Broke out bind, guid, and element data functions from Lib Separated out more dom functions in to dom.js Broke out URL functions into url.js Removed setLocalStorage since it wasn't being used Moved browser tests out of lib Moved log functions into their own file Removed trim() since it wasn't being used Moved formatTime into its own file Moved round into its own file and renamed roundFloat() Moved capitalize into its own file and renamed as toTitleCase() Moved createTimeRange into its own file Removed Lib.arr.forEach infavor of the native forEach Removed Lib.obj.create in favor of native Object.create (ES6-sham) Removed obj.each in favor of native Object.getOwnPropertyNames().forEach() Removed obj.merge and copy. Using lodash.assign instead. Replaced Lib.obj.isPlain with lodash.isPlainObject Removed Lib.obj.isArray in favor of the native Array.isArray Also removed the lib.js tests file as all tests have been moved or removed. Removed Lib.isEmpty in favor of !Object.getOwnPropertyNames().length Switched Util.mergeOptions and deepMerge to use new mergeOptions() Moved Lib.TEST_VID to Html5.TEST_VID Removed Lib references everywhere. Woo! Attempting to fix sourcemap test errors by setting grunt-browserify version Switched to object.assign from lodash.assign Removed unused 'inherits' dependency Reorganzied test files and added '.test' to file names Combined js/core.js and js/video.js Moved events.js into the utils directory
Please Note!
The master branch is now the development branch for 5.0 and should be considered unstable until the first 5.0 release. If you're looking for the most recent stable release, please refer to the stable branch.
Video.js - HTML5 Video Player 
Video.js is a web video player built from the ground up for an HTML5 world. It supports HTML5 and Flash video, as well as YouTube and Vimeo (through plugins). It supports video playback on desktops and mobile devices. This project was started mid 2010, and the player is now used on over
50,000100,000 websites.
Quick start
Thanks to the awesome folks over at Fastly, there's a free, CDN hosted version of Video.js that anyone can use. Simply add these includes to your document's
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
Then, whenever you want to use Video.js you can simply use the <video>
element as your normally would, but with an additional data-setup
attribute containing any Video.js options. These options
can include any Video.js option plus potential plugin options, just make sure they're valid JSON!
<video id="really-cool-video" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls
preload="auto" width="640" height="264" poster="really-cool-video-poster.jpg"
<source src="really-cool-video.mp4" type='video/mp4'>
<source src="really-cool-video.webm" type='video/webm'>
<p class="vjs-no-js">
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser
that <a href="" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a>
If you don't want to use auto-setup, you can leave off the data-setup
attribute and initialize a video element manually.
var player = videojs('really-cool-video', { /* Options */ }, function() {
console.log('Good to go!');; // if you don't trust autoplay for some reason
// How about an event listener?
this.on('ended', function() {
console.log('awww...over so soon?');
If you're ready to dive in, the documentation is the first place to go for more information. Generally the player API docs are the most pertinent.
Video.js is a free and open source library, and we appreciate any help you're willing to give. Check out the contributing guide.
Building your own Video.js from source
To build your own custom version read the section on contributing code and "Building your own copy" in the contributing guide.
Video.js is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. View the license file
Copyright 2014-2015 Brightcove, Inc.