Archive check does not run when in offline backup mode but the option was set to true in the manifest. It's harmless since these options are informational only but it could cause confusion when debugging.
Test points will not be available in the C code so update these tests as best as possible without using them.
This represents a loss of coverage for the Perl code (soon to be removed) which will be made up in the C code with unit tests.
These tests require test points which are not being implemented in the C code.
This functionality is fully tested in the command/control unit tests so integration tests are no longer required.
This expression determines which files contain page checksums but it was also including the directory above the relation directories. In a real PostgreSQL installation this not a problem because these directories don't contain any files.
However, our tests place a file in `base` which the Perl code thought should have page checksums while the new C code says no.
Update the expression to document the change and avoid churn in the expect logs later.
The protocol timeout tests have been superceded by unit tests.
The TEST_BACKUP_RESUME test point was incorrectly included into a number of tests, probably a copy pasto. It didn't hurt anything but it did add 200ms to each test where it appeared.
Catalog and control version tests were redundant. The database version and system id tests covered the important code paths and the C code gets these values from a lookup table.
Finally, fix an incomplete update to the file while munging for tests.
Previously the mock integration tests would be skipped for VMs other than the standard four used in CI. Now VMs outside the standard four will run the same tests as VM4 (currently U18).
This user was created before we tested in containers to ensure isolation between the pg and repo hosts which were then just directories. The downside is that this resulted in a lot of sudos to set the pgbackrest user and to remove files which did not belong to the main test user.
Containers provide isolation without needing separate users so we can now safely remove the pgbackrest user. This allows us to remove most sudos, except where they are explicitly needed in tests.
While we're at it, remove the code that installed the Perl C library (which also required sudo) and simply add the build path to @INC instead.
This tool was only being used it a few places but was a pretty large dependency.
Rework the forceStorageMove() code using our storage layer and replace one aws cli cp with a storage put.
Also, remove the Dockerfile that was once used to build the Scality S3 test container.
For the most part this is a direct migration of the Perl code into C.
There is one important behavioral change with regard to how file permissions are handled. The Perl code tried to set ownership as it was in the manifest even when running as an unprivileged user. This usually just led to errors and frustration.
The C code works like this:
If a restore is run as a non-root user (the typical scenario) then all files restored will belong to the user/group executing pgBackRest. If existing files are not owned by the executing user/group then an error will result if the ownership cannot be updated to the executing user/group. In that case the file ownership will need to be updated by a privileged user before the restore can be retried.
If a restore is run as the root user then pgBackRest will attempt to recreate the ownership recorded in the manifest when the backup was made. Only user/group names are stored in the manifest so the same names must exist on the restore host for this to work. If the user/group name cannot be found locally then the user/group of the PostgreSQL data directory will be used and finally root if the data directory user/group cannot be mapped to a name.
Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.
This test is commonly used for sanity checking but the combination of S3 and encryption makes it hard to use and encourages temporary changes to make it usable.
Acknowledge this and disable S3 and encryption for this test and move them to mock/all/2.
Prior to 2.16 the Perl manifest code would skip any file that began with a dot. This was not intentional but it allowed PostgreSQL socket files to be located in the data directory. The new C code in 2.16 did not have this unintentional exclusion so socket files in the data directory caused errors.
Worse, the file type error was being thrown before the exclusion check so there was really no way around the issue except to move the socket files out of the data directory.
Special file types (e.g. socket, pipe) will now be automatically skipped and a warning logged to notify the user of the exclusion. The warning can be suppressed with an explicit --exclude.
Reported by CluelessTechnologist, Janis Puris, Rachid Broum.
"null" is not allowed in the manifest format (null values should be missing instead) but Perl was treating the invalid values written by this test as if they were missing.
Update the test code to remove the values rather than setting them to "null".
For offline backups the upper bound was being set to 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF rather than UINT64_MAX. This meant that page checksum errors might be ignored for databases with a lot of past WAL in offline mode.
Online mode is not affected since the upper bound is retrieved from pg_start_backup().
ScalityS3 has not received any maintenance in years and is slow to start which is bad for testing. Replace it with minio which starts quickly and ships as a single executable or a tiny container.
Minio has stricter limits on allowable characters but should still provide enough coverage to show that our encoding is working correctly.
This commit also includes the upgrade to openssl 1.1.1 in the Ubuntu 18.04 container.
Maintaining the storage layer/drivers in two languages is burdensome. Since the integration tests require the Perl storage layer/drivers we'll need them even after the core code is migrated to C. Create an interface layer so the Perl code can be removed and new storage drivers/features introduced without adding Perl equivalents.
The goal is to move the integration tests to C so this interface will eventually be removed. That being the case, the interface was designed for maximum compatibility to ease the transition. The result looks a bit hacky but we'll improve it as needed until it can be retired.
Amend commit 434cd832 to error when the db history in and do not match.
The Perl code would attempt to reconcile the history by matching on system id and version but we are not planning to migrate that code to C. It's possible that there are users with mismatches but if so they should have been getting errors from info for the last six months. It's easy enough to manually fix these files if there are any mismatches in the field.
Contributed by Cynthia Shang.
This implementation duplicates the functionality of the Perl code but does so with different logic and includes full unit tests.
Along the way at least one bug was fixed, see issue #748.
Contributed by Cynthia Shang.
The C code is designed to be efficient rather than deterministic at the debug log level. As we move more testing from integration to unit tests it makes less sense to try and maintain the expect logs at this log level.
Most of the expect logs have already been moved to detail level but mock/all still had tests at debug level. Change the logging defaults in the config file and remove as many references to log-level-console as possible.
The new name is preferred because pgBackRest does not support any SSL protocol versions (they are all considered to be insecure).
The old name will continue to be accepted.
This new implementation should behave exactly like the old Perl code with the exception of updated log messages.
Remove as much of the Perl code as possible without breaking other commands.
This condition was not being properly checked for in the C code and it caused problems in the info command, at the very least.
Instead of applying a local fix, introduce a new path option type that will rigorously check the format of any incoming paths.
Reported by Marc Cousin.
Add the buffer-size, compress-level, compress-level-network, and process-max options to the backup:option section in backup.manifest to aid in debugging.
It may also make sense to propagate these options up to so they can be displayed in the info command, but for now this is deemed sufficient.
Contributed by blogh.
The same test configurations are run on all four test VMs, which seems a real waste of resources.
Vary the tests per VM to increase coverage while reducing the total number of tests. Be sure to include each major feature (remote, s3, encryption) in each VM at least once.
The same test configurations are run on all four test VMs, which seems a real waste of resources.
Vary the tests per VM to increase coverage while reducing the total number of tests.
The same test configurations are run on all four test VMs, which seems a real waste of resources.
Vary the tests per VM to increase coverage while reducing the total number of tests. Be sure to include each major feature (remote, s3, encryption) in each VM at least once.
The same test configurations are run on all four test VMs, which seems a real waste of resources.
Vary the tests per VM to increase coverage while reducing the total number of tests. Be sure to include each major feature (remote, s3, encryption) in each VM at least once.
The expect tests were originally a rough-and-ready type of unit test so monitoring changes in the expect log helped us detect changes in behavior.
Now the stanza code is heavily unit-tested so the detailed logs mainly cause churn and don't have any measurable benefit.
Reduce the log level to DETAIL to make the logs less verbose and volatile, yet still check user-facing log messages.
The same test configurations are run on all four test VMs, which seems a real waste of resources.
Vary the tests per VM to increase coverage while reducing the total number of tests. Be sure to include each major feature (remote, s3, encryption) in each VM at least once.
The expect tests were originally a rough-and-ready type of unit test so monitoring changes in the expect log helped us detect changes in behavior.
Now the archive code is heavily unit-tested so the detailed logs mainly cause churn and don't have any measurable benefit.
Reduce the log level to DETAIL to make the logs less verbose and volatile, yet still check user-facing log messages.
This was not being caught because the integration tests for S3 were running remotely and going through the Perl code rather than the new C code.
Implement the exists method for the S3 driver and add tests to prevent a regression.
Reported by mibiio.
- Add detail to errors when info files are loaded with incorrect encryption settings.
- Throw FileMissingError rather than FileOpenError when both copies of the info file are missing.
- If one file is present (but errors) and the other is missing, then return the error for the file that was present.
Contributed by Cynthia Shang.
The previous error message only showed the last error. In addition, some errors were missed (such as directory permission errors) that could prevent the copy from being checked.
Show both errors below a generic "unable to load" error. Details are now given explaining exactly why the primary and copy failed.
Previously if one file could not be loaded a warning would be output. This has been removed because it is not clear what the user should do in this case. Should they do a stanza-create --force? Maybe the best idea is to automatically repair the corrupt file, but on the other hand that might just spread corruption if pgBackRest makes the wrong choice.
The decryption filter was added in archiveGetFile() and archiveGetCheck() was modified to return the WAL decryption key stored in The rest was plumbing.
The mock/archive/1 integration test added encryption to provide coverage for the new code paths while mock/archive/2 dropped encryption to provide coverage for the existing code paths. This caused some churn in the expect logs but there was no change in behavior.
The only change required was to remove the filter that prevented S3 storage from being used. The archive-get command did not require any modification which demonstrates that the storage interface is working as intended.
The mock/archive/3 integration test was modified to run S3 storage locally to provide coverage for the new code paths while mock/stanza/3 was modified to run S3 storage remotely to provide coverage for the existing code paths. This caused some churn in the expect logs but there was no change in behavior.
There are a number of cases where a checksum delta is more appropriate than the default time-based delta:
* Timeline has switched since the prior backup
* File timestamp is older than recorded in the prior backup
* File size changed but timestamp did not
* File timestamp is in the future compared to the start of the backup
* Online option has changed since the prior backup
A practical example is that checksum delta will be enabled after a failover to standby due to the timeline switch. In this case, timestamps can't be trusted and our recommendation has been to run a full backup, which can impact the retention schedule and requires manual intervention.
Now, a checksum delta will be performed if the backup type is incr/diff. This means more CPU will be used during the backup but the backup size will be smaller and the retention schedule will not be impacted.
Contributed by Cynthia Shang.
If an error occurred while acquiring a lock on a remote server the error would be reported correctly, but the queue max detection code was not reached. The tests failed to detect this because they fixed the connection before queue max, allowing the ccde to be reached.
Move the queue max code before the lock so it will run even when remote connections are not working. This means that no attempt will be made to transfer WAL once queue max has been exceeded, but it makes it much more likely that the code will be reach without error.
Update tests to continue errors up to the point where queue max is exceeded.
Reported by Lardière Sébastien.
PostgreSQL 11 introduces configurable WAL segment sizes, from 1MB to 1GB.
There are two areas that needed to be updated to support this: building the archive-get queue and checking that WAL has been archived after a backup. Both operations require the WAL segment size to properly build a list.
Checking the archive after a backup is still implemented in Perl and has an active database connection, so just get the WAL segment size from the database.
The archive-get command does not have a connection to the database, so get the WAL segment size from pg_control instead. This requires a deeper inspection of pg_control than has been done in the past, so it seemed best to copy the relevant data structures from each version of PostgreSQL and build a generic interface layer to address them. While this approach is a bit verbose, it has the advantage of being relatively simple, and can easily be updated for new versions of PostgreSQL.
Since the integration tests generate pg_control files for testing, teach Perl how to generate files with the correct offsets for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.
Use checksums rather than timestamps to determine if files have changed. This is useful in cases where the timestamps may not be trustworthy, e.g. when performing an incremental after failing over to a standby.
If checksum delta is enabled then checksums will be used for verification of resumed backups, even if they are full. Resumes have always used checksums to verify the files in the repository, enabling delta performs checksums on the database files as well.
Note that the user must manually enable this feature in cases were it would be useful or just keep in enabled all the time. A future commit will address automatically enabling the feature in cases where it seems likely to be useful.
Contributed by Cynthia Shang.
For read-only repositories the Posix and CIFS drivers behave exactly the same. Since that's all we support in C right now it's valid to treat them as the same thing. An assertion has been added to remind us to add the CIFS driver before allowing the repository to be writable.
Mostly we want to make sure that the C code does not blow up when the repository type is CIFS.
% characters caused issues in backup/restore due to filenames being appended directly into a format string.
Reserved XML characters (<>&') caused issues in the S3 driver due to improper escaping.
Add a file with all common special characters to regression testing.
The new archive-get C code can't run (yet) when encryption is enabled. Therefore move the encryption tests so we can test the new C code. We'll move it back when encryption is enabled in C.
Also, push one WAL segment with compression to test decompression in the C code.
A return code of 1 from the archive-get was being logged as an error message at info level but otherwise worked correctly.
Also improve info messages when an archive segment is or is not found.