mirror of https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.git synced 2024-12-14 10:13:05 +02:00

Working on copy.

This commit is contained in:
David Steele 2014-06-12 21:56:20 -04:00
parent 976bafca9e
commit 3a32363a56
5 changed files with 127 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -88,6 +88,15 @@ while ($strCommand ne OP_EXIT)
$oRemote->output_write($oFile->exists(PATH_ABSOLUTE, $oParamHash{path}) ? "Y" : "N");
elsif ($strCommand eq OP_FILE_COPY_IN)
if (!defined($oParamHash{destination_file}))
confess "destination_file must be defined";
$oFile->copy(PIPE_STDOUT, undef, PATH_ABSOLUTE, $oParamHash{destination_file});
if ($strCommand ne OP_NOOP)

View File

@ -188,33 +188,6 @@ sub clone
# sub error_get
# {
# my $self = shift;
# my $strErrorFile = $self->path_get(PATH_LOCK_ERR, "file");
# open my $hFile, '<', $strErrorFile or return "error opening ${strErrorFile} to read STDERR output";
# my $strError = do {local $/; <$hFile>};
# close $hFile;
# return trim($strError);
# }
# sub error_clear
# {
# my $self = shift;
# unlink($self->path_get(PATH_LOCK_ERR, "file"));
# }
@ -808,42 +781,30 @@ sub copy
or confess &log(ERROR, "cannot open ${strDestinationTmpOp}: " . $!);
# If source or destination are remote
if ($bSourceRemote || $bDestinationRemote)
# Get the ssh connection
my $oSSH;
# If source is local and destination is remote then use the destination connection
if (!$bSourceRemote && $bDestinationRemote)
$oSSH = $self->remote_get($strDestinationPathType);
# Else source connection is always used (because if both are remote they must be the same remote)
$oSSH = $self->remote_get($strSourcePathType);
print "got outside\n";
# Build the command and open the local file
my $hFile;
my $strCommand;
my $strOperation;
my %oParamHash;
# If source is remote and destination is local
if ($bSourceRemote && !$bDestinationRemote)
# Build the command string
$strCommand = $self->{strCommand} .
" --compress copy_in ${strSourceOp}";
return false;
# Else if source is local and destination is remote
elsif (!$bSourceRemote && $bDestinationRemote)
# Build the command string
$strCommand = $self->{strCommand} .
($bCompress ? " --compress" : " --uncompress") .
" copy_out ${strDestinationOp}";
$strOperation = OP_FILE_COPY_IN;
$oParamHash{destination_file} = ${strDestinationOp};
# Build debug string
# $strDebug = "${strOperation}: remote (" . $self->{oRemote}->command_param_string(\%oParamHash) . "): " . $strDebug;
# &log(DEBUG, $strDebug);
# Else source and destination are remote
@ -858,24 +819,25 @@ sub copy
# Trace command
&log(TRACE, "${strErrorPrefix} command:" . $strCommand);
&log(TRACE, "${strErrorPrefix} operation:" . $strOperation);
# Execute the ssh command
my ($hIn, $hOut, $hErr, $pId) = $oSSH->open3($strCommand);
# Execute the operation
$self->{oRemote}->command_write($strOperation, \%oParamHash);
# If source is remote and destination is local
if ($bSourceRemote && !$bDestinationRemote)
$self->pipe($hOut, $hDestinationFile, $bCompress, !$bCompress);
#$self->pipe($hOut, $hDestinationFile, $bCompress, !$bCompress);
# Else if source is local and destination is remote
elsif (!$bSourceRemote && $bDestinationRemote)
$self->pipe($hSourceFile, $hIn, $bCompress, !$bCompress);
$self->{oRemote}->binary_xfer($hSourceFile, $self->{hOut}, 'out');
# $self->pipe($hSourceFile, $hIn, $bCompress, !$bCompress);
# Wait for process exit (and error)
$self->wait_pid($pId, $strCommand, $hIn, $hOut, $hErr);
# $self->wait_pid($pId, $strCommand, $hIn, $hOut, $hErr);

View File

@ -33,6 +33,14 @@ has hIn => (is => 'bare'); # SSH object
has hOut => (is => 'bare'); # SSH object
has hErr => (is => 'bare'); # SSH object
# Remote xfer block size constant
use constant
BLOCK_SIZE => 8192
@ -178,6 +186,86 @@ sub error_write
# Copies data from one file handle to another, optionally compressing or decompressing the data in stream.
sub binary_xfer
my $self = shift;
my $hIn = shift;
my $hOut = shift;
my $strRemote = shift;
my $bCompress = shift;
my $bDone = false;
my $iBlockSize = BLOCK_SIZE;
my $iBlockIn;
my $strBlock;
print "got to begin\n";
while (!$bDone)
if ($strRemote eq 'in')
my $strBlockHeader = readline($hIn);
if ($strBlockHeader !~ /^block [0-9]+$/)
confess "unable to read block header ${strBlockHeader}";
$iBlockSize = substr($strBlockHeader, index($strBlockHeader, " ") + 1);
$iBlockIn = sysread($hIn, $strBlock, $iBlockSize);
if (!defined($iBlockIn) || $iBlockIn != $iBlockSize)
confess "unable to read ${iBlockSize} bytes from remote" . (defined($!) ? ": " . $! : "");
if (!defined($bCompress))
$iBlockIn = sysread($hIn, $strBlock, $iBlockSize);
if (!defined($iBlockIn))
confess "unable to read ${iBlockSize} bytes from remote: " . $!;
if ($iBlockIn > 0)
if ($strRemote eq 'out')
print "wrote block header\n";
if (!syswrite($hOut, "block ${iBlockIn}"))
confess "unable to write block header";
# Write to the output handle
my $iBlockOut = syswrite($hOut, $strBlock, $iBlockIn);
if (!defined($iBlockOut) || $iBlockOut != $iBlockIn)
confess "unable to write ${iBlockIn} bytes" . (defined($!) ? ": " . $! : "");
$bDone = true;
@ -359,10 +447,10 @@ sub command_execute
my $self = shift;
my $strCommand = shift;
my $strOptions = shift;
my $oParamRef = shift;
my $strErrorPrefix = shift;
$self->command_write($strCommand, $strOptions);
$self->command_write($strCommand, $oParamRef);
my ($strOutput, $bError, $iErrorCode) = $self->output_read();

View File

@ -380,8 +380,8 @@ sub log
$strMessageFormat = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec) .
(" " x (7 - length($strLevel))) . "${strLevel} " . (" " x (2 - length(threads->tid()))) .
threads->tid() . ": ${strMessageFormat}" .
sprintf(" T%02d", threads->tid()) .
(" " x (7 - length($strLevel))) . "${strLevel}: ${strMessageFormat}" .
(defined($iCode) ? " (code ${iCode})" : "") . "\n";
if ($oLogLevelRank{"${strLevel}"}{rank} <= $oLogLevelRank{"${strLogLevelConsole}"}{rank})

View File

@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ sub BackRestFileTest
if ($oFile->hash(PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE, $strFile) ne '06364afe79d801433188262478a76d19777ef351')
confess "bExists is set to ${bExists}, but exists() returned " . !$bExists;
confess "incorrect hash returned";
@ -790,10 +790,10 @@ sub BackRestFileTest
$iRun = 0;
for (my $bBackupRemote = 0; $bBackupRemote <= 1; $bBackupRemote++)
for (my $bBackupRemote = 0; $bBackupRemote <= 0; $bBackupRemote++)
# Loop through source compression
for (my $bDbRemote = 0; $bDbRemote <= 1; $bDbRemote++)
for (my $bDbRemote = 1; $bDbRemote <= 1; $bDbRemote++)
# Backup and db cannot both be remote
if ($bBackupRemote && $bDbRemote)
@ -802,13 +802,14 @@ sub BackRestFileTest
# Loop through destination compression
for (my $bDestinationCompressed = 0; $bDestinationCompressed <= 1; $bDestinationCompressed++)
for (my $bDestinationCompressed = 0; $bDestinationCompressed <= 0; $bDestinationCompressed++)
my $oFile = BackRest::File->new
strStanza => "db",
strCommand => $strCommand,
bCompress => $bDestinationCompressed,
strRemote => $bBackupRemote ? 'backup' : $bDbRemote ? 'db' : undef,
strBackupClusterPath => undef,
strBackupPath => ${strTestPath},
strBackupHost => $bBackupRemote ? $strHost : undef,
@ -817,14 +818,14 @@ sub BackRestFileTest
strDbUser => $bDbRemote ? $strUser : undef
for (my $bSourceCompressed = 0; $bSourceCompressed <= 1; $bSourceCompressed++)
for (my $bSourceCompressed = 0; $bSourceCompressed <= 0; $bSourceCompressed++)
for (my $bSourcePathType = 0; $bSourcePathType <= 1; $bSourcePathType++)
for (my $bSourcePathType = 0; $bSourcePathType <= 0; $bSourcePathType++)
my $strSourcePathType = $bSourcePathType ? PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE : PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE;
my $strSourcePath = $bSourcePathType ? "db" : "backup";
for (my $bDestinationPathType = 0; $bDestinationPathType <= 1; $bDestinationPathType++)
for (my $bDestinationPathType = 1; $bDestinationPathType <= 1; $bDestinationPathType++)
my $strDestinationPathType = $bDestinationPathType ? PATH_DB_ABSOLUTE : PATH_BACKUP_ABSOLUTE;
my $strDestinationPath = $bDestinationPathType ? "db" : "backup";