Rewardable object is defined similarly to other objects, with key difference being `handler`. This field must be set to `"handler" : "configurable"` in order for vcmi to use this mode.
// Object description that will be shown when player right-clicks object
"description" : "",
// If set to true, right-clicking previously visited object would show preview of its content. For example, Witch Hut will show icon with provided skill
"showScoutedPreview" : true,
// Text that should be used if hero has not visited this object. If not specified, game will use standard "(Not visited)" text
"notVisitedTooltip" : "",
// Text that should be used if hero has already visited this object. If not specified, game will use standard "(Already visited)" text
"visitedTooltip" : "",
// Used only if visitMode is set to "limiter"
// Hero that passes this limiter will be considered to have visited this object
// Note that if player or his allies have never visited this object, it will always show up as "not visited"
// Format is identical to "rewards" section, allowing to fine-tune behavior in this case, including giving awards or different messages to explain why object is "empty". For example, Tree of Knowledge will give different messages depending on whether it asks for gold or crystals
"onEmpty" : [
// Message that will be shown if there are multiple selectable awards to choose from
"onSelectMessage" : "",
// Message that will be shown if this object has been already visited before
"onVisitedMessage" : "{Warehouse of Crystal}\r\n\r\nThe owner of the storage is apologising: 'I am sorry Milord, no crystal here. Please, return next week!'",
// Alternatively, rewards for visited state:
// Format is identical to "rewards" section, allowing to fine-tune behavior of already visited object, including potentially giving bonuses to player, e.g. Warrior's Tomb give -3 morale for visiting such object.
"onVisited" : [
// if true, then player can refuse from reward and don't select anything
// Note that in this case object will not become "visited" and can still be revisited later
This property allows defining "variables" that are shared between all rewards and limiters of this object.
Variables are randomized only once, so you can use them multiple times for example, to give skill only if hero does not have this skill (e.g. Witch Hut).
Example of creation of a variable named "gainedSkill" of type "secondarySkill":
"variables" : {
"secondarySkill" : {
"gainedSkill" : {
"noneOf" : [
Possible variable types:
- number: can be used in any place that expects a number
- artifact
- spell
- primarySkill
- secondarySkill
To reference variable in limiter prepend variable name with '@' symbol:
This property describes how object state should be reset. Objects without this field will never reset its state.
- Period describes interval between object resets in day. Periods are counted from game start and not from hero visit, so reset duration of 7 will always reset object on new week & duration of 28 will always reset on new month.
- If `visitors` is set to true, game will reset list of visitors (heroes and players) on start of new period, allowing revisits of objects with `visitMode` set to `once`, `hero`, or `player`. Objects with visit mode set to `bonus` are not affected. In order to allow revisit such objects use appropriate bonus duration (e.g. `ONE_DAY` or `ONE_WEEK`) instead.
- If `rewards` is set to true, object will re-randomize its provided rewards, similar to such H3 objects as "Fountain of Fortune" or "Windmill"
When object is initialized on map load, game will roll a "dice" - random number in range 0-99, and pick all awards that have appear chance within selected number.
Note that object that uses appearChance MUST have continious range for every value in 0-99 range. For example, object with 3 different rewards may want to define them as
-`"min" : 0, "max" : 33`
-`"min" : 33, "max" : 66`
-`"min" : 66, "max" : 100`
In other words, min chance of second reward must be equal to max chance of previous reward
- If giving mana points puts hero above mana pool limit, any overflow will be multiplied by specified percentage. If set to 0, mana will not go above mana pool limit.
- Can be used as reward, to replace creatures in hero army. It is possible to use this parameter both for upgrades of creatures as well as for changing them into completely unrelated creature, e.g. similar to Skeleton Transformer
- This parameter will not change creatures given by `creatures` parameter on the same visit
- As reward, instantly casts adventure map spell for visiting hero. All checks for spell book, wisdom or presence of mana will be ignored. It's possible to specify school level at which spell will be casted. If it's necessary to reduce player's mana or do some checks, they shall be introduced as limiters and other rewards
- Can be used as reward, to reveal or hide affected tiles
- If radius is not specified, then all matching tiles on the map will be affected
- It is possible to specify which terrain classes should be affected. Tile will be affected if sum of values its classes is positive. For example, `"water" : 1` will affect all water tiles, while `"surface" : 1, "subterra" : -1` will include terrains that have "surface" flag but do not have "subterra" flag
- If 'hide' is set to true, then instead of revealing terrain, game will hide affected tiles for all other players