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synced 2025-03-03 14:53:01 +02:00
My plan is to make a harder crash site version where getting free resources from outposts creates pollution. My intention is to balance it so it's still better to get items from outposts, but this commit is intended to give me a way to take saved games and test different amounts of pollution to check for balance. I don't intend to test this on live for a while but want to test it offline, this will give me the ability to turn it on half way through a game. Need to consider how it doesn't take into account what the item is so it will be better to get free end-game items and probably limit how much iron we let into base later in the game. Might also create interesting meta where we are careful about what resources we take from outposts depending upon the pollution making setting.
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# This file holds all the locale strings for command help and descriptions
# Ideally, string keys match command names (with - turned to _)
reward=Gives a reward to a target player (removes if quantity is negative)
diggy_clear_void=Clears the void in a given area but still triggers all events Diggy would when clearing void.
restart=Restarts the map.
abort=Aborts a restart.
danger_ore_restart_condition_not_met=Not enough [item=satellite] have been launched to restart the map.
crash_site_restart=Restarts the crashsite scenario.
crash_site_restart_abort=Aborts the restart of the crashsite scenario.
crash_site_spy=Spend coins to send a fish to spy on the enemy for a short time.
crash_site_spy_invalid=You need to add a valid location to send a spy fish. e.g /spy [gps=-110,-17,redmew]
crash_site_spy_funds=Training these spy fish ain't cheap! You need more coins!
crash_site_airstrike_invalid=Invalid co-ordinates.
crash_site_spy_success=__1__ used the /spy command and spent __2__ coins to train a fish to spy on the enemy [gps=__3__,__4__,redmew]
crash_site_airstrike=Launch an airstrike against the enemy with poison capsules.
crash_site_airstrike_count=Upgrade the airstrike damage to to level __1__\n\nTo use airstrike place poison capsules in the spawn chest then type /strike with a gps position\n\nDamage upgrades increase the number of poison capsules launched by airstrike.\n\nCurrent level: __2__\nCurrent shell count: __3__\nCurrent cost: __4__
crash_site_airstrike_radius=Upgrade the airstrike radius to level __1__\n\nTo use airstrike place poison capsules in the spawn chest then type /strike with a gps position\n\nCurrent level: __2__\nCurrent radius: __3__
crash_site_airstrike_radius_name_label=Airstrike Radius __1__
crash_site_airstrike_count_name_label=Airstrike Damage __1__
crash_site_airstrike_not_researched=You have not researched airstrike yet. Visit the market at the spawn [gps=-3,-3,redmew]
crash_site_airstrike_insufficient_currency_error=To send an air strike, load __1__ more poison capsules into the payment chest [gps=-0.5,-3.5,redmew]
crash_site_airstrike_friendly_fire_error=You don't want to do that, no enemies found in the target area.
crash_site_airstrike_damage_upgrade_success=__1__ has upgraded Airstrike Damage to level __2__
crash_site_airstrike_radius_upgrade_success=__1__ has updgraded Airstrike Radius to level __2__
crash_site_rocket_tanks_name_label=Rocket Tanks Fire Interval __1__
crash_site_rocket_tank_upgrade_success=__1__ has upgraded Rocket Tank interval to level __2__
crash_site_rocket_tanks_description= Upgrade the rocket tank firing interval to reduce the time between rockets.\n\nPlace rockets in the tank inventory to have them automatically target enemy worms and nests.
max_level=(MAX LEVEL)
dataset_copy=Copies a dataset
dataset_move=Moves a dataset
dataset_delete=Deletes a dataset
dataset_transform=Transforms a dataset and writes it to the target dataset. Calls global.transform_function and sends the table of entries while expecting a table to return.
dataset_transform_test=Shows the resulting data set from a transform operation. See /help dataset-transform for more information.
report=Reports a user to admins
kill=Will kill you.
afk=Shows how long players have been afk.
zoom=Sets your zoom.
find=Shows an alert on the map where the player is located
show_rail_block=Toggles rail block visualisation.
server_time=Prints the server's time.
seeds=List the seeds of all surfaces
redmew_version=Prints the version of the Redmew scenario
whois=Provides information about a given player, admins can see the inventory of a player by adding "yes" as a second argument
meltdown_get=Gets the status of meltdown.
meltdown_set=Sets the status of meltdown.
redmew_color=Set will save your current color for future maps. Reset will erase your saved color. Random will give you a random color.
performance_scale_set=Sets the performance scale between 0.05 and 1. Will alter the game speed, manual mining speed, manual crafting speed and character running speed per force.
performance_scale_get=Shows the current performance scale.
market=Places a market near you. Use /market removeall to remove all markets on a map
lazy_bastard_bootstrap=Puts down the minimum requirements to get started
toast=Sends a toast to all players
toast_player=Sends a toast to a specific player
sent_all_toast=__1__ sent a toast to all players
sent_player_toast=__1__ sent a toast to __2__
task=Creates a new task.
tag=Sets a player's tag
popup=Shows a popup to all connected players
popup_update=Shows an update popup to all connected players
popup_player=Shows a popup to the player.
poll=Creates a new poll
poll_result=Prints the result for the given poll number.
debug=Opens the debugger
watch=Allows you to watch other players.
donator_welcome_message=Adds, deletes, or lists donator welcome messages.
donator_death_message=Adds, deletes, or lists donator death messages.
reveal=Reveals radius around user
particle_scale=Provide a fraction between 0 and 1 to lower or increase the amount of (max) particles. Leave empty to view the current values.
apocalypse=This really ends the map. When you first run it, the game will save. When run a second time, the apocalypse will begin.
a=Admin chat. Messages all other admins.
hax=Toggles your hax (makes recipes cost nothing)
regular=Gives a player the regular rank.
regular_remove=Demotes a player from regular to the next lowest rank
probation=Put player on probation. (They will be unable to use redmew commands and will never gain auto-trusted rank.)
probation_remove=Remove player from probation.
showreports=Shows user reports
jail=Puts a player in jail
unjail=Removes a player from jail
pool=Spawns a pool of water
invoke=Teleports the player to you.
tp=If blank, teleport to selected entity. mode = toggle tp mode where you can teleport to a placed ghost. player = teleport to player.
revive_ghosts=Revives the ghosts within the provided radius around you
destroy=Destroys the entity under your cursor when you run this command
quick_bar_save=Saves your quick bars server-side for future maps
quick_bar_load=Loads your quick bars from the server (overwriting existing bars)
quick_bar_delete=Erases your saved quick bars from the server
set_pollution_multiplier=EXPERIMENTAL. An integer which gets multiplied by 0.01 to give the amount of pollution crash site magic crafters emit. Default is 0
get_pollution_multiplier=The current pollution multiplier for crash site. The default is 0.
tp=<blank|mode|player> 3 different uses: "/tp" to tp to selected entity. "/tp mode" to toggle tp mode. "/tp Newcott" to tp to Newcott.
poll=<{question = "question", answers = {"answer 1", "answer 2"}, duration = 300}>