2019-02-16 19:44:33 -05:00
2019-02-18 20:51:39 -05:00
fail_no_target = No player found with name: __1__
2019-02-24 08:25:14 -05:00
warn_no_target = Warning: player __1__ is not found, but the command will still be executed.
2019-02-16 19:44:33 -05:00
2019-02-12 20:20:35 -05:00
probation = Probation
guest = Guest
auto_trusted = Auto Trusted
regular = Regular
admin = Admin
donator = Donator
donator_abbreviation = D
2019-02-13 14:12:40 -05:00
1_colon_2 = __1__: __2__
single_item = __1__
2019-02-20 18:24:35 -05:00
death_message = __1__ has perished and will be missed by all, but wanted to share this last message:
2019-02-12 20:20:35 -05:00
2019-02-22 15:03:02 -05:00
regular_add_success = __1__ promoted __2__ to regular.
regular_add_notify_target = You have been promoted to regular. This rank opens up some commands which require regular rank such as /redmew-colors. We invite you to find more by using /help and exploring the commands.
2019-02-12 20:20:35 -05:00
regular_add_fail = __1__ is already rank __2__.
regular_add_fail_probation = Cannot promote someone on probation to regular. You must remove them from probation and then promote them.
regular_remove_success = __1__ demoted __2__ to __3__.
2019-02-22 15:03:02 -05:00
regular_remove_notify_target = Your regular rank has been removed.
2019-02-12 20:20:35 -05:00
regular_remove_fail = __1__ is rank __2__ their regular status cannot be removed.
2019-02-22 15:03:02 -05:00
probation_add_success = __1__ put __2__ on probation.
probation_add_notify_target = You have been placed on probation. You have limited access to normal functions.
probation_add_fail = __1__ already has probation rank or lower.
probation_add_fail_admin = You failed to put your fellow admin on probation. Shame on you for trying.
probation_warn_admin = __1__ tried to put you on probation, can you believe that shit?
probation_remove_notify_target = Your probation status has been removed and you are once again allowed to use basic redmew commands.
probation_remove_success = __1__ took __2__ off of probation.
probation_remove_fail = __1__ is not on probation.
2019-02-12 20:20:35 -05:00
2019-02-13 14:12:40 -05:00
whois_formatter = __1__\n__2__\n__3__\n__4__\n__5__\n__6__\n__7__\n__8__\n__9__\n__10__\n__11__\n__12__\n__13__\n__14__\n__15__\n__16__\n
2019-02-14 14:28:50 -05:00
2019-02-15 11:18:12 -05:00
2019-02-20 18:24:35 -05:00
add_message_fail_not_string = Must enter a value to set as message.
2019-02-22 17:28:41 -05:00
add_message_success = Message added: __1__
2019-02-20 18:24:35 -05:00
delete_message_fail_not_number = Must enter a number to delete.
delete_message_success = Message deleted: __1__
delete_message_fail_no_message = No message to delete.
2019-02-22 17:28:41 -05:00
list_message_no_messages = No messages listed.
donator_message_wrong_arg1 = Correct use: /donator-welcome-message add|delete|list
donator_welcome_message_help = Adds, deletes, or lists donator on-welcome messages.
2019-02-20 18:24:35 -05:00
donator_death_message_help = Adds, deletes, or lists donator on-death messages.
2019-02-15 11:18:12 -05:00
2019-02-14 14:28:50 -05:00
help_text_format = __1__ __2__ __3__
higher_rank_needed = The command __1__ requires __2__ rank or higher to be be executed.
required_rank = (Rank __1__ or above only)
2019-02-16 17:01:09 -05:00
2019-02-14 19:19:32 -05:00
run_twice = The game has been saved, run the command again to commence the apocalypse.
apocalypse_begins = The ground begins to rumble. It seems as if the world itself is coming to an end.
2019-02-16 16:44:25 -05:00
apocalypse_already_running = The apocalypse has already begun. There is nothing more to do in this world.
2019-02-14 19:19:32 -05:00
toast_message = The end times are here. The four biters of the apocalypse have been summoned. Repent as the aliens take back what is theirs.
2019-02-16 19:44:33 -05:00
toast_all = __1__ sent a toast to all players.
toast_player = __1__ sent a toast to __2__.
2019-02-17 02:28:14 -05:00
2019-02-20 13:07:47 -05:00
train_warning = __1__ used a train to destroy another train and has been warned.
2019-02-17 02:28:14 -05:00
train_player_warning = You have destroyed another train with yours.\nRepeated infractions will be punished.
2019-02-20 13:07:47 -05:00
train_jailing = __1__ used a train to destroy another train and has been jailed.
2019-02-17 02:28:14 -05:00
multiple_passengers = Note: There were __1__ players in the train and any could have been controlling it: __2__
2019-02-20 12:27:03 -05:00
2019-02-20 12:40:25 -05:00
print_admins = __1__(ADMIN) __2__: __3__