biter raffle replaced
outposts are no longer safe
attack group strength is reduced up to 50% for far away outposts
biters seek a random target as side target, before making their way to the silo
side targets are more likely chosen near the center of the map
variety in unit group types (biter only, spitters only, mixed)
unit groups spawn more close to their nests
added tooltip for current biter health and damage bonus
moved science gui button, to prevent cut off threat values for spectators
reverted to old biter health boost method
spawners and worms gain health boost too
reduced trees in spawn area
increased tree generation randomness overall
bigger biter area, less worms
border to biter lands tweaked
biter area starts at ~y512
side area worm turrets start to appear at the same distance as the biter area starts
chunks that are discovered north are mirrored to south as well
biters will try to attack from different angles
removed some console spam
remove the ghost-spectate button from Team Manager and the functionaility it triggered
added Training Mode button to Team manager to toggle on/off behaviour.
When turned on:
Teams will feed themselves instead of the enemy while enabled (messages updated for this).
Empty teams will not get sent any attacking groups and won't get threat & evo increases (as it looks odd)
Team balance and Lobby minimum player counts not active