjs.k.prototype.setLoop = vjs.k.prototype.Oc;
u("videojs.Flash", vjs.j);
vjs.j.Events = vjs.j.ea;
vjs.j.isSupported = vjs.j.isSupported;
vjs.j.canPlaySource = vjs.j.pb;
vjs.j.onReady = vjs.j.onReady;
u("videojs.TextTrack", vjs.z);
vjs.z.prototype.label = vjs.z.prototype.label;
u("videojs.CaptionsTrack", vjs.kb);
u("videojs.SubtitlesTrack", vjs.nb);
u("videojs.ChaptersTrack", vjs.mb);
test("should create an element", function() {
var a = new vjs.d({}, {});
test("should add a child component", function() {
var a = new vjs.d({}), b = a.K("component");
ok(1 === a.children().length);
ok(a.children()[0] === b);
ok(a.g().childNodes[0] === b.g());
ok(a.L.component === b);
var c = ok, d = b.id();
c(a.Va[d] === b)
test("should init child coponents from options", function() {
var a = new vjs.d({}, {children:{component:g}});
ok(1 === a.children().length);
ok(1 === a.g().childNodes.length)
test("should dispose of component and children", function() {
var a = new vjs.d({}), b = a.K("Component");
ok(1 === a.children().length);
a.f("click", q(g));
var c = vjs.getData(a.g()), d = a.g()[vjs.expando];
ok(!a.children(), "component children were deleted");
ok(!a.g(), "component element was deleted");
ok(!b.children(), "child children were deleted");
ok(!b.g(), "child element was deleted");
ok(!vjs.X[d], "listener cache nulled");
ok(vjs.Ya(c), "original listener cache object was emptied")
test("should add and remove event listeners to element", function() {
function a() {
ok(g, "fired event once");
ok(this === b, "listener has the component as context")
var b = new vjs.d({}, {});
b.f("test-event", a);
b.n("test-event", a);
test("should trigger a listener once using one()", function() {
var a = new vjs.d({}, {});
a.G("test-event", function() {
ok(g, "fired event once")
test("should trigger a listener when ready", function() {
var a = new vjs.d({}, {}, function() {
ok(g, "options listener fired")
a.N(function() {
ok(g, "ready method listener fired")
test("should add and remove a CSS class", function() {
var a = new vjs.d({}, {});
ok(-1 !== a.g().className.indexOf("test-class"));
ok(-1 === a.g().className.indexOf("test-class"))
test("should show and hide an element", function() {
var a = new vjs.d({}, {});
ok("none" === a.g().style.display);
ok("block" === a.g().style.display)
test("should change the width and height of a component", function() {
var a = document.createElement("div"), b = new vjs.d({}, {}), c = b.g();
a.style.width = "1000px";
a.style.height = "1000px";
ok(500 === b.width(), "percent values working");
ok(vjs.wb(c, "width") === b.width() + "px", "matches computed style");
ok(123 === b.height(), "px values working");
ok(321 === b.width(), "integer values working")
test("should create an element", function() {
var a = vjs.e(), b = vjs.e("span", {"data-test":"asdf", innerHTML:"fdsa"});
ok("DIV" === a.nodeName);
ok("SPAN" === b.nodeName);
ok("asdf" === b["data-test"]);
ok("fdsa" === b.innerHTML)
test("should make a string start with an uppercase letter", function() {
var a = vjs.S("bar");
ok("Bar" === a)
test("should loop through each property on an object", function() {
var a = {nc:1, oc:2, c:3};
vjs.Da(a, function(b, c) {
a[b] = c + 3
deepEqual(a, {nc:4, oc:5, c:6})
test("should add context to a function", function() {
var a = {test:"obj"};
vjs.bind(a, function() {
ok(this === a)
test("should add and remove a class name on an element", function() {
var a = document.createElement("div");
vjs.q(a, "test-class");
ok("test-class" === a.className, "class added");
vjs.q(a, "test-class");
ok("test-class" === a.className, "same class not duplicated");
vjs.q(a, "test-class2");
ok("test-class test-class2" === a.className, "added second class");
vjs.B(a, "test-class");
ok("test-class2" === a.className, "removed first class")
test("should get and remove data from an element", function() {
var a = document.createElement("div"), b = vjs.getData(a), c = a[vjs.expando];
ok("object" === typeof b, "data object created");
var d = {Zc:"fdsa"};
b.test = d;
ok(vjs.getData(a).test === d, "data added");
ok(!vjs.X[c], "cached item nulled");
ok(a[vjs.expando] === h || a[vjs.expando] === e, "element data id removed")
test("should read tag attributes from elements, including HTML5 in all browsers", function() {
var a = document.createElement("div"), b;
b = '<video id="vid1" controls autoplay loop muted preload="none" src="http://google.com" poster="http://www2.videojs.com/img/video-js-html5-video-player.png" data-test="asdf" data-empty-string=""></video><video id="vid2"><source id="source" src="http://google.com" type="video/mp4" media="fdsa" title="test" >';
b += '<track id="track" default src="http://google.com" kind="captions" srclang="en" label="testlabel" title="test" >';
a.innerHTML += b;
a = vjs.Y(document.getElementById("vid2"));
b = vjs.Y(document.getElementById("source"));
var c = vjs.Y(document.getElementById("track"));
deepEqual(vjs.Y(document.getElementById("vid1")), {autoplay:g, controls:g, "data-test":"asdf", "data-empty-string":"", id:"vid1", loop:g, muted:g, poster:"http://www2.videojs.com/img/video-js-html5-video-player.png", preload:"none", src:"http://google.com"});
deepEqual(a, {id:"vid2"});
deepEqual(b, {title:"test", media:"fdsa", type:"video/mp4", src:"http://google.com", id:"source"});
deepEqual(c, {"default":g, id:"track", kind:"captions", label:"testlabel", src:"http://google.com", srclang:"en", title:"test"})
test("should get the right style values for an element", function() {
var a = document.createElement("div"), b = document.createElement("div"), c = document.getElementById("qunit-fixture");
b.style.width = "1000px";
b.style.height = "1000px";
a.style.height = "100%";
a.style.width = "123px";
ok("1000px" === vjs.wb(a, "height"));
ok("123px" === vjs.wb(a, "width"))
test("should insert an element first in another", function() {
var a = document.createElement("div"), b = document.createElement("div"), c = document.createElement("div");
vjs.Fa(a, c);
ok(c.firstChild === a, "inserts first into empty parent");
vjs.Fa(b, c);
ok(c.firstChild === b, "inserts first into parent with child")
test("should return the element with the ID", function() {
var a = document.createElement("div"), b = document.createElement("div"), c = document.getElementById("qunit-fixture");
a.id = "test_id1";
b.id = "test_id2";
ok(vjs.g("test_id1") === a, "found element for ID");
ok(vjs.g("#test_id2") === b, "found element for CSS ID")
test("should trim whitespace from a string", function() {
ok("asdf asdf asdf" === vjs.trim(" asdf asdf asdf \t\n\r"))
test("should round a number", function() {
ok(1 === vjs.round(1.01));
ok(2 === vjs.round(1.5));
ok(1.55 === vjs.round(1.55, 2));
ok(10.55 === vjs.round(10.551, 2))
test("should format time as a string", function() {
ok("0:01" === vjs.s(1));
ok("0:10" === vjs.s(10));
ok("1:00" === vjs.s(60));
ok("10:00" === vjs.s(600));
ok("1:00:00" === vjs.s(3600));
ok("10:00:00" === vjs.s(36E3));
ok("100:00:00" === vjs.s(36E4));
ok("0:01" === vjs.s(1, 1));
ok("0:01" === vjs.s(1, 10));
ok("0:01" === vjs.s(1, 60));
ok("00:01" === vjs.s(1, 600));
ok("0:00:01" === vjs.s(1, 3600));
ok("0:00:01" === vjs.s(1, 36E3));
ok("0:00:01" === vjs.s(1, 36E4))
test("should create a fake timerange", function() {
var a = vjs.sb(10);
ok(0 === a.start());
ok(10 === a.end())
test("should get an absolute URL", function() {
ok("http://asdf.com" === vjs.Xa("http://asdf.com"));
ok("https://asdf.com/index.html" === vjs.Xa("https://asdf.com/index.html"))
test("should add and remove an event listener to an element", function() {
function a() {
ok(g, "Click Triggered")
var b = document.createElement("div");
vjs.f(b, "click", a);
vjs.h(b, "click");
vjs.n(b, "click", a);
vjs.h(b, "click")
test("should remove all listeners of a type", function() {
var a = document.createElement("div"), b = 0;
vjs.f(a, "click", function() {
vjs.f(a, "click", function() {
vjs.h(a, "click");
ok(2 === b, "both click listeners fired");
vjs.n(a, "click");
vjs.h(a, "click");
ok(2 === b, "no click listeners fired")
test("should remove all listeners from an element", function() {
var a = document.createElement("div");
vjs.f(a, "fake1", function() {
ok(g, "Fake1 Triggered")
vjs.f(a, "fake2", function() {
ok(g, "Fake2 Triggered")
vjs.h(a, "fake1");
vjs.h(a, "fake2");
vjs.h(a, "fake1");
vjs.h(a, "fake2")
test("should listen only once", function() {
var a = document.createElement("div");
vjs.G(a, "click", function() {
ok(g, "Click Triggered")
vjs.h(a, "click");
vjs.h(a, "click")
function Z() {
var a = document.createElement("video");
a.id = "example_1";
a.className = "video-js vjs-default-skin";
return a
function $(a) {
var b = Z();
return player = new vjs.D(b, a)
test("should create player instance that inherits from component and dispose it", function() {
var a = $();
ok("DIV" === a.g().nodeName);
ok(a.f, "component function exists");
ok(a.g() === h, "element disposed")
test("should accept options from multiple sources and override in correct order", function() {
vjs.options.attr = 1;
var a = Z(), a = new vjs.D(a);
ok(1 === a.options.attr, "global option was set");
a = Z();
a.setAttribute("attr", "asdf");
a = new vjs.D(a);
ok("asdf" === a.options.attr, "Tag options overrode global options");
a = Z();
a.setAttribute("attr", "asdf");
a = new vjs.D(a, {attr:"fdsa"});
ok("fdsa" === a.options.attr, "Init options overrode tag and global options");
test("should get tag, source, and track settings", function() {
var a = document.getElementById("qunit-fixture"), b;
b = '<video id="example_1" class="video-js" autoplay preload="metadata"><source src="http://google.com" type="video/mp4"><source src="http://google.com" type="video/webm">';
b += '<track src="http://google.com" kind="captions" default>';
b += "</video>";
a.innerHTML += b;
a = document.getElementById("example_1");
b = new vjs.D(a);
ok(b.options.autoplay === g);
ok("metadata" === b.options.preload);
ok("example_1" === b.options.id);
ok(2 === b.options.sources.length);
ok("http://google.com" === b.options.sources[0].src);
ok("video/mp4" === b.options.sources[0].type);
ok("video/webm" === b.options.sources[1].type);
ok(1 === b.options.tracks.length);
ok("captions" === b.options.tracks[0].kind);
ok(b.options.tracks[0]["default"] === g);
ok(-1 !== b.g().className.indexOf("video-js"), "transferred class from tag to player div");
ok("example_1" === b.g().id, "transferred id from tag to player div");
ok(a.a === b, "player referenceable on original tag");
ok(vjs.$[b.id()] === b, "player referenceable from global list");
ok(a.id !== b.id, "tag ID no longer is the same as player ID");
ok(a.className !== b.g().className, "tag classname updated");
ok(a.a === h, "tag player ref killed");
ok(!vjs.$.example_1, "global player ref killed");
ok(b.g() === h, "player el killed")
test("should set the width and height of the player", function() {
var a = $({width:123, height:"100%"});
ok(123 === a.width());
ok("123px" === a.g().style.width);
var b = document.getElementById("qunit-fixture"), c = document.createElement("div");
c.style.height = "1000px";
ok(1E3 === a.height());
test("should accept options from multiple sources and override in correct order", function() {
var a = Z(), b = document.createElement("div"), c = document.getElementById("qunit-fixture");
var c = new vjs.D(a), d = c.g();
ok(d.parentNode === b, "player placed at same level as tag");
ok(a.parentNode !== b, "tag removed from original place");
test("should load a media controller", function() {
var a = $({Ia:"none", nd:[{src:"http://google.com", type:"video/mp4"}, {src:"http://google.com", type:"video/webm"}]});
ok(-1 !== a.g().children[0].className.indexOf("vjs-tech"), "media controller loaded");
test("should create a video tag and have access children in old IE", function() {
document.getElementById("qunit-fixture").innerHTML += "<video id='test_vid_id'><source type='video/mp4'></video>";
vid = document.getElementById("test_vid_id");
ok(1 === vid.childNodes.length);
ok("video/mp4" === vid.childNodes[0].getAttribute("type"))
test("should return a video player instance", function() {
document.getElementById("qunit-fixture").innerHTML += "<video id='test_vid_id'></video><video id='test_vid_id2'></video>";
var a = w("test_vid_id");
ok(a, "created player from tag");
ok("test_vid_id" === a.id());
ok(w.$.test_vid_id === a, "added player to global reference");
var b = w("test_vid_id");
ok(a === b, "did not create a second player from same tag");
a = w(document.getElementById("test_vid_id2"));
ok("test_vid_id2" === a.id(), "created player from element")
})();//@ sourceMappingURL=video.test.compiled.js.map