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* BattleState.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "BattleState.h"
#include <numeric>
#include "VCMI_Lib.h"
#include "mapObjects/CObjectHandler.h"
#include "CHeroHandler.h"
#include "CCreatureHandler.h"
#include "CSpellHandler.h"
#include "CTownHandler.h"
#include "NetPacks.h"
#include "JsonNode.h"
#include "filesystem/Filesystem.h"
#include "CRandomGenerator.h"
const CStack * BattleInfo::getNextStack() const
std::vector<const CStack *> hlp;
battleGetStackQueue(hlp, 1, -1);
return hlp[0];
return nullptr;
int BattleInfo::getAvaliableHex(CreatureID creID, bool attackerOwned, int initialPos) const
bool twoHex = VLC->creh->creatures[creID]->isDoubleWide();
//bool flying = VLC->creh->creatures[creID]->isFlying();
2012-06-09 19:24:04 +00:00
int pos;
if (initialPos > -1)
pos = initialPos;
else //summon elementals depending on player side
if (attackerOwned)
pos = 0; //top left
pos = GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1; //top right
auto accessibility = getAccesibility();
2012-06-09 19:24:04 +00:00
std::set<BattleHex> occupyable;
for(int i = 0; i < accessibility.size(); i++)
if(accessibility.accessible(i, twoHex, attackerOwned))
2013-11-03 12:51:25 +00:00
if (occupyable.empty())
return BattleHex::INVALID; //all tiles are covered
return BattleHex::getClosestTile(attackerOwned, pos, occupyable);
std::pair< std::vector<BattleHex>, int > BattleInfo::getPath(BattleHex start, BattleHex dest, const CStack *stack)
auto reachability = getReachability(stack);
if(reachability.predecessors[dest] == -1) //cannot reach destination
return std::make_pair(std::vector<BattleHex>(), 0);
//making the Path
std::vector<BattleHex> path;
BattleHex curElem = dest;
while(curElem != start)
curElem = reachability.predecessors[curElem];
return std::make_pair(path, reachability.distances[dest]);
2011-07-06 17:00:45 +00:00
ui32 BattleInfo::calculateDmg( const CStack* attacker, const CStack* defender, const CGHeroInstance * attackerHero, const CGHeroInstance * defendingHero,
bool shooting, ui8 charge, bool lucky, bool unlucky, bool deathBlow, bool ballistaDoubleDmg, CRandomGenerator & rand )
TDmgRange range = calculateDmgRange(attacker, defender, shooting, charge, lucky, unlucky, deathBlow, ballistaDoubleDmg);
if(range.first != range.second)
int valuesToAverage[10];
int howManyToAv = std::min<ui32>(10, attacker->count);
for (int g=0; g<howManyToAv; ++g)
valuesToAverage[g] = rand.nextInt(range.first, range.second);
return std::accumulate(valuesToAverage, valuesToAverage + howManyToAv, 0) / howManyToAv;
return range.first;
void BattleInfo::calculateCasualties( std::map<ui32,si32> *casualties ) const
for(auto & elem : stacks)//setting casualties
const CStack * const st = elem;
si32 killed = (st->alive() ? (st->baseAmount - st->count + st->resurrected) : st->baseAmount);
vstd::amax(killed, 0);
casualties[!st->attackerOwned][st->getCreature()->idNumber] += killed;
int BattleInfo::calculateSpellDuration( const CSpell * spell, const CGHeroInstance * caster, int usedSpellPower)
if (!usedSpellPower)
return 3; //default duration of all creature spells
return usedSpellPower; //use creature spell power
case SpellID::FRENZY:
return 1;
default: //other spells
return caster->getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER) + caster->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL_DURATION);
2013-02-16 14:03:47 +00:00
CStack * BattleInfo::generateNewStack(const CStackInstance &base, bool attackerOwned, SlotID slot, BattleHex position) const
int stackID = getIdForNewStack();
PlayerColor owner = sides[attackerOwned ? 0 : 1].color;
2013-03-03 17:06:03 +00:00
assert((owner >= PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) ||
(base.armyObj && base.armyObj->tempOwner == owner));
auto ret = new CStack(&base, owner, stackID, attackerOwned, slot);
ret->position = getAvaliableHex (base.getCreatureID(), attackerOwned, position); //TODO: what if no free tile on battlefield was found?
ret->state.insert(EBattleStackState::ALIVE); //alive state indication
return ret;
2013-02-16 14:03:47 +00:00
CStack * BattleInfo::generateNewStack(const CStackBasicDescriptor &base, bool attackerOwned, SlotID slot, BattleHex position) const
int stackID = getIdForNewStack();
PlayerColor owner = sides[attackerOwned ? 0 : 1].color;
auto ret = new CStack(&base, owner, stackID, attackerOwned, slot);
ret->position = position;
ret->state.insert(EBattleStackState::ALIVE); //alive state indication
return ret;
ui32 CBattleInfoCallback::calculateHealedHP(int healedHealth, const CSpell * spell, const CStack * stack) const
bool resurrect = spell->isRisingSpell();
return std::min<ui32>(healedHealth, stack->MaxHealth() - stack->firstHPleft + (resurrect ? stack->baseAmount * stack->MaxHealth() : 0));
//Casted by stack, no hero bonus applied
ui32 CBattleInfoCallback::calculateHealedHP(const CSpell * spell, int usedSpellPower, int spellSchoolLevel, const CStack * stack) const
bool resurrect = spell->isRisingSpell();
int healedHealth = usedSpellPower * spell->power + spell->getPower(spellSchoolLevel);
return std::min<ui32>(healedHealth, stack->MaxHealth() - stack->firstHPleft + (resurrect ? stack->baseAmount * stack->MaxHealth() : 0));
bool BattleInfo::resurrects(SpellID spellid) const
return spellid.toSpell()->isRisingSpell();
const CStack * BattleInfo::battleGetStack(BattleHex pos, bool onlyAlive)
CStack * stack = nullptr;
for(auto & elem : stacks)
if(elem->position == pos
|| (elem->doubleWide()
&&( (elem->attackerOwned && elem->position-1 == pos)
|| (!elem->attackerOwned && elem->position+1 == pos) )
2011-11-06 17:39:49 +00:00
) )
if (elem->alive())
return elem; //we prefer living stacks - there can be only one stack on the tile, so return it immediately
2011-11-06 17:39:49 +00:00
else if (!onlyAlive)
stack = elem; //dead stacks are only accessible when there's no alive stack on this tile
2011-11-06 17:39:49 +00:00
2011-11-06 17:39:49 +00:00
return stack;
const CGHeroInstance * BattleInfo::battleGetOwner(const CStack * stack) const
return sides[!stack->attackerOwned].hero;
void BattleInfo::localInit()
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
auto armyObj = battleGetArmyObject(i);
armyObj->battle = this;
for(CStack *s : stacks)
2011-03-01 10:19:05 +00:00
void BattleInfo::localInitStack(CStack * s)
if(s->base) //stack originating from "real" stack in garrison -> attach to it
else //attach directly to obj to which stack belongs and creature type
CArmedInstance *army = battleGetArmyObject(!s->attackerOwned);
namespace CGH
using namespace std;
static void readBattlePositions(const JsonNode &node, vector< vector<int> > & dest)
for(const JsonNode &level : node.Vector())
std::vector<int> pom;
for(const JsonNode &value : level.Vector())
//RNG that works like H3 one
struct RandGen
int seed;
void srand(int s)
seed = s;
void srand(int3 pos)
srand(110291 * pos.x + 167801 * pos.y + 81569);
int rand()
seed = 214013 * seed + 2531011;
return (seed >> 16) & 0x7FFF;
int rand(int min, int max)
if(min == max)
return min;
if(min > max)
return min;
return min + rand() % (max - min + 1);
struct RangeGenerator
class ExhaustedPossibilities : public std::exception
RangeGenerator(int _min, int _max, std::function<int()> _myRand):
remainingCount(_max - _min + 1),
remaining(remainingCount, true),
2012-04-24 05:16:04 +00:00
int generateNumber()
throw ExhaustedPossibilities();
if(remainingCount == 1)
return 0;
return myRand() % remainingCount;
//get number fulfilling predicate. Never gives the same number twice.
int getSuchNumber(std::function<bool(int)> goodNumberPred = nullptr)
int ret = -1;
2012-04-24 05:16:04 +00:00
int n = generateNumber();
int i = 0;
assert(i < (int)remaining.size());
remaining[i] = false;
ret = i + min;
} while(goodNumberPred && !goodNumberPred(ret));
return ret;
int min, remainingCount;
std::vector<bool> remaining;
std::function<int()> myRand;
2013-02-12 22:24:48 +00:00
BattleInfo * BattleInfo::setupBattle( int3 tile, ETerrainType terrain, BFieldType battlefieldType, const CArmedInstance *armies[2], const CGHeroInstance * heroes[2], bool creatureBank, const CGTownInstance *town )
CMP_stack cmpst;
auto curB = new BattleInfo;
for(auto i = 0u; i < curB->sides.size(); i++)
curB->sides[i].init(heroes[i], armies[i]);
std::vector<CStack*> & stacks = (curB->stacks);
curB->tile = tile;
curB->battlefieldType = battlefieldType;
curB->round = -2;
curB->activeStack = -1;
curB->town = town;
curB->terrainType = VLC->townh->factions[town->subID]->nativeTerrain;
curB->town = nullptr;
curB->terrainType = terrain;
//setting up siege obstacles
if (town && town->hasFort())
for (int b = 0; b < curB->si.wallState.size(); ++b)
curB->si.wallState[b] = EWallState::INTACT;
if (!town->hasBuilt(BuildingID::CITADEL))
curB->si.wallState[EWallPart::KEEP] = EWallState::NONE;
if (!town->hasBuilt(BuildingID::CASTLE))
curB->si.wallState[EWallPart::UPPER_TOWER] = EWallState::NONE;
curB->si.wallState[EWallPart::BOTTOM_TOWER] = EWallState::NONE;
//randomize obstacles
if (town == nullptr && !creatureBank) //do it only when it's not siege and not creature bank
const int ABSOLUTE_OBSTACLES_COUNT = 34, USUAL_OBSTACLES_COUNT = 91; //shouldn't be changes if we want H3-like obstacle placement
RandGen r;
auto ourRand = [&]{ return r.rand(); };
r.rand(1,8); //battle sound ID to play... can't do anything with it here
int tilesToBlock = r.rand(5,12);
const int specialBattlefield = battlefieldTypeToBI(battlefieldType);
std::vector<BattleHex> blockedTiles;
auto appropriateAbsoluteObstacle = [&](int id)
return VLC->heroh->absoluteObstacles[id].isAppropriate(curB->terrainType, specialBattlefield);
auto appropriateUsualObstacle = [&](int id) -> bool
return VLC->heroh->obstacles[id].isAppropriate(curB->terrainType, specialBattlefield);
if(r.rand(1,100) <= 40) //put cliff-like obstacle
RangeGenerator obidgen(0, ABSOLUTE_OBSTACLES_COUNT-1, ourRand);
auto obstPtr = make_shared<CObstacleInstance>();
obstPtr->obstacleType = CObstacleInstance::ABSOLUTE_OBSTACLE;
obstPtr->ID = obidgen.getSuchNumber(appropriateAbsoluteObstacle);
obstPtr->uniqueID = curB->obstacles.size();
for(BattleHex blocked : obstPtr->getBlockedTiles())
tilesToBlock -= VLC->heroh->absoluteObstacles[obstPtr->ID].blockedTiles.size() / 2;
catch(RangeGenerator::ExhaustedPossibilities &)
//silently ignore, if we can't place absolute obstacle, we'll go with the usual ones
RangeGenerator obidgen(0, USUAL_OBSTACLES_COUNT-1, ourRand);
while(tilesToBlock > 0)
const int obid = obidgen.getSuchNumber(appropriateUsualObstacle);
const CObstacleInfo &obi = VLC->heroh->obstacles[obid];
auto validPosition = [&](BattleHex pos) -> bool
if(obi.height >= pos.getY())
return false;
if(pos.getX() == 0)
return false;
if(pos.getX() + obi.width > 15)
return false;
if(vstd::contains(blockedTiles, pos))
return false;
for(BattleHex blocked : obi.getBlocked(pos))
if(vstd::contains(blockedTiles, blocked))
return false;
int x = blocked.getX();
if(x <= 2 || x >= 14)
return false;
return true;
RangeGenerator posgenerator(18, 168, ourRand);
auto obstPtr = make_shared<CObstacleInstance>();
obstPtr->ID = obid;
obstPtr->pos = posgenerator.getSuchNumber(validPosition);
obstPtr->uniqueID = curB->obstacles.size();
for(BattleHex blocked : obstPtr->getBlockedTiles())
tilesToBlock -= obi.blockedTiles.size();
catch(RangeGenerator::ExhaustedPossibilities &)
//reading battleStartpos - add creatures AFTER random obstacles are generated
//TODO: parse once to some structure
std::vector< std::vector<int> > looseFormations[2], tightFormations[2], creBankFormations[2];
std::vector <int> commanderField, commanderBank;
const JsonNode config(ResourceID("config/battleStartpos.json"));
const JsonVector &positions = config["battle_positions"].Vector();
CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[0]["levels"], looseFormations[0]);
CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[1]["levels"], looseFormations[1]);
CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[2]["levels"], tightFormations[0]);
CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[3]["levels"], tightFormations[1]);
CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[4]["levels"], creBankFormations[0]);
CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[5]["levels"], creBankFormations[1]);
for (auto position : config["commanderPositions"]["field"].Vector())
commanderField.push_back (position.Float());
for (auto position : config["commanderPositions"]["creBank"].Vector())
commanderBank.push_back (position.Float());
//adding war machines
//Checks if hero has artifact and create appropriate stack
2013-02-12 19:49:40 +00:00
auto handleWarMachine= [&](int side, ArtifactPosition artslot, CreatureID cretype, BattleHex hex)
2012-08-29 13:01:54 +00:00
if(heroes[side] && heroes[side]->getArt(artslot))
2013-02-16 14:03:47 +00:00
stacks.push_back(curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(cretype, 1), !side, SlotID(255), hex));
handleWarMachine(0, ArtifactPosition::MACH1, CreatureID::BALLISTA, 52);
handleWarMachine(0, ArtifactPosition::MACH2, CreatureID::AMMO_CART, 18);
handleWarMachine(0, ArtifactPosition::MACH3, CreatureID::FIRST_AID_TENT, 154);
if(town && town->hasFort())
handleWarMachine(0, ArtifactPosition::MACH4, CreatureID::CATAPULT, 120);
if(!town) //defending hero shouldn't receive ballista (bug #551)
handleWarMachine(1, ArtifactPosition::MACH1, CreatureID::BALLISTA, 66);
handleWarMachine(1, ArtifactPosition::MACH2, CreatureID::AMMO_CART, 32);
handleWarMachine(1, ArtifactPosition::MACH3, CreatureID::FIRST_AID_TENT, 168);
//war machines added
//battleStartpos read
for(int side = 0; side < 2; side++)
int formationNo = armies[side]->stacksCount() - 1;
vstd::abetween(formationNo, 0, GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE - 1);
int k = 0; //stack serial
for(auto i = armies[side]->Slots().begin(); i != armies[side]->Slots().end(); i++, k++)
std::vector<int> *formationVector = nullptr;
formationVector = &creBankFormations[side][formationNo];
else if(armies[side]->formation)
formationVector = &tightFormations[side][formationNo];
formationVector = &looseFormations[side][formationNo];
BattleHex pos = (k < formationVector->size() ? formationVector->at(k) : 0);
if(creatureBank && i->second->type->isDoubleWide())
pos += side ? BattleHex::LEFT : BattleHex::RIGHT;
CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(*i->second, !side, i->first, pos);
//adding commanders
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
if (heroes[i] && heroes[i]->commander)
2013-02-16 14:03:47 +00:00
CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack (*heroes[i]->commander, !i, SlotID::COMMANDER_SLOT_PLACEHOLDER,
creatureBank ? commanderBank[i] : commanderField[i]);
if (curB->town && curB->town->fortLevel() >= CGTownInstance::CITADEL)
// keep tower
2013-02-16 14:03:47 +00:00
CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS, 1), false, SlotID(255), -2);
if (curB->town->fortLevel() >= CGTownInstance::CASTLE)
// lower tower + upper tower
2013-02-16 14:03:47 +00:00
CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS, 1), false, SlotID(255), -4);
2013-02-16 14:03:47 +00:00
stack = curB->generateNewStack(CStackBasicDescriptor(CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS, 1), false, SlotID(255), -3);
auto moat = make_shared<MoatObstacle>();
moat->ID = curB->town->subID;
moat->obstacleType = CObstacleInstance::MOAT;
moat->uniqueID = curB->obstacles.size();
//spell level limiting bonus
curB->addNewBonus(new Bonus(Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, Bonus::LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY, Bonus::OTHER,
0, -1, -1, Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MAX));
//giving terrain overalay premies
int bonusSubtype = -1;
case BFieldType::MAGIC_PLAINS:
bonusSubtype = 0;
case BFieldType::FIERY_FIELDS:
if(bonusSubtype == -1) bonusSubtype = 1;
case BFieldType::ROCKLANDS:
if(bonusSubtype == -1) bonusSubtype = 8;
case BFieldType::MAGIC_CLOUDS:
if(bonusSubtype == -1) bonusSubtype = 2;
case BFieldType::LUCID_POOLS:
if(bonusSubtype == -1) bonusSubtype = 4;
{ //common part for cases 9, 14, 15, 16, 17
curB->addNewBonus(new Bonus(Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, Bonus::MAGIC_SCHOOL_SKILL, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY, 3, -1, "", bonusSubtype));
case BFieldType::HOLY_GROUND:
curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, +1, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY)->addLimiter(make_shared<CreatureAlignmentLimiter>(EAlignment::GOOD)));
curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, -1, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY)->addLimiter(make_shared<CreatureAlignmentLimiter>(EAlignment::EVIL)));
case BFieldType::CLOVER_FIELD:
{ //+2 luck bonus for neutral creatures
curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::LUCK, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, +2, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY)->addLimiter(make_shared<CreatureAlignmentLimiter>(EAlignment::NEUTRAL)));
case BFieldType::EVIL_FOG:
curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, -1, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY)->addLimiter(make_shared<CreatureAlignmentLimiter>(EAlignment::GOOD)));
curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, +1, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY)->addLimiter(make_shared<CreatureAlignmentLimiter>(EAlignment::EVIL)));
case BFieldType::CURSED_GROUND:
curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::NO_MORALE, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, 0, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY));
curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::NO_LUCK, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, 0, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY));
Bonus * b = makeFeature(Bonus::LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, GameConstants::SPELL_LEVELS, 1, Bonus::TERRAIN_OVERLAY);
b->valType = Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MAX;
//overlay premies given
//native terrain bonuses
auto nativeTerrain = make_shared<CreatureNativeTerrainLimiter>(curB->terrainType);
curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, 0, 1, Bonus::TERRAIN_NATIVE)->addLimiter(nativeTerrain));
curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, PrimarySkill::ATTACK, 1, Bonus::TERRAIN_NATIVE)->addLimiter(nativeTerrain));
curB->addNewBonus(makeFeature(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE, 1, Bonus::TERRAIN_NATIVE)->addLimiter(nativeTerrain));
bool isTacticsAllowed = !creatureBank; //no tactics in creature banks
int tacticLvls[2] = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(tacticLvls); i++)
tacticLvls[i] += heroes[i]->getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::TACTICS);
int tacticsSkillDiff = tacticLvls[0] - tacticLvls[1];
if(tacticsSkillDiff && isTacticsAllowed)
curB->tacticsSide = tacticsSkillDiff < 0;
curB->tacticDistance = std::abs(tacticsSkillDiff)*2 + 1;
curB->tacticDistance = 0;
// workaround — bonuses affecting only enemy - DOES NOT WORK
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
TNodes nodes;
for(CBonusSystemNode *n : nodes)
for(Bonus *b : n->getExportedBonusList())
if(b->effectRange == Bonus::ONLY_ENEMY_ARMY/* && b->propagator && b->propagator->shouldBeAttached(curB)*/)
auto bCopy = new Bonus(*b);
bCopy->effectRange = Bonus::NO_LIMIT;
bCopy->limiter.reset(new StackOwnerLimiter(curB->sides[!i].color));
return curB;
2013-03-03 17:06:03 +00:00
const CGHeroInstance * BattleInfo::getHero( PlayerColor player ) const
for(int i = 0; i < sides.size(); i++)
if(sides[i].color == player)
return sides[i].hero;
logGlobal->errorStream() << "Player " << player << " is not in battle!";
return nullptr;
2013-03-03 17:06:03 +00:00
PlayerColor BattleInfo::theOtherPlayer(PlayerColor player) const
return sides[!whatSide(player)].color;
2013-03-03 17:06:03 +00:00
ui8 BattleInfo::whatSide(PlayerColor player) const
for(int i = 0; i < sides.size(); i++)
if(sides[i].color == player)
return i;
logGlobal->warnStream() << "BattleInfo::whatSide: Player " << player << " is not in battle!";
return -1;
int BattleInfo::getIdForNewStack() const
//stacks vector may be sorted not by ID and they may be not contiguous -> find stack with max ID
auto highestIDStack = *std::max_element(stacks.begin(), stacks.end(),
[](const CStack *a, const CStack *b) { return a->ID < b->ID; });
return highestIDStack->ID + 1;
return 0;
shared_ptr<CObstacleInstance> BattleInfo::getObstacleOnTile(BattleHex tile) const
for(auto &obs : obstacles)
if(vstd::contains(obs->getAffectedTiles(), tile))
return obs;
2012-06-23 17:19:50 +00:00
return shared_ptr<CObstacleInstance>();
2013-02-12 22:24:48 +00:00
BattlefieldBI::BattlefieldBI BattleInfo::battlefieldTypeToBI(BFieldType bfieldType)
2014-10-02 19:43:46 +04:00
static const std::map<BFieldType, BattlefieldBI::BattlefieldBI> theMap =
{BFieldType::CLOVER_FIELD, BattlefieldBI::CLOVER_FIELD},
{BFieldType::EVIL_FOG, BattlefieldBI::EVIL_FOG},
{BFieldType::FAVOURABLE_WINDS, BattlefieldBI::NONE},
{BFieldType::FIERY_FIELDS, BattlefieldBI::FIERY_FIELDS},
{BFieldType::HOLY_GROUND, BattlefieldBI::HOLY_GROUND},
{BFieldType::LUCID_POOLS, BattlefieldBI::LUCID_POOLS},
{BFieldType::MAGIC_CLOUDS, BattlefieldBI::MAGIC_CLOUDS},
{BFieldType::MAGIC_PLAINS, BattlefieldBI::MAGIC_PLAINS},
{BFieldType::ROCKLANDS, BattlefieldBI::ROCKLANDS},
{BFieldType::SAND_SHORE, BattlefieldBI::COASTAL}
auto itr = theMap.find(bfieldType);
if(itr != theMap.end())
return itr->second;
return BattlefieldBI::NONE;
CStack * BattleInfo::getStack(int stackID, bool onlyAlive /*= true*/)
return const_cast<CStack *>(battleGetStackByID(stackID, onlyAlive));
CStack * BattleInfo::getStackT(BattleHex tileID, bool onlyAlive /*= true*/)
return const_cast<CStack *>(battleGetStackByPos(tileID, onlyAlive));
CArmedInstance * BattleInfo::battleGetArmyObject(ui8 side) const
return const_cast<CArmedInstance*>(CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetArmyObject(side));
CGHeroInstance * BattleInfo::battleGetFightingHero(ui8 side) const
return const_cast<CGHeroInstance*>(CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetFightingHero(side));
2013-03-03 17:06:03 +00:00
CStack::CStack(const CStackInstance *Base, PlayerColor O, int I, bool AO, SlotID S)
: base(Base), ID(I), owner(O), slot(S), attackerOwned(AO),
type = base->type;
count = baseAmount = base->count;
2013-03-03 17:06:03 +00:00
CStack::CStack(const CStackBasicDescriptor *stack, PlayerColor O, int I, bool AO, SlotID S)
: base(nullptr), ID(I), owner(O), slot(S), attackerOwned(AO), counterAttacks(1)
type = stack->type;
count = baseAmount = stack->count;
void CStack::init()
base = nullptr;
type = nullptr;
ID = -1;
count = baseAmount = -1;
firstHPleft = -1;
2013-03-03 17:06:03 +00:00
owner = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL;
2013-02-16 14:03:47 +00:00
slot = SlotID(255);
attackerOwned = false;
position = BattleHex();
counterAttacks = -1;
void CStack::postInit()
firstHPleft = MaxHealth();
shots = getCreature()->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SHOTS);
counterAttacks = 1 + valOfBonuses(Bonus::ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION);
casts = valOfBonuses(Bonus::CASTS);
resurrected = 0;
ui32 CStack::level() const
if (base)
return base->getLevel(); //creatture or commander
return std::max(1, (int)getCreature()->level); //war machine, clone etc
2011-10-20 11:03:04 +00:00
si32 CStack::magicResistance() const
si32 magicResistance;
if (base) //TODO: make war machines receive aura of magic resistance
magicResistance = base->magicResistance();
int auraBonus = 0;
for (const CStack * stack : base->armyObj->battle-> batteAdjacentCreatures(this))
2011-10-20 11:03:04 +00:00
if (stack->owner == owner)
vstd::amax(auraBonus, stack->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA)); //max value
2011-10-20 11:03:04 +00:00
magicResistance += auraBonus;
vstd::amin (magicResistance, 100);
magicResistance = type->magicResistance();
2011-10-20 11:03:04 +00:00
return magicResistance;
void CStack::stackEffectToFeature(std::vector<Bonus> & sf, const Bonus & sse)
const CSpell * sp = SpellID(sse.sid).toSpell();
std::vector<Bonus> tmp;
sp->getEffects(tmp, sse.val);
for(Bonus& b : tmp)
b.turnsRemain = sse.turnsRemain;
bool CStack::willMove(int turn /*= 0*/) const
return ( turn ? true : !vstd::contains(state, EBattleStackState::DEFENDING) )
&& !moved(turn)
&& canMove(turn);
bool CStack::canMove( int turn /*= 0*/ ) const
return alive()
&& !hasBonus(Selector::type(Bonus::NOT_ACTIVE).And(Selector::turns(turn))); //eg. Ammo Cart or blinded creature
bool CStack::moved( int turn /*= 0*/ ) const
return vstd::contains(state, EBattleStackState::MOVED);
return false;
bool CStack::waited(int turn /*= 0*/) const
return vstd::contains(state, EBattleStackState::WAITING);
return false;
bool CStack::doubleWide() const
return getCreature()->doubleWide;
BattleHex CStack::occupiedHex() const
return occupiedHex(position);
BattleHex CStack::occupiedHex(BattleHex assumedPos) const
if (doubleWide())
if (attackerOwned)
return assumedPos - 1;
return assumedPos + 1;
return BattleHex::INVALID;
std::vector<BattleHex> CStack::getHexes() const
return getHexes(position);
std::vector<BattleHex> CStack::getHexes(BattleHex assumedPos) const
return getHexes(assumedPos, doubleWide(), attackerOwned);
std::vector<BattleHex> CStack::getHexes(BattleHex assumedPos, bool twoHex, bool AttackerOwned)
std::vector<BattleHex> hexes;
if (twoHex)
if (AttackerOwned)
hexes.push_back(assumedPos - 1);
hexes.push_back(assumedPos + 1);
2011-07-03 19:10:36 +00:00
return hexes;
bool CStack::coversPos(BattleHex pos) const
2011-07-03 19:10:36 +00:00
return vstd::contains(getHexes(), pos);
std::vector<BattleHex> CStack::getSurroundingHexes(BattleHex attackerPos) const
BattleHex hex = (attackerPos != BattleHex::INVALID) ? attackerPos : position; //use hypothetical position
std::vector<BattleHex> hexes;
if (doubleWide())
const int WN = GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH;
{ //position is equal to front hex
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN+2 : WN+1 ), hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN+1 : WN ), hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN : WN-1 ), hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - 2, hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + 1, hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN-2 : WN-1 ), hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN-1 : WN ), hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN : WN+1 ), hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN+1 : WN ), hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN : WN-1 ), hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN-1 : WN-2 ), hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + 2, hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex - 1, hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN-1 : WN ), hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN : WN+1 ), hexes);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN+1 : WN+2 ), hexes);
return hexes;
return hex.neighbouringTiles();
std::vector<si32> CStack::activeSpells() const
std::vector<si32> ret;
TBonusListPtr spellEffects = getSpellBonuses();
for(const Bonus *it : *spellEffects)
if (!vstd::contains(ret, it->sid)) //do not duplicate spells with multiple effects
return ret;
const CGHeroInstance * CStack::getMyHero() const
return dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(base->armyObj);
else //we are attached directly?
for(const CBonusSystemNode *n : getParentNodes())
if(n->getNodeType() == HERO)
return dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(n);
return nullptr;
std::string CStack::nodeName() const
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Battle stack [" << ID << "]: " << count << " creatures of ";
oss << type->namePl;
oss << "[UNDEFINED TYPE]";
2013-02-16 14:03:47 +00:00
oss << " from slot " << slot;
if(base && base->armyObj)
oss << " of armyobj=" << base->armyObj->id.getNum();
return oss.str();
std::pair<int,int> CStack::countKilledByAttack(int damageReceived) const
int killedCount = 0;
int newRemainingHP = 0;
killedCount = damageReceived / MaxHealth();
unsigned damageFirst = damageReceived % MaxHealth();
2012-02-10 13:13:24 +00:00
if (damageReceived && vstd::contains(state, EBattleStackState::CLONED)) // block ability should not kill clone (0 damage)
killedCount = count;
if( firstHPleft <= damageFirst )
newRemainingHP = firstHPleft + MaxHealth() - damageFirst;
newRemainingHP = firstHPleft - damageFirst;
return std::make_pair(killedCount, newRemainingHP);
void CStack::prepareAttacked(BattleStackAttacked &bsa, CRandomGenerator & rand, boost::optional<int> customCount /*= boost::none*/) const
auto afterAttack = countKilledByAttack(bsa.damageAmount);
bsa.killedAmount = afterAttack.first;
bsa.newHP = afterAttack.second;
if(bsa.damageAmount && vstd::contains(state, EBattleStackState::CLONED)) // block ability should not kill clone (0 damage)
bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::CLONE_KILLED;
return; // no rebirth I believe
const int countToUse = customCount ? *customCount : count;
if(countToUse <= bsa.killedAmount) //stack killed
bsa.newAmount = 0;
2011-02-24 15:33:03 +00:00
bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::KILLED;
bsa.killedAmount = countToUse; //we cannot kill more creatures than we have
int resurrectFactor = valOfBonuses(Bonus::REBIRTH);
if(resurrectFactor > 0 && casts) //there must be casts left
int resurrectedStackCount = base->count * resurrectFactor / 100;
// last stack has proportional chance to rebirth
auto diff = base->count * resurrectFactor / 100.0 - resurrectedStackCount;
if (diff > rand.nextDouble(0, 0.99))
resurrectedStackCount += 1;
if(hasBonusOfType(Bonus::REBIRTH, 1))
// resurrect at least one Sacred Phoenix
vstd::amax(resurrectedStackCount, 1);
if(resurrectedStackCount > 0)
bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::REBIRTH;
bsa.newAmount = resurrectedStackCount; //risky?
bsa.newHP = MaxHealth(); //resore full health
bsa.newAmount = countToUse - bsa.killedAmount;
bool CStack::isMeleeAttackPossible(const CStack * attacker, const CStack * defender, BattleHex attackerPos /*= BattleHex::INVALID*/, BattleHex defenderPos /*= BattleHex::INVALID*/)
if (!attackerPos.isValid())
attackerPos = attacker->position;
if (!defenderPos.isValid())
defenderPos = defender->position;
(BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackerPos, defenderPos) >= 0) //front <=> front
|| (attacker->doubleWide() //back <=> front
&& BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackerPos + (attacker->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1), defenderPos) >= 0)
|| (defender->doubleWide() //front <=> back
&& BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackerPos, defenderPos + (defender->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1)) >= 0)
|| (defender->doubleWide() && attacker->doubleWide()//back <=> back
&& BattleHex::mutualPosition(attackerPos + (attacker->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1), defenderPos + (defender->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1)) >= 0);
bool CStack::ableToRetaliate() const //FIXME: crash after clone is killed
return alive()
&& (counterAttacks > 0 || hasBonusOfType(Bonus::UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS))
&& !hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON)
2012-02-20 11:02:19 +00:00
&& !hasBonusOfType(Bonus::HYPNOTIZED)
&& !hasBonusOfType(Bonus::NO_RETALIATION);
std::string CStack::getName() const
return (count > 1) ? type->namePl : type->nameSing; //War machines can't use base
bool CStack::isValidTarget(bool allowDead/* = false*/) const /*alive non-turret stacks (can be attacked or be object of magic effect) */
return (alive() || allowDead) && position.isValid();
bool CStack::canBeHealed() const
2012-06-10 13:07:08 +00:00
return firstHPleft < MaxHealth()
&& isValidTarget()
&& !hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON);
bool CMP_stack::operator()( const CStack* a, const CStack* b )
case 0: //catapult moves after turrets
return a->getCreature()->idNumber > b->getCreature()->idNumber; //catapult is 145 and turrets are 149
case 1: //fastest first, upper slot first
int as = a->Speed(turn), bs = b->Speed(turn);
if(as != bs)
return as > bs;
return a->slot < b->slot;
case 2: //fastest last, upper slot first
//TODO: should be replaced with order of receiving morale!
case 3: //fastest last, upper slot first
int as = a->Speed(turn), bs = b->Speed(turn);
if(as != bs)
return as < bs;
return a->slot < b->slot;
return false;
CMP_stack::CMP_stack( int Phase /*= 1*/, int Turn )
phase = Phase;
turn = Turn;
hero = nullptr;
armyObject = nullptr;
castSpellsCount = 0;
enchanterCounter = 0;
void SideInBattle::init(const CGHeroInstance *Hero, const CArmedInstance *Army)
hero = Hero;
armyObject = Army;
color = armyObject->getOwner();
if(color == PlayerColor::UNFLAGGABLE)
color = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL;