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synced 2025-03-03 14:42:27 +02:00
Merge pull request #267 from Oarcinae/219-sa-need-to-setup-spawn-areas-for-each-planet-vulcanus
Add basic support for Vulcanus secondary spawns.
This commit is contained in:
@ -237,6 +237,10 @@ script.on_event(defines.events.on_tick, function(event)
RegrowthForceRemovalOnTick() -- Allows for abandoned base cleanup without regrowth enabled.
if storage.ocfg.gameplay.modified_enemy_spawning then
@ -343,6 +347,12 @@ script.on_event(defines.events.on_biter_base_built, function(event)
script.on_event(defines.events.on_segment_entity_created, function(event)
if storage.ocfg.gameplay.modified_enemy_spawning then
-- On unit group finished gathering
-- This is where I remove biter waves on offline players
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
---@alias SpawnShapeChoice "circle" | "octagon" | "square"
@ -363,10 +364,10 @@ OCFG = {
starting_items = NAUVIS_STARTER_ITEMS,
spawn_config = NAUVIS_SPAWN_CONFIG
-- ["vulcanus"] = {
-- starting_items = NAUVIS_STARTER_ITEMS,
-- spawn_config = NAUVIS_SPAWN_CONFIG
-- },
["vulcanus"] = {
starting_items = VULCANUS_STARTER_ITEMS,
["fulgora"] = {
starting_items = FULGORA_STARTER_ITEMS,
@ -303,10 +303,13 @@ function RerollSpawn(player)
-- Send them to the holding pen
SafeTeleport(player, game.surfaces[HOLDING_PEN_SURFACE_NAME], {x=0,y=0})
-- Queue joiners too!
-- Queue joiners too (if they are on this surface?)
for _,joiner in pairs(old_spawn_point.joiners) do
QueuePlayerForSpawn(joiner, delayed_spawn)
SafeTeleport(game.players[joiner], game.surfaces[HOLDING_PEN_SURFACE_NAME], {x=0,y=0})
local joiner_player = game.players[joiner]
if (joiner_player ~= nil) and joiner_player.surface.name == surface_name then
QueuePlayerForSpawn(joiner, delayed_spawn)
SafeTeleport(game.players[joiner], game.surfaces[HOLDING_PEN_SURFACE_NAME], {x=0,y=0})
-- Announce
@ -1181,204 +1181,6 @@ end
-- end
-- end
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Gravestone soft mod. With my own modifications/improvements.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Return steel chest entity (or nil)
-- function DropEmptySteelChest(player)
-- local pos = player.surface.find_non_colliding_position("steel-chest", player.position, 15, 1)
-- if not pos then
-- return nil
-- end
-- local grave = player.surface.create_entity{name="steel-chest", position=pos, force="neutral"}
-- return grave
-- end
-- function DropGravestoneChests(player)
-- local grave
-- local count = 0
-- -- Make sure we save stuff we're holding in our hands.
-- player.clean_cursor()
-- -- Loop through a players different inventories
-- -- Put it all into a chest.
-- -- If the chest is full, create a new chest.
-- for i, id in ipairs{
-- defines.inventory.character_armor,
-- defines.inventory.character_main,
-- defines.inventory.character_guns,
-- defines.inventory.character_ammo,
-- defines.inventory.character_vehicle,
-- defines.inventory.character_trash} do
-- local inv = player.get_inventory(id)
-- -- No idea how inv can be nil sometimes...?
-- if (inv ~= nil) then
-- if ((#inv > 0) and not inv.is_empty()) then
-- for j = 1, #inv do
-- if inv[j].valid_for_read then
-- -- Create a chest when counter is reset
-- if (count == 0) then
-- grave = DropEmptySteelChest(player)
-- if (grave == nil) then
-- -- player.print("Not able to place a chest nearby! Some items lost!")
-- return
-- end
-- grave_inv = grave.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest)
-- end
-- count = count + 1
-- -- Copy the item stack into a chest slot.
-- grave_inv[count].set_stack(inv[j])
-- -- Reset counter when chest is full
-- if (count == #grave_inv) then
-- count = 0
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- -- Clear the player inventory so we don't have duplicate items lying around.
-- inv.clear()
-- end
-- end
-- if (grave ~= nil) then
-- player.print("Successfully dropped your items into a chest! Go get them quick!")
-- end
-- end
-- -- Dump player items into a chest after the body expires.
-- function DropGravestoneChestFromCorpse(corpse)
-- if ((corpse == nil) or (corpse.character_corpse_player_index == nil)) then return end
-- local grave, grave_inv
-- local count = 0
-- local inv = corpse.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_corpse)
-- -- No idea how inv can be nil sometimes...?
-- if (inv ~= nil) then
-- if ((#inv > 0) and not inv.is_empty()) then
-- for j = 1, #inv do
-- if inv[j].valid_for_read then
-- -- Create a chest when counter is reset
-- if (count == 0) then
-- grave = DropEmptySteelChest(corpse)
-- if (grave == nil) then
-- -- player.print("Not able to place a chest nearby! Some items lost!")
-- return
-- end
-- grave_inv = grave.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest)
-- end
-- count = count + 1
-- -- Copy the item stack into a chest slot.
-- grave_inv[count].set_stack(inv[j])
-- -- Reset counter when chest is full
-- if (count == #grave_inv) then
-- count = 0
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- -- Clear the player inventory so we don't have duplicate items lying around.
-- -- inv.clear()
-- end
-- if (grave ~= nil) and (game.players[corpse.character_corpse_player_index] ~= nil)then
-- game.players[corpse.character_corpse_player_index].print("Your corpse got eaten by biters! They kindly dropped your items into a chest! Go get them quick!")
-- end
-- end
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Item/Inventory stuff (used in autofill)
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Transfer Items Between Inventory
-- -- Returns the number of items that were successfully transferred.
-- -- Returns -1 if item not available.
-- -- Returns -2 if can't place item into destInv (ERROR)
-- function TransferItems(srcInv, destEntity, itemStack)
-- -- Check if item is in srcInv
-- if (srcInv.get_item_count(itemStack.name) == 0) then
-- return -1
-- end
-- -- Check if can insert into destInv
-- if (not destEntity.can_insert(itemStack)) then
-- return -2
-- end
-- -- Insert items
-- local itemsRemoved = srcInv.remove(itemStack)
-- itemStack.count = itemsRemoved
-- return destEntity.insert(itemStack)
-- end
-- -- Attempts to transfer at least some of one type of item from an array of items.
-- -- Use this to try transferring several items in order
-- -- It returns once it successfully inserts at least some of one type.
-- function TransferItemMultipleTypes(srcInv, destEntity, itemNameArray, itemCount)
-- local ret = 0
-- for _,itemName in pairs(itemNameArray) do
-- ret = TransferItems(srcInv, destEntity, {name=itemName, count=itemCount})
-- if (ret > 0) then
-- return ret -- Return the value succesfully transferred
-- end
-- end
-- return ret -- Return the last error code
-- end
-- -- Autofills a turret with ammo
-- function AutofillTurret(player, turret)
-- local mainInv = player.get_main_inventory()
-- if (mainInv == nil) then return end
-- -- Attempt to transfer some ammo
-- local ret = TransferItemMultipleTypes(mainInv, turret, {"uranium-rounds-magazine", "piercing-rounds-magazine", "firearm-magazine"}, AUTOFILL_TURRET_AMMO_QUANTITY)
-- -- Check the result and print the right text to inform the user what happened.
-- if (ret > 0) then
-- -- Inserted ammo successfully
-- -- FlyingText("Inserted ammo x" .. ret, turret.position, my_color_red, player.surface)
-- elseif (ret == -1) then
-- FlyingText("Out of ammo!", turret.position, my_color_red, player.surface)
-- elseif (ret == -2) then
-- FlyingText("Autofill ERROR! - Report this bug!", turret.position, my_color_red, player.surface)
-- end
-- end
-- -- Autofills a vehicle with fuel, bullets and shells where applicable
-- function AutoFillVehicle(player, vehicle)
-- local mainInv = player.get_main_inventory()
-- if (mainInv == nil) then return end
-- -- Attempt to transfer some fuel
-- if ((vehicle.name == "car") or (vehicle.name == "tank") or (vehicle.name == "locomotive")) then
-- TransferItemMultipleTypes(mainInv, vehicle, {"nuclear-fuel", "rocket-fuel", "solid-fuel", "coal", "wood"}, 50)
-- end
-- -- Attempt to transfer some ammo
-- if ((vehicle.name == "car") or (vehicle.name == "tank")) then
-- TransferItemMultipleTypes(mainInv, vehicle, {"uranium-rounds-magazine", "piercing-rounds-magazine", "firearm-magazine"}, 100)
-- end
-- -- Attempt to transfer some tank shells
-- if (vehicle.name == "tank") then
-- TransferItemMultipleTypes(mainInv, vehicle, {"explosive-uranium-cannon-shell", "uranium-cannon-shell", "explosive-cannon-shell", "cannon-shell"}, 100)
-- end
-- end
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Resource patch and starting area generation
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1752,35 +1554,6 @@ function PlaceFulgoranLightningAttractors(surface, position, count)
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Holding pen for new players joining the map
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- function CreateWall(surface, pos)
-- local wall = surface.create_entity({name="stone-wall", position=pos, force=MAIN_TEAM})
-- if wall then
-- wall.destructible = false
-- wall.minable = false
-- end
-- end
-- function CreateHoldingPen(surface, chunkArea)
-- local radiusTiles = storage.ocfg.spawn_config.general.spawn_radius_tiles-10
-- if (((chunkArea.left_top.x >= -(radiusTiles+2*CHUNK_SIZE)) and (chunkArea.left_top.x <= (radiusTiles+2*CHUNK_SIZE))) and
-- ((chunkArea.left_top.y >= -(radiusTiles+2*CHUNK_SIZE)) and (chunkArea.left_top.y <= (radiusTiles+2*CHUNK_SIZE)))) then
-- -- Remove stuff
-- RemoveAliensInArea(surface, chunkArea)
-- RemoveInArea(surface, chunkArea, "tree")
-- RemoveInArea(surface, chunkArea, "resource")
-- RemoveInArea(surface, chunkArea, "cliff")
-- CreateCropCircle(surface, {x=0,y=0}, chunkArea, radiusTiles, "landfill")
-- CreateMoat(surface, {x=0,y=0}, chunkArea, radiusTiles, "water", false)
-- CreateMoat(surface, {x=0,y=0}, chunkArea, radiusTiles+10, "out-of-map", false)
-- CreateMoat(surface, {x=0,y=0}, chunkArea, 2, "out-of-map", false)
-- end
-- end
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1802,20 +1575,3 @@ end
-- -- If you care to, you can remove all fish with the Undecorator option here:
-- -- RemoveFish(surface, chunkArea)
-- end
-- -- Autofill softmod
-- function Autofill(event)
-- local player = game.players[event.player_index]
-- local eventEntity = event.created_entity
-- -- Make sure player isn't dead?
-- if (player.character == nil) then return end
-- if (eventEntity.name == "gun-turret") then
-- AutofillTurret(player, eventEntity)
-- end
-- if ((eventEntity.name == "car") or (eventEntity.name == "tank") or (eventEntity.name == "locomotive")) then
-- AutoFillVehicle(player, eventEntity)
-- end
-- end
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ NAUVIS_SPAWN_CONFIG =
-- Danger area has slightly reduced aliens
-- This is the radius in chunks of danger area.
danger_radius = 32,
danger_radius = 24,
-- 1 : X (spawners alive : spawners destroyed) in this area
danger_reduction = 5,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
-- This config is used as the default config for the planet vulcanus.
---@type OarcConfigStartingItems
---@type OarcConfigSpawn
VULCANUS_SPAWN_CONFIG.fill_tile = "volcanic-ash-flats"
VULCANUS_SPAWN_CONFIG.liquid_tile = "lava"
VULCANUS_SPAWN_CONFIG.tree_entity = "ashland-lichen-tree"
VULCANUS_SPAWN_CONFIG.random_entities = {
{name = "vulcanus-chimney", count = 10},
{name = "vulcanus-chimney-truncated", count = 10},
{name = "huge-volcanic-rock", count = 10},
{name = "big-volcanic-rock", count = 10},
{name = "ashland-lichen-tree-flaming", count = 5},
{name = "ashland-lichen-tree", count = 5},
-- These don't matter in the current implementation.
-- VULCANUS_SPAWN_CONFIG.safe_area.warn_reduction = 0
-- VULCANUS_SPAWN_CONFIG.safe_area.danger_reduction = 0
-- Feels like more space might be helpful on Vulcanus?
VULCANUS_SPAWN_CONFIG.radius_modifier = 1
VULCANUS_SPAWN_CONFIG.solid_resources =
["coal"] = {
amount = 2000,
size = 25,
-- These are only used if not using automatic placing.
x_offset = -29,
y_offset = 16
["calcite"] = {
amount = 1000,
size = 25,
-- These are only used if not using automatic placing.
x_offset = -28,
y_offset = -3
["tungsten-ore"] = {
amount = 250,
size = 25,
-- These are only used if not using automatic placing.
x_offset = -28,
y_offset = -3
VULCANUS_SPAWN_CONFIG.fluid_resources = {
["sulfuric-acid-geyser"] =
num_patches = 4,
amount = 9000000,
spacing = 6, -- Spacing between each patch, only used for automatic placing.
-- These are only used if not using automatic placing.
-- Starting position offset (relative to bottom/south of spawn area)
x_offset_start = -3,
y_offset_start = -10,
-- Additional position offsets for each new oil patch (relative to previous oil patch)
x_offset_next = 6,
y_offset_next = 0
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
ENEMY_FORCES_NAMES = { "enemy" }
ENEMY_FORCES_NAMES_INCL_NEUTRAL = { "enemy", "neutral" }
ENEMY_BUILT_TYPES = { "biter-spawner", "spitter-spawner", "small-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "behemoth-worm-turret" }
ENEMY_BUILT_TYPES = { "biter-spawner", "spitter-spawner", "small-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret",
"behemoth-worm-turret" }
---Downgrades worms based on distance from origin and near/far spawn distances.
@ -16,18 +17,17 @@ ENEMY_BUILT_TYPES = { "biter-spawner", "spitter-spawner", "small-worm-turret", "
---@param event EventData.on_chunk_generated
---@return nil
function DowngradeWormsDistanceBasedOnChunkGenerate(event)
---@type OarcConfigGameplaySettings
local gameplay = storage.ocfg.gameplay
if (util.distance({ x = 0, y = 0 }, event.area.left_top) < (gameplay.near_spawn_distance * CHUNK_SIZE)) then
DowngradeWormsInArea(event.surface, event.area, 50, 100, 100) -- 50% small, 50% medium
elseif (util.distance({ x = 0, y = 0 }, event.area.left_top) < (gameplay.far_spawn_distance * CHUNK_SIZE)) then
DowngradeWormsInArea(event.surface, event.area, 25, 50, 95) -- 25% small, 25% medium, 45% big, 5% behemoth
DowngradeWormsInArea(event.surface, event.area, 25, 50, 95) -- 25% small, 25% medium, 45% big, 5% behemoth
elseif (util.distance({ x = 0, y = 0 }, event.area.left_top) < (gameplay.far_spawn_distance * CHUNK_SIZE * 1.5)) then
DowngradeWormsInArea(event.surface, event.area, 0, 40, 85) -- 40% medium, 45% big, 15% behemoth
DowngradeWormsInArea(event.surface, event.area, 0, 40, 85) -- 40% medium, 45% big, 15% behemoth
DowngradeWormsInArea(event.surface, event.area, 0, 20, 50) -- 20% medium, 30% big, 50% behemoth
DowngradeWormsInArea(event.surface, event.area, 0, 20, 50) -- 20% medium, 30% big, 50% behemoth
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ end
---@param event EventData.on_chunk_generated
---@return nil
function DowngradeAndReduceEnemiesOnChunkGenerate(event)
local surface = event.surface
local chunk_area = event.area
@ -48,25 +47,33 @@ function DowngradeAndReduceEnemiesOnChunkGenerate(event)
y = chunk_area.left_top.y + (CHUNK_SIZE / 2)
-- TODO: Change this lookup to be done once during surface init.
local nauvis_enemies = surface.map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls["enemy-base"] ~= nil
local gleba_enemies = surface.map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls["gleba_enemy_base"] ~= nil
-- local vulcanus_enemies = surface.map_gen_settings.territory_settings ~= nil
-- Make chunks near a spawn safe by removing enemies
if (util.distance(closest_spawn.position, chunkAreaCenter) < spawn_config.safe_area.safe_radius * CHUNK_SIZE) then
RemoveEnemiesInArea(surface, chunk_area)
if nauvis_enemies or gleba_enemies then
RemoveEnemiesInArea(surface, chunk_area)
-- Create a warning area with heavily reduced enemies
elseif (util.distance(closest_spawn.position, chunkAreaCenter) < spawn_config.safe_area.warn_radius * CHUNK_SIZE) then
-- TODO: Refactor this to reduce calls to find_entities_filtered!
ReduceEnemiesInArea(surface, chunk_area, spawn_config.safe_area.warn_reduction)
RemoveWormsInArea(surface, chunk_area, false, true, true, true) -- remove all non-small worms.
if nauvis_enemies then
-- TODO: Refactor this to reduce calls to find_entities_filtered!
ReduceEnemiesInArea(surface, chunk_area, spawn_config.safe_area.warn_reduction)
RemoveWormsInArea(surface, chunk_area, false, true, true, true) -- remove all non-small worms.
-- Create a third area with moderately reduced enemies
elseif (util.distance(closest_spawn.position, chunkAreaCenter) < spawn_config.safe_area.danger_radius * CHUNK_SIZE) then
-- TODO: Refactor this to reduce calls to find_entities_filtered!
ReduceEnemiesInArea(surface, chunk_area, spawn_config.safe_area.danger_reduction)
RemoveWormsInArea(surface, chunk_area, false, false, true, true) -- remove all huge/behemoth worms.
if nauvis_enemies then
-- TODO: Refactor this to reduce calls to find_entities_filtered!
ReduceEnemiesInArea(surface, chunk_area, spawn_config.safe_area.danger_reduction)
RemoveWormsInArea(surface, chunk_area, false, false, true, true) -- remove all huge/behemoth worms.
---Convenient way to remove aliens, just provide an area
@ -115,21 +122,21 @@ function DowngradeWormsInArea(surface, area, small_percent, medium_percent, big_
surface.create_entity { name = "small-worm-turret", position = worm_pos, force = force }
-- ELSE If number is less than medium percent, change to medium
-- ELSE If number is less than medium percent, change to medium
elseif (rand_percent <= medium_percent) then
if (not (worm_name == "medium-worm-turret")) then
surface.create_entity { name = "medium-worm-turret", position = worm_pos, force = force }
-- ELSE If number is less than big percent, change to big
-- ELSE If number is less than big percent, change to big
elseif (rand_percent <= big_percent) then
if (not (worm_name == "big-worm-turret")) then
surface.create_entity { name = "big-worm-turret", position = worm_pos, force = force }
-- ELSE ignore it.
-- ELSE ignore it.
@ -198,7 +205,6 @@ function ModifyEnemySpawnsNearPlayerStartingAreas(event)
elseif (util.distance(enemy_pos, closest_spawn.position) < storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[surface.name].spawn_config.safe_area.warn_radius * CHUNK_SIZE) then
if ((enemy_name == "biter-spawner") or (enemy_name == "spitter-spawner")) then
-- Do nothing.
elseif ((enemy_name == "big-biter") or (enemy_name == "behemoth-biter") or (enemy_name == "medium-biter")) then
surface.create_entity { name = "small-biter", position = enemy_pos, force = game.forces.enemy }
@ -237,7 +243,6 @@ end
---@param event EventData.on_entity_damaged
---@return nil
function ApplySpawnerDamageScaling(event)
-- Check if force is a player force
if (event.force == nil) then
log("Entity damaged with no force")
@ -253,7 +258,8 @@ function ApplySpawnerDamageScaling(event)
-- Get distance to spawn_position
local distance = util.distance(spawn.position, entity.position)
local max_danger_distance = storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[surface_name].spawn_config.safe_area.danger_radius * CHUNK_SIZE
local max_danger_distance = storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[surface_name].spawn_config.safe_area.danger_radius *
-- If distance is greater than the danger radius, ignore.
if (distance > max_danger_distance) then return end
@ -272,4 +278,59 @@ function ApplySpawnerDamageScaling(event)
-- If evo is 1, and distance to spawn is 0, then damage_modifier is 10
-- If evo is 1, and distance to spawn is 1, then damage_modifier is 1
-- If evo is 0, then damage_modifier is 1
---@param event EventData.on_segment_entity_created
---@return nil
function TrackDemolishers(event)
local entity = event.entity --[[@as LuaEntity]]
if (entity.type ~= "segmented-unit") or (not entity.valid) then return end
if (entity.name == "big-demolisher") or (entity.name == "medium-demolisher") or (entity.name == "small-demolisher") then
if storage.demolisher_tracker == nil then
storage.demolisher_tracker = {}
storage.demolisher_tracker.demolishers = {}
if storage.demolisher_tracker.demolishers[entity.unit_number] == nil then
storage.demolisher_tracker.demolishers[entity.unit_number] = entity
log("Unexpected segmented-unit entity type spawned: " .. entity.name)
---This function checks where demolishers are every tick and if it is inside the warning zone it gets removed.
---TODO: This is a TEMPORARY WORK AROUND until there is a better demolisher and territory API.
-- Shouldn't be too bad since we only check a single one per tick.
---@param event EventData.on_tick
---@return nil
function RemoveDemolishersInWarningZone(event)
if storage.demolisher_tracker == nil then return end
--TODO: Figure out lua type annotation?!
local index, next_demolisher = next(storage.demolisher_tracker.demolishers, storage.demolisher_tracker.index)
if next_demolisher == nil then
storage.demolisher_tracker.index = nil
if next_demolisher.valid then
local closest_spawn = GetClosestUniqueSpawn(next_demolisher.surface.name, next_demolisher.position)
if (closest_spawn == nil) then return end
local distance = util.distance(next_demolisher.position, closest_spawn.position)
local safe_radius_tiles = (storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[next_demolisher.surface.name].spawn_config.safe_area.safe_radius) * CHUNK_SIZE -- TODO: Should probably cache this on first init.
if (distance < safe_radius_tiles) then
storage.demolisher_tracker.demolishers[index] = nil
storage.demolisher_tracker.index = nil
storage.demolisher_tracker.index = index
storage.demolisher_tracker.demolishers[index] = nil
storage.demolisher_tracker.index = nil
@ -401,12 +401,14 @@ function GenerateStartingResources(surface, position)
local size_mod = storage.ocfg.resource_placement.size_multiplier
local amount_mod = storage.ocfg.resource_placement.amount_multiplier
local spawn_general = storage.ocfg.spawn_general
-- Generate all resource tile patches
-- Generate resources in random order around the spawn point.
if storage.ocfg.resource_placement.enabled then
if (storage.ocfg.spawn_general.shape == SPAWN_SHAPE_CHOICE_CIRCLE) or (storage.ocfg.spawn_general.shape == SPAWN_SHAPE_CHOICE_OCTAGON) then
if (spawn_general.shape == SPAWN_SHAPE_CHOICE_CIRCLE) or (spawn_general.shape == SPAWN_SHAPE_CHOICE_OCTAGON) then
PlaceResourcesInSemiCircle(surface, position, size_mod, amount_mod)
elseif (storage.ocfg.spawn_general.shape == SPAWN_SHAPE_CHOICE_SQUARE) then
elseif (spawn_general.shape == SPAWN_SHAPE_CHOICE_SQUARE) then
PlaceResourcesInSquare(surface, position, size_mod, amount_mod)
@ -418,12 +420,15 @@ function GenerateStartingResources(surface, position)
local spawn_config = storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[surface.name].spawn_config
local radius = spawn_general.spawn_radius_tiles * spawn_config.radius_modifier
-- Generate special fluid resource patches (oil)
-- Autoplace using spacing and vertical offset.
-- Reference position is the bottom of the spawn area.
if storage.ocfg.resource_placement.enabled then
local y_offset = storage.ocfg.resource_placement.distance_to_edge
local fluid_ref_pos = { x = position.x, y = position.y + storage.ocfg.spawn_general.spawn_radius_tiles - y_offset }
local fluid_ref_pos = { x = position.x, y = position.y + radius - y_offset }
for r_name, r_data in pairs(storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[surface.name].spawn_config.fluid_resources --[[@as table<string, OarcConfigFluidResource>]]) do
@ -445,7 +450,7 @@ function GenerateStartingResources(surface, position)
-- This places using specified offsets if auto placement is disabled.
local fluid_ref_pos = { x = position.x, y = position.y + storage.ocfg.spawn_general.spawn_radius_tiles }
local fluid_ref_pos = { x = position.x, y = position.y + radius }
for r_name, r_data in pairs(storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[surface.name].spawn_config.fluid_resources --[[@as table<string, OarcConfigFluidResource>]]) do
local oil_patch_x = fluid_ref_pos.x + r_data.x_offset_start
local oil_patch_y = fluid_ref_pos.y + r_data.y_offset_start
@ -574,16 +579,18 @@ function GenerateFinalSpawnPieces(delayed_spawn)
-- Generate water strip only if we don't have a moat.
if (not delayed_spawn.moat) then
if (not delayed_spawn.moat or spawn_config.liquid_tile == "lava") then
GenerateStartingLiquedStrip(delayed_spawn, spawn_config, surface)
-- Create the spawn resources here
GenerateStartingResources(surface, delayed_spawn.position)
local radius = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.spawn_radius_tiles * spawn_config.radius_modifier
-- Reference position is RIGHT (WEST) of the spawn area.
local sharing_ref_pos = {
x = delayed_spawn.position.x + storage.ocfg.spawn_general.spawn_radius_tiles,
x = delayed_spawn.position.x + radius,
y = delayed_spawn.position.y
@ -624,11 +631,6 @@ function GenerateFinalSpawnPieces(delayed_spawn)
-- Render some welcoming text...
DisplayWelcomeGroundTextAtSpawn(delayed_spawn.surface_name, delayed_spawn.position)
-- -- Chart the area.
-- local player = game.players[delayed_spawn.host_name]
-- ChartArea(player.force, delayed_spawn.position, math.ceil(storage.ocfg.spawn_general.spawn_radius_tiles / CHUNK_SIZE),
-- surface)
-- Trigger the event that the spawn was created.
script.raise_event("oarc-mod-on-spawn-created", {spawn_data = storage.unique_spawns[delayed_spawn.surface_name][delayed_spawn.host_name]})
@ -674,7 +676,7 @@ function DisplayWelcomeGroundTextAtSpawn(surface, position)
-- Render some welcoming text...
local tcolor = { 0.9, 0.7, 0.3, 0.8 }
local ttl = 2000
local render_object_1 = rendering.draw_text { text = "Welcome",
local render_object_1 = rendering.draw_text { text = {"oarc-spawn-ground-text-welcome"},
surface = surface,
target = { x = position.x - 21, y = position.y - 15 },
color = tcolor,
@ -686,7 +688,7 @@ function DisplayWelcomeGroundTextAtSpawn(surface, position)
-- alignment=center,
scale_with_zoom = false,
only_in_alt_mode = false }
local render_object_2 = rendering.draw_text { text = "Home",
local render_object_2 = rendering.draw_text { text = {"oarc-spawn-ground-text-home"},
surface = surface,
target = { x = position.x - 14, y = position.y - 5 },
color = tcolor,
@ -1424,6 +1426,12 @@ end
---@return nil
function QueuePlayerForSpawn(player_name, delayed_spawn)
-- Send them to the holding pen if they are not already there.
local player = game.players[player_name]
if (player.surface.name ~= HOLDING_PEN_SURFACE_NAME) then
SafeTeleport(player, game.surfaces[HOLDING_PEN_SURFACE_NAME], {x=0,y=0})
SetPlayerRespawn(player_name, delayed_spawn.surface_name, delayed_spawn.position, true)
game.players[player_name].print({ "oarc-generating-spawn-please-wait" })
@ -1435,7 +1443,7 @@ function QueuePlayerForSpawn(player_name, delayed_spawn)
DisplayPleaseWaitForSpawnDialog(game.players[player_name], seconds_remaining, game.surfaces[delayed_spawn.surface_name], delayed_spawn.position)
table.insert(delayed_spawn.waiting_players, player_name)
log("QueuePlayerForSpawn - " .. player_name .. " - " .. delayed_spawn.host_name)
log("QueuePlayerForSpawn - Player:" .. player_name .. " - Host:" .. delayed_spawn.host_name)
---Sets the custom spawn point for a player. They can have one per surface.
@ -1515,10 +1523,11 @@ end
---@return OarcDelayedSpawn
function QueueNewSpawnGeneration(unique_spawn)
-- Add a 1 chunk buffer to be safe
local total_spawn_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.spawn_radius_tiles +
local spawn_chunk_radius = math.ceil(total_spawn_width / CHUNK_SIZE) + 1
local spawn_config = storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[unique_spawn.surface_name].spawn_config
local radius = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.spawn_radius_tiles * spawn_config.radius_modifier
local total_spawn_width = radius + storage.ocfg.spawn_general.moat_width_tiles
local spawn_chunk_radius = math.ceil(total_spawn_width / CHUNK_SIZE) + 1 -- Add a 1 chunk buffer to be safe
-- This is just a rough estimate of worst case chunk generation time.
-- If we hit this timeout, usually it means something has gone wrong.
@ -1619,11 +1628,11 @@ function SecondarySpawn(player, surface_name)
-- Send them to the holding pen
SafeTeleport(player, game.surfaces[HOLDING_PEN_SURFACE_NAME], {x=0,y=0})
-- Announce
SendBroadcastMsg({"", { "oarc-player-new-secondary", player_name, surface_name }, " ", GetGPStext(surface_name, spawn_position)})
-- Tell the player about the reroll command:
player.print({ "oarc-reroll-spawn-command" })
-- Check a table to see if there are any players waiting to spawn
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
---@param chunk_area BoundingBox
---@return nil
function CreateCropCircle(surface, unique_spawn, chunk_area)
--- Repeated code... TODO: Extract into a function
local spawn_general = storage.ocfg.spawn_general
local spawn_config = storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[surface.name].spawn_config
@ -20,12 +22,12 @@ function CreateCropCircle(surface, unique_spawn, chunk_area)
fill_tile = spawn_config.fill_tile
local moat = unique_spawn.moat
local bridge = storage.ocfg.gameplay.enable_moat_bridging
local liquid_tile = spawn_config.liquid_tile
local fish_enabled = (liquid_tile == "water")
local moat = unique_spawn.moat and liquid_tile ~= "lava"
local bridge = storage.ocfg.gameplay.enable_moat_bridging
local moat_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.moat_width_tiles
local tree_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.tree_width_tiles
@ -105,12 +107,12 @@ function CreateCropOctagon(surface, unique_spawn, chunk_area)
fill_tile = spawn_config.fill_tile
local moat = unique_spawn.moat
local bridge = storage.ocfg.gameplay.enable_moat_bridging
local liquid_tile = spawn_config.liquid_tile
local fish_enabled = (liquid_tile == "water")
local moat = unique_spawn.moat and liquid_tile ~= "lava"
local bridge = storage.ocfg.gameplay.enable_moat_bridging
local moat_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.moat_width_tiles
local tree_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.tree_width_tiles
@ -191,12 +193,12 @@ function CreateCropSquare(surface, unique_spawn, chunk_area)
fill_tile = spawn_config.fill_tile
local moat = unique_spawn.moat
local bridge = storage.ocfg.gameplay.enable_moat_bridging
local liquid_tile = spawn_config.liquid_tile
local fish_enabled = (liquid_tile == "water")
local moat = unique_spawn.moat and liquid_tile ~= "lava"
local bridge = storage.ocfg.gameplay.enable_moat_bridging
local moat_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.moat_width_tiles
local tree_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.tree_width_tiles
@ -255,41 +257,6 @@ function CreateCropSquare(surface, unique_spawn, chunk_area)
---Add a circle of water
---@param surface LuaSurface
---@param centerPos MapPosition
---@param chunkArea BoundingBox
---@param tileRadius number
---@param moatTile string
---@param bridge boolean
---@param shape SpawnShapeChoice
---@return nil
function CreateMoat(surface, centerPos, chunkArea, tileRadius, moatTile, bridge, shape)
local tileRadSqr = tileRadius ^ 2
local tiles = {}
for i = chunkArea.left_top.x, chunkArea.right_bottom.x, 1 do
for j = chunkArea.left_top.y, chunkArea.right_bottom.y, 1 do
if (bridge and ((j == centerPos.y - 1) or (j == centerPos.y) or (j == centerPos.y + 1))) then
-- This will leave the tiles "as is" on the left and right of the spawn which has the effect of creating
-- land connections if the spawn is on or near land.
-- This ( X^2 + Y^2 ) is used to calculate if something
-- is inside a circle area.
local distVar = math.floor((centerPos.x - i) ^ 2 + (centerPos.y - j) ^ 2)
-- Create a circle of water
if ((distVar < tileRadSqr + (1500 * storage.ocfg.spawn_general.moat_width_tiles)) and
(distVar > tileRadSqr)) then
table.insert(tiles, { name = moatTile, position = { i, j } })
-- Create a horizontal line of tiles (typically used for water)
---@param surface LuaSurface
---@param leftPos TilePosition
@ -401,6 +401,10 @@ oarc-command-dude-wheres-my-cargo-pod=This will attempt to teleport any cargo-po
oarc-command-reroll-spawn=This will reroll your spawn (on whichever surface you are currently on). This is useful if you are stuck in a bad spot or want to try a different location. [color=red]Spam this at your own peril![/color]
oarc-no-reroll-buddy-spawn=I haven't implemethed spawn rerolls for buddy spawns yet! You can try leaving and rejoining the game to get a new buddy spawn.
oarc-spawn-rerolled=__1__ has rerolled their spawn point!
oarc-reroll-spawn-command=If your spawn has issues, you can reroll it with /oarc-reroll-spawn! Please don't abuse this.
oarc-linked-chest=OARC Linked Chest
@ -15,3 +15,16 @@ for _,surface in pairs(game.surfaces) do
log("Applying migration for V2.1.13: Marked center of "..surface.name.." safe from regrowth.")
-- Make sure vulcanus config is set up if it is missing.
if script.active_mods["space-age"] ~= nil then
if (storage.ocfg.surfaces_config["vulcanus"] == nil) or
(storage.ocfg.surfaces_config["vulcanus"].spawn_config.liquid_tile ~= "lava") then
storage.ocfg.surfaces_config["vulcanus"] =
log("Updating vulcanus config with new spawn_config and starting_items.")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user