mirror of https://github.com/videojs/video.js.git synced 2025-02-04 11:43:27 +02:00
Brandon Casey df96a74f6b feat: sourceset event (#4660)
Trigger a sourceset event whenever the source is set in the Html5 tech, including initial source. We override the video element's src and setAttribute methods so that we can trigger the sourceset event when people change the src with both the video element and our API methods.
The event object for sourceset will contain the src string that was provided at the time the sourceset was triggered. This is mostly important if a source is being set while a tech is changing.
A Tech has a featuresSourceset option that it can set to for sourceset handling. It can then call the helper triggerSourceset(src) to trigger the sourceset.
2018-03-07 14:28:37 -05:00

823 lines
26 KiB

/* eslint-env qunit, browser */
let player;
let tech;
import Html5 from '../../../src/js/tech/html5.js';
import * as browser from '../../../src/js/utils/browser.js';
import document from 'global/document';
QUnit.module('HTML5', {
beforeEach(assert) {
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.innerHTML = '<div />';
player = {
id() {
return 'id';
el() {
return el;
options_: {},
options() {
return this.options_;
bufferedPercent() {
return 0;
controls() {
return false;
usingNativeControls() {
return false;
on() {
return this;
off() {
return this;
ready() {},
addChild() {},
trigger() {}
tech = new Html5({});
afterEach(assert) {
player = null;
tech = null;
QUnit.test('should be able to set playsinline attribute', function(assert) {
assert.ok(tech.el().hasAttribute('playsinline'), 'playsinline attribute was added');
assert.ok(!tech.el().hasAttribute('playsinline'), 'playsinline attribute was removed');
QUnit.test('should detect whether the volume can be changed', function(assert) {
if (!{}.__defineSetter__) {
assert.ok(true, 'your browser does not support this test, skipping it');
const testVid = Html5.TEST_VID;
const ConstVolumeVideo = function() {
this.volume = 1;
this.__defineSetter__('volume', function() {});
Html5.TEST_VID = new ConstVolumeVideo();
Html5.TEST_VID = testVid;
QUnit.test('test playbackRate', function(assert) {
// Android 2.3 always returns 0 for playback rate
if (!Html5.canControlPlaybackRate()) {
assert.ok(true, 'Playback rate is not supported');
tech.el().playbackRate = 1.25;
assert.strictEqual(tech.playbackRate(), 1.25, 'can be changed from the element');
assert.strictEqual(tech.playbackRate(), 0.75, 'can be changed from the API');
QUnit.test('test defaultPlaybackRate', function(assert) {
// Android 2.3 always returns 0 for playback rate
if (!Html5.canControlPlaybackRate()) {
assert.ok(true, 'Playback rate is not supported');
tech.el().defaultPlaybackRate = 1.25;
assert.strictEqual(tech.defaultPlaybackRate(), 1.25, 'can be changed from the element');
assert.strictEqual(tech.defaultPlaybackRate(), 0.75, 'can be changed from the API');
QUnit.test('blacklist playbackRate support on older verisons of Chrome on Android', function(assert) {
if (!Html5.canControlPlaybackRate()) {
assert.ok(true, 'playbackRate is not supported');
// Reset playbackrate - Firefox's rounding of playbackRate causes the rate not to change in canControlPlaybackRate() after a few instances
Html5.TEST_VID.playbackRate = 1;
const oldIsAndroid = browser.IS_ANDROID;
const oldIsChrome = browser.IS_CHROME;
const oldChromeVersion = browser.CHROME_VERSION;
browser.IS_ANDROID = true;
browser.IS_CHROME = true;
browser.CHROME_VERSION = 50;
assert.strictEqual(Html5.canControlPlaybackRate(), false, 'canControlPlaybackRate should return false on older Chrome');
browser.CHROME_VERSION = 58;
assert.strictEqual(Html5.canControlPlaybackRate(), true, 'canControlPlaybackRate should return true on newer Chrome');
browser.IS_ANDROID = oldIsAndroid;
browser.IS_CHROME = oldIsChrome;
browser.CHROME_VERSION = oldChromeVersion;
QUnit.test('test volume', function(assert) {
if (!Html5.canControlVolume()) {
assert.ok(true, 'Volume is not supported');
tech.el().volume = 0.5;
assert.strictEqual(tech.volume(), 0.5, 'can be changed from the element');
assert.strictEqual(tech.volume(), 1, 'can be changed from the API');
QUnit.test('test defaultMuted', function(assert) {
tech.el().defaultMuted = true;
assert.strictEqual(tech.defaultMuted(), true, 'can be changed from the element');
assert.strictEqual(tech.defaultMuted(), false, 'can be changed from the API');
QUnit.test('should export played', function(assert) {
assert.deepEqual(tech.played(), tech.el().played, 'returns the played attribute');
QUnit.test('should remove the controls attribute when recreating the element', function(assert) {
player.tagAttributes = {
controls: true
// force custom controls so the test environment is equivalent on iOS
player.options_.nativeControlsForTouch = false;
const el = tech.createEl();
// On the iPhone controls are always true
if (!browser.IS_IPHONE) {
assert.ok(!el.controls, 'controls attribute is absent');
assert.ok(player.tagAttributes.controls, 'tag attribute is still present');
QUnit.test('patchCanPlayType patches canplaytype with our function, conditionally', function(assert) {
// the patch runs automatically so we need to first unpatch
const oldAV = browser.ANDROID_VERSION;
const oldIsFirefox = browser.IS_FIREFOX;
const oldIsChrome = browser.IS_CHROME;
const video = document.createElement('video');
const canPlayType = Html5.TEST_VID.constructor.prototype.canPlayType;
browser.ANDROID_VERSION = 4.0;
browser.IS_FIREFOX = false;
browser.IS_CHROME = false;
'original canPlayType and patched canPlayType should not be equal');
const patchedCanPlayType = video.canPlayType;
const unpatchedCanPlayType = Html5.unpatchCanPlayType();
'original canPlayType and unpatched canPlayType should be equal');
'patched canPlayType and function returned from unpatch are equal');
browser.ANDROID_VERSION = oldAV;
browser.IS_FIREFOX = oldIsFirefox;
browser.IS_CHROME = oldIsChrome;
QUnit.test('patchCanPlayType doesn\'t patch canplaytype with our function in Chrome for Android', function(assert) {
// the patch runs automatically so we need to first unpatch
const oldAV = browser.ANDROID_VERSION;
const oldIsChrome = browser.IS_CHROME;
const oldIsFirefox = browser.IS_FIREFOX;
const video = document.createElement('video');
const canPlayType = Html5.TEST_VID.constructor.prototype.canPlayType;
browser.ANDROID_VERSION = 4.0;
browser.IS_CHROME = true;
browser.IS_FIREFOX = false;
'original canPlayType and patched canPlayType should be equal');
browser.ANDROID_VERSION = oldAV;
browser.IS_CHROME = oldIsChrome;
browser.IS_FIREFOX = oldIsFirefox;
QUnit.test('patchCanPlayType doesn\'t patch canplaytype with our function in Firefox for Android', function(assert) {
// the patch runs automatically so we need to first unpatch
const oldAV = browser.ANDROID_VERSION;
const oldIsFirefox = browser.IS_FIREFOX;
const oldIsChrome = browser.IS_CHROME;
const video = document.createElement('video');
const canPlayType = Html5.TEST_VID.constructor.prototype.canPlayType;
browser.ANDROID_VERSION = 4.0;
browser.IS_FIREFOX = true;
browser.IS_CHROME = false;
'original canPlayType and patched canPlayType should be equal');
browser.ANDROID_VERSION = oldAV;
browser.IS_FIREFOX = oldIsFirefox;
browser.IS_CHROME = oldIsChrome;
QUnit.test('should return maybe for HLS urls on Android 4.0 or above when not Chrome or Firefox', function(assert) {
const oldAV = browser.ANDROID_VERSION;
const oldIsFirefox = browser.IS_FIREFOX;
const oldIsChrome = browser.IS_CHROME;
const video = document.createElement('video');
browser.ANDROID_VERSION = 4.0;
browser.IS_FIREFOX = false;
browser.IS_CHROME = false;
'android version 4.0 or above should be a maybe for x-mpegurl');
'android version 4.0 or above should be a maybe for x-mpegURL');
'android version 4.0 or above should be a ' +
'maybe for vnd.apple.mpegurl');
'android version 4.0 or above should be a ' +
'maybe for vnd.apple.mpegurl');
browser.ANDROID_VERSION = oldAV;
browser.IS_FIREFOX = oldIsFirefox;
browser.IS_CHROME = oldIsChrome;
QUnit.test('should return a maybe for mp4 on OLD ANDROID', function(assert) {
const isOldAndroid = browser.IS_OLD_ANDROID;
const video = document.createElement('video');
browser.IS_OLD_ANDROID = true;
'old android should return a maybe for video/mp4');
browser.IS_OLD_ANDROID = isOldAndroid;
QUnit.test('error events may not set the errors property', function(assert) {
assert.equal(tech.error(), undefined, 'no tech-level error');
assert.ok(true, 'no error was thrown');
QUnit.test('should have the source handler interface', function(assert) {
assert.ok(Html5.registerSourceHandler, 'has the registerSourceHandler function');
QUnit.test('native source handler canPlayType', function(assert) {
// Stub the test video canPlayType (used in canPlayType) to control results
const origCPT = Html5.TEST_VID.canPlayType;
Html5.TEST_VID.canPlayType = function(type) {
if (type === 'video/mp4') {
return 'maybe';
return '';
const canPlayType = Html5.nativeSourceHandler.canPlayType;
'Native source handler reported type support');
assert.equal(canPlayType('foo'), '', 'Native source handler handled bad type');
// Reset test video canPlayType
Html5.TEST_VID.canPlayType = origCPT;
QUnit.test('native source handler canHandleSource', function(assert) {
// Stub the test video canPlayType (used in canHandleSource) to control results
const origCPT = Html5.TEST_VID.canPlayType;
Html5.TEST_VID.canPlayType = function(type) {
if (type === 'video/mp4') {
return 'maybe';
return '';
const canHandleSource = Html5.nativeSourceHandler.canHandleSource;
assert.equal(canHandleSource({ type: 'video/mp4', src: 'video.flv' }, {}),
'Native source handler reported type support');
assert.equal(canHandleSource({ src: 'http://www.example.com/video.mp4' }, {}),
'Native source handler reported extension support');
assert.equal(canHandleSource({ src: 'https://example.com/video.sd.mp4?s=foo&token=bar' }, {}),
'Native source handler reported extension support');
assert.equal(canHandleSource({ src: 'https://example.com/video.sd.mp4?s=foo' }, {}),
'Native source handler reported extension support');
// Test for issue videojs/video.js#1785 and other potential failures
assert.equal(canHandleSource({ src: '' }, {}),
'Native source handler handled empty src');
assert.equal(canHandleSource({}, {}),
'Native source handler handled empty object');
assert.equal(canHandleSource({ src: 'foo' }, {}),
'Native source handler handled bad src');
assert.equal(canHandleSource({ type: 'foo' }, {}),
'Native source handler handled bad type');
// Reset test video canPlayType
Html5.TEST_VID.canPlayType = origCPT;
if (Html5.supportsNativeTextTracks()) {
QUnit.test('add native textTrack listeners on startup', function(assert) {
const adds = [];
const rems = [];
const tt = {
length: 0,
addEventListener: (type, fn) => adds.push([type, fn]),
removeEventListener: (type, fn) => rems.push([type, fn])
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textTracks = tt;
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const htmlTech = new Html5({el});
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
assert.equal(adds[0][0], 'change', 'change event handler added');
assert.equal(adds[1][0], 'addtrack', 'addtrack event handler added');
assert.equal(adds[2][0], 'removetrack', 'removetrack event handler added');
QUnit.test('does not add native textTrack listeners when disabled', function(assert) {
const events = [];
const tt = {
length: 0,
addEventListener: (type, fn) => events.push([type, fn]),
removeEventListener: (type, fn) => events.push([type, fn])
const el = document.createElement('video');
Object.defineProperty(el, 'textTracks', {
get: () => tt
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const htmlTech = new Html5({el, nativeTextTracks: false});
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
assert.equal(events.length, 0, 'no listeners added');
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const htmlTechAlternate = new Html5({el, nativeCaptions: false});
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
assert.equal(events.length, 0, 'no listeners added');
QUnit.test('remove all tracks from emulated list on dispose', function(assert) {
const adds = [];
const rems = [];
const tt = {
length: 0,
addEventListener: (type, fn) => adds.push([type, fn]),
removeEventListener: (type, fn) => rems.push([type, fn])
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textTracks = tt;
const htmlTech = new Html5({el});
assert.equal(adds[0][0], 'change', 'change event handler added');
assert.equal(adds[1][0], 'addtrack', 'addtrack event handler added');
assert.equal(adds[2][0], 'removetrack', 'removetrack event handler added');
assert.equal(rems[0][0], 'change', 'change event handler removed');
assert.equal(rems[1][0], 'addtrack', 'addtrack event handler removed');
assert.equal(rems[2][0], 'removetrack', 'removetrack event handler removed');
assert.equal(adds[0][0], rems[0][0], 'change event handler removed');
assert.equal(adds[1][0], rems[1][0], 'addtrack event handler removed');
assert.equal(adds[2][0], rems[2][0], 'removetrack event handler removed');
if (Html5.supportsNativeAudioTracks()) {
QUnit.test('add native audioTrack listeners on startup', function(assert) {
const adds = [];
const rems = [];
const at = {
length: 0,
addEventListener: (type, fn) => adds.push([type, fn]),
removeEventListener: (type, fn) => rems.push([type, fn])
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.audioTracks = at;
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const htmlTech = new Html5({el});
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
assert.equal(adds[0][0], 'change', 'change event handler added');
assert.equal(adds[1][0], 'addtrack', 'addtrack event handler added');
assert.equal(adds[2][0], 'removetrack', 'removetrack event handler added');
QUnit.test('does not add native audioTrack listeners when disabled', function(assert) {
const events = [];
const at = {
length: 0,
addEventListener: (type, fn) => events.push([type, fn]),
removeEventListener: (type, fn) => events.push([type, fn])
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.audioTracks = at;
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const htmlTech = new Html5({el, nativeAudioTracks: false});
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
assert.equal(events.length, 0, 'no listeners added');
QUnit.test('remove all tracks from emulated list on dispose', function(assert) {
const adds = [];
const rems = [];
const at = {
length: 0,
addEventListener: (type, fn) => adds.push([type, fn]),
removeEventListener: (type, fn) => rems.push([type, fn])
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.audioTracks = at;
const htmlTech = new Html5({el});
assert.equal(adds[0][0], 'change', 'change event handler added');
assert.equal(adds[1][0], 'addtrack', 'addtrack event handler added');
assert.equal(adds[2][0], 'removetrack', 'removetrack event handler added');
assert.equal(rems[0][0], 'change', 'change event handler removed');
assert.equal(rems[1][0], 'addtrack', 'addtrack event handler removed');
assert.equal(rems[2][0], 'removetrack', 'removetrack event handler removed');
assert.equal(adds[0][0], rems[0][0], 'change event handler removed');
assert.equal(adds[1][0], rems[1][0], 'addtrack event handler removed');
assert.equal(adds[2][0], rems[2][0], 'removetrack event handler removed');
if (Html5.supportsNativeVideoTracks()) {
QUnit.test('add native videoTrack listeners on startup', function(assert) {
const adds = [];
const rems = [];
const vt = {
length: 0,
addEventListener: (type, fn) => adds.push([type, fn]),
removeEventListener: (type, fn) => rems.push([type, fn])
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.videoTracks = vt;
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const htmlTech = new Html5({el});
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
assert.equal(adds[0][0], 'change', 'change event handler added');
assert.equal(adds[1][0], 'addtrack', 'addtrack event handler added');
assert.equal(adds[2][0], 'removetrack', 'removetrack event handler added');
QUnit.test('does not add native audioTrack listeners when disabled', function(assert) {
const events = [];
const vt = {
length: 0,
addEventListener: (type, fn) => events.push([type, fn]),
removeEventListener: (type, fn) => events.push([type, fn])
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.videoTracks = vt;
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const htmlTech = new Html5({el, nativeVideoTracks: false});
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
assert.equal(events.length, 0, 'no listeners added');
QUnit.test('remove all tracks from emulated list on dispose', function(assert) {
const adds = [];
const rems = [];
const vt = {
length: 0,
addEventListener: (type, fn) => adds.push([type, fn]),
removeEventListener: (type, fn) => rems.push([type, fn])
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.videoTracks = vt;
const htmlTech = new Html5({el});
assert.equal(adds[0][0], 'change', 'change event handler added');
assert.equal(adds[1][0], 'addtrack', 'addtrack event handler added');
assert.equal(adds[2][0], 'removetrack', 'removetrack event handler added');
assert.equal(rems[0][0], 'change', 'change event handler removed');
assert.equal(rems[1][0], 'addtrack', 'addtrack event handler removed');
assert.equal(rems[2][0], 'removetrack', 'removetrack event handler removed');
assert.equal(adds[0][0], rems[0][0], 'change event handler removed');
assert.equal(adds[1][0], rems[1][0], 'addtrack event handler removed');
assert.equal(adds[2][0], rems[2][0], 'removetrack event handler removed');
QUnit.test('should always return currentSource_ if set', function(assert) {
const currentSrc = Html5.prototype.currentSrc;
assert.equal(currentSrc.call({el_: {currentSrc: 'test1'}}),
'sould return source from element if nothing else set');
assert.equal(currentSrc.call({currentSource_: {src: 'test2'}}),
'sould return source from currentSource_, if nothing else set');
assert.equal(currentSrc.call({currentSource_: {src: 'test2'},
el_: {currentSrc: 'test1'}}),
'sould return source from source set, not from element');
QUnit.test('should fire makeup events when a video tag is initialized late', function(assert) {
const lateInit = Html5.prototype.handleLateInit_;
let triggeredEvents = [];
const mockHtml5 = {
readyListeners: [],
ready(listener) {
triggerReady() {
this.readyListeners.forEach(function(listener) {
}, this);
trigger(type) {
on() {},
off() {}
function testStates(statesObject, expectedEvents) {
lateInit.call(mockHtml5, statesObject);
'wrong events triggered for ' +
`networkState:${statesObject.networkState} ` +
`and readyState:${statesObject.readyState || 'no readyState'}`);
// reset mock
triggeredEvents = [];
mockHtml5.readyListeners = [];
// Network States
testStates({ networkState: 0, readyState: 0 }, []);
testStates({ networkState: 1, readyState: 0 }, ['loadstart']);
testStates({ networkState: 2, readyState: 0 }, ['loadstart']);
testStates({ networkState: 3, readyState: 0 }, []);
// Ready States
testStates({ networkState: 1, readyState: 0 }, ['loadstart']);
testStates({ networkState: 1, readyState: 1 }, ['loadstart', 'loadedmetadata']);
testStates({ networkState: 1, readyState: 2 },
['loadstart', 'loadedmetadata', 'loadeddata']);
testStates({ networkState: 1, readyState: 3 },
['loadstart', 'loadedmetadata', 'loadeddata', 'canplay']);
testStates({ networkState: 1, readyState: 4 },
['loadstart', 'loadedmetadata', 'loadeddata', 'canplay', 'canplaythrough']);
QUnit.test('Html5.resetMediaElement should remove sources and call load', function(assert) {
let selector;
const removedChildren = [];
let removedAttribute;
let loaded;
const children = ['source1', 'source2', 'source3'];
const testEl = {
querySelectorAll(input) {
selector = input;
return children;
removeChild(child) {
removeAttribute(attr) {
removedAttribute = attr;
load() {
loaded = true;
assert.equal(selector, 'source', 'we got the source elements from the test el');
'we removed the children that were present');
assert.equal(removedAttribute, 'src', 'we removed the src attribute');
assert.ok(loaded, 'we called load on the element');
QUnit.test('Html5#reset calls Html5.resetMediaElement when called', function(assert) {
const oldResetMedia = Html5.resetMediaElement;
let resetEl;
Html5.resetMediaElement = (el) => {
resetEl = el;
const el = {};
Html5.prototype.reset.call({el_: el});
assert.equal(resetEl, el, 'we called resetMediaElement with the tech\'s el');
Html5.resetMediaElement = oldResetMedia;
QUnit.test('When Android Chrome reports Infinity duration with currentTime 0, return NaN', function(assert) {
const oldIsAndroid = browser.IS_ANDROID;
const oldIsChrome = browser.IS_CHROME;
const oldEl = tech.el_;
browser.IS_ANDROID = true;
browser.IS_CHROME = true;
tech.el_ = {
duration: Infinity,
currentTime: 0
assert.ok(Number.isNaN(tech.duration()), 'returned NaN with currentTime 0');
browser.IS_ANDROID = oldIsAndroid;
browser.IS_CHROME = oldIsChrome;
tech.el_ = oldEl;
QUnit.test('supports getting available media playback quality metrics', function(assert) {
const origPerformance = window.performance;
const origDate = window.Date;
const oldEl = tech.el_;
const videoPlaybackQuality = {
creationTime: 1,
corruptedVideoFrames: 2,
droppedVideoFrames: 3,
totalVideoFrames: 5
tech.el_ = {
getVideoPlaybackQuality: () => videoPlaybackQuality
'uses native implementation when supported');
tech.el_ = {
webkitDroppedFrameCount: 1,
webkitDecodedFrameCount: 2
window.performance = {
now: () => 4
{ droppedVideoFrames: 1, totalVideoFrames: 2, creationTime: 4 },
'uses webkit prefixed metrics and performance.now when supported');
tech.el_ = {
webkitDroppedFrameCount: 1,
webkitDecodedFrameCount: 2
window.Date = {
now: () => 10
window.performance = {
timing: {
navigationStart: 3
{ droppedVideoFrames: 1, totalVideoFrames: 2, creationTime: 7 },
'uses webkit prefixed metrics and Date.now() - navigationStart when ' +
tech.el_ = {};
window.performance = void 0;
assert.deepEqual(tech.getVideoPlaybackQuality(), {}, 'empty object when not supported');
window.performance = {
now: () => 5
{ creationTime: 5 },
'only creation time when it\'s the only piece available');
window.performance = {
timing: {
navigationStart: 3
{ creationTime: 7 },
'only creation time when it\'s the only piece available');
tech.el_ = {
getVideoPlaybackQuality: () => videoPlaybackQuality,
webkitDroppedFrameCount: 1,
webkitDecodedFrameCount: 2
'prefers native implementation when supported');
tech.el_ = oldEl;
window.performance = origPerformance;
window.Date = origDate;