mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2025-03-05 15:05:48 +02:00

Fix flapping protocol timeout test.

It only matters that the correct error code is returned, so disable logging to prevent message ordering from failing the expect test.
This commit is contained in:
David Steele 2017-11-15 13:17:57 -05:00
parent bc8543494a
commit 1cb11a582d
3 changed files with 8 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -100,6 +100,10 @@
<p>Only check expect logs on CentOS 7. Variations in distros cause false negatives in tests but don't add much value.</p>
<p>Fix flapping protocol timeout test. It only matters that the correct error code is returned, so disable logging to prevent message ordering from failing the expect test.</p>

View File

@ -458,91 +458,9 @@ db-version="9.4"
full backup - protocol timeout (backup host)
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] backup [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --no-online --protocol-timeout=1 --db-timeout=.1 --type=full --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=1 --test-point=backup-start=y
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] backup [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --no-online --protocol-timeout=1 --db-timeout=.1 --log-level-console=off --type=full --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=1 --test-point=backup-start=y
P00 INFO: backup command begin [BACKREST-VERSION]: --no-compress --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --db1-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --db1-config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db1-host=db-master --db1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --db-timeout=.1 --db1-user=[USER-1] --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/lock --log-level-console=debug --log-level-file=trace --log-level-stderr=off --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/log --no-online --protocol-timeout=1 --repo-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/repo --stanza=db --start-fast --test --test-delay=1 --test-point=backup-start=y --type=full
P00 WARN: option retention-full is not set, the repository may run out of space
HINT: to retain full backups indefinitely (without warning), set option 'retention-full' to the maximum.
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Posix::Driver->new(): bFileSync = <true>, bPathSync = <true>
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->new(): bAllowTemp = <true>, hRule = [hash], lBufferMax = 4194304, oDriver = [object], strCipherPassUser = [undef], strCipherType = [undef], strDefaultFileMode = <0640>, strDefaultPathMode = <0750>, strPathBase = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo, strTempExtension = pgbackrest.tmp
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathExists(): strPathExp =
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathExists=>: bExists = true
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockAcquire(): bFailOnNoLock = <true>, bRemote = <false>, strLockType = backup
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = true, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = 770, strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/lock
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockAcquire=>: bResult = true
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = true, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = 0770, strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/log
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = true, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/backup.history
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Info->new(): bIgnoreMissing = <false>, bLoad = <true>, bRequired = <true>, bValidate = <true>, oStorage = <[object]>, strBackupClusterPath = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db, strCipherPassSub = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->encrypted(): bIgnoreMissing = true, strFileName = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/backup.info
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->encrypted=>: bEncrypted = false
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->encryptionValid(): bEncrypted = false
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->encryptionValid=>: bValid = true
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->openRead(): bIgnoreMissing = true, rhyFilter = [undef], strCipherPass = [undef], xFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/backup.info
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Base->get(): strCipherPass = [undef], xFile = [object]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Info->reconstruct(): bRequired = <true>, bSave = <true>, iCatalogVersion = [undef], iControlVersion = [undef], strDbVersion = [undef], ullDbSysId = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Common::backupRegExpGet(): bAnchor = <true>, bDifferential = true, bFull = true, bIncremental = true
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Common::backupRegExpGet=>: strRegExp = ^[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}F(\_[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}(D|I)){0,1}$
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->list(): bIgnoreMissing = <false>, strExpression = ^[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}F(\_[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}(D|I)){0,1}$, strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db, strSortOrder = <forward>
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->list=>: stryFileList = ([BACKUP-FULL-1])
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Info->current(): strBackup = [BACKUP-FULL-1]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Info->current=>: bTest = true
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathExists(): strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-1]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathExists=>: bExists = true
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/backup.manifest
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists=>: bExists = true
P00 DEBUG: Db::dbObjectGet(): bMasterOnly = <false>
P00 DEBUG: Db->new(): iRemoteIdx = 1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolGet(): bCache = <true>, iProcessIdx = [undef], iRemoteIdx = 1, strBackRestBin = [undef], strCommand = <backup>, strRemoteType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolGet: create (cached) remote protocol
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Remote::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 4194304, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 1, iProtocolTimeout = 1, iSshPort = [undef], strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --buffer-size=4194304 --command=backup --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --db-timeout=.1 --protocol-timeout=1 --repo-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/repo --stanza=db --type=db remote, strCommandSSH = ssh, strHost = db-master, strUser = [USER-1]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 4194304, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 1, iProtocolTimeout = 1, strCommand = ssh -o LogLevel=error -o Compression=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no [USER-1]@db-master '[BACKREST-BIN] --buffer-size=4194304 --command=backup --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --db-timeout=.1 --protocol-timeout=1 --repo-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/repo --stanza=db --type=db remote', strId = remote process on 'db-master', strName = remote
P00 DEBUG: Db::dbObjectGet=>: iDbMasterIdx = 1, iDbStandbyIdx = [undef], oDbMaster = [object], oDbStandby = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolGet(): bCache = <true>, iProcessIdx = [undef], iRemoteIdx = 1, strBackRestBin = [undef], strCommand = <backup>, strRemoteType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolGet: found cached protocol
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->new(): oProtocol = [object]
P00 DEBUG: Db->info(): strDbPath = <[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base>
P00 DEBUG: Db->info=>: iDbCatalogVersion = 201409291, iDbControlVersion = 942, strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Info->check(): bRequired = <true>, iCatalogVersion = 201409291, iControlVersion = 942, strDbVersion = 9.4, ullDbSysId = 6353949018581704918
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Info->check=>: iDbHistoryId = 1
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Common::backupRegExpGet(): bAnchor = <true>, bDifferential = true, bFull = true, bIncremental = true
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Common::backupRegExpGet=>: strRegExp = ^[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}F(\_[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}(D|I)){0,1}$
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->list(): bIgnoreMissing = <false>, strExpression = ^[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}F(\_[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{6}(D|I)){0,1}$, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>, strSortOrder = reverse
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->list=>: stryFileList = ([BACKUP-FULL-1])
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/backup.manifest.copy
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists=>: bExists = true
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/backup.manifest
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists=>: bExists = true
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->list(): bIgnoreMissing = <false>, strExpression = ^[BACKUP-FULL-2], strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>, strSortOrder = <forward>
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->list=>: stryFileList = ()
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->list(): bIgnoreMissing = true, strExpression = ^[BACKUP-FULL-2], strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/backup.history/[YEAR-1], strSortOrder = <forward>
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->list=>: stryFileList = ()
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->new(): bLoad = false, oStorage = <[object]>, strCipherPass = [undef], strCipherPassSub = [undef], strDbVersion = 9.4, strFileName = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/backup.manifest
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists(): strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postmaster.pid
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->process: create backup path [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = <false>, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/backup.manifest
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->openWrite(): bAtomic = <false>, bPathCreate = <false>, lTimestamp = [undef], rhyFilter = [undef], strCipherPass = [undef], strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strUser = [undef], xFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/backup.manifest.copy
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest(): bCompress = false, bHardLink = false, oBackupManifest = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-FULL-2], strDbCopyPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strDbMasterPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strDbVersion = 9.4, strLsnStart = [undef], strType = full
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolGet(): bCache = <true>, iProcessIdx = [undef], iRemoteIdx = 1, strBackRestBin = [undef], strCommand = <backup>, strRemoteType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolGet: found cached protocol
P00 ERROR: [042]: remote process on 'db-master' terminated unexpectedly [042]: unable to read line after 1 second(s) from stdio
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe(): iExitCode = [undef], oException = [object], strSignal = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolDestroy(): bComplete = false, iRemoteIdx = [undef], strRemoteType = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolDestroy: found cached protocol: iRemoteIdx = 1, strRemoteType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolDestroy=>: iExitStatus = 0
P00 DEBUG: Common::Lock::lockRelease(): bFailOnNoLock = false
P00 INFO: backup command end: aborted with exception [042]
P00 DEBUG: Common::Exit::exitSafe=>: iExitCode = 42
stop all stanzas (db-master host)
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --force stop

View File

@ -359,8 +359,9 @@ sub run
$strType, 'protocol timeout',
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest, strOptionalParam => '--protocol-timeout=1 --db-timeout=.1',
strTest => TEST_BACKUP_START, fTestDelay => 1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_READ});
{oExpectedManifest => \%oManifest,
strOptionalParam => '--protocol-timeout=1 --db-timeout=.1 --log-level-console=off',
strTest => TEST_BACKUP_START, fTestDelay => 1, iExpectedExitStatus => ERROR_FILE_READ});
# Stop operations and make sure the correct error occurs