mirror of
synced 2025-01-30 05:39:12 +02:00
1) Started on a general markdown renderer 2) Internal links now work in PDF 3) Improvements to PDF styling 4) Some comment and formatting fixes 5) User guide edits.
815 lines
24 KiB
815 lines
24 KiB
package BackRestDoc::Common::DocRender;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use BackRest::Common::Log;
use BackRest::Common::String;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocManifest;
# Operation constants
use constant OP_DOC_RENDER => 'DocRender';
use constant OP_DOC_RENDER_PROCESS => OP_DOC_RENDER . '->process';
use constant OP_DOC_RENDER_PROCESS_TAG => OP_DOC_RENDER . '->processTag';
use constant OP_DOC_RENDER_PROCESS_TEXT => OP_DOC_RENDER . '->processText';
use constant OP_DOC_RENDER_NEW => OP_DOC_RENDER . '->new';
use constant OP_DOC_RENDER_SAVE => OP_DOC_RENDER . '->save';
# Render tags for various output types
my $oRenderTag =
'markdown' =>
'quote' => ['"', '"'],
'b' => ['**', '**'],
'i' => ['_', '_'],
# 'bi' => ['_**', '**_'],
'ul' => ["\n", "\n"],
'ol' => ["\n", "\n"],
'li' => ['- ', "\n"],
'id' => ['`', '`'],
'file' => ['`', '`'],
'path' => ['`', '`'],
'cmd' => ['`', '`'],
'param' => ['`', '`'],
'setting' => ['`', '`'],
'code' => ['`', '`'],
# 'code-block' => ['```', '```'],
# 'exe' => [undef, ''],
'backrest' => [undef, ''],
'postgres' => ['PostgreSQL', '']
'text' =>
'quote' => ['"', '"'],
'b' => ['', ''],
'i' => ['', ''],
# 'bi' => ['', ''],
'ul' => ["\n", "\n"],
'ol' => ["\n", "\n"],
'li' => ['* ', "\n"],
'id' => ['', ''],
'file' => ['', ''],
'path' => ['', ''],
'cmd' => ['', ''],
'br-option' => ['', ''],
'param' => ['', ''],
'setting' => ['', ''],
'code' => ['', ''],
'code-block' => ['', ''],
'exe' => [undef, ''],
'backrest' => [undef, ''],
'postgres' => ['PostgreSQL', '']
'latex' =>
'quote' => ['``', '"'],
'b' => ['\textbf{', '}'],
'i' => ['\textit{', '}'],
# 'bi' => ['', ''],
# 'ul' => ["\n", "\n"],
# 'ol' => ["\n", "\n"],
# 'li' => ['* ', "\n"],
'id' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'host' => ['\textnormal{\textbf{', '}}'],
'file' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'path' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'cmd' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', "}}"],
'user' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'br-option' => ['', ''],
# 'param' => ['\texttt{', '}'],
# 'setting' => ['\texttt{', '}'],
'br-option' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'br-setting' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'pg-option' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'pg-setting' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
'code' => ['\textnormal{\texttt{', '}}'],
# 'code' => ['\texttt{', '}'],
# 'code-block' => ['', ''],
# 'exe' => [undef, ''],
'backrest' => [undef, ''],
'postgres' => ['PostgreSQL', '']
'html' =>
'quote' => ['<q>', '</q>'],
'b' => ['<b>', '</b>'],
'i' => ['<i>', '</i>'],
# 'bi' => ['<i><b>', '</b></i>'],
'ul' => ['<ul>', '</ul>'],
'ol' => ['<ol>', '</ol>'],
'li' => ['<li>', '</li>'],
'id' => ['<span class="id">', '</span>'],
'host' => ['<span class="host">', '</span>'],
'file' => ['<span class="file">', '</span>'],
'path' => ['<span class="path">', '</span>'],
'cmd' => ['<span class="cmd">', '</span>'],
'user' => ['<span class="user">', '</span>'],
'br-option' => ['<span class="br-option">', '</span>'],
'br-setting' => ['<span class="br-setting">', '</span>'],
'pg-option' => ['<span class="pg-option">', '</span>'],
'pg-setting' => ['<span class="pg-setting">', '</span>'],
'code' => ['<span class="id">', '</span>'],
'code-block' => ['<code-block>', '</code-block>'],
'exe' => [undef, ''],
'setting' => ['<span class="br-setting">', '</span>'], # !!! This will need to be fixed
'backrest' => [undef, ''],
'postgres' => ['<span class="postgres">PostgreSQL</span>', '']
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
my $strOperation,
) =
{name => 'strType'},
{name => 'oManifest'},
{name => 'strRenderOutKey', required => false}
# Initialize project tags
$$oRenderTag{markdown}{backrest}[0] = "{[project]}";
$$oRenderTag{markdown}{exe}[0] = "{[project-exe]}";
$$oRenderTag{text}{backrest}[0] = "{[project]}";
$$oRenderTag{text}{exe}[0] = "{[project-exe]}";
$$oRenderTag{latex}{backrest}[0] = "{[project]}";
$$oRenderTag{latex}{exe}[0] = "\\textnormal\{\\texttt\{[project-exe]}}\}\}";
$$oRenderTag{html}{backrest}[0] = "<span class=\"backrest\">{[project]}</span>";
$$oRenderTag{html}{exe}[0] = "<span class=\"file\">{[project-exe]}</span>";
if (defined($self->{strRenderOutKey}))
# Copy page data to self
my $oRenderOut = $self->{oManifest}->renderOutGet($self->{strType} eq 'latex' ? 'pdf' : $self->{strType}, $self->{strRenderOutKey});
# Get the reference if this is the backrest project
if ($self->{oManifest}->isBackRest())
$self->{oReference} = new BackRestDoc::Common::DocConfig(${$self->{oManifest}->sourceGet('reference')}{doc}, $self);
if (defined($$oRenderOut{source}) && $$oRenderOut{source} eq 'reference')
if ($self->{strRenderOutKey} eq 'configuration')
$self->{oDoc} = $self->{oReference}->helpConfigDocGet();
elsif ($self->{strRenderOutKey} eq 'command')
$self->{oDoc} = $self->{oReference}->helpCommandDocGet();
confess &log(ERROR, "cannot render $self->{strRenderOutKey} from source $$oRenderOut{source}");
$self->{oDoc} = ${$self->{oManifest}->sourceGet($self->{strRenderOutKey})}{doc};
if (defined($self->{strRenderOutKey}))
# Build the doc
# Get required sections
foreach my $strPath (@{$self->{oManifest}->{stryRequire}})
if (defined(${$self->{oSection}}{$strPath}))
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'self', value => $self}
# variableReplace
# Replace variables in the string.
sub variableReplace
my $self = shift;
return $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace(shift, $self->{strType});
# variableSet
# Set a variable to be replaced later.
sub variableSet
my $self = shift;
return $self->{oManifest}->variableSet(shift, shift);
# variableGet
# Get the current value of a variable.
sub variableGet
my $self = shift;
return $self->{oManifest}->variableGet(shift);
# build
# Build the section map and perform keyword matching.
sub build
my $self = shift;
my $oNode = shift;
my $oParent = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
# &log(INFO, " node " . $oNode->nameGet());
my $strName = $oNode->nameGet();
if (defined($oParent))
if (!$self->{oManifest}->keywordMatch($oNode->paramGet('keyword', false)))
my $strDescription;
if (defined($oNode->nodeGet('title', false)))
$strDescription = $self->processText($oNode->nodeGet('title')->textGet());
&log(DEBUG, " filtered ${strName}" . (defined($strDescription) ? ": ${strDescription}" : ''));
&log(DEBUG, ' build document');
$self->{oSection} = {};
if ($strName eq 'section')
if (defined($strPath))
$oNode->paramSet('path-parent', $strPath);
$strPath .= '/' . $oNode->paramGet('id');
&log(DEBUG, " path ${strPath}");
${$self->{oSection}}{$strPath} = $oNode;
$oNode->paramSet('path', $strPath);
# Iterate all nodes
foreach my $oChild ($oNode->nodeList(undef, false))
$self->build($oChild, $oNode, $strPath);
# required
# Build a list of required sections
sub required
my $self = shift;
my $strPath = shift;
my $bDepend = shift;
# If node is not found that means the path is invalid
my $oNode = ${$self->{oSection}}{$strPath};
if (!defined($oNode))
confess &log(ERROR, "invalid path ${strPath}");
# Only add sections that are listed dependencies
if (!defined($bDepend) || $bDepend)
# Match section and all child sections
foreach my $strChildPath (sort(keys($self->{oSection})))
if ($strChildPath =~ /^$strPath$/ || $strChildPath =~ /^$strPath\/.*$/)
&log(INFO, " require section: ${strChildPath}");
${$self->{oSectionRequired}}{$strChildPath} = true;
# Get the path of the current section's parent
my $strParentPath = $oNode->paramGet('path-parent', false);
if ($oNode->paramTest('depend'))
foreach my $strDepend (split(',', $oNode->paramGet('depend')))
if ($strDepend !~ /^\//)
if (!defined($strParentPath))
$strDepend = "/${strDepend}";
$strDepend = "${strParentPath}/${strDepend}";
$self->required($strDepend, true);
elsif (defined($strParentPath))
$self->required($strParentPath, false);
# isRequired
# Is it required to execute the section statements?
sub isRequired
my $self = shift;
my $oSection = shift;
if (!defined($self->{oSectionRequired}))
return true;
my $strPath = $oSection->paramGet('path');
defined(${$self->{oSectionRequired}}{$strPath}) ? true : false;
# process
# Render the document
sub process
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
{name => 'oDoc', trace => true},
{name => 'iDepth', default => 1, trace => true},
{name => 'bChildList', default => true, trace => true}
my $strType = $self->{strType};
my $strBuffer = "";
my $bList = $oDoc->nameGet() =~ /.*-bullet-list$/;
$bChildList = defined($bChildList) ? $bChildList : false;
my $iChildDepth = $iDepth;
my @stryMonth = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
if ($strType eq 'markdown' || $strType eq 'text')
if (defined($oDoc->paramGet('id', false)))
my @stryToken = split('-', $oDoc->nameGet());
my $strTitle = @stryToken == 0 ? '[unknown]' : $stryToken[@stryToken - 1];
$strBuffer = ('#' x $iDepth) . ' `' . $oDoc->paramGet('id') . '` ' . $strTitle;
# Try to get the title param from the element (!!! this is the old style and should be removed)
my $strTitle = $oDoc->paramGet('title', false);
if (!defined($strTitle))
$strTitle = $oDoc->paramGet('subtitle', false);
# If not found then get the title element
if (!defined($strTitle) && defined($oDoc->nodeGet('title', false)))
$strTitle = $self->processText($oDoc->nodeGet('title')->textGet());
if (defined($strTitle))
$strBuffer = ('#' x $iDepth) . ' ';
if (defined($oDoc->paramGet('version', false)))
$strBuffer .= 'v' . $oDoc->paramGet('version') . ': ';
$strBuffer .= ($iDepth == 1 ? "{[project]}<br/>" : '') . $strTitle;
if (defined($oDoc->paramGet('date', false)))
my $strDate = $oDoc->paramGet('date');
if ($strDate !~ /^(XXXX-XX-XX)|([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})$/)
confess "invalid date ${strDate}";
if ($strDate =~ /^X/)
$strBuffer .= "\n__No Release Date Set__";
$strBuffer .= "\n__Released " . $stryMonth[(substr($strDate, 5, 2) - 1)] . ' ' .
(substr($strDate, 8, 2) + 0) . ', ' . substr($strDate, 0, 4) . '__';
if ($strBuffer ne "")
if (defined($oDoc->nodeGet('summary', false)))
if ($strBuffer ne "")
$strBuffer .= "\n\n";
if ($bChildList)
$strBuffer .= '* ';
$strBuffer .= $self->processText($oDoc->nodeGet('summary')->textGet());
if (defined($oDoc->textGet(false)))
if ($strBuffer ne "")
$strBuffer .= "\n\n";
if ($bChildList)
$strBuffer .= '* ';
$strBuffer .= $self->processText($oDoc->textGet());
if ($strBuffer ne "" && $iDepth != 1 && !$bList)
$strBuffer = "\n\n" . $strBuffer;
confess "unknown type ${strType}";
my $bFirst = true;
foreach my $oChild ($oDoc->nodeList(undef, false))
if ($oChild->nameGet() ne 'summary' && $oChild->nameGet() ne 'title')
if ($strType eq 'markdown' || $strType eq 'text')
confess "unknown type ${strType}";
$strBuffer .= $self->process($oChild, $iChildDepth, $bList);
if ($iDepth == 1)
if ($strType eq 'markdown' || $strType eq 'text')
$strBuffer .= "\n";
confess "unknown type ${strType}";
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strBuffer', value => $strBuffer, trace => true}
# processTag
sub processTag
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
{name => 'oTag', trace => true}
my $strBuffer = "";
my $strType = $self->{strType};
my $strTag = $oTag->nameGet();
if (!defined($strTag))
use Data::Dumper;
confess Dumper($oTag);
if ($strTag eq 'link')
my $strUrl = $oTag->paramGet('url', false);
if ($strType eq 'markdown')
if (!defined($strUrl))
$strUrl = '{[backrest-url-base]}/' . $oTag->paramGet('page');
$strBuffer = '[' . $oTag->valueGet() . '](' . $strUrl . ')';
elsif ($strType eq 'html')
if (!defined($strUrl))
$strUrl = $oTag->paramGet('page', false);
if (!defined($strUrl))
$strUrl = '#' . substr($oTag->paramGet('section'), 1);
$strBuffer = '<a href="' . $strUrl . '">' . $oTag->valueGet() . '</a>';
elsif ($strType eq 'latex')
if (!defined($strUrl))
$strUrl = $oTag->paramGet('page', false);
if (!defined($strUrl))
$strUrl = $oTag->paramGet('section');
$strBuffer = "\\hyperref[$strUrl]{" . $oTag->valueGet() . "}";
confess "tag link not valid for type ${strType}";
my $strStart = $$oRenderTag{$strType}{$strTag}[0];
my $strStop = $$oRenderTag{$strType}{$strTag}[1];
if (!defined($strStart) || !defined($strStop))
confess "invalid type ${strType} or tag ${strTag}";
$strBuffer .= $strStart;
if ($strTag eq 'p' || $strTag eq 'title' || $strTag eq 'li' || $strTag eq 'code-block' || $strTag eq 'summary')
$strBuffer .= $self->processText($oTag);
elsif (defined($oTag->valueGet()))
$strBuffer .= $oTag->valueGet();
foreach my $oSubTag ($oTag->nodeList(undef, false))
$strBuffer .= $self->processTag($oSubTag);
$strBuffer .= $strStop;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strBuffer', value => $strBuffer, trace => true}
# processText
sub processText
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
{name => 'oText', trace => true}
my $strType = $self->{strType};
my $strBuffer = '';
foreach my $oNode ($oText->nodeList(undef, false))
if (ref(\$oNode) eq "SCALAR")
if ($oNode =~ /\"/)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to process quotes in string (use <quote> instead):\n${oNode}");
$strBuffer .= $oNode;
$strBuffer .= $self->processTag($oNode);
# if ($strType eq 'html')
# {
# # $strBuffer =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# $strBuffer =~ s/\n/\<br\/\>\n/g;
# }
# if ($strType eq 'markdown')
# {
# $strBuffer =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$strBuffer =~ s/ +/ /g;
$strBuffer =~ s/^ //smg;
# }
if ($strType eq 'latex')
$strBuffer =~ s/\&mdash\;/---/g;
$strBuffer =~ s/\<\;/\</g;
$strBuffer =~ s/\<\=/\$\\leq\$/g;
$strBuffer =~ s/\>\=/\$\\geq\$/g;
# $strBuffer =~ s/\_/\\_/g;
$strBuffer = $self->variableReplace($strBuffer);
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'strBuffer', value => $strBuffer, trace => true}
# save
sub save
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
{name => 'strFileName', trace => true},
{name => 'strBuffer', trace => true}
# Open the file
my $hFile;
open($hFile, '>', $strFileName)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to open ${strFileName}");
# Write the buffer
my $iBufferOut = syswrite($hFile, $strBuffer);
# Report any errors
if (!defined($iBufferOut) || $iBufferOut != length($strBuffer))
confess "unable to write '${strBuffer}'" . (defined($!) ? ': ' . $! : '');
# Close the file
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);