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synced 2025-03-03 15:12:49 +02:00
Allow middleware to handle volume setter and getter. This supports things like ducking the playback volume programmatically, without affecting the player's UI volume control.
447 lines
12 KiB
447 lines
12 KiB
/* eslint-env qunit */
import TestHelpers from './test-helpers.js';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import window from 'global/window';
import * as middleware from '../../src/js/tech/middleware.js';
import videojs from '../../src/js/video.js';
const middleWareTerminations = ['terminates', 'does not-terminate'];
const playReturnValues = ['non-promise', 'promise'];
const mainModule = function(playReturnValue, middlewareTermination, subhooks) {
subhooks.beforeEach(function(assert) {
this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
this.techPlayCalls = 0;
this.playsTerminated = 0;
this.playTests = [];
this.terminate = false;
if (middlewareTermination === 'terminates') {
this.terminate = true;
this.techPlay = () => {
if (playReturnValue === 'promise') {
return window.Promise.resolve('foo');
return 'foo';
this.finish = function() {
const done = assert.async(this.playTests.length);
const singleFinish = (playValue, assertName) => {
assert.equal(playValue, 'foo', `play call from - ${assertName} - is correct`);
this.playTests.forEach(function(test) {
const playRetval = test.playRetval;
const testName = test.assertName;
if (typeof playRetval === 'string') {
singleFinish(playRetval, testName);
} else {
playRetval.then((v) => {
singleFinish(v, testName);
this.checkState = (assertName, options = {}) => {
const expectedState = videojs.mergeOptions({
playCalls: 0,
techLoaded: false,
techReady: false,
playerReady: false,
changingSrc: false,
playsTerminated: 0
}, options);
if (typeof options.techLoaded === 'undefined' && typeof options.techReady !== 'undefined') {
expectedState.techLoaded = options.techReady;
const currentState = {
playCalls: this.techPlayCalls,
techLoaded: Boolean(this.player.tech_),
techReady: Boolean((this.player.tech_ || {}).isReady_),
playerReady: Boolean(this.player.isReady_),
changingSrc: Boolean(this.player.changingSrc_),
playsTerminated: Number(this.playsTerminated)
assert.deepEqual(currentState, expectedState, assertName);
this.playTerminatedQueue = () => this.playsTerminated++;
this.playTest = (assertName, options = {}) => {
if (this.player.playTerminatedQueue_ !== this.playTerminatedQueue) {
this.player.runPlayTerminatedQueue_ = this.playTerminatedQueue;
if (this.player && this.player.tech_ && this.player.tech_.play !== this.techPlay) {
this.player.tech_.play = this.techPlay;
this.playTests.push({assertName, playRetval: this.player.play()});
this.checkState(assertName, options);
this.middleware = () => {
return {
// pass along source
setSource(srcObj, next) {
next(null, srcObj);
callPlay: () => {
if (this.terminate) {
return middleware.TERMINATOR;
middleware.use('*', this.middleware);
subhooks.afterEach(function() {
// remove added middleware
const middlewareList = middleware.getMiddleware('*');
for (let i = 0; i < middlewareList.length; i++) {
if (middlewareList[i] === this.middleware) {
middlewareList.splice(i, 1);
if (this.player) {
QUnit.test('Player#play() resolves correctly with dom sources and async tech ready', function(assert) {
// turn of mediaLoader to prevent setting a tech right away
// similar to settings sources in the DOM
// turn off autoReady to prevent syncronous ready from the tech
this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({mediaLoader: false, techFaker: {autoReady: false}});
this.playTest('before anything is ready');
src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4',
type: 'video/mp4'
this.playTest('only changingSrc', {
changingSrc: true
this.playTest('still changingSrc, tech loaded', {
techLoaded: true,
changingSrc: true
this.playTest('still changingSrc, tech loaded and ready', {
techReady: true,
changingSrc: true
this.playTest('done changingSrc, tech/player ready', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1,
playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0
this.checkState('state stays the same', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1,
playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0
this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly, unless terminated', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 2,
playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 2 : 0
if (this.terminate) {
this.terminate = false;
this.playTest('play works if not terminated', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: 1,
playsTerminated: 2
this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: 2,
playsTerminated: 2
QUnit.test('Player#play() resolves correctly with dom sources', function(assert) {
this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({mediaLoader: false});
this.playTest('before anything is ready');
src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4',
type: 'video/mp4'
this.playTest('only changingSrc', {
changingSrc: true
this.playTest('still changingSrc, tech/player ready', {
techLoaded: true,
changingSrc: true,
playerReady: true,
techReady: true
this.playTest('done changingSrc, tech#play is called', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1,
playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0
this.checkState('state stays the same', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1,
playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0
this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 2,
playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 2 : 0
if (this.terminate) {
this.terminate = false;
this.playTest('play works if not terminated', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: 1,
playsTerminated: 2
this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: 2,
playsTerminated: 2
QUnit.test('Player#play() resolves correctly with async tech ready', function(assert) {
this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({techFaker: {autoReady: false}});
this.playTest('before anything is ready', {
techLoaded: true
src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4',
type: 'video/mp4'
this.playTest('tech loaded changingSrc', {
techLoaded: true,
changingSrc: true
this.playTest('still changingSrc, tech loaded', {
techLoaded: true,
changingSrc: true
this.playTest('still changingSrc, tech loaded again', {
techLoaded: true,
changingSrc: true
this.playTest('still changingSrc, tech loaded and ready', {
techReady: true,
changingSrc: true
this.playTest('still changingSrc tech/player ready', {
changingSrc: true,
playerReady: true,
techReady: true
// player ready calls fire now
// which sets changingSrc_ to false
this.checkState('play was called on ready', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1,
playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0
this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 2,
playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 2 : 0
if (this.terminate) {
this.terminate = false;
this.playTest('play works if not terminated', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: 1,
playsTerminated: 2
this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: 2,
playsTerminated: 2
QUnit.test('Player#play() resolves correctly', function(assert) {
this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer();
this.playTest('player/tech start out ready', {
techReady: true,
playerReady: true
src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4',
type: 'video/mp4'
this.playTest('now changingSrc', {
techReady: true,
playerReady: true,
changingSrc: true
this.playTest('done changingSrc, play called if not terminated', {
techReady: true,
playerReady: true,
playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1,
playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0
this.checkState('state stays the same', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 1,
playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 1 : 0
this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: this.terminate ? 0 : 2,
playsTerminated: this.terminate ? 2 : 0
if (this.terminate) {
this.terminate = false;
this.playTest('play works if not terminated', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: 1,
playsTerminated: 2
this.playTest('future calls hit tech#play directly', {
playerReady: true,
techReady: true,
playCalls: 2,
playsTerminated: 2
// without enableSourceset this test will fail.
QUnit.test('Player#play() resolves correctly on tech el src', function(assert) {
this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({techOrder: ['html5'], enableSourceset: true});
this.playTest('player/tech start out ready', {
techReady: true,
playerReady: true
this.player.tech_.el_.src = 'http://vjs.zencdn.net/v/oceans.mp4';
this.player.on('loadstart', () => {
this.checkState('play should have been called', {
techReady: true,
playerReady: true,
playCalls: 1
QUnit.module('Player#play()', (hooks) => {
playReturnValues.forEach((playReturnValue) => {
middleWareTerminations.forEach((middlewareTermination) => {
QUnit.module(`tech#play() => ${playReturnValue}, middleware ${middlewareTermination}`, (subhooks) => {
mainModule(playReturnValue, middlewareTermination, subhooks);