- [Conan package manager](./Conan.md) - recommended. Note that the link points to the state of the current branch, for the latest release check the same document in the [master branch](https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/blob/master/docs/developers/Conan.md).
- [legacy manually built libraries](https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi-ios-deps) - can be used if you have Xcode 11/12 or to build for simulator / armv7 device
There're a few [CMake presets](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-presets.7.html): for device (Conan and legacy dependencies) and for simulator, named `ios-device-conan`, `ios-device` and `ios-simulator` respectively. You can also create your local "user preset" to avoid typing variables each time, see example [here](https://gist.github.com/kambala-decapitator/59438030c34b53aed7d3895aaa48b718).
Open terminal and `cd` to the directory with source code. Configuration example for device with Conan:
To be able to build for iOS device, you must also specify codesigning settings. If you don't know your development team ID, open the generated Xcode project, open project settings (click **VCMI** with blue icon on the very top in the left panel with files), select **vcmiclient** target, open **Signing & Capabilities** tab and select your team. Now you can copy the value from **Build Settings** tab - `DEVELOPMENT_TEAM` variable (paste it in the Filter field on the right) - click the greenish value - Other... - copy. Now you can pass it in `CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM` variable when configuring the project to avoid selecting the team manually every time CMake re-generates the project.
Advanced users who know exact private key and provisioning profile to sign with, can use `CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY` and `CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER` variables instead. In this case you must also pass `-D CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CODE_SIGN_STYLE=Manual`.
## Building project
### From Xcode IDE
Open `VCMI.xcodeproj` from the build directory, select `vcmiclient` scheme (the only one with nice icon) with your destination device/simulator and hit Run (Cmd+R).
You must also install game files, see [Installation on iOS](../players/Installation_iOS.md). But this is not necessary if you are going to run on simulator, as it is able to use game data from your Mac located at `~/Library/Application Support/vcmi`.