mirror of
synced 2024-11-16 02:39:11 +02:00
926 lines
42 KiB
926 lines
42 KiB
start "ScanPC" /D "%~dp0" powershell.exe "$comp="""%1"""; $a= Get-Content '.\%~nx0' -Encoding Oem | Select-Object -Skip 3; Invoke-Expression ($a -join """`r`n""")"
# Fixed exclude symbolic link from scan C:\$Recycle.Bin (ReparsePoint)
# https://github.com/Sync1er/ChernigovEugeniyUtilities
# https://habr.com/ru/users/Sync1er/
# Chernigov Eugeniy 2024. For non commercial use only
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
Add-Type -Name Window -Namespace Console -MemberDefinition '
public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();
public static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 nCmdShow);
[Console.Window]::ShowWindow(( $consolePtr = [Console.Window]::GetConsoleWindow()), 0)
Function Prompt {$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = $(get-location); "::"}
if(-not $comp){$comp=$env:COMPUTERNAME}
$hide="RAS Async Adapter","WAN Miniport","Virtual Adapter","FAX","Microsoft XPS","OneNote","Š®à¥¢ ï ®ç¥à¥¤ì ¯¥ç â¨","PDF","Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter","HTREE"
$repl="Intel(R) Core(TM) ","11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) ","Intel(R) ","System Product Name"," 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master"," To be filled by O.E.M."," Virtual Platform"," Express Chipset Family"," Express Chipset","\(ª®à¯®à æ¨ï Œ ©ªà®á®äâ - WDDM 1.1\)","� ¡®à ¬¨ªà®á奬 ","‘¥¬¥©á⢮ ¡®à®¢ ¬¨ªà®á奬 ","/C200 Series 6 Port","6th Generation Core Processor Family Platform "," Family Controller","APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics"," Storage Controllers"," Universal Host Controller","\(Œ ©ªà®á®äâ\)","Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB ","Š®à¥¢®© ","�®á«¥¤®¢ ⥫ìë© ¯®àâ ","� áè¨à¥ë© ","� áè¨àï¥¬ë© ","‘â ¤ àâë© "," Enhanced Host Controller"," Storage Controller"," Chipset Family"," LaserJet Professional"
$list= @()
$SlctnStrt= 0
$global:usrSz= @()
function txt($txt) {$ListBox3.AppendText("$txt")}
function Output($txt="`r`n", $color="black", $font=$font){
$ListBox3.SelectionStart = $start
$ListBox3.SelectionLength = $txt.Length
$ListBox3.SelectionFont = $font
$ListBox3.SelectionColor = $color
$ListBox3.SelectionLength = 0
$ListBox3.SelectionColor = 'Black'
Devices - show devices
Scan - show hardware information and users
Scan option:
Print - show printers
Size - Scan and show system and users files sizes
HW - show CPU, memory, HDD, vendor
Usr - chek users now logged-in and *last logon (Gray: full list)
*last logon time not always correct
CR button - clean C:\`$Recycle.Bin by deleting files older than 2 month
CR button to show if size of C:\`$Recycle.Bin is more than 500MB
Don't forget to run as administrator for scanning local computer
Author is not liable for any loss or claim
Chernigov Eugeniy 2024. For non commercial use only
$ScriptBlock= {
$usrDir="$input" -split ';'
$fldrs='Downloads;Pictures;Desktop;Videos;Documents;Music;AppData\Local\Temp;AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook' -split ';'
$tmp=$fldrs | ForEach {
$a=$($(Get-ChildItem -Path "$($usrDir -join '\')\$_" -Recurse -Force | ForEach {$_.Length}) 2>$null | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / 1MB
if($a -gt 100){@{usrDir=$usrDir[1];Dir=$_;Size=$a}}
function PrProgres { $job=$((Get-Job | Where { $_.State -eq "Running"}).count)
$Label.Text= "$job $prcnt"
function OutputSize ($usrSz){
($usrSz.usrDir | Sort-Object -Unique | ForEach {$usrDir=$_; @{usrDir=$usrDir;Sum= $(($usrSz | Where {$_.usrDir -eq $usrDir}).Size | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum}} | `
` Sort-Object {$_.sum} -Descending).usrDir | ForEach {
$out= $usrSz | Where {$_.usrDir -eq $usrDir} | ForEach {"`r`n"+$($_.Dir).PadRight(22," ")+$(" {0:n0}" -f $_.Size+" MB").PadLeft(10," ")}
$usrSz | Where {$_.usrDir -eq $usrDir} | ForEach { $global:sum+=$_.Size}
$usr= $null; $usr= $usrs | Where {$_.Login -eq $usrDir} | Select-Object -First 1
$dep=(($usr.DistinguishedName -split ',OU=')[1] -split ',')[0]
$fullname= Shrt "$($usr.fullname)"
$clr="SlateBlue"; if(-not($usr.Enabled) -and $usr.fullname){$clr="red"}
$txt1=$(addSp "$usrDir $($usr.LastLogin)" 22)
$txt2=''; if($dep){$txt2="/$dep"}
$bar=(0..("$txt1$fullname$txt2".Length + 3) | ForEach {'-'}) -join ''
Output "`n$txt1 "
Output "$fullname" $clr
Output $("$txt2`r`n$bar-$out`r`n`r`n")
function Stop { Get-Job | Remove-Job -Force; ScanButton {Chek} 'Scan'; if($global:wrm -eq 'Stopped'){Get-Service -Name WinRM -ComputerName $compAdr | Stop-service}; $global:wrm=$null}
$timer = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Timer
$timer.Interval = 200
if($step -eq 6){
$sum=[int](($sum | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum /1024)
Output "`n`n All summary - $sum GB"
Output "`n`n -= Done =-`n`n"; $global:step=$false; ScanButton {Chek} 'Scan'; if($global:wrm -eq 'Stopped'){Get-Service -Name WinRM -ComputerName $compAdr | Stop-service}; $global:wrm=$null; $timer.Stop()
if($step -eq 5){
$job= Get-Job | Where { $_.Name -eq 'GetSize' -and $_.State -eq "Completed"}
if($job){$global:jobCnt+=$job.Count; $tmp= $($job | Receive-Job) 2>$null; $job | Remove-Job -force}
if($drs.Count){$prcnt="{0:P0}" -f ($global:jobCnt/$($drs.Count))}
if($global:usrSz){OutputSize $global:usrSz; $global:usrSz=@()}
if($tmp){OutputSize $tmp; $tmp=@()}
if(-not((Get-Job | Where {$_.Name -eq 'GetSize'}) -or $cnt)){$global:step=6}
$run=(Get-Job | Where {$_.Name -eq 'GetSize' -and $_.State -eq "Running"}).count
if($run -le $jobCount -and $cnt){$global:cnt--; Start-Job -InputObject "\\$compAdr\C$\Users;$($drs[$cnt])" -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Name GetSize}
if($step -eq 4.5){
if(Get-Job | Where {$_.Name -eq 'System files'}){
$job= Get-Job | Where { $_.Name -eq 'System files' -and $_.State -eq 'Completed'}
if($job){$out= $($job | Receive-Job); $job | Remove-Job -force; Output $out; ShCRButton $out}
if(-not(Get-Job | Where { $_.Name -eq 'System files'})){
if($os -and $CheckBox2.Checked){Output "`nScan users folders size more than 100MB... `n`n"}
if($step -eq 4.2){
if(Get-Job | Where {$_.Name -eq 'Users files Invoke'}){
$job= Get-Job | Where { $_.Name -eq 'Users files Invoke' -and $_.State -eq "Completed"}
$out= $job | Receive-Job; $job | Remove-Job -force
if($out){$global:usrSz= $out; $global:step=4.5}
$global:drs= $(Get-ChildItem -Path "\\$compAdr\C$\Users" -Directory -name) 2>$null
$global:cnt= $drs.Count
if($step -eq 4.1){
if(Get-Job | Where {$_.Name -eq 'System files Invoke'}){
$job= Get-Job | Where { $_.Name -eq 'System files Invoke' -and $_.State -eq "Completed"}
if($job){$out= $job | Receive-Job; $job | Remove-Job -force}
if($out){Output $out; $global:step=4.2; ShCRButton $out; Output "`n`nScan users folders size more than 100MB... `n`n"}
else{GetSizeSys; $global:step=4.2}
if($step -eq 3){
$job= Get-Job | Where { $_.name -eq "Get date" -and $_.State -eq "Completed"}
if($job.count -eq (Get-Job | Where { $_.name -eq "Get date"}).count){
$global:usrs= $($job | Receive-Job | Sort-Object {$_.LastLogin -as [datetime]} -Descending) 2>$null; Get-Job | Where { $_.name -eq "Get date"} | Remove-Job -force
if($CheckBox4.CheckState -ne "Indeterminate"){$shrt=$usrs.Count-10; $usrs=$usrs[0..9]}
Output $("`r`nUsers last logget-in")
Output "`n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
$usrs | ForEach {
if($_.fullname.Length -gt 40){$_.fullname=($_.fullname).Substring(0,39)+">"}
Output $("`n"+(addSp $($(addSp $_.Login 22) + $_.fullname) 62)+$_.LastLogin)
if($shrt -gt 0){Output "`n +$shrt users.." "SlateBlue" }
Output "`n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------`n"
}else{Output "`r`n Can't read C:\Users folder`n" "SaddleBrown"}
if($step -eq 2.5){
if(-not $CheckBox4.Checked){$global:step=3}
$job= Get-Job | Where { $_.Name -eq "ShowUsr" -and $_.State -eq "Completed"}
Output "`r`nlogged-in user - "
$out= $($job | Receive-Job) 2>$null; $job | Remove-Job -Force
$out | ForEach {$a=$( $_ -split ';'); Output $a[0] $a[1]}
if($step -eq 2.2){
$job= Get-Job | Where { $_.Name -eq "Get Printers" -and $_.State -eq "Completed"}
if($job.count -eq (Get-Job | Where { $_.Name -eq "Get Printers"}).count){
$printTabl= $($job | Receive-Job)
$job | Remove-Job -Force
$printrs= PrintTabl $printTabl
if($printrs){PrintersOut $($printrs)}
if($step -eq 2){
$job= Get-Job | Where { $_.Name -eq 'Get Printers Invoke' -and $_.State -eq 'Completed'}
$global:printTabl= $($job | Receive-Job)
$job | Remove-Job -Force
if($printTabl){$printrs= PrintTabl $printTabl}else{GetPrinters;$global:step=2.2; return}
if($printrs){PrintersOut $printrs}
if( -not(Get-Job | Where { $_.Name -eq 'Get Printers Invoke'})){$global:step=2.5}
if($step -eq 1){
if($os -and $CheckBox1.Checked){
function ChkCmp ($comp){
if ( [system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient]::new().BeginConnect($comp,455,$null,$null).AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(150,$false)){return $true}
$cnt=0; do {$cnt++; if($(ping -4 $comp -n 1 -w 200 | Select-String -Pattern 'TTL=')){return $True}} while ($cnt -lt 4)
function GetIP ($cmp){return $([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses("$cmp") | where {$_.AddressFamily -eq "InterNetwork"} | ForEach {[string]$_}) 2>$nul}
$ping={ping.exe $compAdr -n 1 -4 -w 300 | Where {$_} | Select-Object -First 1 -Skip 1}
function ChkPrt ($cmp, $prt){[system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient]::new().BeginConnect($cmp,$prt,$null,$null).AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(500,$false)}
function ChkOS ($comp){ ((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $comp).name -split"\|")[0]}
function addSp([string]$word, $len){ for ($i = $word.Length; $i -lt $len; $i++){$word+=" "}; return [string]$word }
function Exclude ($Id) {$a=$True; $excl | ForEach {if ("$Id" -like "*$_*"){$a=$False}}; return $a}
function Replace ($word) {$repl | ForEach {$word=$word -replace "$_",""}; return $word}
function Hide ($word) {$a=$True; $hide | ForEach { if ("$word" -like "*$_*"){$a=$False}}; return $a}
function Fltr ($id){
if($id -like "*\*" -and $id -notlike "?:\*"){
$id= ($id -split '\\') -replace "___",""
$id[1]=($id[1] -split "&")[0..1] -join "&"
return $id[0]+"\"+$id[1]
} else{ return $id}
function Shrt($adUsr){ $adUsrSh=$adUsr; $a=($adUsr.trim() -split ' '); if($a[1] -and $a[2]){$adUsrSh=$a[0]+" "+($a[1])[0]+"."+($a[2])[0]+"."}; return $adUsrSh}
function SMBchk ($cmp) {
function Chek {
Get-Job | Remove-Job -Force
if($global:CRButton){$global:CRButton.Dispose()}; $global:CRButton=$null
ScanButton {Stop} 'Stop'
$global:compAdr= ($ListBox2.Text).trim()
if(-not $global:compAdr){$global:compAdr=$env:COMPUTERNAME;$ListBox2.Text=$global:compAdr}
$ip= GetIP $compAdr
$cnt=2; while($cnt) {$cnt--; $a= $(.$ping); Output "$a`r`n" $(if($a -like '*TTL=*'){"green"; $png=$true}else{"red"})}
if(-not $ip){Output "`r`nComputer $compAdr unaccessible.."; return}
if(-not $png){445,3389,5900,22,80,8080 | ForEach { if(ChkPrt $compAdr $_ ){$png=$true;Output "Port $_ open`r`n" "green"}}}
if(-not $png){Output "`r`nComputer $compAdr unaccessible.."; return}
if($global:compAdr -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME){
$global:wrm=(Get-Service -Name WinRM -ComputerName $compAdr).Status
if($global:wrm -eq 'Stopped'){Get-Service -Name WinRM -ComputerName $compAdr | Start-service}
$global:os=ChkOS $compAdr
if($os -and $CheckBox1.Checked){GetPrintersInvoke}
if($os -and $CheckBox4.Checked){ShowUsr}
Output "`n$($os)`n`n"
$dt= ((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $compAdr -ErrorVariable err).LastBootUpTime)
$curTm= Get-Date -date $(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_CurrentTime -ComputerName $compAdr | Where {$_.__CLASS -eq 'Win32_LocalTime'} | select Day,Hour,Minute,Month,Year | ForEach {"$($_.Year,$_.Month,$_.Day -join '.') $($_.Hour,$_.Minute -join ':')"})
$dt= Get-Date -date $($dt.Substring(0,4)+'.'+$dt.Substring(4,2)+'.'+$dt.Substring(6,2)+' '+$dt.Substring(8,2)+':'+$dt.Substring(10,2))
$tmUp=$curTm - $dt
if($dt){Output " System boot up date Uptime`r`n --------------------ÿÿÿÿÿ-----------`r`n $($dt.ToString('dd MMM yyyy HH:mm')) $($tmUp.Days)d $($tmUp.Hours):$("{0:d2}" -f $tmUp.Minutes)`r`n`r`n"}
$a= Get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk -Computername $compAdr | select DeviceID, FreeSpace, Size, VolumeName | Where {$_.Size}
Output "`nÿDriveÿÿÿÿSizeÿÿFreeSpaceÿÿÿÿUsageÿÿÿVolumeÿName`n------------------------------------------------`n"
$a | ForEach {
$free=$($(100-[int](100*($_.FreeSpaceÿ/ÿ$_.Size)))); $clr="DarkGreen"; if($free -ge 80){$clr="Chocolate"}; if($free -ge 90){$clr="Crimson"}
Output "ÿÿ$($_.DeviceID.PadRight(3,"ÿ"))ÿ$("$([int]($_.Sizeÿ/ÿ1GB))GB".PadLeft(8,"ÿ")) $("$([int]($_.FreeSpaceÿ/ÿ1GB))GB".PadLeft(10,"ÿ"))"; Output "ÿ$("$free%".PadLeft(8,"ÿ"))" $clr; Outputÿ"ÿÿÿ$($_.VolumeName)`n"
Output "------------------------------------------------`n"
if($os -and $CheckBox3.Checked){CompHw}
if(ChkPrt $compAdr 3389){Output "`nRDP port 3389" "DarkBlue"}
if(ChkPrt $compAdr 5900){Output "`nVNC port 5900" "SeaGreen"}
if(ChkPrt $compAdr 445 ){Output "`nSMB port 445" "MediumVioletRed"}
if(ChkPrt $compAdr 22 ){Output "`nSSH port 22" "Violet"}
if(ChkPrt $compAdr 80 ){Output "`nHTTP port 80" "DarkOrange"}
if(ChkPrt $compAdr 8080){Output "`nHTTP port 8080" "Blue"}
if(ChkPrt $compAdr 1541){Output "`n 1C port 1541" "SeaGreen"}
if(ChkPrt $compAdr 10050){Output "`nZabbix port 10050" "DarkViolet"}
Output "`n"
function CompHw {
if (-not $ip){return}
$hst= ((get-wmiobject -list "StdRegProv" -computername $compAdr -namespace root\default).GetStringValue(2147483650,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Virtual Machine\Guest\Parameters","HostName")).sValue
$memSum=0; $model=""; $memModule=""
$cpu=(Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_Processor -ComputerName $compAdr).Name | Select-Object -first 1
$cpu=$cpu -replace ' ',' '; $cpu=$cpu -replace ' ',' '; $cpu=$cpu -replace ' ',' ' ;$cpu=$cpu -replace ' ',' '
$cpu=$cpu -replace ' CPU ',' '
$cpu=$cpu -replace 'Intel\(R\) Core\(TM\)2 Duo','Core2Duo'
$cpu=$cpu -replace 'Intel\(R\) Pentium\(R\)','Pentium'
$cpu=$cpu -replace 'Intel\(R\) Core\(TM\)','Core'
$cpu=$cpu -replace 'Intel\(R\) Celeron\(R\)','Celeron'
$cpu=$cpu -replace 'Intel\(R\) Xeon\(R\)','Xeon'
$cpu=$cpu -replace 'Pentium\(R\) Dual-Core','Pentium'
$cpu=$cpu -replace ' with Radeon\(tm\) HD Graphics',''
$cpu=$cpu -replace ' with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx',''
$cpu=$cpu -replace ' with Radeon Vega Graphics',''
$cpu=$cpu -replace ' @ ',' '
if ("$cpu" -ne ""){
$memModule=((Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_PhysicalMemory -ComputerName $compAdr).Capacity | ForEach {$mem=[int]($_*10/1073741824)/10; if($mem -ge 0.5){$mem; $memSum=$memSum+$mem}}) -join ' '
$sys=Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $compAdr
$model=$model -replace 'System Product Name','Noname'
$model=$model -replace 'To be filled by O.E.M.','Noname'
$model=$model -replace 'VMware Virtual Platform','VMware'
$hdd=""; Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_diskdrive -ComputerName $compAdr | ForEach {if($_.Size -gt 0){$hdd+=[string]($_.Model+" "+[int]($_.Size / (1000000000)))+"GB`r`n"}}
Output "`r`n $(addSp $compName 23) $ip`r`n-------------------------------------------------------`r`n$(addSp "CPU" 15) : $cpu($cores core) `r`n$(addSp "Memory" 15) : $memModule (Sum:$memSum`GB) `r`n$(addSp "Manufacturer" 15) : $model"
$(if($hst){Output " ("; Output "$hst" "MediumVioletRed"; Output ")"}); Output "`r`n"
if($hdd){Output "`r`nHard Disk Drive:"; Output "`r`n$hdd" "DarkBlue"}
function ShowUsr {
Start-Job -InputObject "$(1*$CheckBox5.Checked);$compAdr" -Name 'ShowUsr' -ScriptBlock {
$srch = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
function Shrt($adUsr){ $adUsrSh=$adUsr; $a=($adUsr.trim() -split ' '); if($a[1] -and $a[2]){$adUsrSh=$a[0]+" "+($a[1])[0]+"."+($a[2])[0]+"."}; return $adUsrSh}
$in="$input" -split ';'
$cnt=0; $job=@(); $act=@(); $usrs=@(); $col="SaddleBrown"
$getNm={$nm=Shrt ([string]$($srch.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=$a))"; $srch.FindOne().Properties.displayname) 2>$null); if($nm){$nm}else{"($a)"}}
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 4500; Get-Process -ProcessName "quser" | Stop-Process}
$query= quser.exe /SERVER:$compAdr 2>&1
$job | Remove-Job -force
if(-not $query.TargetObject -and $query){
$usrs=@(); $act=@(); $list=@(); $col="SaddleBrown"
$query | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach {
$a=($_ -split " " | Where {$_})[0]
if($_ -like "*console*"){$act+="$(.$getNm) (console)"}
elseif($_ -like "*rdp-tcp*"){$act+="$(.$getNm) (rdp)"}
if($query.TargetObject -or -not $query ){
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 7500; Get-Process -ProcessName "tasklist" | Stop-Process}
$query= $(tasklist.exe /S $compAdr /FO "CSV" /V /FI "IMAGENAME eq explorer.exe" 2>&1)
$job | Remove-Job -force
if($query.TargetObject){$err= $query.TargetObject; $col="red"}
elseif(-not $query){$usrs="computer not responding"; $col="black"}
else{$list=@(); $usrs= $query -replace '"' | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach {
$qr= $_ -split ','; $indx=5; if($qr.count -gt 7){$indx=6}
$a= ($qr[$indx] -split '\\')[1]
if($a -notin $list){
if($qr[2]){$act+="$(.$getNm) ($(($qr[2] -split '-')[0]))"}else{$(.$getNm)}
if(-not $act -and -not $usrs){$usrs="nobody"; $col="black"}
$cnt=0; $lmt=7; $all=$act.Count+$usrs.Count; if($all -gt 7){$lmt=5};
if("1" -eq $in[0]){$lmt= $all}
$act | ForEach {if($cnt -lt $lmt){"$_`r`n ;SlateBlue"; $cnt++}}
$usrs | ForEach {if($cnt -lt $lmt){"$_`r`n ;$col"; $cnt++}}
if($all-$cnt){"..+$($all -$cnt)`r`n;SlateBlue"}
"`r`n ;black"
function GetSizeInvoke {
if(-not $CheckBox2.Checked){return}
Start-Job -InputObject "$compAdr" -Name 'System files Invoke' -ScriptBlock {
$ScriptBlock= {
'C:\Windows\Temp','C:\$Recycle.Bin','C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis','C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb' | ForEach {
$cnt++;$tmp=""; $a=[int](($(Get-ChildItem -Path "$_" -Recurse -force | ForEach {$_.Length}) 2>$null | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / 1MB)
if($a -ge 500 -or $cnt -le 2){$("`n$_ ").PadRight(22," ")+$("{0:n0}" -f $a+" MB`n").PadLeft(9," ")}
$fls | ForEach {
$fl=$_; $tmp=""; $a=$(Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\' -Force | Where {$_.FullName -eq $fl}).Length / 1MB 2>$null
if($a -ge 1){$("`n$fl").PadRight(22," ")+$("{0:n0}" -f $a+" MB`n").PadLeft(9," ")}
if($env:COMPUTERNAME -eq $compAdr){.$ScriptBlock}
else{$(Invoke-Command -ComputerName $compAdr -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ErrorVariable err) 2>$null}
Start-Job -InputObject "$compAdr" -Name 'Users files Invoke' -ScriptBlock {
$ScriptBlock= {
$fldrs='Downloads;Pictures;Desktop;Videos;Documents;Music;AppData\Local\Temp;AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache;AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache;AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook' -split ';'
$(Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users" | Where {$_.Mode -like "d????*"}) 2>$null | ForEach {
$tmp= $fldrs | ForEach {
$a=[int](($(Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\$usrDir\$_" -Recurse -Force | ForEach {$_.Length}) 2>$null | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / 1MB)
$trhld=100; if($_ -like "*Cache*"){$trhld= 500}
if($a -gt $trhld){@{usrDir=$usrDir;Dir=$_;Size=$a}}
if($env:COMPUTERNAME -eq $compAdr){.$ScriptBlock}
else{$(Invoke-Command -ComputerName $compAdr -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ErrorVariable err) 2>$null}
function GetSizeSys {
if($CheckBox2.Checked -and (Test-Path "\\$compAdr\c$\Users")){
$tmp=""; $a=$(($(Get-ChildItem -Path "$input" -Recurse -force | ForEach {$_.Length}) 2>$null | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / 1MB)
$("`nC:\Windows\Temp ").PadRight(22," ")+$("{0:n0}" -f $a+" MB`n").PadLeft(9," ")
Start-Job -InputObject "\\$compAdr\c$\Windows\Temp" -ScriptBlock $Script -Name 'System files'
$tmp=""; $a=$(($(Get-ChildItem -Path "$input" -Recurse -force | ForEach {$_.Length}) 2>$null | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / 1MB)
if($a -ge 1GB){$("`nC:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis").PadRight(36," ")+$("{0:n0}" -f $a+" MB`n").PadLeft(9," ")}
Start-Job -InputObject "\\$compAdr\c$\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis" -ScriptBlock $Script -Name 'System files'
$tmp=""; $a=$(Get-ChildItem -Path "$input" -Force | Where {$_.Name -eq 'hiberfil.sys'}).Length / 1MB 2>$null
if($a -ge 1){$("`nC:\hiberfil.sys").PadRight(22," ")+$("{0:n0}" -f $a+" MB`n").PadLeft(9," ")}
Start-Job -InputObject "\\$compAdr\c$" -ScriptBlock $Script -Name 'System files'
$tmp=""; $a=$(Get-ChildItem -Path "$input" -Force | Where {$_.Name -eq 'pagefile.sys'}).Length / 1MB 2>$null
$("`nC:\pagefile.sys").PadRight(22," ")+$("{0:n0}" -f $a+" MB`n").PadLeft(9," ")
Start-Job -InputObject "\\$compAdr\c$" -ScriptBlock $Script -Name 'System files'
$tmp=""; $a=$(($(Get-ChildItem -Path "$input" -Recurse -force | ForEach {$_.Length}) 2>$null | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / 1MB)
$("`nC:\`$Recycle.Bin ").PadRight(22," ")+$("{0:n0}" -f $a+" MB`n").PadLeft(9," ")
Start-Job -InputObject "\\$compAdr\c$\`$Recycle.Bin" -ScriptBlock $Script -Name 'System files'
$tmp=""; $a=($(Get-ChildItem -Path "$input" -force) 2>$null ).Length / 1MB
if($a -ge 1024){"`nC:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb "+$("{0:n0}" -f $a+" MB`n").PadLeft(9," ")}
Start-Job -InputObject "\\$compAdr\c$\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb" -ScriptBlock $Script -Name 'System files'
function GetUsers {
if(SMBchk $compAdr){if (Test-Path "\\$compAdr\C$\Users"){ Get-ChildItem -Path "\\$compAdr\C$\Users\" -Directory -name -Exclude $exld | ForEach {$usrDir+=@($_)}}}
$usrDir= @($input)
$srch = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$usrDir | ForEach {
$usr=($_ -split '\\')[-1]; $acces=""; $adu=@()
$acces=$(((Get-ChildItem -Path "$_\AppData\Local\Temp" -force).LastAccessTime | Sort-Object {$_ -as [datetime]} -Descending)[0].ToString('dd.MM.yyyy')) 2>$null
if(-not $acces){$acces=$(((Get-ChildItem -Path "$_\NTUSER.DAT" -force).LastWriteTime).ToString('dd.MM.yyyy')) 2>$null}
$adu= $($srch.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=$usr))"; $srch.FindOne()).Properties 2>$null
if (-not $adu -and $acces){
$sid=$(((Get-Acl "$_\NTUSER.DAT").Sddl -split 'G:')[0] -replace 'O:','') 2>$null
if($sid){$adu= $($srch.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectSID=$sid))"; $srch.FindOne()).Properties 2>$null}
@{Login=$usr;fullname=$adu.displayname;LastLogin=$acces;DistinguishedName=[string]$adu.distinguishedname;Enabled=-not [bool]($($adu["useraccountcontrol"]) -band 0x000002)}
if($usrDir -ne $nul){
$usrDir | ForEach {
if($a.Count -ge $usrsCount){$a | Start-Job -ScriptBlock $Script -Name "Get date"; $a=@()}
if($a){$a | Start-Job -ScriptBlock $Script -Name "Get date"}
function GetPrintersInvoke {
Start-Job -InputObject "$compAdr" -Name 'Get Printers Invoke' -ScriptBlock {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName "$input" -ScriptBlock {
function GetIP ($cmp){return $([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses("$cmp") | where {$_.AddressFamily -eq "InterNetwork"} | ForEach {[string]$_}) 2>$nul}
$pth= 'SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Print\Monitors'
$key1="Ports","$pth\Standard TCP/IP Port\Ports","HostName"
$key2="Ports","$pth\HP Standard TCP/IP Port\Ports","IPAddress"
$key3="Ports","$pth\Advanced TCP/IP Port Monitor\Ports","IPAddress"
$key4="Ports","$pth\WSD Port\Ports","Printer UUID"
$pth= 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print'
$key6="UsrPrinters","$pth\Providers\Client Side Rendering Print Provider","Printers\Connections"
$gtReg= {(Get-ChildItem -Path "HKLM:\$pth\$pth2").PSChildName 2>$null}
$key1,$key2,$key3,$key4,$key5 | foreach {
$class=$_[0]; $pth=$_[1]; $vl=$_[2];$pth2=''
.$gtReg | Where {$_} | Where {$_ -notlike "*:OneNote*"} | ForEach {
$prt=$_;$pth2="$prt\"; $prtIP=''; $prtIP=(get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\$pth\$pth2").$vl
$ip=''; if($prtIP -notmatch '^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$'){ $ip= GetIP $prtIP}
@{Class=$class; Name=$prt;Value=$prtIP; IP=$ip}
.$gtReg | Where {$_ -notlike "*:OneNote*"} | Where {$_}| ForEach {$name=$_;$pth2="$_\$vl"; $prnr= .$gtReg; if($prnr -or $name){@{Class=$class; Name=$name; Value=$prnr}}}
function GetPrinters {
$reg1='get-wmiobject -list "StdRegProv" -computername $compAdr -namespace root\default'
$key1="Ports","SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Print\Monitors\Standard TCP/IP Port\Ports\",'(($reg1).GetStringValue(2147483650,"$($key+"\"+$_)","HostName")).sValue',$compAdr
$key2="Ports","SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Print\Monitors\HP Standard TCP/IP Port\Ports\",'(($reg1).GetStringValue(2147483650,"$($key+"\"+$_)","IPAddress")).sValue',$compAdr
$key3="Ports","SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Print\Monitors\Advanced TCP/IP Port Monitor\Ports\",'(($reg1).GetStringValue(2147483650,"$($key+"\"+$_)","IPAddress")).sValue',$compAdr
$key4="Ports","SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Print\Monitors\WSD Port\Ports",'(($reg1).GetStringValue(2147483650,"$($key+"\"+$_)","Printer UUID")).sValue',$compAdr
$key5="Printers","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Printers\",'(($reg1).GetStringValue(2147483650,"$($key+"\"+$_)","Port")).sValue',$compAdr
$key6="UsrPrinters","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Providers\Client Side Rendering Print Provider\",'(($reg1).EnumKey(2147483650,("$($key+$_+"\Printers\Connections")"))).sNames',$compAdr
$inpt=@($input); $class=$inpt[0]; $key=$inpt[1]; $code=$inpt[2];$compAdr=$inpt[3]
function Get-Reg ($code){Invoke-Expression $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($code)}
$reg1='get-wmiobject -list "StdRegProv" -computername $compAdr -namespace root\default'
Get-Reg $reg2 | foreach {$vl=Get-Reg $code; @{CompName=$compAdr;Name=$_; Value=$vl; Class=$class}} #) 2>$nul
$key1,$key2,$key3,$key4,$key5,$key6 | foreach { $_ | Start-Job -ScriptBlock $Script -Name "Get Printers"}
function PrintTabl ($printTabl){
$srch = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$printTabl | Where {$_.Class -eq "Printers"} | foreach {
$prName=$null; $Port=$null; $prPort=$null; $dhcpName=$null; $prName=$_.Name; $prPort=$_.Value
if ($prPort -like "USB*" -or $prPort -like "DOT4_0*" -or $prPort -like "CNM*"){ "$prName;USB"}
$Port= $printTabl | Where {$_.Class -eq "Ports" -and $_.Name -eq $prPort};
$prPort= $Port.Value;
if($Port.Name -like "WSD-*"){
$a=''; $reg= 'LocalMachine',"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\SWD\DAFWSDProvider\uuid:$($Port.Name)",'LocationInformation'
$reg2= 'LocalMachine',"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\SWD\DAFWSDProvider\urn:uuid:$($Port.Name)",'LocationInformation'
$reg, $reg2 | ForEach {if(-not $a){$a= $([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($_[0], $compName).OpenSubKey($_[1], $true).GetValue($_[2])) 2>$null}}
if($a){$prPort="WSD:"+($a -replace 'http://' -split ':')[0]; if($a -like "*``[*::*]*"){$prPort="WSD:"+($a -replace 'http://\[' -split ']:')[0]}}else{$prPort=$Port.Name}
$printTabl | Where {$_.Class -eq "UsrPrinters" -and $_.Value -ne $nul} | foreach {
$sid=$_.Name; $adUser=$nul; $adUser= [string]$($srch.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectSID=$sid))"; $srch.FindOne()).Properties.displayname 2>$null
if($adUser){$_.Value | ForEach {$printersSort+="$(Shrt $adUser);$($_ -replace ',','\')"}}
$printersSort | Sort-Object | Get-Unique | foreach {$a=($_ -split ';'); $a[1]+";"+$a[0]}
function PrintersOut ($printersOut){
$compName=(@($printersOut)[0] -split ';')[0]
$compCol="Red"; if (($printersOut[0] -split ';')[1]){$compCol="Green"};
Output "`r`n`r`nPrinters"
Output "`n------------------------------------------------------------------------`n"
$printersOut | foreach {
$a=($_ -split ';')
$clr="Blue"; if([string]$a[0] -like '\\*'){$clr="black"}
$a[0]=$a[0] -replace 'LaserJet','LJ'
$a[0]=$a[0] -replace 'Professional','Pro'
if($a[0].Length -gt 43){$a[0]=$a[0].Substring(0,42)+">"}
Output $(addSp $a[0] 45) $clr
Output $(addSp $a[1] 17); Output $($a[2]) $clr; Output "`n"
Output "------------------------------------------------------------------------`n"
function PrintOut ($dev){
$list=@(); $ListBox3.text="`r`n"
$cl=@(); $($dev.Class | ForEach { if($_ -notin $cl){$cl+=$_; $_}}) | ForEach {
$dev | Where {$_.Class -eq $Class} | Where {Hide $_.FriendlyName} | Sort-Object {$_.FriendlyName} | ForEach-Object{
$Id=""; if( (exclude $_.InstanceId) ){$Id= $_.InstanceId}
$list+=@{Class=$Class;dev=(" "+(addSp (Replace $_.FriendlyName) 24)+" ")+";"+(Fltr $ID)+"`r`n"}
If (-not($global:list)){$global:list=$list}
$list.Class | Get-Unique | ForEach {
$Class=$_; $out=@();$outOff=@(); $dev=@()
txt "$Class`r`n$sprtr`r`n"
$dev= ($list | Where {$_.Class -eq $Class}).dev
($global:list | Where {$_.Class -eq $Class}).dev | ForEach {if ($_ -in $dev){$Out+=$_}else{$outOff+=$_}}
$out | ForEach {$a=$_ -split ";"; Output $a[0] "blue"; Output $a[1] "green"}
$dev | Where { $_ -notin $Out} | ForEach {$a=$_ -split ";"; Output $a[0] "blue" $fontBold ; Output $a[1] "green" $font}
$outOff | ForEach {$a=$_ -split ";"; Output $a[0] "red"; Output $a[1] "green"}
txt "`r`n"
txt "`r`n`r`n";
function ClrRecycle {
$ScriptBlock= {
function txt ($txt){ Write-Host $txt -n}
if(-not$dir){$dir= "$Input"}
$GetDir={$(ls -Path $dir -Force | Where {$_.Attributes -like "*Directory*" -and $_.Attributes -notlike "*ReparsePoint*"}) | ForEach {$_.FullName}}
function GetFile ($dir){
ls -Path $dir -Force | Where {$_.Attributes -notlike "*Directory*" -and $_.Attributes -notlike "*ReparsePoint*"} | select Length,LastWriteTime,FullName
.$GetDir | ForEach {GetFile $_}
cls; $mnth=2; $expr= (Get-Date).AddMonths(-$mnth);
txt "`n`n Script run on $env:COMPUTERNAME`n"
txt "`n`n Clean directory by delete files older than $mnth month `n`n Folder - $dir Scan.."
$fl= $(GetFile $dir) 2>$null; txt ".."
if(-not $fl.count){return $false}
$all= [int]$((($fl | Where {$_.Length} | ForEach {$_.Length}) | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / 1MB)
$del= $fl | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -le $expr}
$old= [int]$((( $del | ForEach {$_.Length}) | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / 1MB)
$prcnt="{0:P0}" -f ($old/(1+$all))
txt ". Done `n`n Folder $dir, size - $all MB`n"
txt "`r Files to delete - $((" {0:n0}" -f $old+" MB").PadLeft(9," ")), $($del.Count) files ($prcnt)`n"
if($old){$txt = "`nClean $dir folder? n"
$ask= "`nAre you sure you want to proceed?`n"
$answr= New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[$a]
$answr.Add((New-Object $a -ArgumentList "&Yes"))
$answr.Add((New-Object $a -ArgumentList "&No"))
$do= $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($txt, $ask,$answr, 0)
if ($do -eq 0) {
txt "`n`n Execute deleting files... "
$time= Measure-Command {$($del | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item $_.FullName -Force}) 2>$null}
txt ".. Done in $([int]$time.TotalSeconds) seconds `n"
txt "`n`n Delete empty folders..."
function ChkFldr ($dir){if($(ls -Path $dir -Recurse -Force | Where {$_.Mode -like "-????*"}) 2>$null){$true; return};$false}
function DelFldr ($dir){if(ChkFldr $dir){.$GetDir | ForEach {DelFldr $_}}else{$(Remove-Item $_ -Force -Recurse) 2>$null}}
.$GetDir | ForEach {DelFldr $_}
Write-Host ".. Done`n"
$all= [int]$((($(ls -Path $dir -File -Recurse -Force) 2>$null | Where {$_.Length} | ForEach {$_.Length}) | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / 1MB)
txt "`n Folder $dir, size - $all MB`n"
}else{txt "`n Abort!`n`n"}
return "OK"
$dir= "C:\`$Recycle.Bin"
$out=$(Invoke-Command -ComputerName $comp -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -InputObject $dir) 2>$null
if($out -ne "OK"){
$dir= "\\$comp\C$\`$Recycle.Bin"
$err; timeout 3 >$null
$(.$ScriptBlock) 2>$null
Write-Host "`n -= Press any key =- `n"
timeout 300 >$null
Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList " /C powershell.exe -EncodedCommand $([Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($code)))"
function GetDev ($comp){
$dev=@();txt "`r`n`r`n`r`n"
$class | ForEach {
$clss=$_ -replace "Win32_",""; Get-WmiObject -Class $_ -ComputerName $comp | Where {$_.PhysicalAdapter -or $_.SpoolEnabled -or $_.Status -eq "OK"} | Select Name, PNPDeviceID, Model, Path, Size |ForEach {
if($clss -like "USB*"){$clss="USB"}
if($clss -eq "Share"){$_.PNPDeviceID= $_.Path}
if($clss -eq "OperatingSystem"){$_.name=($_.name -split"\|")[0]}
if($clss -eq "DiskDrive"){ $_.Name=$_.Model; $_.PNPDeviceID="";if($_.Size -gt 0){ $_.PNPDeviceID="$([int]($_.Size / (1000000000)))"+"GB"}}
@{FriendlyName=$_.Name; InstanceId=$_.PNPDeviceID; Class=$clss}
if($clss -eq "Processor"){ @{FriendlyName=(Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $comp).model; InstanceId=""; Class="Manufacturer"}}
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PnPEntity -ComputerName $comp | Select Name, PNPDeviceID, Manufacturer | ForEach {
if($_.name -like "*(COM*"){@{FriendlyName=$_.Name; InstanceId=$_.PNPDeviceID; Class="Com Ports"}}
if($_.Manufacturer -eq $nul -and $_.PNPDeviceID -notlike "ROOT\LEGACY*"){@{FriendlyName=$_.Name; InstanceId=$_.PNPDeviceID; Class="Unknow Devices"}}
function Device ($comp){
Get-Job | Remove-Job -Force
$compAdr= ($ListBox2.Text).trim()
if(-not $compAdr){$compAdr=$env:COMPUTERNAME;$ListBox2.Text=$compAdr}
$ip=GetIP $compAdr
if($lstcmp -ne $compAdr){$global:list=@();$global:lstcmp=$compAdr }
$cnt=2; while($cnt) {$cnt--; $a= $(.$ping); Output "$a`r`n" $(if($a -like '*TTL=*'){"green"; $png=$true}else{"red"})}
if(-not $png){txt "`r`nComputer $compAdr unaccessible.."; return}
$os=ChkOS $compAdr
Output "`n$($os)`n`n"
$dev=@(); $dev+=@{FriendlyName=$os; Class="OperatingSystem"}
if($dev){PrintOut (GetDev $compAdr)}
else{txt "`r`nComputer $compAdr unaccessible.."}
$Form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$Form.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(687,842)
$Form.Text ="ScanPC"
$Form.MaximizeBox = $true
$Form.MinimizeBox = $true
$Form.SizeGripStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.SizeGripStyle]::Hide
$Form.BackColor = "#c0c0c0"
$Form.ShowIcon = $true
$Form.MaximumSize = @{Width=1300; Height=900}
$Form.MinimumSize = @{Width=400; Height=500}
$Form.WindowState = "Normal"
$Form.Opacity = 1.0
$Form.TopMost = $false
$ListBox2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$ListBox2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(2,2)
$ListBox2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(190,16)
$ListBox2.Font = "Courier New,10"
$ListBox2.WordWrap = $False
$ListBox2.AllowDrop = $True
$cntxtMenu = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip
$cntxtMenu.Items.Add("Copy").add_Click({ $ListBox3.Copy() })
$ListBox3 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
$ListBox3.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(2,26)
$ListBox3.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(665,770)
$ListBox3.MultiLine = $True
$ListBox3.DetectUrls = $false
$ListBox3.Font = "Courier New,10"
$ListBox3.ReadOnly = $true
$ListBox3.WordWrap = $False
$ListBox3.ScrollBars = "Vertical"
$ListBox3.ReadOnly = $True
$ListBox3.AllowDrop = $True
$ListBox3.ContextMenuStrip = $cntxtMenu
$ListBox3.ShortcutsEnabled = $false
$fontBold = New-Object Drawing.Font($font.FontFamily, $font.Size, [Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)
$Label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.label
$Label.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(595,3)
$Label.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(100,16)
$Label.Text = ""
$Label.Font = New-Object Drawing.Font("Terminal",12, [Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold) #Regular
$DeviceButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$DeviceButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(200,4)
$DeviceButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(60,20)
$DeviceButton.Text = 'Devices'
function ScanButton ($clk,$txt) {
$Button = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(280,4)
$Button.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(60,20)
$Button.Text = $txt
if($ScanButton){$global:ScanButton.Dispose(); $global:ScanButton= $null}
ScanButton {Chek} 'Scan'
$CheckBox1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
$CheckBox1.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(345,5)
$CheckBox1.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(50,16)
$CheckBox1.Text = "Print"
$CheckBox2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
$CheckBox2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(400,5)
$CheckBox2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(45,16)
$CheckBox2.Text = "Size"
$CheckBox3 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
$CheckBox3.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(450,5)
$CheckBox3.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(50,16)
$CheckBox3.Text = "HW"
$CheckBox4 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
$CheckBox4.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(500,5)
$CheckBox4.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(50,16)
$CheckBox4.ThreeState = $True
$CheckBox4.Text = "Usr"
function ShCRButton ($in){
if($global:CRButton){$global:CRButton.Dispose()}; $global:CRButton=$null
$sz= (($in | Select-String 'Recycle.Bin' -SimpleMatch) -split '' | Where {$_ -match '\d'}) -join ''
if(500 -le $sz){
$CRButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$CRButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(550,3)
$CRButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(30,20)
$CRButton.Text = 'CR'
$Form.Add_Shown({$Form.Activate(); $DeviceButton.focus()})
[void] $Form.ShowDialog()
[Console.Window]::ShowWindow(( $consolePtr = [Console.Window]::GetConsoleWindow()), 4) |