2024-09-28 20:50:26 +02:00
* ISpellMechanics . h , part of VCMI engine
* Authors : listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License : GNU General Public License v2 .0 or later
* Full text of license available in license . txt file , in main folder
# pragma once
# include <vcmi/spells/Magic.h>
# include <vcmi/ServerCallback.h>
# include "../battle/Destination.h"
# include "../int3.h"
# include "../GameConstants.h"
# include "../bonuses/Bonus.h"
struct Query ;
class IBattleState ;
class CreatureService ;
class CMap ;
class CGameInfoCallback ;
class CBattleInfoCallback ;
class JsonNode ;
class CStack ;
class CGObjectInstance ;
class CGHeroInstance ;
namespace spells
class Service ;
namespace vstd
class RNG ;
namespace scripting
class Service ;
# endif
///callback to be provided by server
class DLL_LINKAGE SpellCastEnvironment : public ServerCallback
public :
virtual ~ SpellCastEnvironment ( ) = default ;
virtual const CMap * getMap ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual const CGameInfoCallback * getCb ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual void createBoat ( const int3 & visitablePosition , BoatId type , PlayerColor initiator ) = 0 ;
virtual bool moveHero ( ObjectInstanceID hid , int3 dst , EMovementMode mode ) = 0 ; //TODO: remove
virtual void genericQuery ( Query * request , PlayerColor color , std : : function < void ( std : : optional < int32_t > ) > callback ) = 0 ; //TODO: type safety on query, use generic query packet when implemented
} ;
namespace spells
class DLL_LINKAGE IBattleCast
public :
using Value = int32_t ;
using Value64 = int64_t ;
using OptionalValue = std : : optional < Value > ;
using OptionalValue64 = std : : optional < Value64 > ;
virtual const CSpell * getSpell ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual Mode getMode ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual const Caster * getCaster ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual const CBattleInfoCallback * getBattle ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual OptionalValue getSpellLevel ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual OptionalValue getEffectPower ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual OptionalValue getEffectDuration ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual OptionalValue64 getEffectValue ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual boost : : logic : : tribool isSmart ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual boost : : logic : : tribool isMassive ( ) const = 0 ;
} ;
///all parameters of particular cast event
class DLL_LINKAGE BattleCast : public IBattleCast
public :
boost : : logic : : tribool smart ;
boost : : logic : : tribool massive ;
//normal constructor
BattleCast ( const CBattleInfoCallback * cb_ , const Caster * caster_ , const Mode mode_ , const CSpell * spell_ ) ;
//magic mirror constructor
BattleCast ( const BattleCast & orig , const Caster * caster_ ) ;
virtual ~ BattleCast ( ) ;
const CSpell * getSpell ( ) const override ;
Mode getMode ( ) const override ;
const Caster * getCaster ( ) const override ;
const CBattleInfoCallback * getBattle ( ) const override ;
OptionalValue getSpellLevel ( ) const override ;
OptionalValue getEffectPower ( ) const override ;
OptionalValue getEffectDuration ( ) const override ;
OptionalValue64 getEffectValue ( ) const override ;
boost : : logic : : tribool isSmart ( ) const override ;
boost : : logic : : tribool isMassive ( ) const override ;
void setSpellLevel ( Value value ) ;
void setEffectPower ( Value value ) ;
void setEffectDuration ( Value value ) ;
void setEffectValue ( Value64 value ) ;
///only apply effects to specified targets
void applyEffects ( ServerCallback * server , const Target & target , bool indirect = false , bool ignoreImmunity = false ) const ;
///normal cast
void cast ( ServerCallback * server , Target target ) ;
///cast evaluation
void castEval ( ServerCallback * server , Target target ) ;
///cast with silent check for permitted cast
bool castIfPossible ( ServerCallback * server , Target target ) ;
std : : vector < Target > findPotentialTargets ( bool fast = false ) const ;
private :
///spell school level
OptionalValue magicSkillLevel ;
///actual spell-power affecting effect values
OptionalValue effectPower ;
///actual spell-power affecting effect duration
OptionalValue effectDuration ;
///for Archangel-like casting
OptionalValue64 effectValue ;
Mode mode ;
const CSpell * spell ;
const CBattleInfoCallback * cb ;
const Caster * caster ;
} ;
class DLL_LINKAGE ISpellMechanicsFactory
public :
virtual ~ ISpellMechanicsFactory ( ) ;
virtual std : : unique_ptr < Mechanics > create ( const IBattleCast * event ) const = 0 ;
static std : : unique_ptr < ISpellMechanicsFactory > get ( const CSpell * s ) ;
protected :
const CSpell * spell ;
ISpellMechanicsFactory ( const CSpell * s ) ;
} ;
class DLL_LINKAGE Mechanics
public :
virtual ~ Mechanics ( ) ;
virtual bool adaptProblem ( ESpellCastProblem source , Problem & target ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool adaptGenericProblem ( Problem & target ) const = 0 ;
virtual BattleHexArray rangeInHexes ( BattleHex centralHex ) const = 0 ;
virtual std : : vector < const CStack * > getAffectedStacks ( const Target & target ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool canBeCast ( Problem & problem ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool canBeCastAt ( const Target & target , Problem & problem ) const = 0 ;
virtual void applyEffects ( ServerCallback * server , const Target & targets , bool indirect , bool ignoreImmunity ) const = 0 ;
virtual void cast ( ServerCallback * server , const Target & target ) = 0 ;
virtual void castEval ( ServerCallback * server , const Target & target ) = 0 ;
virtual bool isReceptive ( const battle : : Unit * target ) const = 0 ;
virtual std : : vector < AimType > getTargetTypes ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual std : : vector < Destination > getPossibleDestinations ( size_t index , AimType aimType , const Target & current , bool fast = false ) const = 0 ;
virtual const Spell * getSpell ( ) const = 0 ;
//Cast event facade
virtual IBattleCast : : Value getEffectLevel ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual IBattleCast : : Value getRangeLevel ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual IBattleCast : : Value getEffectPower ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual IBattleCast : : Value getEffectDuration ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual IBattleCast : : Value64 getEffectValue ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual PlayerColor getCasterColor ( ) const = 0 ;
//Spell facade
virtual int32_t getSpellIndex ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual SpellID getSpellId ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual std : : string getSpellName ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual int32_t getSpellLevel ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool isSmart ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool isMassive ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool alwaysHitFirstTarget ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool requiresClearTiles ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool isNegativeSpell ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool isPositiveSpell ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool isMagicalEffect ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual int64_t adjustEffectValue ( const battle : : Unit * target ) const = 0 ;
virtual int64_t applySpellBonus ( int64_t value , const battle : : Unit * target ) const = 0 ;
virtual int64_t applySpecificSpellBonus ( int64_t value ) const = 0 ;
virtual int64_t calculateRawEffectValue ( int32_t basePowerMultiplier , int32_t levelPowerMultiplier ) const = 0 ;
//Battle facade
virtual bool ownerMatches ( const battle : : Unit * unit ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool ownerMatches ( const battle : : Unit * unit , const boost : : logic : : tribool positivness ) const = 0 ;
//Global environment facade
virtual const CreatureService * creatures ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual const scripting : : Service * scripts ( ) const = 0 ;
# endif
virtual const Service * spells ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual const CBattleInfoCallback * battle ( ) const = 0 ;
const Caster * caster ;
BattleSide casterSide ;
protected :
Mechanics ( ) ;
} ;
class DLL_LINKAGE BaseMechanics : public Mechanics
public :
virtual ~ BaseMechanics ( ) ;
bool adaptProblem ( ESpellCastProblem source , Problem & target ) const override ;
bool adaptGenericProblem ( Problem & target ) const override ;
int32_t getSpellIndex ( ) const override ;
SpellID getSpellId ( ) const override ;
std : : string getSpellName ( ) const override ;
int32_t getSpellLevel ( ) const override ;
IBattleCast : : Value getEffectLevel ( ) const override ;
IBattleCast : : Value getRangeLevel ( ) const override ;
IBattleCast : : Value getEffectPower ( ) const override ;
IBattleCast : : Value getEffectDuration ( ) const override ;
IBattleCast : : Value64 getEffectValue ( ) const override ;
PlayerColor getCasterColor ( ) const override ;
bool isSmart ( ) const override ;
bool isMassive ( ) const override ;
bool requiresClearTiles ( ) const override ;
bool alwaysHitFirstTarget ( ) const override ;
bool isNegativeSpell ( ) const override ;
bool isPositiveSpell ( ) const override ;
bool isMagicalEffect ( ) const override ;
int64_t adjustEffectValue ( const battle : : Unit * target ) const override ;
int64_t applySpellBonus ( int64_t value , const battle : : Unit * target ) const override ;
int64_t applySpecificSpellBonus ( int64_t value ) const override ;
int64_t calculateRawEffectValue ( int32_t basePowerMultiplier , int32_t levelPowerMultiplier ) const override ;
bool ownerMatches ( const battle : : Unit * unit ) const override ;
bool ownerMatches ( const battle : : Unit * unit , const boost : : logic : : tribool positivness ) const override ;
std : : vector < AimType > getTargetTypes ( ) const override ;
const CreatureService * creatures ( ) const override ;
const scripting : : Service * scripts ( ) const override ;
# endif
const Service * spells ( ) const override ;
const CBattleInfoCallback * battle ( ) const override ;
protected :
const CSpell * owner ;
Mode mode ;
BaseMechanics ( const IBattleCast * event ) ;
private :
IBattleCast : : Value rangeLevel ;
IBattleCast : : Value effectLevel ;
///actual spell-power affecting effect values
IBattleCast : : Value effectPower ;
///actual spell-power affecting effect duration
IBattleCast : : Value effectDuration ;
///raw damage/heal amount
IBattleCast : : Value64 effectValue ;
boost : : logic : : tribool smart ;
boost : : logic : : tribool massive ;
const CBattleInfoCallback * cb ;
} ;
class DLL_LINKAGE IReceptiveCheck
public :
virtual ~ IReceptiveCheck ( ) = default ;
virtual bool isReceptive ( const Mechanics * m , const battle : : Unit * target ) const = 0 ;
} ;
} // namespace spells
class DLL_LINKAGE AdventureSpellCastParameters
public :
const spells : : Caster * caster ;
int3 pos ;
} ;
class DLL_LINKAGE IAdventureSpellMechanics
public :
IAdventureSpellMechanics ( const CSpell * s ) ;
virtual ~ IAdventureSpellMechanics ( ) = default ;
virtual bool canBeCast ( spells : : Problem & problem , const CGameInfoCallback * cb , const spells : : Caster * caster ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool canBeCastAt ( spells : : Problem & problem , const CGameInfoCallback * cb , const spells : : Caster * caster , const int3 & pos ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool adventureCast ( SpellCastEnvironment * env , const AdventureSpellCastParameters & parameters ) const = 0 ;
static std : : unique_ptr < IAdventureSpellMechanics > createMechanics ( const CSpell * s ) ;
protected :
const CSpell * owner ;
} ;