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Edit list calendar

Edits the properties of a calendar from the user's list

Function EditListCalendar(Val Token, Val Calendar, Val PrimaryColor, Val SecondaryColor, Val Hidden = False) Export

Parameter CLI option Type Destination
Token --token String Token
Calendar --calendar String Calendar ID
PrimaryColor --primary String HEX primary color (#ffffff)
SecondaryColor --secondary String HEX secondary color (#ffffff)
Hidden --hidden Boolean Hidden calendar

Returns: Key-Value Pair - serialized JSON response from Google

 Black = "#000000";
 Yellow = "#ffd800";
 Response = OPI_GoogleCalendar.EditListCalendar(Token, "55868c32be16935f0...", Black, Yellow, False); //Map
 Response = OPI_Tools.JSONString(Response); //String
 oint gcalendar EditListCalendar --token %token% --calendar %calendar% --primary %primary% --secondary %secondary% --hidden %hidden%

 "conferenceProperties": {
 "allowedConferenceSolutionTypes": [
 "accessRole": "owner",
 "foregroundColor": "#000000",
 "backgroundColor": "#ffd800",
 "colorId": "6",
 "description": "TestDescription",
 "summary": "TestCalendar (change.)",
 "defaultReminders": [],
 "timeZone": "UTC",
 "id": "0da65d69eba1e4b27f980447827b251ca2d94ecb1d30dba22c83559c33d0ea29@group.calendar.google.com",
 "etag": "\"1708424005038000\"",
 "kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry"