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synced 2025-03-05 15:05:57 +02:00
- Clears 128 tile around the player (Regular or higher). - Use surface or s arg to clear whole surface (Admin only).
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# This file holds all the locale strings for command help and descriptions
# Ideally, string keys match command names (with - turned to _)
reward=Gives a reward to a target player (removes if quantity is negative)
diggy_clear_void=Clears the void in a given area but still triggers all events Diggy would when clearing void.
restart=Restarts the map.
abort=Aborts a restart.
danger_ore_restart_condition_not_met=Not enough [item=satellite] have been launched to restart the map.
diggy_restart_condition_not_met=Mine harder dwarf! You must reach Mining Productivity __1__ to start a new mining venture!
crash_site_restart=Restarts the crashsite scenario.
crash_site_restart_abort=Aborts the restart of the crashsite scenario.
crash_site_spy=Spend coins to send a fish to spy on the enemy for a short time.
crash_site_spy_invalid=You need to add a valid location to send a spy fish. e.g /spy [gps=-110,-17,redmew]
crash_site_spy_funds=Training these spy fish ain't cheap! You need more coins!
crash_site_spy_success=__1__ used the /spy command and spent __2__ coins to train a fish to spy on the enemy [gps=__3__,__4__,redmew]
crash_site_airstrike_invalid=Invalid co-ordinates.
crash_site_airstrike=Launch an airstrike against the enemy with poison capsules.
crash_site_airstrike_count=Upgrade the airstrike damage to to level __1__\n\nTo use airstrike place poison capsules in the spawn chest then type /strike followed by a gps position\n\nDamage upgrades increase the number of poison capsules launched by airstrike.\n\nCurrent level: __2__\nCurrent shell count: __3__\nCurrent cost: __4__
crash_site_airstrike_radius=Upgrade the airstrike radius to level __1__\n\nTo use airstrike place poison capsules in the spawn chest then type /strike followed by a gps position\n\nCurrent level: __2__\nCurrent radius: __3__
crash_site_airstrike_radius_name_label=Airstrike Radius __1__
crash_site_airstrike_count_name_label=Airstrike Damage __1__
crash_site_airstrike_not_researched=You have not researched airstrike yet. Visit the market at the spawn [gps=-3,-3,redmew]
crash_site_airstrike_insufficient_currency_error=To send an air strike, load __1__ more poison capsules into the payment chest [gps=2.5,-7.5,redmew]
crash_site_airstrike_friendly_fire_error=You don't want to do that, no enemies found in the target area.
crash_site_airstrike_damage_upgrade_success=__1__ has upgraded Airstrike Damage to level __2__
crash_site_airstrike_radius_upgrade_success=__1__ has updgraded Airstrike Radius to level __2__
crash_site_airstrike_planner_label=Poison strike targetting remote.
crash_site_airstrike_planner_description=Use this deconstruction planner to easily launch a poison strike with a click. Put it in your hotbar for easy access.
crash_site_airstrike_no_enemies=No enemies found at [gps=__1__,__2__,__3__]. What a waste of poison capsules!
crash_site_barrage_planner_label=Barrage targetting remote.
crash_site_barrage_planner_description=Use this deconstruction planner to easily launch an artillery barrage with a click. Put it in your hotbar for easy access.
crash_site_barrage_invalid=Invalid co-ordinates.
crash_site_barrage=Launch a barrage of heat seeking rockets against the enemy.
crash_site_barrage_count=Upgrade the barrage damage to to level __1__\n\nTo use barrage place explosive rockets in the spawn chest then type /barrage followed by a gps position\n\nDamage upgrades increase the number of rockets launched.\n\nCurrent level: __2__\nCurrent rocket count: __3__\nCurrent cost: __4__ rockets
crash_site_barrage_radius=Upgrade the barrage radius to level __1__\n\nTo use barrage place explosive rockets in the spawn chest then type /barrage followed by a gps position\n\nCurrent level: __2__\nCurrent radius: __3__
crash_site_barrage_radius_name_label=Rocket Barrage Radius __1__
crash_site_barrage_count_name_label=Rocket Barrage Damage __1__
crash_site_barrage_not_researched=You have not researched Barrage yet. Visit the market at the spawn [gps=-3,-3,redmew]
crash_site_barrage_insufficient_currency_error=To send a rocket barrage, load __1__ more explosive rockets into the payment chest [gps=-4.5,-7.5,redmew]
crash_site_barrage_no_nests=No nests found at these coordinates ([gps=__1__,__2__,__3__]), what a waste of rockets!
crash_site_barrage_damage_upgrade_success=__1__ has upgraded Rocket Barrage Damage to level __2__
crash_site_barrage_radius_upgrade_success=__1__ has updgraded Rocket Barrage Radius to level __2__
crash_site_rocket_tanks_name_label=Rocket Tanks Fire Interval __1__
crash_site_rocket_tank_upgrade_success=__1__ has upgraded Rocket Tank interval to level __2__
crash_site_rocket_tanks_description= Upgrade the rocket tank firing interval to reduce the time between rockets.\n\nPlace rockets in the tank inventory to have them automatically target enemy worms and nests.
crash_site_spider_army_decon_label= Spidertron Army Grouping Planner
crash_site_spider_army_decon_description=Use this deconstruction planner to quickly group spidertrons into an army. First, group select an area containing your spidertrons. Second, single left click a target spidertron for your group to follow.
max_level=(MAX LEVEL)
dataset_copy=Copies a dataset
dataset_move=Moves a dataset
dataset_delete=Deletes a dataset
dataset_transform=Transforms a dataset and writes it to the target dataset. Calls global.transform_function and sends the table of entries while expecting a table to return.
dataset_transform_test=Shows the resulting data set from a transform operation. See /help dataset-transform for more information.
report=Reports a user to admins
kill=Will kill you.
afk=Shows how long players have been afk.
zoom=Sets your zoom.
find=Shows an alert on the map where the player is located
show_rail_block=Toggles rail block visualisation.
server_time=Prints the server's time.
seeds=List the seeds of all surfaces
redmew_version=Prints the version of the Redmew scenario
whois=Provides information about a given player, admins can see the inventory of a player by adding "yes" as a second argument
clear_corpses=Clears corpses near the player (Regular or higher). Use /clear_corpses surface or /clear_corpses s to clear all corpses on the surface (Admin only).
meltdown_get=Gets the status of meltdown.
meltdown_set=Sets the status of meltdown.
redmew_color=Set will save your current color for future maps. Reset will erase your saved color. Random will give you a random color.
performance_scale_set=Sets the performance scale between 0.05 and 1. Will alter the game speed, manual mining speed, manual crafting speed and character running speed per force.
performance_scale_get=Shows the current performance scale.
market=Places a market near you. Use /market removeall to remove all markets on a map
lazy_bastard_bootstrap=Puts down the minimum requirements to get started
toast=Sends a toast to all players
toast_player=Sends a toast to a specific player
sent_all_toast=__1__ sent a toast to all players
sent_player_toast=__1__ sent a toast to __2__
task=Creates a new task.
tag=Sets a player's tag
popup=Shows a popup to all connected players
popup_update=Shows an update popup to all connected players
popup_player=Shows a popup to the player.
poll=Creates a new poll
poll_result=Prints the result for the given poll number.
debug=Opens the debugger
watch=Allows you to watch other players.
donator_welcome_message=Adds, deletes, or lists donator welcome messages.
donator_death_message=Adds, deletes, or lists donator death messages.
reveal=Reveals radius around user
particle_scale=Provide a fraction between 0 and 1 to lower or increase the amount of (max) particles. Leave empty to view the current values.
apocalypse=This really ends the map. When you first run it, the game will save. When run a second time, the apocalypse will begin.
a=Admin chat. Messages all other admins.
hax=Toggles your hax (makes recipes cost nothing)
regular=Gives a player the regular rank.
regular_remove=Demotes a player from regular to the next lowest rank
probation=Put player on probation. (They will be unable to use redmew commands and will never gain auto-trusted rank.)
probation_remove=Remove player from probation.
showreports=Shows user reports
jail=Puts a player in jail
unjail=Removes a player from jail
pool=Spawns a pool of water
invoke=Teleports the player to you.
tp=If blank, teleport to selected entity. mode = toggle tp mode where you can teleport to a placed ghost. player = teleport to player.
revive_ghosts=Revives the ghosts within the provided radius around you
destroy=Destroys the entity under your cursor when you run this command
quick_bar_save=Saves your quick bars server-side for future maps
quick_bar_load=Loads your quick bars from the server (overwriting existing bars)
quick_bar_delete=Erases your saved quick bars from the server
set_pollution_multiplier=EXPERIMENTAL. An integer which gets multiplied by 0.01 to give the amount of pollution crash site magic crafters emit. Default is 0
get_pollution_multiplier=The current pollution multiplier for crash site. The default is 0.
perks=Lists Patreon donators that are contributing to currently active perks.
tp=<blank|mode|player> 3 different uses: "/tp" to tp to selected entity. "/tp mode" to toggle tp mode. "/tp Newcott" to tp to Newcott.
poll=<{question = "question", answers = {"answer 1", "answer 2"}, duration = 300}>