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/* eslint-env qunit */
import sinon from 'sinon';
import log from '../../src/js/utils/log';
import Player from '../../src/js/player';
import Plugin from '../../src/js/plugin';
class MockPlugin extends Plugin {}
MockPlugin.VERSION = 'v1.2.3';
QUnit.module('Plugin: static methods', {
beforeEach() {
this.basic = () => {};
Plugin.registerPlugin('basic', this.basic);
Plugin.registerPlugin('mock', MockPlugin);
afterEach() {
Object.keys(Plugin.getPlugins()).forEach(key => {
if (key !== Plugin.BASE_PLUGIN_NAME) {
QUnit.test('registerPlugin() works with basic plugins', function(assert) {
const foo = () => {};
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.registerPlugin('foo', foo), foo, 'the plugin is returned');
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.getPlugin('foo'), foo, 'the plugin can be retrieved');
assert.strictEqual(Object.prototype.toString.call(Player.prototype.foo), '[object Function]', 'the plugin has a wrapper function');
assert.notStrictEqual(Player.prototype.foo, foo, 'the function on the player prototype is a wrapper');
QUnit.test('registerPlugin() works with class-based plugins', function(assert) {
class Foo extends Plugin {}
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.registerPlugin('foo', Foo), Foo, 'the plugin is returned');
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.getPlugin('foo'), Foo, 'the plugin can be retrieved');
assert.strictEqual(Object.prototype.toString.call(Player.prototype.foo), '[object Function]', 'the plugin has a factory function');
assert.notStrictEqual(Player.prototype.foo, Foo, 'the function on the player prototype is a factory');
QUnit.test('registerPlugin() illegal arguments', function(assert) {
() => Plugin.registerPlugin(),
new Error('Illegal plugin name, "undefined", must be a string, was undefined.'),
'plugins must have a name'
() => Plugin.registerPlugin('foo'),
new Error('Illegal plugin for "foo", must be a function, was undefined.'),
'plugins require both arguments'
() => Plugin.registerPlugin('foo', {}),
new Error('Illegal plugin for "foo", must be a function, was object.'),
'plugins must be functions'
() => Plugin.registerPlugin('play', function() {}),
new Error('Illegal plugin name, "play", cannot share a name with an existing player method!'),
'plugins must be functions'
sinon.stub(log, 'warn');
Plugin.registerPlugin('foo', function() {});
Plugin.registerPlugin('foo', function() {});
assert.strictEqual(log.warn.callCount, 1, 'warn on re-registering a plugin');
QUnit.test('getPlugin()', function(assert) {
assert.ok(Plugin.getPlugin('basic'), 'the "basic" plugin exists');
assert.ok(Plugin.getPlugin('mock'), 'the "mock" plugin exists');
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.getPlugin(), undefined, 'returns undefined with no arguments');
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.getPlugin('nonExistent'), undefined, 'returns undefined with non-existent plugin');
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.getPlugin(123), undefined, 'returns undefined with an invalid type');
QUnit.test('getPluginVersion()', function(assert) {
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.getPluginVersion('basic'), '', 'the basic plugin has no version');
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.getPluginVersion('mock'), 'v1.2.3', 'a plugin with a version returns its version');
QUnit.test('getPlugins()', function(assert) {
assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(Plugin.getPlugins()).length, 3, 'all plugins are returned by default');
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.getPlugins().basic, this.basic, 'the "basic" plugin is included');
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.getPlugins().mock, MockPlugin, 'the "mock" plugin is included');
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.getPlugins().plugin, Plugin, 'the "plugin" plugin is included');
assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(Plugin.getPlugins(['basic'])).length, 1, 'a subset of plugins can be requested');
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.getPlugins(['basic']).basic, this.basic, 'the correct subset of plugins is returned');
QUnit.test('deregisterPlugin()', function(assert) {
const foo = () => {};
Plugin.registerPlugin('foo', foo);
assert.strictEqual(Player.prototype.foo, undefined, 'the player prototype method is removed');
assert.strictEqual(Plugin.getPlugin('foo'), undefined, 'the plugin can no longer be retrieved');
() => Plugin.deregisterPlugin('plugin'),
new Error('Cannot de-register base plugin.'),
'the base plugin cannot be de-registered'
QUnit.test('isBasic()', function(assert) {
assert.ok(Plugin.isBasic(this.basic), 'the "basic" plugin is a basic plugin (by reference)');
assert.ok(Plugin.isBasic('basic'), 'the "basic" plugin is a basic plugin (by name)');
assert.notOk(Plugin.isBasic(MockPlugin), 'the "mock" plugin is NOT a basic plugin (by reference)');
assert.notOk(Plugin.isBasic('mock'), 'the "mock" plugin is NOT a basic plugin (by name)');