description=A chonky scenario featuring a whole compilation of different maps,\nfrom various creators.\n\nHow to activate a map:\n1. Tab into the folder of the scenario. (..\Factorio\scenarios\ComfyFactorio)\n2. Open the file "control.lua" with a text editor.\n3. Search for ---- enable maps here ----\n4. Remove the -- comment from the line of the map you want to activate.\n5. If the scenario was downloaded or saved from multiplayer server, delete "".\n6. Tab back into the game and get comfy.
map_info=- - B I T E R B A T T L E S - -\n\n The biters have noticed that you are secretly hoarding fish in the rocket silo.\n Your objective is to defend your silo, while defeating the other team.\n\n Feed your opponent's biters with science packs to increase their strength.\n High tier science juice will yield stronger mutagenic results.\n Only feeding and time increases their power and will lead to your teams victory.\n\n There is no major direct pvp combat.\n The horizontal border river is landfill proof.\n Construction robots can not build on the other teams's side.\n The random map layout is mirrored to provide a fair competition.\n\n West and East directions contain no biter nests,\n leaving room for factory expansion and outpost building.\n North and South directions are biter territory.\n\n The gui yields two different main stats for each team's biters.\n\n - EVO -\n Evolution of the biters. Increases when they get fed.\n Can rise above 100% which unlocks endgame modifiers,\n granting them increased damage and health.\n\n - THREAT -\n Causes biters to attack. Reduces when biters are slain.\n Feeding gives permanent "threat-income", as well as creating instant threat.\n A high threat value causes big attacks. Values of zero or below will cause no attacks.
map_info_text=This is a harsh world, the heat is unbearable and the sand is sharp like diamonds.\nMake sure to stay properly hydrated.\nDrink some water from a pond, or sip it out of a barrel to stay refreshed.\n\nWe shall not attempt to travel without a proper vehicle.\nMany building foundations are not possible to be set up outside of the oasis.\nRailways between them however should be possible.\n\nLuckily the ship's moisture meter module did survive the crash.\nIt may come in handy!
map_info_text=The blue chests are hungry.\nFeed them and they will reward you with more land.\n\nThe friendly infini tree will provide you with all the wood you ever wanted.\nThe everlasting rock with be happy to provide resources for you.\n\nIf you find yourself stuck, put a reroll token, the small plane toy, in the chest to get a new offer.\nUnlocking chests may drop additional tokens.
map_info_text=The biters have catched the scent of fish in the market.\nFend them off as long as possible!\nThis however will not be an easy task,\nsince their strength and resistance increases constantly over time.\n\nYour ultimate goal is to evacuate all the fish to cat planet!\nPut them in your rocket's cargo and launch them into space.\nDon't worry, you will still get space science.\n\nThe Market will gladly take any coin you might find.\nAdditional turret slots can be bought at the market.\nSeveral unique upgrades are available too.\nResearching tanks will unlock the artillery technology early.\nAny container bearing dangerous goods, like ammo, grenades or barrels,\ncauses heavy explosions when it breaks.\nMaybe this can be used to our advantage.
map_info_text=Expand into the depths for treasure.\nEverytime a new room is discovered, the depth-meter in your left top will increase.\n\nEnemies get more chonky.\nResources yield more ore.\nLoot gets more shiny.\n\nYou can use the green smelly dungeon sewers for long range transports.\n\nHow far can you make it?
map_info_sub_caption=~You put your robe and wizard hat on. You are still in a dungeon.~
map_info_text=Expand into the depths for treasure.\nEverytime a new room is discovered, the depth-meter in your left top will increase.\n\nEnemies get more chonky.\nResources yield more ore.\nLoot gets more shiny.\n\nBut for real challenge and real shinies, you need to go also deeper.\nUse arrow buttons on top to change floors!\n\nHow far can you make it?
descend=Descend to lower floor.\nEach floor has stronger enemies and better treasure.\nRIGHT-CLICK: Descend 5 floors.\nSHIFT-CLICK: Desscend to lowest accessible Floor.
ascend=Ascend to higher floor.\nRIGHT-CLICK: Ascend 5 floors.\nSHIFT-CLICK: Ascend to Floor 0.
only_on_spawn=You can change floors only on spawn.
level_required=You need level __1__ for travelling to next floor!
floor_size_required=You need to explore at least 60 rooms on this floor to access next floor!
travel_down=You have descended to deeper part of dungeon.
travel_up=You have ascended to previous part of dungeon.
first_visit=__1__ [lvl __2__] was first to reach Floor __3__!
too_small=The dungeon needs to be bigger for continuing in this direction.
treasure_room=Treasure room was found on Floor __1__!
tech_unlock=__1__ unlock was found on Floor __2__!
boss_arena=!!Dungeon Bosses!!\nRequires level 5 to join.\n\nCurrent boss level: __1__\nBoss bonus HP: __2__%\nBoss bonus damage: __3__%\nRewards: cca __4__ XP\n\nUp to four players can fight at once.
arena_occupied=Arena is in use! Wait for previous player to end his fight!
arena_level_needed=You need level 5 to join the arena!
robots_following=You cannot enter arena with robots following you!
arena_level_max=You defeated all the bosses already!
player_lost=[ARENA]: __1__ lost his battle to Boss lvl __2__!
player_won=[ARENA]: __1__ defeated the Boss lvl __2__!
map_info_text=The biters have catched the scent of fish in the cargo wagon.\nGuide the choo into the mountain and protect it as long as possible!\nThis however will not be an easy task,\nsince their strength and numbers increase over time.\n\nIn additon, the southern grounds collapse over time.\n\nDelve deep for greater treasures, but also face increased dangers.\nMining productivity research, will overhaul your mining equipment,\nreinforcing your pickaxe as well as increasing the size of your backpack.\n\nAs you dig, you will encounter impassable dark chasms or rivers.\nSome explosives may cause parts of the ceiling to crumble, filling the void, creating new ways.\nAll they need is a container and a well aimed shot.\n\nYou may find some supply goods, if you enter the wagon.\nGood luck on your journey!
map_info_text=Comfylatron has seized the Fish Train and turned it into a time machine.\n Your job as his slave is:\n\n[1] Keep train alive at all costs.\n[2] Gather resources while travelling through different locations.\n[3a] Press enter on cargo wagons to enter the insides of train.\n[3b] Press enter on cars to exit the train.\n[4] Charging the accumulators inside the train speeds up the jump, but creates HUGE pollution, aggravating the biters.\n[5] Items inserted into the blue chests get teleported into the train.\n[6] Some planets are poor, some are rich, and some are just too dangerous.\n\nLoot, but also evolution, grows with jumps performed.\n During jump, personnel and their inventories will be teleported in, but anything left behind outside won't.\nEarly jumps award 25 coins per minute spared (until the 25th jump).\nObtaining mining productivity research grants inventory space and hand-mining speed.\n\nGood luck. Don't let biters ruin the show!
message_danger1=Comfylatron: We have a problem! We got disrupted in mid-jump, only part of energy got used, and here we landed. It might have been a trap!
message_danger2=Comfylatron: Battery is unstable, we need to survive until it gets full without additional charging.
message_game_won_restart=Comfylatron: WAIT whaat? Looks like we did not fixed the train properly and it teleported us back in let's do this again, and now properly.
message_fishmarket1=Comfylatron: So here we are. Fish Market. When they ordered the fish, they told us this location was safe. Guess we'll have to make it so.
message_fishmarket2=Comfylatron: I hope you have enough nukes. That satellite gave us some space knowledge!
message_fishmarket3=Comfylatron: Hey I found these nukes we looted before... you can take them.
message_lava=Comfylatron: OOF this one is a bit hot. Better keep your distance! Or try some bricks to protect from lava? And have seen those biters? They BATHE in fire!
message_evolve=Comfylatron: Biters start to adapt to us. And they appear to have some hive mind system to share it. If we stay too long, biters elsewhere will be stronger, waiting on us!
message_quest1=Comfylatron: You know...I have big quest. Deliver fish to fish market. But this train is broken. Please help me fix the train computer!
message_quest3=Comfylatron: Ah, we need to give this machine more power and better navigation chipset. Please bring me some additional things.
message_quest5=Comfylatron: Finally found the main issue. We will need to rebuild whole processor. Exactly what I feared of. Just a few more things...
message_quest6=Comfylatron: And, I've got the last part of the CPU brain done. Now we just need to synchronize our time correctly and we are done! Bring me satellite and rocket silo.
message_game_won1=Comfylatron: Thank you all for helping me with fish delivery. It was tough ride. And now that the biters are dead, the fish will be safe here forever...
upgrade_filter_tooltip=Train Pollution Filter. Dampens pollution from machines inside the train and from charging the chrono engine.\nCurrent pollution transfer factor: __1__%
upgrade_poison_message=Comfylatron: I don't believe in your defensive skills. I loaded another emergency poison defense into the locomotive...
upgrade_poison_tooltip=Emergency poison defense. Triggers automatically when the Chronotrain has low HP.\nMax charges : 4. Recharge timer for next use: __1__ min.
upgrade_computer1_tooltip=Progresses main quest.\nNext destinations won't ever have "very poor" ore distribution.
upgrade_computer1_message=Comfylatron: OK, now I can fix the train navigation... This should get rid of very poor worlds at least. It still needs more work, though. I'll come back later.
upgrade_computer2_message=Comfylatron: Perfect! Now we have train reactor, and happily for you all, we should be able to avoid poor worlds altogether! Find out what's next after the jump ;)
upgrade_computer4_message=Comfylatron: TIME SYNCHRONIZED... CALCULATING SPACETIME DESTINATION... Done! Power up the chrono engines once more and let me deliver the fish finally. This trip is getting long.
upgrade_computer4_tooltip=Progresses main quest.\nBy unlocking this, the next destination is Fish Market.\nBe sure to be ready, there's no way back!
map_info=- - N A T I V E W A R - -\n\n Defeat the enemy team Market !\n\nFeed your market with science to spawn waves of native biters and spitters !\nThey will soon after swarm to the opposing team Market !\n\nThe corridor is stewn with worms.\nRebuy dead worms and upgrade them to stem the opposing waves !\n\nExcess energy will activate a beam.\nBeam will progress with more excess energy.\nNatives will spawn according to the beam position.\n\nUse radars to spy opponent's base.\nUse your experience to improve damage and resistance of your biters.\nSpace science packs give extra life to your biters.\nConstruction robots may not build over the wall.\n
map_info_text=Citizen Log #468-2A-3287, Freelancer Trent. \n\nTo whoever is reading this message, \nAny natural resources are rare and the ones worth while are too hard for me to reach. \nLuckily, the wrecks yield all kinds of useful scraps, but also various dangers. \nAlmost lost half a leg some days ago while digging out some scrap. \nThe wildlife is extremely aggressive, especially at the time of night. \nMost of these insect appearing like creatures seem to live underground. \nStay near your light sources, if you want to have a chance of surviving here! \n\n###Log End###