rampant-useDumbProjectiles=Turns off homing projectiles for worms and spitters
rampant-useNEUnitLaunchers=ONLY FOR USE WITH NATURAL EVOLUTION ENEMIES use the NE unit launchers with medium and big worms. if set to false this will still allow the dumb projectiles but without the unit spawning. A side effect of the dumb projectiles cause the units to be spawned as if two shots were fired
rampant-attackWaveGenerationUsePollution=Include pollution amount for threshold on chunks with biter nests that will generate a Rampant attack wave. DOES NOT affect vanilla biters waves
rampant-attackWaveGenerationUsePlayerProximity=Include player pheromones amount for threshold on chunks with biter nests that will generate a Rampant attack wave. DOES NOT affect vanilla biters waves
rampant-attackWaveGenerationThresholdMax=The total score that a chunk must reach in order for an attack wave to spawn. DOES NOT affect vanilla biters waves. Scaling linearly with evolution factor (starting threshold @ 0.0 evolution)
rampant-attackWaveGenerationThresholdMin=The total score that a chunk must reach in order for an attack wave to spawn. DOES NOT affect vanilla biters waves. Scaling linearly with evolution factor (ending threshold @ 100.0 evolution)
rampant-safeBuildings=This needs to be toggle for the safe building toggles to work. This will cause entities made safe to regenerate with the destructible flag set to false, which causes them to never be targeted or damaged again.
rampant-safeBuildings-trainStops=Make train stops safe from biters
rampant-attackPlayerThreshold=The score that a chunk must reach for it to contribute to the attack threshold. Increasing reduces player pheromone cloud impact.
rampant-permanentNocturnal=Toggling this will cause Rampant attack waves to spawn at night. DOES NOT turn off vanilla attack groups yet. Works better with Day/Night extender mod.
rampant-aiPointsScaler=Between 0.0 and 5.0. This scales how many action points the ai gets per logic cycle to perform actions like making attack waves. 0.3 - very easy, 0.75 - easy, 1.0 - medium, 1.25+ - hard
rampant-addWallResistanceAcid=Toggling this will cause a %60 acid resistance to be added to all wall entities to reduce the damage done by spitters to walls back to vanilla levels.
rampant-useCustomAI=Having this enabled will completely remove the vanilla ai and change how biters build, produce units, and attack.