softmod_info_game_description_2=Set sail in this multiplayer scenario. Collect resources and fuel the ship in order to survive as many leagues as possible. The ship moves with code magic. Each crew has a captain, who performs actions such as deciding when the boat leaves. Doubloons can be spent at various markets throughout the game.\n\nGame progression is significantly slowed the smaller the crew.\n\n[font=default-bold]Win condition:[/font] Travel 1000 leagues.\n[font=default-bold]Lose condition:[/font] The ship runs out of fuel, or a cannon is destroyed.
softmod_info_new_players_2=Mine coal and other resources and bring them to the ship to keep things going, or try asking the captain for more specific tasks.
softmod_info_tips_2=• The captain can steer the boat from the crow's nest by placing 100 rail signals in one of the blue boxes.\n• Resources granted to the ship appear in the captain's cabin.\n• Charging a silo drains power from everything else on its network.\n• The quantity of ore available on an island is independent of the order in which you break rocks.\n• Passive pollution ramps up over time on each island.\n• The strength of attacks is proportional to the number of remaining nests. (The time-based rate of evolution is proportional to nests too, but destroying a nest will immediately jump evolution by most of the amount it 'would have' made had it survived.)\n• Lab productivity increases with each league.\n• Logged-out players keep their items with them for a while — except 'important' items that are returned to the crew immediately.\n• item-on-ground entities on the deck are moved to the cabin when the boat moves, for performance reasons.\n• Commands: /ccolor gives you a fun color. /classinfo {classname} gives the description of the named class. To manage your class, use /take {classname} or /giveup. Captains also have /tax, /undock, /officer, /plank.
softmod_info_updates_2=v1.2.8\n• Poison damage against players buffed\n• Maze treasure buffed\n• Biter waves slightly more concentrated into groups\n\nv1.2.4-v1.2.7\n• String-related hotfixes.\n\nv1.2.3\n• Rework of 'quest buildings' that appear on islands.\n• Fixed stutter when loading certain maps, such as swamp.\n• Various new player-friendly visual renderings.\n• Mod prepared for translation into other languages.\n• Expanded Gourmet's sense of taste.\n\nv1.2\n• Mod portal release.\n• Some rebalancing of Nightmare difficulty.
softmod_info_credits_2=Pirate Ship designed and coded by thesixthroc. Comfy codebase and help from Gerkiz, Hanakocz and Mew @ Comfy Industries ( Some island structure blueprints contributed by Mattisso.\n\nthesixthroc is looking for translators and coders to help with this mod. Come chat with us:\n\n"Those white gloves. I'll never forget them 'till the day I die." - Dr. John
softmod_info_credits_2_old=Softmod designed and written by thesixthroc. Comfy codebase help from Gerkiz, Hanakocz and Mew @ Comfy Industries ( Some island structure blueprints were contributed by Mattisso. Gold sprite by Clint Bellanger. Parrot sprites by @pixelthen.\n\n"Those white gloves. I'll never forget them 'till the day I die." - Dr. John
role_officer_description=Assigned by the captain, officers can use the Captain's shop and access privileged chests.
role_captain_description=Has executive power to undock the ship, purchase items, and various other special actions. When the game assigns a captain, it gives priority to those who have been playing the longest as a non-captain.
class_deckhand_explanation=They move faster and generate ore for the cabin whilst onboard above deck.
class_fisherman_explanation=They fish at greater distance.
class_scout_explanation=They are faster, but frail and deal less damage.
class_samurai_explanation=They are tough, and *with no weapon equipped* fight well by melee, but poorly otherwise.
class_merchant_explanation=They generate 50 doubloons per league.
class_shoresman_explanation=They move slightly faster and generate ore for the cabin whilst offboard.
class_boatswain_explanation=They move faster and generate ore for the cabin whilst below deck.
class_prospector_explanation=They find more resources when handmining.
class_lumberjack_explanation=They find more resources when chopping trees.
class_master_angler=Master Angler
class_master_angler_explanation=They fish at much greater distance, and catch more.
class_wood_lord=Lord of the Woods
class_wood_lord_explanation=They find many more resources when chopping trees.
class_chief_excavator=Chief Excavator
class_chief_excavator_explanation=They find many more resources when handmining.
class_hatamoto_explanation=They are very tough, and *with no weapon equipped* fight well by melee, but poorly otherwise.
class_iron_leg=Iron Leg
class_iron_leg_explanation=They are very resistant to damage when carrying 3000 iron ore.
class_quartermaster_explanation=Nearby crewmates get +10% physical attack and generate ore for the cabin.
class_dredger_explanation=They find surprising items when they fish.
class_smoldering_explanation=They periodically convert wood into coal, if they have less than 50 coal.
class_gourmet_explanation=They generate ore for the cabin by eating fish in fancy locations.
capacity_tooltip=Capacity. Sets the maximum number of crewmembers allowed.
difficulty_tooltip=Difficulty.\n\nHigher difficulties have higher pollution and evo, higher biter damage, lower gold loot, but higher chest loot, along with small effects on the time per island, quest requirements, and silo position.\n\nDifficulty also determines the material the ship is made out of.
auto_undock_tooltip=The maximum time to stay at this location.\n\nOnce this time is reached, the boat undocks automatically. The captain can choose to leave earlier by pressing this button.
atsea_loading_tooltip=The next destination is loading.
leave_anytime_tooltip=The captain chooses when to undock the ship.\n\nThey can undock by pressing this button.
resources_needed_tooltip_0=At the next destination, these resources will be needed in order to undock.
resources_needed_tooltip_1=At the next destination, these resources will be needed in order to undock early.\n\nFewer resources will be needed the longer you stay, eventually dropping to zero.
resources_needed_tooltip_2=The captain can undock early by clicking this button, but only if enough resources have been stored in the captain's cabin.\n\nCost on arrival: __1__\nLeaving now will spend: __2__
resources_needed_tooltip_3=The captain can undock by clicking this button, but only if enough resources are stored in the captain's cabin.
resources_needed_tooltip_0_rocketvariant=At the next destination, these resources will be needed in order to undock.\n\nThe silo represents a rocket launch rather than a resource.
resources_needed_tooltip_1_rocketvariant=At the next destination, these resources will be needed in order to undock early.\n\nFewer resources will be needed the longer you stay, eventually dropping to zero.\n\nThe silo represents a rocket launch rather than a resource.
resources_needed_tooltip_2_rocketvariant=The captain can undock early by clicking this button, but only if enough resources have been stored in the captain's cabin.\n\nThe silo represents a rocket launch rather than a resource.\n\nnCost on arrival: __1__\nLeaving now will spend: __2__
resources_needed_tooltip_3_rocketvariant=The captain can undock by clicking this button, but only if enough resources are stored in the captain's cabin.\n\nThe silo represents a rocket launch rather than a resource.
fuel_tooltip=Stored fuel: __1__.\n\nTo store more, send it to the captain's cabin. If the ship runs out of fuel, the crew loses.
gui_crew_window_captains_actions_tax_tooltip=For each non-officer in your crew, take __1__% of their doubloons (and their other game-critical items). (or use /tax)